<pi>This package/segment contains third party material. Unless otherwise noted, this material may only be used within this package/segment. Usage must cease on all platforms (including digital) within ten days of its initial delivery or such shorter time as designated by CNN.</pi>

:18 - :23
Capt. Andrew Neiman
Los Angeles Police

:48 - :53
Capt. Andrew Neiman
Los Angeles Police

1:27 - 1:37
FX Networks

2:04 - 2:07
Clark County Court

2:14 - 2:19
Alan Dershowitz
Former O.J. Simpson Attorney
 --LEAD IN--
(Capt. Andrew Neiman/Los Angeles Police Department)
"I was really surprised. "
(Capt. Andrew Neiman/Los Angeles Police Department)
"He claimed that an individual who claimed to be a construction worker provided him with this knife, claiming that it was found on the property."
(Nat Sound)
"Not guilty of the crime of murder." 
(Paul Vercammen/Reporting)
"Please describe the knife, the condition it was in, how long the knife is, if you found anything on it. Possible dried blood?"
(Capt. Andrew Neiman/Los Angeles Police Department)
"I don"t have that information. Investigators have asked that we not be very descriptive about the knife."
(Capt. Andrew Neiman/Los Angeles Police Department)
"I would think that an LAPD officer, if this story is accurate as we"re being told, would know that any time you come into contact with evidence that you should and shall submit that to investigators."
(Nat Sound)
(President Obama)
"I thought it might be useful to take a small break from the spectacle of the political season and now I gather O.J. to focus on something that really matters to the American people."
"It only creates more unnecessary hype and encourages the media circus."
(Alan Dershowitz/Former Simpson Defense Attorney)
"There are two verdicts in every case-there"s the verdict of the trial and that can"t be reversed because of double jeopardy and then there"s the verdict of history, and the verdict of history has no statute of limitations. No double jeopardy clause."


(V) Taiwan Fireworks - VOICER Five killed in fireworks factory explosion in north west Taiwan
TAPE: EF03/1029 IN_TIME: 23:55:51 DURATION: 1:08 SOURCES: CTS RESTRICTIONS: Voice/Effects DATELINE: VOICED BY: VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST: 00 00 Various of explosion at fireworks factory 00 18 Various of emergency services arriving at scene 00 30 People cleaning up after explosion 00 32 FX (Mandarin) eyewitness talking 00 41 Workers at scene 00 46 Various of injured man in hospital 00 54 Various aerials of factory after fire 01 08 ENDS SUGGESTED LEAD IN: Taiwanese officials are investigating a weekend explosion at a legal fireworks factory, the site of four previous blasts, that killed five people and injured about 10 in the northwest of the province. The blast in Tunghsiao township in Miaoli County on Sunday evening caused a fire that set off firecrackers and rockets. SUGGESTED VOICE OVER: 00 00 FX 00 06 The blast caused a raging fire which in its turn ignited the fireworks. 00 11 Rockets and firecrackers lit up the sky with streams of sparks and crackling explosions. 00 18 FX 00 20 Police said four bodies were found at the scene. 00 23 A fifth person - a 31-year-old Vietnamese labourer - died later in hospital. 00 28 Ten others were injured. 00 31 FX 00 33 This man says there was a loud bang. His mother was hurt by broken glass, there was blood everywhere. SUPERCAPTION: Vox Pop, Eyewitness 00 40 It was the fifth explosion at the factory in the past 17 years. 00 43 A magistrate told local media the factory had been allowed to reopen after following the correct procedures. 00 50 According to reports the factory owner is suspected of hiring unskilled temporary workers to meet a rising demand for fireworks ahead of the Lunar New Year. 01 00 Fireworks play an important role in the festival, which is Taiwan's biggest annual holiday. 01 08 ENDS
1962 Tales of Terror trailer
Tales Of Terror - 1962 trailer - horror Vincent Price - Peter Lorre - Joyce Jameson - Basil Rathbone - Debra Paget - directed by Roger Corman skulls morph into faces of films three males - based on stories of Edgar Allan Poe - interior of house on fire fx as red optical blood slowly fills screen
(V) Russia Heat - VOICED Heatwave in Russian capital
TAPE: EF03/0687 IN_TIME: 22:51:25 DURATION: 0:59 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Moscow, 30 July 2003 VOICED BY AMANDA PALMER SHOTLIST: 00:00 Girl sitting on edge of fountain cooling her feet 00:07 Manyezhnaya Square, zoom in to fountains 00:15 Teenager boys drinking beer 00:20 Girl wading in fountain 00:23 Girl doing backward flip in water 00:28 Man lowering iguanas into water and holding snake in water 00:35 Girl getting out of water 00:39 UPSOUND (Russian) Reptile owner 00:49 Kremlin Tower, pull back to fountain 00:56 Girls sitting on edge of fountain after swim 00:59 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Moscow has been wilting in temperatures almost in the nineties for the last few days. Some people have taken to swimming in the cities fountains to cool off. 02 Everyone - and every thing it seems - is trying to escape the heat in Moscow this week. 08 Temperatures have climbed close to ninety - that's hot for a city that spends much of the year below freezing. 015 Ice cream and drinks vendors are doing a roaring trade. 19 But there are few places to cool off in the Russian capital and residents are flocking to public fountains. 28 Even cold blooded animals who typically love high temperatures are getting hot under the collar and have taken the plunge ...... much to the disbelief of other bathers. 40 FX 42 Its the only place in the centre of Moscow for them to cool down, says the reptiles' owner. FX 49 Relief may come soon though. Temperatures are forecast to drop to a more comfortable 80 degrees in the next few days. 59 ends
<pi> This package/segment contains third party material. Unless otherwise noted, this material may only be used within this package/segment. Usage must cease on all platforms (including digital) within ten days of its initial delivery or such shorter time as designated by CNN. </pi>\n <pi> </pi>\n <pi> ***This pkg contains photos from AP/Getty Images that are only cleared for use within the pkg. Affiliates may not cut these photos out of the pkg for individual use.*** </pi>\n\n <pi> ***Warning. This item contains material that some viewers may find disturbing due to the graphic nature. Each station must exercise its own judgment in determining whether it is appropriate for broadcast to its audience.*** </pi>\n\n --SUPERS--\n:00 - :13\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n\n:13 - :27\nKTLA\n\n:28 - :51\nO.J. Simpson\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n2006\n\n:56 - 1:02\nO.J. Simpson\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n2006\n\n1:02 - 1:04\nAP\n\n1:05 - 1:11\nO.J. Simpson\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n2006\n\n1:12 - 1:23\nJeffrey Toobin\nAuthor, "The Run of His Life: The People v. O. J. Simpson"\n\n1:24 - 1:30\nO.J. Simpson\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n2006\n\n1:32 - 1:34\nGetty Images\n\n1:34 - 1:44\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n\n1:54 - 2:11\nChristopher Darden\nFormer L.A. Prosecutor\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n\n2:16 - 2:33\nJeffrey Toobin\nAuthor, "The Run of His Life: The People v. O. J. Simpson"\n\n2:37 - 2:39\nKCOP\n\n2:42 - 2:46\n"OJ: Made in America"/from ESPN Films & Laylow Films \n\n2:46 - 2:51\n"The People v. O.J. Simpson"/From FX\n\n2:51 - 2:56\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n\n2:56 - 2:59\nO.J. Simpson\n"The Lost Confession"/From Fox\n2006\n\n --LEAD IN--\nIN A NEWLY RELEASED FOX INTERVIEW FROM 2006, O-J SIMPSON GAVE AN ACCOUNT OF THE 1994 MURDERS OF HIS EX-WIFE NICOLE BROWN SIMPSON AND HER FRIEND, RON GOLDMAN, IN A HYPOTHETICAL MURDER CONFESSION.\nIT IS THE ONLY INTERVIEW SIMPSON HAS EVER GIVEN ABOUT THE MURDERS --\nSOME OF THE DETAILS ARE GRAPHIC.\nCNN'S BRIAN TODD REPORTS.\n --REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS--\nnats\nO-J SIMPSON LAUGHS REPEATEDLY...\nnats\nHE LAUGHS WHEN HE SAYS HOW HARD IT IS, TO TALK ABOUT HIS EX-WIFE'S HORRIFIC MURDER.\nHE LAUGHS WHEN HE MENTIONS "CHARLIE." \nnats\nO.J. Simpson:\n"Charlie"\nA MYSTERIOUS FRIEND -- WHO'S NOT BEEN MATCHED TO ANY REAL PERSON -- WHO SIMPSON SAYS, CAME WITH HIM TO THE MURDER SCENE.\nHERE'S HOW HE DESCRIBES THE CRUCIAL MOMENTS OF JUNE 12th, 1994... AN ACCOUNT WHICH HE REPEATEDLY INSISTS IS HYPOTHETICAL:\nO.J. Simpson:\n"As things got heated, I just remember Nicole fell and hurt herself. And this guy kind of got into a karate thing. And I said 'Well, do you think you can kick my ass?' And I remember I grabbed the knife. I do remember that portion, taking the knife from Charlie. And to be honest, after that I don't remember, except that I'm standing there."\nSIMPSON INFERS, HE BLACKED OUT -- AND LAUGHS BIZARRELY.\nO.J. Simpson:\n"I hate to say this (laughing) cause this is hypothetical! I know we've got to back up again."\nAND HE SAYS HE WAS STANDING IN BLOOD.\nO.J. Simpson:\n"I don't think any two people could be murdered the way they were, without everybody being covered in blood."\nJeffrey Toobin:\n"The idea that O.J. Simpson is still toying with people, spinning out these theories, including incriminating ones, is so repulsive and so horrible to the victims' families."\nIT'S ALL PART OF FOX'S SHOW CALLED "THE LOST CONFESSION"... THE ONLY INTERVIEW SIMPSON'S EVER GIVEN ABOUT THE MURDERS OF HIS EX-WIFE NICOLE AND RON GOLDMAN.\nIT MAY NEVER HAVE REALLY BEEN "LOST"... ALTHOUGH FOX CLAIMS TO HAVE RECENTLY DISCOVERED IT.\nFOX SHELVED THE 2006 INTERVIEW-- FOLLOWING A PUBLIC OUTCRY. \nIT WAS ORIGINALLY SUPPOSED TO BE PART OF A PROMOTION FOR SIMPSON'S BOOK, "IF I DID IT."\nCHRISTOPHER DARDEN, THE FORMER PROSECUTOR WHO WAS PART OF THE TEAM WHICH INFAMOUSLY LOST THE SIMPSON MURDER CASE-- WAS PART OF FOX'S PANEL.\nChristopher Darden:\n"I think he's confessed to murder // He may try to describe it as a hypothetical, but of course, it becomes 'I'.. 'I did this. I felt this. I saw this // I think Charlie is O.J. This is no hypothetical. This is reality."\nnats\nBUT IS THERE ANY LEGAL ACTION SIMPSON COULD STILL FACE?\nJeffrey Toobin:\n"There is absolutely no legal recourse against O.J. Simpson at this point. Double jeopardy prevents another criminal trial. There already is a multi-million dollar civil judgment against him, which he has avoided to a great extent paying."\nFOX SAYS SIMPSON DIDN'T GET PAID FOR THIS INTERVIEW.\nBUT THE FASCINATION WITH THIS CASE, ENDURES.\nFOX'S INTERVIEW FOLLOWS WIDELY-VIEWED AIRINGS OF THE OSCAR-WINNING DOCUMENTARY "O.J.: MADE IN AMERICA"... AND THE EMMY-WINNING DRAMA SERIES "THE PEOPLE VS. O.J. SIMPSON."\nnats\nIN THE INTERVIEW- SIMPSON, AS ALWAYS -- SHOWS NO LACK OF SELF-PITY.\nO.J. Simpson:\n"It's almost like they killed me. Who I was, was attacked and murdered."\n --TAG--\nSIMPSON WAS RELEASED FROM PRISON IN OCTOBER.\nHE SERVED TIME FOR KIDNAPPING AND ARMED ROBBERY IN HIS ATTEMPT TO RECOVER SPORTS MEMORABILIA.\n -----END-----CNN.SCRIPT-----\n\n --KEYWORD TAGS--\nNATIONAL \n\n
(V) Russia Heat - VOICED Heatwave in Russian capital
TAPE: EF03/0687 IN_TIME: 22:51:25 DURATION: 0:59 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Moscow, 30 July 2003 VOICED BY AMANDA PALMER SHOTLIST: 00:00 Girl sitting on edge of fountain cooling her feet 00:07 Manyezhnaya Square, zoom in to fountains 00:15 Teenager boys drinking beer 00:20 Girl wading in fountain 00:23 Girl doing backward flip in water 00:28 Man lowering iguanas into water and holding snake in water 00:35 Girl getting out of water 00:39 UPSOUND (Russian) Reptile owner 00:49 Kremlin Tower, pull back to fountain 00:56 Girls sitting on edge of fountain after swim 00:59 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Moscow has been wilting in temperatures almost in the nineties for the last few days. Some people have taken to swimming in the cities fountains to cool off. 02 Everyone - and every thing it seems - is trying to escape the heat in Moscow this week. 08 Temperatures have climbed close to ninety - that's hot for a city that spends much of the year below freezing. 015 Ice cream and drinks vendors are doing a roaring trade. 19 But there are few places to cool off in the Russian capital and residents are flocking to public fountains. 28 Even cold blooded animals who typically love high temperatures are getting hot under the collar and have taken the plunge ...... much to the disbelief of other bathers. 40 FX 42 Its the only place in the centre of Moscow for them to cool down, says the reptiles' owner. FX 49 Relief may come soon though. Temperatures are forecast to drop to a more comfortable 80 degrees in the next few days. 59 ends
Afghanistan Blast (V) - Aftermath, US special forces and ISAF troops at scene, hospital
TAPE: EF02/0753 IN_TIME: 23:01:11 DURATION: 1:19 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Kabul - 5 Sept 2002 VOICED BY VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST: Central Kabul 00 00 Wide shot of police and wreckage at blast site, overturned car in background 00 07 Overturned car amid wreckage 00 11 Yellow car badly damaged by blast 00 15 Police and soldiers beside overturned car 00 19 Men beside fire engine pouring water near burned out yellow car 00 23 Hazir, injured man showing blood stains on arm 00 25 FX Hazir speaking 00 35 Injured man (without shirt) being helped away from the scene 00 42 Close shot police van driving, pull out to mid shot, pan to ambulance driving through barrier, pan as ambulance drives to scene Wazir Akbar Khan Hospital 00 53 Injured being wheeled in stretchers 01 02 Injured child with bloody clothes on stretcher 01 08 Man on stretcher covered in blood 01 15 Wide shot wounded ENDS 01 19 STORYLINE: A powerful car bomb rocked a busy market area in the centre of Kabul on Thursday, in the bloodiest attack since the fall of the Taliban. Confusion surrounds the exact number of dead with police saying ten were killed and a UN security official saying 22 people died. Dozens more were injured in the attack . 00 02 The explosion occurred in one of the most congested areas of the city. 00 06 Many people were out doing their shopping before Friday prayers. 00 10 Witnesses said a smaller explosion had drawn crowds to the area when the bomb, which was placed inside a taxi, exploded in front of a building. Inside were shops selling televisions and satellite dishes - all forbidden during hardline Taliban rule. 00 25 FX 00 29 This man said the second explosion was really big and he saw lots of dead and wounded people on the ground. 00 36 Some dazed victims were still being led away, their clothing ripped and covered in blood. 00 41 Police sealed off the area, allowing only emergency vehicles through to take the injured to hospitals. 00 46 Sirens upsot 00 51 Hospitals were overflowing with dozens of wounded people and many of the seriously injured could not be identified. 00 57 Kabul's Police Chief has accused Osama bin Laden's al Qaida network of orchestrating the explosion ahead of the September 11 anniversary. 01 06 But suspicion also fell on a rebel Afghan warlord who earlier this week called for a jihad, or holy war, to drive foreign troops from Afghanistan.
(V) Vatican Teresa - VOICED Pope leads Beatification of Mother Teresa in St Peter's Square
TAPE: EF03/0939 IN_TIME: 02:12:20 DURATION: 1:32 SOURCES: CTV RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Rome - 19 Oct 2003 VOICED BY: LOUISE BATES SHOTLIST: 00 00 Overhead of crowd in St. Peter's Square 00 04 Pan of crowd 00 11 Various of congregation 00 18 Various wide shots of crowd 00 30 Various of Pope John Paul outside St Peter's Basilica 00 43 Nun 00 46 FX Unveiling of Mother Teresa's portrait (beatifying ceremony) 00 57 Clapping 01 00 Various of nuns 01 06 Mother Teresa portrait 01 10 Various of pope riding in vehicle through large crowd of people 01 32 ENDS SUGGESTED LEAD IN: Pope John Paul II, struggling to celebrate Mass but looking joyous, beatified Mother Teresa in a ceremony on Sunday in a pilgrim-packed St. Peter's Square, bestowing on her one of his church's highest honours. In a halting voice, John Paul proclaimed Mother Teresa blessed, the last major step on the path to sainthood. But after stumbling through several prayers, he let aides read all of his homily, including a tribute to "this courageous woman." SUGGESTED VOICE OVER: 00 02 St. Peter's Square and nearby streets overflowed with pilgrims from around the world. 00 08 Officials estimated the crowd to number around three-hundred-thousand. 00 11 They had come to see the beatification of a very special woman, a woman who was to receive one of the highest honours in the Roman Catholic Church. 00 20 Mother Teresa, an ethnic Albanian, dedicated her life to helping the destitute and established convents around the world. 00 29 She died in 1997 in India. 00 32 Pope John Paul the Second officiated at the ceremony. 00 35 In a shaky voice, he proclaimed Mother Teresa blessed, moving her one step closer to sainthood. 00 42 FX 00 54 Nuns from the Missionaries of Charity, the order she founded in 1949, joined the applause as a poster of her face was unveiled. 01 03 In a break with Church practice, the pontiff waived the usual five year wait following a candidate's death to start the beatification process. 01 12 Last year John Paul approved a miracle attributed to Mother Teresa, making it possible for her to receive the honour. 01 20 Beatification opens the way for public veneration. 01 23 A relic with some of her blood on it will go on display in a Rome basilica for a few days starting on Monday. 01 33 ENDS
TAPE_NUMBER: EF00/0101 IN_TIME: 20:56:07 LENGTH: 01:22 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: FEED: VARIOUS (THE ABOVE TIME-CODE IS TIME-OF-DAY) SCRIPT: Voice and effects Voiced by: Phillippa Meager Hindus in Malaysia have celebrated an annual ritual which brings body piercing to new levels. The colourful Thaipusam festival is banned in India because it involves a variety of painful rituals that many fear could spread illness. 00 02 In a sea of colourful robes, thousands of ethnic Indians flocked to Malaysia's most sacred Hindu caves to celebrate a bizarre and painful-looking rite of penance. 00 12 FX 00 14 The annual Thaipusam festival has been banned in India because of tongue and body piercings like this. 00 21 But Hindu faithful say they go into a trance and don't feel the pain at all. 00 27 Indeed, there is little blood shed during the festival, and when the hooks are removed, the only sign of injury is slight redness. 00 36 The festival has its roots in Hindu legend and was brought from southern India by immigrants to the Malaysian peninsula. 00 44 FX 00 46 Before Thaipusam, devotees prepare for as few as three and as many as fifty days. 00 52 During that time, they meditate daily and avoid food and drink throughout the day. 00 58 They don't drink alcohol and won't eat a variety of foods including onions, which are believed to arouse sexual desire. 01 04 The highest rite of passage is for pilgrims, who shave their heads, cover their faces in ash, and drag heavy contraptions known as Kadavi through the streets. 01 10 And in their eyes, body piercing is the highest form of worship. SHOTLIST: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 21 January 2000 00 00 Wide of scene 00 03 Devotee walking up stairs 00 09 Wide inside caves 00 12 Man having tongue pierced 00 21 Devotee dancing in trance 00 24 Needles into back 00 28 Woman begins dancing after tongue is pierced 00 32 Needles in back 00 37 Hindu devotee in trance 00 40 Close up Hindu devotee in trance 00 43 Hindu women with priest going into a trance 00 47 Traditional musician 00 50 Wide of procession 00 54 Wide of scene 01 00 Woman and child walk up stairs 01 04 Devotee drags "Kadavi" 01 10 Same shot from rear 01 15 Boy receives water 01 18 Devotee pierced 01 22 ends XFA?
TAPE_NUMBER: EF00/0266 IN_TIME: 20:57:48 LENGTH: 01:35 SOURCES: All APTN except shots 01 27 - 01 35 = GLOBO TV RESTRICTIONS: GLOBO TV = No access Brazil/Internet FEED: VARIOUS (THE ABOVE TIME-CODE IS TIME-OF-DAY) SCRIPT: Eng VOICED BY RICHARD VAUGHAN Rio's frenzied Carnival moved from street parties to lavish parades with a record number of visitors coming this year. The theme is Brazil's 500-year anniversary and all the floats commemorate some aspect have if the country's history. But what everyone comes for is the samba dancing. 00 02 A house-sized float topped by a snarling tiger led four thousand dancers down the Sambadrome runway. 00 08- 11 FX 00 11 It was a frenzy of nonstop, rapid-fire samba dancing and singing. 00 15 - 18 00 18 Rio's top 14 samba schools were all trying to impress the judges with their songs, floats and, of course, their costumes and dancing. 00 26 - 29 FX 00 29 Brazil's devalued currency has attracted a record number of visitors from around the world. This Japanese man was asked if he found dancing the samba difficult. 00 39 - 41 FX 00 41 Of course I do- he said, you Brazilians have the rhythm of Samba in your blood, but we don't. So, we have to train a lot harder. 00 51 Celebrities were also out in force. The Brazilian model, who shot to international fame when she became pregnant to rock star Mick Jagger, said the atmosphere was electric. 01 01 SOUNDBITE (English) "It's just unbelievable, I'm so excited, the adrenaline is just rushing through my whole body... I'm just like, I can't even tell you, I'm so excited. I am dying here." SUPERCAPTION: Luciana Gimenez, Mother of Mick Jagger's Child 01 13 The pageant commemorates the arrival, five hundred years ago, of Portuguese explorers to Brazil . This year, all the Carnival's floats and its music paid tribute to some aspect of Brazilian history. 01 24 All those taking part in the weeks of partying and parades hope that this one will be the most spectacular and memorable carnival ever... ends 01 35 SHOTLIST: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. March 5, 2000 XFA APTN 00 00 Tilt down from fireworks to tiger float 00 05 Suzaana Werner (Ex -girlfriend of Brazilian football player Ronaldo) dancing 00 15. Wide shot of girl dancing Samba 00 20 Wide shot man on the top of float 00 25 Dancer in big dress swirling 00 27 Pan up man twirling 00 29 Japanese dancer putting on head dress 00 35 Yoji Nakajima, Japanese Samba dancer speaks 00 48 Nakajima dancing on float 00 55 Model Luciana Gimenez talking to dancers 00 58 Luciana pulling up stockings 01 01 SOUNDBITE (English) Luciana Gimenez, model and mother of Mick Jagger's child 01 13. Wide shot of Gimenez dancing 01 20 Pan from the 'Bahiana' dress to wide of 'Bahianas' -old ladies that are traditional in every Samba school GLOBO 01 27 Top shot parade of floats ends 01 35 ?
(V) Iraq Explosion - VOICED Two explosions heard at town entrance
TAPE: EF03/0469 IN_TIME: 22:44:08 DURATION: 1:13 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Fallujah, 22 May 2003 VOICED BY: LOUISE BATES SHOTLIST: 00 00 Wide shot of US armoured vehicle and troops stationed side of busy road 00 05 Close up of troops on top of armoured vehicle 00 08 Wide of armoured vehicles 00 10 Wide shot of Iraqis gathered around scene of attack 00 16 SOUNDBITE: (English) First Lt Brent Andrew, 3rd Infantry Division, US Army: "We returned aimed, accurate fire at any individuals bearing a weapon - which is our ROE (rules of engagement), only once we identify a weapon do we return fire. And we identified several individuals with small arms, then obviously we were fired at by some type of anti-tank weapon, probably an RPG." 00 33 Various of remains of tank on ground 00 38 FX man describing how his cousin was killed by US troops 00 51 Various of wrecked car 01 01 Pan of car interior, with blood splattered head rests 01 05 Wide shot of armoured vehicle parked next to road 01 08 Close up of soldiers sitting on top of armoured vehicle 01 13 ENDS STORYLINE: A US armoured vehicle was ambushed during a late-night raid in Fallujah, a town 50 kilometers (30 miles) west of Baghdad in central Iraq, a US military officer said on Thursday. The town has been a flashpoint in postwar tensions between US occupying forces and Iraqis, though American forces said earlier this week that tensions were gradually easing. Protests against the army's presence in Fallujah turned violent last month when US soldiers twice fired on crowds, killing 18 Iraqis and wounding at least 78. SUGGESTED VOICE OVER: 00 02 US soldiers say the armoured vehicle was ambushed as it rolled through the streets of Fallujah. 00 09 Two Bradley fighting vehicles were patrolling the streets in the area when one was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. 00 16 SOUNDBITE: (English) "We returned aimed, accurate fire at any individuals bearing a weapon - which is our ROE (rules of engagement), only once we identify a weapon do we return fire. And we identified several individuals with small arms and obviously we were fired at by some type of anti-tank weapon probably an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade)." SUPERCAPTION: First Lt Brent Andrew, Third Infantry Division, US Army 00 34 Other residents reported hearing the sound of explosions. 00 38 FX 00 41 This man says U-S troops shot and killed his cousin and his cousin's friend, then crushed their car with a tank. 00 52 A man who lives across the street said two Iraqi civilians were driving a pickup truck near the scene when they were shot and their vehicle smashed. 01 01 The US military said it had no information about any civilian deaths. 01 07 The area around the attack site was quiet later in the day. 01 13 ENDS
(V) Middle East Bombing - VOICER Bus bombing aftermath, seven killed, wounded, reaction
TAPE: EF03/0457 IN_TIME: 22:39:15 DURATION: 1:42 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Various - 18 May 2003 VOICED BY: LOUISE BATES SHOTLIST: Jerusalem 00 00 Various long shots showing bodies being stretchered away from bus wreckage 00 19 Wide shot of scene 00 22 Tilt down from blood splattered bus ceiling to investigator searching wreckage Entrance to the village of Dahiya el-Barid, near Jerusalem 00 29 Various of Israeli police looking for clues/remains at site of second suicide bomb attack 00 39 Israeli soldier 00 42 Wide shot of Israeli roadblock by entrance to village Jerusalem 00 45 Tilt down front of bus 00 50 Tilt down interior of bus bus 00 54 Bombed No.6 bus being driven away from scene 01 04 SOUNDBITE (English) Mark Sofer, Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman: "After the horrendous actions, the intolerable atrocities of the past 12 hours, he has felt it necessary to be at home with the various discussions, the meetings taking place right now in order to see how we can extricate ourselves from the situation we are in and move forward, away from it." 01 21 Police at scene of bus bomb 01 26 Ultra-orthodox Jews preparing to search for body parts Ramallah, West Bank 01 31 FX Israeli jeeps driving through deserted street announcing the curfew STORYLINE: A suicide bomber attacked a Jerusalem bus early Sunday, killing himself and seven passengers and wounding at least 20 others. A second bomber later blew himself up on the city's outskirts, apparently after he failed to penetrate emergency road blocks set up after the first attack. The attacks came just hours after Israeli and Palestinian leaders met to discuss a new peace plan in their first top-level summit in nearly three years, and shortly before Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was scheduled to travel to Washington for talks on the plan with US President George W Bush. SUGGESTED VOICE OVER: 00 02 The first bomber targetted a bus in the north of Jerusalem, blowing himself up and killing seven passengers. 00 09 At least 20 others were wounded, four seriously. 00 13 The assailant struck at a few minutes before six in the morning - the start of rush hour. 00 21 Witnesses said the bomb went off as the bus approached a bridge near one of Jerusalem's largest intersections. 00 29 The second suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to a village on the outskirts of Jerusalem. 00 36 Police said the bomber was killed in the blast but no one else was hurt. 00 41 Nobody has claimed responsibility for either attack. 00 45 The bombings came shortly after the Israeli and Palestinian prime ministers met to discuss a new peace plan - the first such meeting between the two sides in almost three years. 00 57 The attacks prompted Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to postpone a trip to meet President Bush. 01 04 SOUNDBITE: (English) "After the horrendous actions, the intolerable atrocities of the past 12 hours, he has felt it necessary to be at home with the various discussions that need to be taking place right now in order to see how we can extricate ourselves from the situation we are in and move forward." (17 secs) SUPERCAPTION: Mark Sofer, Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman: 01 23 The bombings are part of a sudden surge in Palestinian attacks - four have occurred in the past 12 hours. 01 31 FX loudspeakers from Israeli army jeeps 01 34 The army imposed a curfew in the West Bank city of Ramallah, near the site of the bus bombing. 01 42 ENDS
(V) Iraq Burial - Burials held of Saddam's sons
TAPE: EF03/0697 IN_TIME: 22:35:11 DURATION: 1:32 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Tikrit, 2 August 2003/FILE VOICED BY RICHARD VAUGHN FILE 00:00 Odai, pull out to Qusai 00:04 Saddam with officials 00:08 Iraqi official with Qusai in middle and Odai on his right 00:10 Iraqi officials Tikrit, Iraq - 2 August 2003 00:14 Various of mourners around graves 00:28 Various of man putting picture on headstone 00:40 SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Iraqi mourner 00:50 Wide of graves 00:54 One grave 00:58 Various of mourners at graves 01:04 Blood on seat, pull out to soldier standing at door of jeep 01:09 Shattered windscreen 01:12 Various of injured soldier being treated 01:18 Stretcher with wounded soldier being carried to jeep 01:25 Jeep with injured soldiers driving away 01:32 VISION ENDS STORYLINE: Leaders of Saddam Hussein's tribe buried the ousted dictator's elder sons, Odai and Qusai, and a grandson Saturday, their bodies wrapped in Iraqi flags in a sign the family considered them to be martyrs. VOICE-OVER: 02 Odai and Qusai Hussein. 04 They were two of the most powerful and feared men in Iraq. 08 Saddam's sons were allegedly responsible for brutal murders and torture under their father's regime. 14 On Saturday morning, the pair were buried in the family cemetery in Tikrit. 18 They were killed ten days ago in a fierce gun battle with U-S troops in the northern city of Mosul. 25 The bodies were wrapped in Iraqi flags - a symbol that, in the eyes of relatives, these men were martyrs. 32 Many ordinary Iraqi's had celebrated at news of the mens' deaths. But in Tikrit support for Saddam and his family remains strong. 40 FX (Arabic) Iraqi mourner: 43 It's a very sad day for us, says this mourner. The majority of people in Saddam's birthplace are very upset. 50 Buried with Qusai and Odai was Qusai's 14-year-old son, Mustafa, who was also killed in the July 22nd battle. 59 There had been fears the burial could spark a big backlash against U.S. forces in Tikrit. 104 The burial stayed low-key, but later in the day several American soldiers were wounded in bomb attacks on military convoys the city. 112 The Tigris River city remains one of the most volatile areas in the country. It's at the centre of the so-called "Sunni Triangle" where remnants of Saddam loyalists have conducted a guerrilla war against American occupation forces. 132
(V) Iraq Burial - Burials held of Saddam's sons
TAPE: EF03/0697 IN_TIME: 22:35:11 DURATION: 1:32 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Tikrit, 2 August 2003/FILE VOICED BY RICHARD VAUGHN FILE 00:00 Odai, pull out to Qusai 00:04 Saddam with officials 00:08 Iraqi official with Qusai in middle and Odai on his right 00:10 Iraqi officials Tikrit, Iraq - 2 August 2003 00:14 Various of mourners around graves 00:28 Various of man putting picture on headstone 00:40 SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Iraqi mourner 00:50 Wide of graves 00:54 One grave 00:58 Various of mourners at graves 01:04 Blood on seat, pull out to soldier standing at door of jeep 01:09 Shattered windscreen 01:12 Various of injured soldier being treated 01:18 Stretcher with wounded soldier being carried to jeep 01:25 Jeep with injured soldiers driving away 01:32 VISION ENDS STORYLINE: Leaders of Saddam Hussein's tribe buried the ousted dictator's elder sons, Odai and Qusai, and a grandson Saturday, their bodies wrapped in Iraqi flags in a sign the family considered them to be martyrs. VOICE-OVER: 02 Odai and Qusai Hussein. 04 They were two of the most powerful and feared men in Iraq. 08 Saddam's sons were allegedly responsible for brutal murders and torture under their father's regime. 14 On Saturday morning, the pair were buried in the family cemetery in Tikrit. 18 They were killed ten days ago in a fierce gun battle with U-S troops in the northern city of Mosul. 25 The bodies were wrapped in Iraqi flags - a symbol that, in the eyes of relatives, these men were martyrs. 32 Many ordinary Iraqi's had celebrated at news of the mens' deaths. But in Tikrit support for Saddam and his family remains strong. 40 FX (Arabic) Iraqi mourner: 43 It's a very sad day for us, says this mourner. The majority of people in Saddam's birthplace are very upset. 50 Buried with Qusai and Odai was Qusai's 14-year-old son, Mustafa, who was also killed in the July 22nd battle. 59 There had been fears the burial could spark a big backlash against U.S. forces in Tikrit. 104 The burial stayed low-key, but later in the day several American soldiers were wounded in bomb attacks on military convoys the city. 112 The Tigris River city remains one of the most volatile areas in the country. It's at the centre of the so-called "Sunni Triangle" where remnants of Saddam loyalists have conducted a guerrilla war against American occupation forces. 132
TAPE_NUMBER: EF99/1069 IN_TIME: 18:48:57 LENGTH: 01:15 SOURCES: REBAR TV RESTRICTIONS: No Access Taiwan/Internet FEED: VARIOUS (THE ABOVE TIME-CODE IS TIME-OF-DAY) SCRIPT: Voice and effects VOICED BY Katherine Bonner A six year old boy has survived for 87 hours before being rescued from the rubble of a collapsed apartment block in Taiwan. But it is feared that the rest of his family may have perished in the quake. VOICE OVER: 00 02 It was almost a case of from the frying pan into the fire- 00 07 Rescuers tried to shield the boy, who they had wrapped in a blanket, from the huge media pack which had gathered during the hours it took to pull him from the rubble. 00 18 It was eighty seven hours after the massive earthquake struck Taiwan before six year old Chang Ching-hung was freed. 00 25 He'd been trapped with his parents and two sisters in the wreckage of this apartment building in Dali, in central Taiwan. 00 33 When they found him, he asked for water and said why am I here and where are my parents? 00 40 The rescue teams used their bare hands to remove concrete and other debris, fearing that machinery might unleash a torrent of concrete and other rubble, further endangering the young survivor. 00 50 The rescue team's leader explained how they'd got the boy out alive. 00 55 FX rescuer 01 02 He said they had to dig for three metres before finding him. There's no word on the fate of Chang's parents and sisters but rescuers found large quantities of blood nearby. ends 01 15 SHOTLIST: Dali, Taiwan. 24 September, 1999 XFA 00 00 Rescuers come out into media scrum 00 11 Rescuers shielding boy wrapped in blanket 00 24 Boy carried to stretcher, media crowded round 00 42 Boy put into ambulance 00 55 Choi Jin-dong, Captain, Korean Rescue team talking 01 09 Ambulance moves away ENDS 01 15 ?
(V) Kosovo Tension - VOICER One Serb dies, four injured in grenade attack
TAPE: EF03/0786 IN_TIME: 22:25:22 DURATION: 1:24 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Cernica - 1 Sept 2003 VOICED BY TARA OGDEN SHOTLIST 00 00 Wide shot villagers standing in front of scene of bomb blast, blood stain on street 00 06 Pan from blast hole to crowd gathered 00 12 Close up Serb villagers 00 15 Kosta Dimic, Serb villager speaking about attack, camera tilts down to blast hole and back to him 00 31 Broken window of shop 00 34 Close up blood stains on road with clothes stained in blood 00 38 Soldiers walk down street to inspect scene 00 51 US Humvees on outskirts of Cernica 00 54 Soldier in humvee talking on walkietalkie 00 57 Wide shot soldiers in front of vehicles 01 02 US soldiers with binoculars looking over village 01 06 Close up soldier with binoculars 01 09 American soldiers on patrol 01 12 Back shot of patrol 01 17 Wide shot of patrol ends 01 24 STORYLINE: A hand grenade exploded in a shop in an ethnically mixed village in eastern Kosovo, killing one Serb and injuring four others. Tensions increased last week when the Serbs parliament declared Kosovo an integral part of the republic. The move was condemned by ethnic Albanian leaders who said it would only make things worse in the volatile province where most ethnic Albanians want independence. STORYLINE: 00 02 This is where the attack took place the night before. A hand grenade was thrown at a Serb owned shop and five men were injured, one of them fatally. 00 12 Shocked and angry, the Serb villagers described what happened. 00 15 FX 00 17 Kosta Dimic said they were sitting around, having a beer when a huge explosion took place. Lots of people were crying and screaming and a few were very badly hurt. 00 31 Milomir Savic was flown to the US Army's Camp Bondsteel but he died of his injuries. A second blast shook the village a few minutes later but no-one was hurt in that attack. 00 43 Troops inspected the damage and carried out patrols of the area. 00 47 Kosovo has been administered by the UN and NATO for three years after a NATO bombing campaign forced an end to a bloody Serb crackdown on the province's majority Albanians . 00 58 10-thousand people, mostly ethnic Albanians died. 01 01 Despite the arrival of the peacekeepers, some 200-thousand Kosovo Serbs fled, in fear of revenge attacks. 01 08 Concern is now mounting that those fears are being realised. Earlier this month, a suspected ethnic Albanian gunman killed two Kosovo Serb boys swimming in a river and wounded four other youngsters. 01 23
(V) Philippines Dino Expo - VOICER Dinosaurs brought to life with robotics technology
TAPE: EF03/0009 IN_TIME: 23:50:00 DURATION: 1:12 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Manila - 30 Dec 2002 VOICED BY KATHERINE BONNER SHOTLIST: 00 00 Three dinosaur models moving in the semi-darkness 00 06 Close up of two dinosaurs 00 10 Wide shot of exhibition 00 14 Red lights backdrop to dinosaurs 00 17 Close-up of velociraptors 00 20 Close-up of Tyrannosaurus Rex model 00 21 Wide shot of T-Rex 00 29 Sleeping T-Rex then pan to people passing by 00 33 Woman taking crying child out 00 36 SOUNDBITE (English) Joy Reyes, exhibit organiser "Yeah. I mean in the entrance, a lot of kids are crying, holding their hands, are really, really cold (from fear)." 00 42. People passing by exhibit 00 46 SOUNDBITE (English) Vox Pop: (Q. Are you not scared of these dinosaurs?) "I'm not scared! Because it's never real. It's not eating me." 00 54 Close-up of hatched baby dinosaur 00 57 Close-up of girl watching 01 02 Close up one dinosaur roaring, pans to another ends 01 12 STORYLINE: A museum in Manila has made the most of the latest robotics technology to bring the first dinosaur exhibition to the Philippines. Two cinema houses were converted into an exhibition centre for 22 species of dinosaur, including the fiercest of its era - the Tyrannosaurus Rex. SUGGESTED VOICE OVER: FX Roaring 00 04 With plenty of gnashing teeth and blood-curdling roars, dinosaurs have never been so popular. 00 09 Children are flocking to these models of ancient carnivores who roamed the earth more than 65 million years ago. 00 16 A museum in Manila has brought them back to life with the help of the latest robotics technology. 00 22 ROAR 00 26 The most well-known famous is Tyrannosaurus rex, one of the last non-avian dinosaurs to walk the earth before the great extinction 00 35 But some children found the scary monsters just a little too scary. 00 37 SOUNDBITE (English) "Yeah, I mean, in the entrance, a lot of kids are crying, holding their hands, are really, really cold (from fear)." SUPERCAPTION: Joy Reyes, exhibit organiser 00 43 Others had their imaginations more under control. 00 46 SOUNDBITE (English) Question: "Are you not scared of these dinosaurs?" Answer: "I'm not scared!" Question:"Why?" Answer: "Because it's never real. It ain't (isn't) eating me." SUPERCAPTION Voxpop 00 54 Some of the exhibits were more benign than others... this egg-hatching display had plenty of children fascinated. 01 02 Organisers hope the exhibition will spark childrens' interest in the ancient world and make learning about dinosaurs an adventure they won't forget. ends 01 12
Entertainment US LA Emmy Creative Awards - Highlights from the 61st Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards
NAME: LA EMMY CREATIVE 20090913E TAPE: EF09/0867 IN_TIME: 10:12:53:16 DURATION: 00:04:55:23 SOURCES: Atas DATELINE: Los Angeles California Sepember 12 2009 RESTRICTIONS: Check shotlist for details SHOTLIST RESTRICTIONS: On-screen credit to ATAS.- No re-use/re-sale without clearance ATAS 1. Show open 2. Host Kathy Griffin opening segment 3. Award presentation: Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series -- Tina Fey ("Saturday Night Live") 4. Acceptance speech: Tina Fey 5. Award presentation: Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series -- Ellen Burstyn ("Law and Order: Special Victims Unit") 6. Acceptance speech: Ellen Burstyn 7. Award presentation: Outstanding Animated Programming (less than one hour) -- "South Park" 8. Acceptance speech: "South Park" crew 9. Kathy Griffin comedy sketch 10. Award presentation: Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series -- Justin Timberlake ("Saturday Night Live") 11. Kathy Griffin comedy sketch 12. Award presentation: Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series -- Michael J. Fox ("Rescue Me") 13. Kathy Griffin show close STORYLINE CREATIVE EMMYS HIGHLIGHTS Is Tina Fey an Emmy winner? You betcha. Fey received an Emmy Award on Saturday for her impersonation of Republican vice presidential contender Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live." Accepting her trophy for best guest actress in a comedy, Fey thanked "SNL" producer Lorne Michaels and her parents, "who are lifelong Republicans, for their patience." She was honoured at the Creative Arts Primetime Emmys, which recognise technical and other achievements for the 2008-09 season and preceded next weekend's main ceremony. Fey has the chance for more awards: She could repeat last year's win as best actress in a comedy series for "30 Rock," and the show also could again claim top comedy honours. Justin Timberlake was another "SNL" winner Saturday, honoured as best guest actor in a comedy series. On the drama side, Michael J. Fox won the guest actor award for his turn on "Rescue Me," and Ellen Burstyn was honoured as best guest actress for "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit." "I always wanted one of these," Burstyn said, winning her first Emmy after being nominated five times. Neither Timberlake nor Fox were on hand to accept. Kathy Griffin was host of the nearly four-hour ceremony, her trademark outrageous humor intact with risque jokes and filmed bits. An edited, shorter version of the ceremony will air Friday on E! at 1 p.m. EDT. The top network winner was HBO with 16 trophies, followed by NBC with 11. Fox and ABC each won eight awards, with CBS, PBS and Cartoon Network each claiming six. PBS' "Little Dorrit," an adaptation of the Dickens novel, was the most-honoured program with four awards. Several shows, including the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and "American Idol," received three creative arts trophies. Next Sunday's Emmy ceremony, with Neil Patrick Harris as host, will air on CBS. A partial list of winners -- Reality Program: Intervention, A&E Animated Program (less than an hour): South Park, Comedy Central Animated Program (more than an hour): Destination Imagination/Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Cartoon Network Nonfiction Series: American Masters, PBS Nonfiction Special: 102 Minutes That Changed America, History Guest Actor in a Drama Series: Michael J. Fox, Rescue Me (FX) Guest Actress in a Drama Series: Ellen Burstyn, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (NBC) Guest Actress in a Comedy Series: Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live (NBC) Guest Actor in a Comedy Series: Justin Timberlake, Saturday Night Live (NBC) Children's Program: Wizards of Waverly Place, Disney Channel Commercial: Heist, Coca-Cola Cinematography for a Miniseries or Movie: Little Dorrit, Pt. 1, PBS Cinematography for a One-Hour Series: The Tudors, Showtime Cinematography for a Half-Hour Series: Californication, Showtime Special Visual Effects for a Miniseries, Movie or Special: Generation Kill, HBO Special Visual Effects for a Series: Heroes, NBC Costumes for a Music/Variety Program or a Special: So You Think You Can Dance (FOX) Costumes for a Series: Pushing Daisies, ABC Costumes for a Movie, Miniseries or a Special: Little Dorrit, PBS Prosthetic Makeup for a Movie, Miniseries or a Special: Grey Gardens, HBO Non-Prosthetic Makeup for a Movie or Miniseries: The Irena Sendler Story: A Hallmark Hall of Fame Presentation, CBS Non-Prosthetic Makeup for a Single-Camera Series: Pushing Daisies, ABC Non-Prosthetic Makeup for a Multi-Camera Series: MadTV, FOX Hairstyling for a Single-Camera Series: Mad Men, AMC Hairstyling for a Multi-Camera Series: Dancing with the Stars, ABC Hairstyling for a Movie or Miniseries: Grey Gardens, HBO Main Title Design: United States of Tara, Showtime Voiceover Performance: Dan Castellaneta, The Simpsons (FOX) Choreography: 81st Annual Academy Awards (ABC) AND So You Think You Can Dance (FOX) Music Direction: Streisand: The Concert, CBS Music Composition for a Series: Legend of the Seeker, syndicated Music Composition for a Miniseries, Movie or Special (Original Dramatic Score): Into the Storm, HBO Casting for a Drama Series: True Blood, HBO Casting for a Movie, Miniseries or Special: Little Dorrit, PBS Casting for a Comedy Series: 30 Rock, NBC
London Feed - Various Car bombings in Iraq
LONDON FEED: VARIOUS CAR BOMBINGS IN IRAQ RS 25 XDECK80 SLUGGED: 1555 LDN BAGHDAD X80 3/17/04 15:57:25 031012#098 Name: 031012#098 Title: IRAQ HOTEL BAGHDAD ABC FEED Type: Iraq In point: 15:52:56.11 Out point: 16:01:07.12 Duration: 00:08:11.01 Clip Locations 023-255 Tape ID 3406ab Source abc Notes ON DVC PRO 023-255 IRAQ HOTEL BAGHDAD ABC FEED Dopesheet 8 MINS OF ABC SHOT MATERIAL AFTER BOMBING OF HOTEL BAGHDAD. CUTDOWN FROM FEEDS ON C SERVER SHOWS: IMMEDIATE AFTERMATH OF THE CAR BOMB EXPLOSION CAR SIRENS GOING OFF SMOKE AT THE BACK OF THE HOTEL BAGHDAD PEOPLE RUNNING LOCAL SECURITY WITH WEAPONS INJURED MAN WITH BLOOD ON HIS FACE BEING HELPED 15:58:16 MORE INJURED PEOPLE 15:58:34 DESTRUCTION 15:59:18 IRAQ BAGHDAD BAGHDAD HOTEL OCT 12, 2003 SOURCE: ABC NEWS AUDIO: NATS SHOWS: A GROUP OF MAN STANDING AROUND SOMETHING WRAPPED IN A PIECE OF CLOTH THAT IS ALLEGEDLY A PIECE OF HUMAN BODY 16:00:29 - RIPPED FRONT AND SHATTERED WINDOWS 16:00:45 - CRATER IN THE ROAD 16:00:58 - CONCRETE BARICADE 16:01:06 - DAMAGED CAR 16:01:27 - HELICOPTERS OVERHEAD 16:01:29 - US MILITARY VEHICLES - US SOLDIERS SEALING THE ROAD WITH BARBED WIRE 16:01:54 - US SOLDIER ON THE OUTLOOK ON THE MILITARY VEHICLE BEHIND A MACHINE GUN 16:03:02 16:05:36 031209#168 Name: 031209#168 Title: IRAQ CAR BOMB AFTERMATH APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:00.00 Out point: 00:04:15.23 Duration: 00:04:15.23 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 5545 Source APTN Notes Dopesheet 41 U.S. troops injured in car-bomb attack in northern Iraq SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Talafar, 9 Dec 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of site of explosion outside barracks with watchtower, US military vehicles and soldiers, crowds of onlookers and debris from explosion in road. 16:05:58 2. tight shot, sign in Arabic 16:06:25 3. debris from car explosion 16:06:50 STORYLINE: A suicide bomber blew up a car packed with explosives at the gates of a military barracks early Tuesday, injuring 41 American troops and six Iraqi civilians. H The attack at the army base occurred at 4:45 a.m. local time when a car drove to the gate of the base in the town of Talafar, 50 kilometers (30 miles) west of the northern city of Mosul. Guards at the gate and in a watchtower opened fire on the vehicle and moments later it blew up. The bomb left a large crater at the gate's entryway. Col. Michael Linnington, commander of the 3rd Brigade which controls the area west of Mosul and all the way to the Syrian border, said the attack was a suicide mission and that the attacker's remains were "all over the compound." "Right now we have four soldiers that were evacuated and are being treated for blast injuries. In addition, 37 soldiers have nicks, cuts, bruises and some broken bones," he said. A base translator also was injured in the blast, which damaged nearby homes. Several other civilians, including a 2-year-old girl, were hurt by flying glass. The early morning blast occurred when most soldiers were still in their barracks, and there was no traffic around the gate. Pieces of the attacker's car were scattered hundreds of meters away from the site of the blast. A school across the street from the military compound was heavily damaged, but no pupils were injured because the bomb exploded before classes began. At a nearby mosque, glass was scattered on the carpets and some lights were blown out. Hazem Ismail, a 40-year-old school teacher, said several pieces of the car hit his house, shattering the window of room where his five children were sleeping. "The kids woke up terrified from their beds, but thank God none of them were harmed," he said. 16:07:13 031214#163 Name: 031214#163 Title: IRAQ BLAST APTN DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 09:39:13.18 Out point: 09:43:13.23 Duration: 00:04:00.07 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 5733 Source APTN Notes police station attack aftermath ANGRY CHANTING CROWD 16:07:18 US TROOPS 16:07:22 WRECKED CAR 16:07:31 BLOOD ON GROUND 16:07:51 EXT BLDG 16:08:46 COFFIN CARRIED OFF 16:09:42 Page: 2 A car bomb exploded on Sunday morning at a police station in Khaldiyah, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) west of Baghdad, killing at least 17 people and wounding 33 others 16:10:05 031215#185 Name: 031215#185 Title: IRAQ HUSANIYAH AFTERMATH RUSHES APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:18.26 Out point: 00:06:09.03 Duration: 00:05:50.05 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source APTN Notes ATTACK AFTERMATH CAR BOMBS KILLED 8 Dopesheet A suicide bomber killed eight Iraqi policemen in an attack on Monday on a station in the capital's northern outskirts, their commander said 1. Iraqis standing around crater caused by blast 16:10:12 2. Wrecked car 3. Smouldering wreckage 16:10:16 4. Wrecked car 16:10:23 6. People inside wrecked building 16:10:49 7. Various, bodies on ground 16:11:00 8. Various, debris on ground outside 16:11:49 11. Exterior, police station 16:12:23 12. Wreckage of car16:12:42 20. Top shot, scene outside police station 16:12:52 21. Crater in road 16:12:59 22. Wrecked building 16:13:05 23. Various, crowd at scene 16:13:11 24> Rooftops with damage 16:13:24 25 Burnt out car 16:13:30 16:13:48 031215#190 Name: 031215#190 Title: IRAQ AL-AMERIYAH CAR BOMB AMATH APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:00.00 Out point: 00:03:22.14 Duration: 00:03:22.14 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source aptn direct Notes CAR BOMB AFTERMATH IN AL-AMERIYAH. ATTACK AFTERMATH Dopesheet Monday, 15 December 2003 Four policemen injured in suicide bombing in western Baghdad SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Ameriyah - 15 Dec 2003 SHOTLIST: : 1. Two soldiers standing besides damaged car 2. Close up of damage to car 5. Wide of house16:14:16 6. Children at window with broken glass 16:14:22 7. Close up children at window with broken glass pull out to man throwing down broken glass aided by children 16:14:32 9. Wide of road containing emergency vehicle and soldiers 16:15:21 10. Close up soldiers 16:15:26 11.Wide of road 16:15:31 12. Soldiers behind barriers 16:15:36 16. Various of bombed out cars 16:15:43 17. Hole in fence of compound 16:16:48 18. Wide of soldiers patrolling 16:16:52 19. People watching from balcony of a house 16:16:57 STORYLINE: Car bomb exploded at police stations in the Baghdad area, The attack in Ameriyah occurred just after 8am (local time), when a suicide bomber drove his car into the gate of a police station, US Captain Brad Loudon said. The vehicle detonated killing the driver and injuring several policemen. A second car then drove into the compound and was immediately engaged by gunfire from US soldiers and policemen. The driver abandoned the vehicle and ran into the building, where he was later arrested. US troops cordoned off the area. An Iraqi officer, Sergeant Hamid Ahmed said four of his colleagues were injured in the blast. 16:17:08 040114#051 Name: 040114#051 Title: IRAQ BAQUOBA BODIES AP DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 10:49:40.19 Out point: 10:51:40.02 Duration: 00:01:59.13 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID --- Source AP DIRECT Notes POLICE STATION ATTACK AFTERMATH Dopesheet 1. Wide shot of blast site, street, people and vehicles 16:17:11 2. People standing around crater in road 16:17:15 3. Various, crater 16:17:18 4. People and ambulance outside Baqouba hospital 16:17:26 5. Hospital sign saying "Emergency Unit" 16:17:32 6. Various, man being treated inside hospital 16:17:38 7. Various, injured people in hospital 16:17:44 8. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Lieutenant Nabeel Ali, Police Colonel: "A car bomb forced its way into our directorate, driven by a young boy, 27 or 28 years old. And I think, but I am sure that he isn't Iraqi." 16:18:10 9. Wounded men in hospital 16:18:28 10. Various, bodies of victims of explosion in morgue 16:18:35 11. Police vehicles at scene of blast 16:18:44 12. Wide shot, street at scene of blast being hosed 16:19:01 STORYLINE: A car bomb exploded on Wednesday outside a police station in central Iraq, killing at least three people, including the driver, and injuring nearly 30 others, police and witnesses said. The US military put the death toll at five. About 30 people were injured. All the victims were Iraqis. According to police, the driver tried to enter the walled compound of the one-story station in Baqouba at about 0820 local time (0520 GMT) but the guards opened fire and the car exploded, heavily damaging the wall and shattering windows at the station and shops across the street. The driver of the car as well as two passers-by were killed, local hospital staff said. The injured, including 10 Iraqi policemen, were injured and taken to the hospital in Baqouba. Iraqi police and government institutions have been the frequent target of attacks by insU-R-G-E-N-Ts battling the US-led occupation force and its allies. Last Friday, a bomb struck a mosque in Baqouba, 60 kilometres (40 miles) northeast of Baghdad killing five worshippers and wounding dozens. A second bomb, rigged inside a car, was found and defused before it could explode at another Shiite mosque. At least three policemen and the driver were killed in the Baqouba blast. 16:19:16 040118#003 Name: 040118#003 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD BLAST 3 ap0600g Type: APTN FEED In point: 06:36:34.29 Out point: 06:44:06.20 Duration: 00:07:31.21 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID --- Source APTN Notes CPA ATTACK AFTERMATH FLAMES, SMOKE, WOUNDED Dopesheet Baghdad Blast 3 - NEW More pictures from the scene SOURCE: RTL DATELINE: 18 Jan 2004 ++CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Change to restrictions: Footage is now No Access ARD/ZDF and Germany++ SHOTLIST: 1. Various of fire with black smoke rising, people running from scene of blast 16:19:21 2. Crying woman being led away 16:19:27 3. Injured being carried away from scene 4. Injured being put into back of van 16:19:44 5. Close up of woman covered in blood sitting in van 16:19:48 6. Close up of cars on fire with black smoke rising 16:19:53 7. Various of bodies being carried away from scene 16:20:10 8. Variuos of tanks and US soldiers arriving at scene 16:20:18 9. Body being carried away from scene 16:20:33 10. Vehicles on fire with black smoke rising 11. Injured near scene 16:20:59 12. Various of US soldiers and tanks patrolling scene 16:21:06 13. Various of injured woman being looked after 16:22:24 14. Various of bodies being carried away from scene 16:23:01 15. Various of US soldiers at scene 16:23:26 16. Various of people watching 16:24:45 17. Water being hosed over fires 16:25:23 18. US soldiers carrying stretchers to scene 16:26:21 19. Fire truck arriving at scene STORYLINE: A car bomb exploded outside the main gate to the headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition Sunday, killing at least 18 people and injuring many Iothers, including one U.S. soldier, coalition and Iraqi officials said. Two of the dead were reported to be Americans, possibly contract workers. The blast, apparently caused by a suicide driver, occurred at about 8 a.m. near the "Assassin's Gate" to Saddam Hussein's former Republican Palace complex, now used by the U.S.-led occupation authority for headquarters. The gate is used by hundreds of Iraqis employed by the Coalition Provisional Authority, the formal name of the U.S.-led occupation authorities, as well as U.S. military vehicles. Witnesses said the area was very crowded with people waiting to get into the palace grounds to work, when the explosion happened. Brigadier General Mark Hertling, deputy commander of the 1st Armored Division, said the blast was caused by a car bomb, and American officials were "assuming this was a suicide bomb." Witnesses said the blast occurred as one, possibly two, Land Cruisers approached the heavily guarded gate. 16:28:01 040211#138 Name: 040211#138 Title: IRAQ CAR BOMB AFTERMATH APTN DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 07:18:40.11 Out point: 07:20:34.11 Duration: 00:01:54.00 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source APTN Notes Dopesheet Dopesheet: A vehicle bomb exploded outside an army recruiting center in central Baghadadon Wednesday, killing around 25 Iraqis, US soldiers passing by wreckage of car where explosion took place US soldiers inspecting bomb crater Iraqi police inspect car wreckage Scattered clothing and personal belongings in pool of blood where people were killed More wreckage of cars 16:31:44 040223#071 Name: 040223#071 Title: IRAQ KIRKUK AFTRMATH C/S SAKUR BBC NEWS 1300B *SPLIT* Type: BBC In point: 13:48:04.23 Out point: 13:49:53.13 Duration: 00:01:48.20 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 8283 Source bbc Notes IRAQ KIRKUK CAR BOMB EXPLOSION AFTERMATH Dopesheet SLUG/CORRESPONDENT: KIRKUK / Stephen SACKUR INTRO: A suicide car bomb attack on a police station in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, has killed ten people. At least forty others were injured. The explosion happened as the American Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, arrived in Baghdad to meet new recruits to the Iraqi police force. DATE SHOT: 23/02/04 LOCATIONS: Kirkuk, Iraq IN WORDS: FX "Kirkuk just after eight ... OUT WORDS: ... nothing for this city's fragile stability." DURATION: 1'39" ASTONS: NONE SOURCES: Kirkuk aftermath, huge wheel of vehicle to left of camera CU of wreckage, fire hose on wreck outside Police station, sign for police station - BBC PTC - BBC - NO ACCESS Ambulance driving away with casualties, man with licence number and chassis number of the car written on his hand - BBC American troops, tank on road, US soldier saying "let me do my job", Women shouting outside hospital, Victim with white bandage on head in bed, 11 year old girl in bed, Crowd gathered mostly young children and men, US soldier pointing gun and men and boys and asking them to move back and away - BBC ================================================= Page: 8
London Feed - Various Car bombings in Iraq
LONDON FEED: VARIOUS CAR BOMBINGS IN IRAQ RS 25 XDECK80 SLUGGED: 1555 LDN BAGHDAD X80 3/17/04 15:57:25 031012#098 Name: 031012#098 Title: IRAQ HOTEL BAGHDAD ABC FEED Type: Iraq In point: 15:52:56.11 Out point: 16:01:07.12 Duration: 00:08:11.01 Clip Locations 023-255 Tape ID 3406ab Source abc Notes ON DVC PRO 023-255 IRAQ HOTEL BAGHDAD ABC FEED Dopesheet 8 MINS OF ABC SHOT MATERIAL AFTER BOMBING OF HOTEL BAGHDAD. CUTDOWN FROM FEEDS ON C SERVER SHOWS: IMMEDIATE AFTERMATH OF THE CAR BOMB EXPLOSION CAR SIRENS GOING OFF SMOKE AT THE BACK OF THE HOTEL BAGHDAD PEOPLE RUNNING LOCAL SECURITY WITH WEAPONS INJURED MAN WITH BLOOD ON HIS FACE BEING HELPED 15:58:16 MORE INJURED PEOPLE 15:58:34 DESTRUCTION 15:59:18 IRAQ BAGHDAD BAGHDAD HOTEL OCT 12, 2003 SOURCE: ABC NEWS AUDIO: NATS SHOWS: A GROUP OF MAN STANDING AROUND SOMETHING WRAPPED IN A PIECE OF CLOTH THAT IS ALLEGEDLY A PIECE OF HUMAN BODY 16:00:29 - RIPPED FRONT AND SHATTERED WINDOWS 16:00:45 - CRATER IN THE ROAD 16:00:58 - CONCRETE BARICADE 16:01:06 - DAMAGED CAR 16:01:27 - HELICOPTERS OVERHEAD 16:01:29 - US MILITARY VEHICLES - US SOLDIERS SEALING THE ROAD WITH BARBED WIRE 16:01:54 - US SOLDIER ON THE OUTLOOK ON THE MILITARY VEHICLE BEHIND A MACHINE GUN 16:03:02 16:05:36 031209#168 Name: 031209#168 Title: IRAQ CAR BOMB AFTERMATH APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:00.00 Out point: 00:04:15.23 Duration: 00:04:15.23 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 5545 Source APTN Notes Dopesheet 41 U.S. troops injured in car-bomb attack in northern Iraq SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Talafar, 9 Dec 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of site of explosion outside barracks with watchtower, US military vehicles and soldiers, crowds of onlookers and debris from explosion in road. 16:05:58 2. tight shot, sign in Arabic 16:06:25 3. debris from car explosion 16:06:50 STORYLINE: A suicide bomber blew up a car packed with explosives at the gates of a military barracks early Tuesday, injuring 41 American troops and six Iraqi civilians. H The attack at the army base occurred at 4:45 a.m. local time when a car drove to the gate of the base in the town of Talafar, 50 kilometers (30 miles) west of the northern city of Mosul. Guards at the gate and in a watchtower opened fire on the vehicle and moments later it blew up. The bomb left a large crater at the gate's entryway. Col. Michael Linnington, commander of the 3rd Brigade which controls the area west of Mosul and all the way to the Syrian border, said the attack was a suicide mission and that the attacker's remains were "all over the compound." "Right now we have four soldiers that were evacuated and are being treated for blast injuries. In addition, 37 soldiers have nicks, cuts, bruises and some broken bones," he said. A base translator also was injured in the blast, which damaged nearby homes. Several other civilians, including a 2-year-old girl, were hurt by flying glass. The early morning blast occurred when most soldiers were still in their barracks, and there was no traffic around the gate. Pieces of the attacker's car were scattered hundreds of meters away from the site of the blast. A school across the street from the military compound was heavily damaged, but no pupils were injured because the bomb exploded before classes began. At a nearby mosque, glass was scattered on the carpets and some lights were blown out. Hazem Ismail, a 40-year-old school teacher, said several pieces of the car hit his house, shattering the window of room where his five children were sleeping. "The kids woke up terrified from their beds, but thank God none of them were harmed," he said. 16:07:13 031214#163 Name: 031214#163 Title: IRAQ BLAST APTN DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 09:39:13.18 Out point: 09:43:13.23 Duration: 00:04:00.07 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 5733 Source APTN Notes police station attack aftermath ANGRY CHANTING CROWD 16:07:18 US TROOPS 16:07:22 WRECKED CAR 16:07:31 BLOOD ON GROUND 16:07:51 EXT BLDG 16:08:46 COFFIN CARRIED OFF 16:09:42 Page: 2 A car bomb exploded on Sunday morning at a police station in Khaldiyah, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) west of Baghdad, killing at least 17 people and wounding 33 others 16:10:05 031215#185 Name: 031215#185 Title: IRAQ HUSANIYAH AFTERMATH RUSHES APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:18.26 Out point: 00:06:09.03 Duration: 00:05:50.05 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source APTN Notes ATTACK AFTERMATH CAR BOMBS KILLED 8 Dopesheet A suicide bomber killed eight Iraqi policemen in an attack on Monday on a station in the capital's northern outskirts, their commander said 1. Iraqis standing around crater caused by blast 16:10:12 2. Wrecked car 3. Smouldering wreckage 16:10:16 4. Wrecked car 16:10:23 6. People inside wrecked building 16:10:49 7. Various, bodies on ground 16:11:00 8. Various, debris on ground outside 16:11:49 11. Exterior, police station 16:12:23 12. Wreckage of car16:12:42 20. Top shot, scene outside police station 16:12:52 21. Crater in road 16:12:59 22. Wrecked building 16:13:05 23. Various, crowd at scene 16:13:11 24> Rooftops with damage 16:13:24 25 Burnt out car 16:13:30 16:13:48 031215#190 Name: 031215#190 Title: IRAQ AL-AMERIYAH CAR BOMB AMATH APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:00.00 Out point: 00:03:22.14 Duration: 00:03:22.14 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source aptn direct Notes CAR BOMB AFTERMATH IN AL-AMERIYAH. ATTACK AFTERMATH Dopesheet Monday, 15 December 2003 Four policemen injured in suicide bombing in western Baghdad SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Ameriyah - 15 Dec 2003 SHOTLIST: : 1. Two soldiers standing besides damaged car 2. Close up of damage to car 5. Wide of house16:14:16 6. Children at window with broken glass 16:14:22 7. Close up children at window with broken glass pull out to man throwing down broken glass aided by children 16:14:32 9. Wide of road containing emergency vehicle and soldiers 16:15:21 10. Close up soldiers 16:15:26 11.Wide of road 16:15:31 12. Soldiers behind barriers 16:15:36 16. Various of bombed out cars 16:15:43 17. Hole in fence of compound 16:16:48 18. Wide of soldiers patrolling 16:16:52 19. People watching from balcony of a house 16:16:57 STORYLINE: Car bomb exploded at police stations in the Baghdad area, The attack in Ameriyah occurred just after 8am (local time), when a suicide bomber drove his car into the gate of a police station, US Captain Brad Loudon said. The vehicle detonated killing the driver and injuring several policemen. A second car then drove into the compound and was immediately engaged by gunfire from US soldiers and policemen. The driver abandoned the vehicle and ran into the building, where he was later arrested. US troops cordoned off the area. An Iraqi officer, Sergeant Hamid Ahmed said four of his colleagues were injured in the blast. 16:17:08 040114#051 Name: 040114#051 Title: IRAQ BAQUOBA BODIES AP DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 10:49:40.19 Out point: 10:51:40.02 Duration: 00:01:59.13 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID --- Source AP DIRECT Notes POLICE STATION ATTACK AFTERMATH Dopesheet 1. Wide shot of blast site, street, people and vehicles 16:17:11 2. People standing around crater in road 16:17:15 3. Various, crater 16:17:18 4. People and ambulance outside Baqouba hospital 16:17:26 5. Hospital sign saying "Emergency Unit" 16:17:32 6. Various, man being treated inside hospital 16:17:38 7. Various, injured people in hospital 16:17:44 8. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Lieutenant Nabeel Ali, Police Colonel: "A car bomb forced its way into our directorate, driven by a young boy, 27 or 28 years old. And I think, but I am sure that he isn't Iraqi." 16:18:10 9. Wounded men in hospital 16:18:28 10. Various, bodies of victims of explosion in morgue 16:18:35 11. Police vehicles at scene of blast 16:18:44 12. Wide shot, street at scene of blast being hosed 16:19:01 STORYLINE: A car bomb exploded on Wednesday outside a police station in central Iraq, killing at least three people, including the driver, and injuring nearly 30 others, police and witnesses said. The US military put the death toll at five. About 30 people were injured. All the victims were Iraqis. According to police, the driver tried to enter the walled compound of the one-story station in Baqouba at about 0820 local time (0520 GMT) but the guards opened fire and the car exploded, heavily damaging the wall and shattering windows at the station and shops across the street. The driver of the car as well as two passers-by were killed, local hospital staff said. The injured, including 10 Iraqi policemen, were injured and taken to the hospital in Baqouba. Iraqi police and government institutions have been the frequent target of attacks by insU-R-G-E-N-Ts battling the US-led occupation force and its allies. Last Friday, a bomb struck a mosque in Baqouba, 60 kilometres (40 miles) northeast of Baghdad killing five worshippers and wounding dozens. A second bomb, rigged inside a car, was found and defused before it could explode at another Shiite mosque. At least three policemen and the driver were killed in the Baqouba blast. 16:19:16 040118#003 Name: 040118#003 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD BLAST 3 ap0600g Type: APTN FEED In point: 06:36:34.29 Out point: 06:44:06.20 Duration: 00:07:31.21 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID --- Source APTN Notes CPA ATTACK AFTERMATH FLAMES, SMOKE, WOUNDED Dopesheet Baghdad Blast 3 - NEW More pictures from the scene SOURCE: RTL DATELINE: 18 Jan 2004 ??? PLEASE NOTE: Change to restrictions: Footage is now No Access ARD/ZDF and Germany SHOTLIST: 1. Various of fire with black smoke rising, people running from scene of blast 16:19:21 2. Crying woman being led away 16:19:27 3. Injured being carried away from scene 4. Injured being put into back of van 16:19:44 5. Close up of woman covered in blood sitting in van 16:19:48 6. Close up of cars on fire with black smoke rising 16:19:53 7. Various of bodies being carried away from scene 16:20:10 8. Variuos of tanks and US soldiers arriving at scene 16:20:18 9. Body being carried away from scene 16:20:33 10. Vehicles on fire with black smoke rising 11. Injured near scene 16:20:59 12. Various of US soldiers and tanks patrolling scene 16:21:06 13. Various of injured woman being looked after 16:22:24 14. Various of bodies being carried away from scene 16:23:01 15. Various of US soldiers at scene 16:23:26 16. Various of people watching 16:24:45 17. Water being hosed over fires 16:25:23 18. US soldiers carrying stretchers to scene 16:26:21 19. Fire truck arriving at scene STORYLINE: A car bomb exploded outside the main gate to the headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition Sunday, killing at least 18 people and injuring many Iothers, including one U.S. soldier, coalition and Iraqi officials said. Two of the dead were reported to be Americans, possibly contract workers. The blast, apparently caused by a suicide driver, occurred at about 8 a.m. near the "Assassin's Gate" to Saddam Hussein's former Republican Palace complex, now used by the U.S.-led occupation authority for headquarters. The gate is used by hundreds of Iraqis employed by the Coalition Provisional Authority, the formal name of the U.S.-led occupation authorities, as well as U.S. military vehicles. Witnesses said the area was very crowded with people waiting to get into the palace grounds to work, when the explosion happened. Brigadier General Mark Hertling, deputy commander of the 1st Armored Division, said the blast was caused by a car bomb, and American officials were "assuming this was a suicide bomb." Witnesses said the blast occurred as one, possibly two, Land Cruisers approached the heavily guarded gate. 16:28:01 040211#138 Name: 040211#138 Title: IRAQ CAR BOMB AFTERMATH APTN DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 07:18:40.11 Out point: 07:20:34.11 Duration: 00:01:54.00 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source APTN Notes Dopesheet Dopesheet: A vehicle bomb exploded outside an army recruiting center in central Baghadadon Wednesday, killing around 25 Iraqis, US soldiers passing by wreckage of car where explosion took place US soldiers inspecting bomb crater Iraqi police inspect car wreckage Scattered clothing and personal belongings in pool of blood where people were killed More wreckage of cars 16:31:44 040223#071 Name: 040223#071 Title: IRAQ KIRKUK AFTRMATH C/S SAKUR BBC NEWS 1300B *SPLIT* Type: BBC In point: 13:48:04.23 Out point: 13:49:53.13 Duration: 00:01:48.20 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 8283 Source bbc Notes IRAQ KIRKUK CAR BOMB EXPLOSION AFTERMATH Dopesheet SLUG/CORRESPONDENT: KIRKUK / Stephen SACKUR INTRO: A suicide car bomb attack on a police station in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, has killed ten people. At least forty others were injured. The explosion happened as the American Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, arrived in Baghdad to meet new recruits to the Iraqi police force. DATE SHOT: 23/02/04 LOCATIONS: Kirkuk, Iraq IN WORDS: FX "Kirkuk just after eight ... OUT WORDS: ... nothing for this city's fragile stability." DURATION: 1'39" ASTONS: NONE SOURCES: Kirkuk aftermath, huge wheel of vehicle to left of camera CU of wreckage, fire hose on wreck outside Police station, sign for police station - BBC PTC - BBC - NO ACCESS Ambulance driving away with casualties, man with licence number and chassis number of the car written on his hand - BBC American troops, tank on road, US soldier saying "let me do my job", Women shouting outside hospital, Victim with white bandage on head in bed, 11 year old girl in bed, Crowd gathered mostly young children and men, US soldier pointing gun and men and boys and asking them to move back and away - BBC ================================================= Page: 8
London Feed - Various Car bombings in Iraq
LONDON FEED: VARIOUS CAR BOMBINGS IN IRAQ RS 25 XDECK80 SLUGGED: 1555 LDN BAGHDAD X80 3/17/04 15:57:25 031012#098 Name: 031012#098 Title: IRAQ HOTEL BAGHDAD ABC FEED Type: Iraq In point: 15:52:56.11 Out point: 16:01:07.12 Duration: 00:08:11.01 Clip Locations 023-255 Tape ID 3406ab Source abc Notes ON DVC PRO 023-255 IRAQ HOTEL BAGHDAD ABC FEED Dopesheet 8 MINS OF ABC SHOT MATERIAL AFTER BOMBING OF HOTEL BAGHDAD. CUTDOWN FROM FEEDS ON C SERVER SHOWS: IMMEDIATE AFTERMATH OF THE CAR BOMB EXPLOSION CAR SIRENS GOING OFF SMOKE AT THE BACK OF THE HOTEL BAGHDAD PEOPLE RUNNING LOCAL SECURITY WITH WEAPONS INJURED MAN WITH BLOOD ON HIS FACE BEING HELPED 15:58:16 MORE INJURED PEOPLE 15:58:34 DESTRUCTION 15:59:18 IRAQ BAGHDAD BAGHDAD HOTEL OCT 12, 2003 SOURCE: ABC NEWS AUDIO: NATS SHOWS: A GROUP OF MAN STANDING AROUND SOMETHING WRAPPED IN A PIECE OF CLOTH THAT IS ALLEGEDLY A PIECE OF HUMAN BODY 16:00:29 - RIPPED FRONT AND SHATTERED WINDOWS 16:00:45 - CRATER IN THE ROAD 16:00:58 - CONCRETE BARICADE 16:01:06 - DAMAGED CAR 16:01:27 - HELICOPTERS OVERHEAD 16:01:29 - US MILITARY VEHICLES - US SOLDIERS SEALING THE ROAD WITH BARBED WIRE 16:01:54 - US SOLDIER ON THE OUTLOOK ON THE MILITARY VEHICLE BEHIND A MACHINE GUN 16:03:02 16:05:36 031209#168 Name: 031209#168 Title: IRAQ CAR BOMB AFTERMATH APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:00.00 Out point: 00:04:15.23 Duration: 00:04:15.23 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 5545 Source APTN Notes Dopesheet 41 U.S. troops injured in car-bomb attack in northern Iraq SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Talafar, 9 Dec 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of site of explosion outside barracks with watchtower, US military vehicles and soldiers, crowds of onlookers and debris from explosion in road. 16:05:58 2. tight shot, sign in Arabic 16:06:25 3. debris from car explosion 16:06:50 STORYLINE: A suicide bomber blew up a car packed with explosives at the gates of a military barracks early Tuesday, injuring 41 American troops and six Iraqi civilians. H The attack at the army base occurred at 4:45 a.m. local time when a car drove to the gate of the base in the town of Talafar, 50 kilometers (30 miles) west of the northern city of Mosul. Guards at the gate and in a watchtower opened fire on the vehicle and moments later it blew up. The bomb left a large crater at the gate's entryway. Col. Michael Linnington, commander of the 3rd Brigade which controls the area west of Mosul and all the way to the Syrian border, said the attack was a suicide mission and that the attacker's remains were "all over the compound." "Right now we have four soldiers that were evacuated and are being treated for blast injuries. In addition, 37 soldiers have nicks, cuts, bruises and some broken bones," he said. A base translator also was injured in the blast, which damaged nearby homes. Several other civilians, including a 2-year-old girl, were hurt by flying glass. The early morning blast occurred when most soldiers were still in their barracks, and there was no traffic around the gate. Pieces of the attacker's car were scattered hundreds of meters away from the site of the blast. A school across the street from the military compound was heavily damaged, but no pupils were injured because the bomb exploded before classes began. At a nearby mosque, glass was scattered on the carpets and some lights were blown out. Hazem Ismail, a 40-year-old school teacher, said several pieces of the car hit his house, shattering the window of room where his five children were sleeping. "The kids woke up terrified from their beds, but thank God none of them were harmed," he said. 16:07:13 031214#163 Name: 031214#163 Title: IRAQ BLAST APTN DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 09:39:13.18 Out point: 09:43:13.23 Duration: 00:04:00.07 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 5733 Source APTN Notes police station attack aftermath ANGRY CHANTING CROWD 16:07:18 US TROOPS 16:07:22 WRECKED CAR 16:07:31 BLOOD ON GROUND 16:07:51 EXT BLDG 16:08:46 COFFIN CARRIED OFF 16:09:42 Page: 2 A car bomb exploded on Sunday morning at a police station in Khaldiyah, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) west of Baghdad, killing at least 17 people and wounding 33 others 16:10:05 031215#185 Name: 031215#185 Title: IRAQ HUSANIYAH AFTERMATH RUSHES APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:18.26 Out point: 00:06:09.03 Duration: 00:05:50.05 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source APTN Notes ATTACK AFTERMATH CAR BOMBS KILLED 8 Dopesheet A suicide bomber killed eight Iraqi policemen in an attack on Monday on a station in the capital's northern outskirts, their commander said 1. Iraqis standing around crater caused by blast 16:10:12 2. Wrecked car 3. Smouldering wreckage 16:10:16 4. Wrecked car 16:10:23 6. People inside wrecked building 16:10:49 7. Various, bodies on ground 16:11:00 8. Various, debris on ground outside 16:11:49 11. Exterior, police station 16:12:23 12. Wreckage of car16:12:42 20. Top shot, scene outside police station 16:12:52 21. Crater in road 16:12:59 22. Wrecked building 16:13:05 23. Various, crowd at scene 16:13:11 24> Rooftops with damage 16:13:24 25 Burnt out car 16:13:30 16:13:48 031215#190 Name: 031215#190 Title: IRAQ AL-AMERIYAH CAR BOMB AMATH APTN DIRECT Type: ABC FEED In point: 00:00:00.00 Out point: 00:03:22.14 Duration: 00:03:22.14 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source aptn direct Notes CAR BOMB AFTERMATH IN AL-AMERIYAH. ATTACK AFTERMATH Dopesheet Monday, 15 December 2003 Four policemen injured in suicide bombing in western Baghdad SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Ameriyah - 15 Dec 2003 SHOTLIST: : 1. Two soldiers standing besides damaged car 2. Close up of damage to car 5. Wide of house16:14:16 6. Children at window with broken glass 16:14:22 7. Close up children at window with broken glass pull out to man throwing down broken glass aided by children 16:14:32 9. Wide of road containing emergency vehicle and soldiers 16:15:21 10. Close up soldiers 16:15:26 11.Wide of road 16:15:31 12. Soldiers behind barriers 16:15:36 16. Various of bombed out cars 16:15:43 17. Hole in fence of compound 16:16:48 18. Wide of soldiers patrolling 16:16:52 19. People watching from balcony of a house 16:16:57 STORYLINE: Car bomb exploded at police stations in the Baghdad area, The attack in Ameriyah occurred just after 8am (local time), when a suicide bomber drove his car into the gate of a police station, US Captain Brad Loudon said. The vehicle detonated killing the driver and injuring several policemen. A second car then drove into the compound and was immediately engaged by gunfire from US soldiers and policemen. The driver abandoned the vehicle and ran into the building, where he was later arrested. US troops cordoned off the area. An Iraqi officer, Sergeant Hamid Ahmed said four of his colleagues were injured in the blast. 16:17:08 040114#051 Name: 040114#051 Title: IRAQ BAQUOBA BODIES AP DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 10:49:40.19 Out point: 10:51:40.02 Duration: 00:01:59.13 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID --- Source AP DIRECT Notes POLICE STATION ATTACK AFTERMATH Dopesheet 1. Wide shot of blast site, street, people and vehicles 16:17:11 2. People standing around crater in road 16:17:15 3. Various, crater 16:17:18 4. People and ambulance outside Baqouba hospital 16:17:26 5. Hospital sign saying "Emergency Unit" 16:17:32 6. Various, man being treated inside hospital 16:17:38 7. Various, injured people in hospital 16:17:44 8. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Lieutenant Nabeel Ali, Police Colonel: "A car bomb forced its way into our directorate, driven by a young boy, 27 or 28 years old. And I think, but I am sure that he isn't Iraqi." 16:18:10 9. Wounded men in hospital 16:18:28 10. Various, bodies of victims of explosion in morgue 16:18:35 11. Police vehicles at scene of blast 16:18:44 12. Wide shot, street at scene of blast being hosed 16:19:01 STORYLINE: A car bomb exploded on Wednesday outside a police station in central Iraq, killing at least three people, including the driver, and injuring nearly 30 others, police and witnesses said. The US military put the death toll at five. About 30 people were injured. All the victims were Iraqis. According to police, the driver tried to enter the walled compound of the one-story station in Baqouba at about 0820 local time (0520 GMT) but the guards opened fire and the car exploded, heavily damaging the wall and shattering windows at the station and shops across the street. The driver of the car as well as two passers-by were killed, local hospital staff said. The injured, including 10 Iraqi policemen, were injured and taken to the hospital in Baqouba. Iraqi police and government institutions have been the frequent target of attacks by insU-R-G-E-N-Ts battling the US-led occupation force and its allies. Last Friday, a bomb struck a mosque in Baqouba, 60 kilometres (40 miles) northeast of Baghdad killing five worshippers and wounding dozens. A second bomb, rigged inside a car, was found and defused before it could explode at another Shiite mosque. At least three policemen and the driver were killed in the Baqouba blast. 16:19:16 040118#003 Name: 040118#003 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD BLAST 3 ap0600g Type: APTN FEED In point: 06:36:34.29 Out point: 06:44:06.20 Duration: 00:07:31.21 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID --- Source APTN Notes CPA ATTACK AFTERMATH FLAMES, SMOKE, WOUNDED Dopesheet Baghdad Blast 3 - NEW More pictures from the scene SOURCE: RTL DATELINE: 18 Jan 2004 ++CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Change to restrictions: Footage is now No Access ARD/ZDF and Germany++ SHOTLIST: 1. Various of fire with black smoke rising, people running from scene of blast 16:19:21 2. Crying woman being led away 16:19:27 3. Injured being carried away from scene 4. Injured being put into back of van 16:19:44 5. Close up of woman covered in blood sitting in van 16:19:48 6. Close up of cars on fire with black smoke rising 16:19:53 7. Various of bodies being carried away from scene 16:20:10 8. Variuos of tanks and US soldiers arriving at scene 16:20:18 9. Body being carried away from scene 16:20:33 10. Vehicles on fire with black smoke rising 11. Injured near scene 16:20:59 12. Various of US soldiers and tanks patrolling scene 16:21:06 13. Various of injured woman being looked after 16:22:24 14. Various of bodies being carried away from scene 16:23:01 15. Various of US soldiers at scene 16:23:26 16. Various of people watching 16:24:45 17. Water being hosed over fires 16:25:23 18. US soldiers carrying stretchers to scene 16:26:21 19. Fire truck arriving at scene STORYLINE: A car bomb exploded outside the main gate to the headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition Sunday, killing at least 18 people and injuring many Iothers, including one U.S. soldier, coalition and Iraqi officials said. Two of the dead were reported to be Americans, possibly contract workers. The blast, apparently caused by a suicide driver, occurred at about 8 a.m. near the "Assassin's Gate" to Saddam Hussein's former Republican Palace complex, now used by the U.S.-led occupation authority for headquarters. The gate is used by hundreds of Iraqis employed by the Coalition Provisional Authority, the formal name of the U.S.-led occupation authorities, as well as U.S. military vehicles. Witnesses said the area was very crowded with people waiting to get into the palace grounds to work, when the explosion happened. Brigadier General Mark Hertling, deputy commander of the 1st Armored Division, said the blast was caused by a car bomb, and American officials were "assuming this was a suicide bomb." Witnesses said the blast occurred as one, possibly two, Land Cruisers approached the heavily guarded gate. 16:28:01 040211#138 Name: 040211#138 Title: IRAQ CAR BOMB AFTERMATH APTN DIRECT Type: FEED-LINES In point: 07:18:40.11 Out point: 07:20:34.11 Duration: 00:01:54.00 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID Source APTN Notes Dopesheet Dopesheet: A vehicle bomb exploded outside an army recruiting center in central Baghadadon Wednesday, killing around 25 Iraqis, US soldiers passing by wreckage of car where explosion took place US soldiers inspecting bomb crater Iraqi police inspect car wreckage Scattered clothing and personal belongings in pool of blood where people were killed More wreckage of cars 16:31:44 040223#071 Name: 040223#071 Title: IRAQ KIRKUK AFTRMATH C/S SAKUR BBC NEWS 1300B *SPLIT* Type: BBC In point: 13:48:04.23 Out point: 13:49:53.13 Duration: 00:01:48.20 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A Tape ID 8283 Source bbc Notes IRAQ KIRKUK CAR BOMB EXPLOSION AFTERMATH Dopesheet SLUG/CORRESPONDENT: KIRKUK / Stephen SACKUR INTRO: A suicide car bomb attack on a police station in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, has killed ten people. At least forty others were injured. The explosion happened as the American Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, arrived in Baghdad to meet new recruits to the Iraqi police force. DATE SHOT: 23/02/04 LOCATIONS: Kirkuk, Iraq IN WORDS: FX "Kirkuk just after eight ... OUT WORDS: ... nothing for this city's fragile stability." DURATION: 1'39" ASTONS: NONE SOURCES: Kirkuk aftermath, huge wheel of vehicle to left of camera CU of wreckage, fire hose on wreck outside Police station, sign for police station - BBC PTC - BBC - NO ACCESS Ambulance driving away with casualties, man with licence number and chassis number of the car written on his hand - BBC American troops, tank on road, US soldier saying "let me do my job", Women shouting outside hospital, Victim with white bandage on head in bed, 11 year old girl in bed, Crowd gathered mostly young children and men, US soldier pointing gun and men and boys and asking them to move back and away - BBC ================================================= Page: 8
Entertainment: Brits nominations - Rising stars of UK urban scene out score big names at top music awards
TAPE: EF03/0036 IN_TIME: 21:17:15 DURATION: 13:23 SOURCES: APTN/The Brits/Var Music Companies RESTRICTIONS: music/performance rights must be cleared, Brits Material = No re-use/re-sale without clearance DATELINE: 13th January 2003, London SHOTLIST 1. GV Ext Abbey Road Studios 2. WS arrival Moby 3. Cutaway snappers 4. Tilt up Sarah Whatmore 5. MS Michelle Heaton and boyfriend from boyband 3SL 6. SOT Moby (on the Brits): "Well it's kind of an honour to me because I'm an American so being nominated for a Brit and being an American has a special significance for me." 7. MS Craig David walking over to press 8. SOT Craig David (on losing out two years ago despite being the most nominated artist): "Well, I was going to say.. well you know what? I'm one of those kinds of people that if you get an award and they recognise what you have done for that year and if you don't it's not the be all and end all of your career. Because I just want to carry on and write songs and perform. Some people get het up on the whole thing. If I got best male it would be beautiful and I would have an ego for a minute and I'd be like I'm best male for a second. Then you wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning the next day and you have got to do some rehearsals and you realise that it was for a moment." 9. WS Sugababes pose on car 10. MS Lisa Stansfield talk to press 11. SOT Heidi (Sugababes): "I'm just really nervous about finding out. It's really exciting because the Brits is something that you watch from being a baby. I remember working in a shop and wishing that I could to the Brits and stuff. it's really nice to be here." 12. WS Big Bruvaz 13. MS arrival Beverley Knight 14. Cutaway snappers 15. SOT Beverley Knight: "I think we British need to get in a lot more practice of patting our own on the back and saying 'Well done, you've done all right'. It pushes the whole industry forward. I think it sends a signal out to the US about what we are doing and how we are creating and how we are moving music forward. It's necessary." BRITS MATERIAL 16. WS stage 17. Announcement by Kate Thornton - "Now the moment that some of you have been waiting for, the Brits voting academy have been hard at it over the last few months and here is what they have come up with. This years nominated acts." Announcement (over FX) - "The votes have been counted and verified and we have a Brits nominee short list that contains an exciting line up of new acts, veteran favourites and the current scenes most popular performers." 18. Performance of 'It Takes More' by Ms Dynamite APTN MATERIAL 19. SOT Ms Dynamite: "I'm really overwhelmed about it. I didn't ever expect... I thought maybe one, but I didn't think I'd be nominated for four, it is quite surprising actually. It's nice to be nominated for an award of any sort because it means people are listening to your music, and people are appreciating your music." POLYDOR MATERIAL 20. Video clip 'Dy-na-mi-tee' by Ms Dynamite APTN MATERIAL 21. SOT My Dynamite (on what she will do in 2003): "um... well we'll have to wait and see, who knows? Who knows?" WARNER MUSIC MATERIAL 22. Video clip 'Let's Push Things Forward' by The Streets APTN Material 23. SOT Ms Dynamite (on who she would like to see win): "Definitely without a doubt, I love the Streets. I'm all for original music and a way of expressing yourself in an original form, no matter what genre and I feel that what he gives is so different in terms of the way it sounds and in terms of the way it looks, how it delivers and what he talks about, it's just totally different to anything else that is out there. I believe that whether people like it or dislike it you have to respect that. The fact that it is so original. I love it personally." BRITS MATERIAL 24. SOT Davina McCall - "Last time I have a dry mouth and heart palpitations for about a month before the show and they haven't started yet and so that is a good sign." EAST WEST MUSIC 25. Video clip 'Otherside' by David Gray EMI MUSIC 26. Video clip 'Feel' by Robbie Williams APTN Material 27. SOT Conor McNicholas, NME Editor - "Robbie is a great fellow, he doesn't actually need Brit nominations. I think Robbie got what he deserved this time round. Robbie is so big now he is almost operating in a world of his own. Whether he get nominations or not really doesn't matter. He just shifts albums like nobody's business, the public love him, they are going to love him whether he gets the nominations or not. He's a talented guy, he's got the ability to produce some really quite terrible music but when he is on the button he produces great pop songs, I wish he would do more of that." WARNER MUSIC 28. Video clip 'Flava' by Craig David APTN Material 29. SOT Craig David (on being nominated) - "Again, it's really flattering and cool to be nominated for best solo, which is always a cool category because there are only a few males in the country that seem to be making any ground and to be part of that is really great. The Urban category is cool because that recognises that my style is a little bit more underground. It's lovely to back home and to be part of the Brits again is cool, no bitterness... really." POLYDOR MUSIC 30. Video clip 'Music Gets The Best Of Me' by Sophie Ellis Bextor HEAVENLY RECORDS 31. Video clip 'Concrete Sky' by Beth Orton EMI MUSIC 32. Video clip 'Gold' by Beverley Knight APTN Material 33. SOT Beverley Knight (on the nominations) - "It's really good to see the spotlight being shone on Big Bruvas and Craig and Dynamite, it's about time. It's about time to have the real sound of the underground coming up." 34. Set up Alison Moyet 35. SOT Alison Moyet (on being nominated) - "It's incredible and I'm sure there are people more surprised than I am about my nomination. It is a fickle industry but at the end of the day pop music is a very large term and this album is like a book and I am selling a book and it happens to be a voice book." EMI MATERIAL 36. Video clip 'Scientist' by Coldplay POLYDOR MATERIAL 37. Video clip 'Freak Like Me' by The Sugababes APTN MATERIAL 38. SOT Sugababes (l-r, Mutya, Keisha, Heidi): Heidi - "I started crying." SOT Keisha - "She started crying and I way like.. when we found out that we were performing, that was the big shock. It's nice to be going there and being part of it." SOT Heidi - "They have just shown clips of last years awards and that is going to be us this year so we were getting all excited." BMG MATERIAL 39. Video clip 'Evergreen' by Will Young 40. Video clip 'Unchained Melody' by Gareth Gates V2 MATERIAL 41. Video clip 'Just A Little' by Liberty X APTN MATERIAL 42. SOT Michelle Heaton (Liberty X) with boyfriend from 3SL: "I think it is a shame that most of the nominations in the category are actually cover versions. All the artists are wicked and all of them are good friends of mine, especially Atomic Kitten, so good luck to all of them BRITS MATERIAL 43. Performance 'It's OK' by Big Brovaz APTN MATERIAL 44. SOT Conor McNicholas, NME Editor: "There is a lot more urban music coming out this year and I think this is a reflection of where the money is going in the industry. Last year the urban scene contributed an awful lot to the British music industry and they have had to reflect that and they have had to dip their toe in to the water of reflecting the records that some of the manufactured pop acts have sold. So they have made sure they have got Will and Gareth in there. It will be interesting to see if next year whether some of the characters from Pop Stars and Fame Academy make it in there as well." BRITS MATERIAL 45. Performance by Moby - 'Sunday' BMG MATERIAL 46. Video clip 'Family Portrait' by Pink UNIVERSAL MATERIAL 47. Video clip 'Hot in Herre' by Nelly EMI MATERIAL 48. Video clip 'Come Away With Me' by Norah Jones V2 MATERIAL 49. Video clip 'International' by Tom Jones COOL BRITANNIA RISES AGAIN WITH URBAN INNOVATORS The UK's top music Awards, the Brits, are set to be the most interesting in years after two of the most original voices in British music was recognised with a clutch of nominations. Hot new talent from the UK's thriving urban music scene, hip-hop artist The Streets and garage star Ms Dynamite, have elbowed out bigger names for this year's Brit Awards scooping four nominations each. The Brit Awards is considered mainstream and closely aligned with the big record companies but it has broken with tradition this year. The two young innovator have overshadowed more established artists like Robbie Williams, who has one nomination, and Kylie Minogue, who was shut out completely. . Sugababes, Pink and the winner of the gameshow Pop Idol Will Young compete for three titles after the shortlist was unveiled at a party in London's legendary Abbey Road studios. But king of the Brits Robbie Williams is up for just one gong, with his album Escapology - the biggest seller of 2002 - snubbed for the best album category. Last year he amassed his 13th Brit from his solo career and the years with Take That, but is only nominated for one award this year - best British male. Among his challengers for the title are The Streets, aka Mike Skinner, whose distinctive blend of rap, garage and hip-hop have made him one of the most critically lauded artists of the past 12 months. The musician, whose tracks tell of his life as a "geezer" and extol the virtues of kebabs, McDonald's and drugs, is also up for best album for his debut Original Pirate Material, urban act and breakthrough artist. Skinner was favourite for the Mercury Music Prize last year and was beaten to the title by rising star Ms Dynamite. He again goes head-to-head with her for best album, urban act and breakthrough artist. In addition, the pregnant R&B queen (who refused to answer questions about the forthcoming birth) is nominated for best female. The pony-tailed star, whose real name is Niomi Daley, has had huge success with her street-wise and socially aware album 'A Little Deeper.' Will Young's Pop Idol pal Gareth Gates is up for two titles although with two entries in the best single category, for 'Anyone Of Us' and 'Unchained Melody,' he actually has three nominations. Other multiple nominees include Coldplay, Craig David, The Coral, Blue, Liberty X, Red Hot Chili Peppers and White Stripes, each up for two awards. The Coral, Sugababes and Coldplay will fight out with Ms Dynamite and The Streets for the prized best album title. And the British group award - which has generally been taken by the album winner - will be fought between Blue, Coldplay, Doves, Sugababes and Oasis. This year's awards will be handed out at London's Earls Court on 20 February, with TV presenter Davina McCall hosting the show. Among the acts performing on the night will be Coldplay, Sugababes, Nelly & Kelly Rowland and Avril Lavigne. NOMINATIONS: British male solo artist - Badly Drawn Boy; Craig David; David Gray; The Streets; Robbie Williams. British female solo artist - Sophie Ellis Bextor; Ms Dynamite; Beverley Knight; Alison Moyet; Beth Orton. British album - Coldplay, 'Rush of Blood to the Head;' Ms Dynamite, 'A Little Deeper'; The Coral, 'The Coral'; The Streets, 'Original Pirate Material'; Sugababes, 'Angels with Dirty Faces.' British group - Blue; Coldplay; Doves; Sugababes; Oasis. British single - Atomic Kitten, 'The Tide is High (Get The Feeling)'; Gareth Gates, 'Anyone of Us (Stupid Mistake)'; Gareth Gates, 'Unchained Melody'; Liberty X, 'Just A Little'; Will Young, 'Anything Is Possible/Evergreen.' British urban act - Beverley Knight; Big Brovaz; Craig David; Daniel Bedingfield; Mis-Teeq; Ms Dynamite; Romeo; Roots Manuva; So Solid Crew; The Streets. British dance act - Chemical Brothers; Groove Armada; Jamiroquai; Kosheen; Sugababes. British breakthrough artist - Liberty X; Ms Dynamite; The Coral; The Streets; Will Young. Pop act - Blue; Enrique Iglesias; Gareth Gates; Pink; Will Young. International male solo artist - Beck; Eminem; Moby; Nelly; Bruce Springsteen. International female solo artist - Missy Elliot; Norah Jones; Alicia Keys; Avril Lavigne; Pink. International album - Eminem, 'The Eminem Show'; Norah Jones, 'Come Away with Me'; Alicia Keys, 'Songs in A Minor'; Pink, 'Missundaztood'; Red Hot Chili Peppers, 'By The Way'. International group - Foo Fighters; Nickelback; Red Hot Chili Peppers; Royksopp; White Stripes. International breakthrough artist - Norah Jones; Avril Lavigne; Nickelback; Shakira; White Stripes. Outstanding contribution to music - Tom Jones. MUSIC CLEARANCE DETAILS TITLE: Feel ARTIST: Robbie Williams WRITER: Chambers/Williams PUBLISHER: BMG / EMI LABEL: EMI TITLE: Has It Come To This ARTIST: The Streets WRITER: Skinner PUBLISHER: Universal LABEL: Pure Groove TITLE: Dy-Na-Mi-Tee ARTIST: Ms Dynamite WRITER: Daley/Remi/Hibbert PUBLISHER: EMI / Copyright control LABEL: Polydor TITLE: It takes More ARTIST: Ms Dynamite WRITER: Daley/Punch PUBLISHER: EMI LABEL: Polydor TITLE: Otherside ARTIST: David Gray WRITER: Gray PUBLISHER: Chrysalis TITLE: What's Your Flava ARTIST: Craig David WRITER: David/Henry/Marshall PUBLISHER: Windswept Pacific LABEL: Wildstar TITLE: Music Gets The Best Of Me ARTIST: Sophie Ellis Bextor WRITER: Ellis/Rowe/Alexander PUBLISHER: Universal / Rondor / Warner Chappell LABEL: Polydor TITLE: Gold ARTIST: Beverly Knight WRITER: Smith PUBLISHER: Minaret Songs LABEL: EMI TITLE: Concrete Sky ARTIST: Beth Orton WRITER: Marr/Orton PUBLISHER: EMI / Universal LABEL: EMI TITLE: The Scientist ARTIST: Coldplay WRITER: Berryman/Buckland/Champion/Martin PUBLISHER: BMG LABEL: EMI TITLE: Freak Like Me ARTIST: Sugababes WRITER: Numan/Hanes/Valentine/Hill/Collins/Clinton/Cooper PUBLISHER: Universal / Nottinghill Music LABEL: Universal TITLE: Evergreen ARTIST: Will Young WRITER: Magnusson/Elofsson/Kreuger PUBLISHER: Warner / BMG / Peer Music LABEL: 19 Recordings TITLE: Unchained Melody ARTIST: Gareth Gates WRITER: North/Zaret PUBLISHER: MPL Communications LABEL: 19 Recordings TITLE: Just A Little ARTIST: Liberty X WRITER: Escoffery/Hammond/Hammond PUBLISHER: EMI LABEL: V2 Music TITLE: Family Portrait ARTIST: Pink WRITER: Moore/Storch PUBLISHER: EMI LABEL: Arista TITLE: Hot In Here ARTIST: Nelly WRITER: Williams/Haynes PUBLISHER: EMI / BMG / Bug Music LABEL: TBC TITLE: Come Away With Me ARTIST: Norah Jones WRITER: Jones PUBLISHER: EMI Music LABEL: Capitol Records TITLE: International ARTIST: Tom Jones WRITER: Jean/Duplessis/Jones PUBLISHER: TBC LABEL: Seconds Out TITLE: It's O.K. ARTIST: Big Bruvas WRITER: TBC PUBLISHER: TBC LABEL: Sony TITLE: Sunday. ARTIST: Moby WRITER: TBC PUBLISHER: TBC LABEL: Mute
101101 LONDON PACKET + NOTES TRT 30:13 090925#049 Title: SAUDI BODY BOMBER bbc2200 GARDNER Notes body bomb 101101#010 Title: UK CHOPIN SHIP evn-0 TVP Notes Polish tall ship the "Fryderyk Chopin" is being towed to the port of Falmouth 101101#004 Title: RUSSIA KURILES MEDVEDEV evn-y C1R Notes Dmitry Medvedev is today visiting the Kuriles Islands 101101#011 Title: RUSSIA LAVROV JAPAN evn-0 RU24 Notes Russian Foreign Minister Sergei lavrov used a news conference 101101#005 Title: ITALY FILMFEST REEVES evn-y RAI Notes Director Matt Reeves talked about his second film 'Let Me In' 101101#006 Clip Title CHINA SHANGHAI EXPO CLOSES evn-y CCTV Notes The 184-day Shanghai World Expo came to the end 101101#009 Title: GERMANY SINKHOLE CARS evn-0 ZDF Notes A large sinkhole opened up sucking a nearby car into its depths 101101#016 Title: UK DRUGS bbc1300 Easton Notes Alcohol is a more harmful drug than heroin or crack cocaine according to research published today 101101#020 Title: GREECE ATHENS BOMBS evn-w ERT Notes a parcel bomb explosion in Athens 101101#021 Title: BURMA ELEPHANTS bbc1300 Hall Notes one of World War 2's most remarkable rescues 101101#024 Title: IRAQ CHRISTIANS evn-1 RTV c/ap Notes Iraq Christians 101101#025 Title: GERMANY SINKHOLE AERIALS evn-1 ZDF Notes aerials of the sinkhole --- *****THIS IS MIXED AUDIO***** Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 090925#049 Name: 090925#049 Title: SAUDI BODY BOMBER bbc2200 GARDNER Type: BBC In point: 22:40:25.15 Out point: 22:42:58.19 Duration: 00:02:33.04 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source BBC Notes body bomb Dopesheet SLUG/CORRESPONDENT: BOMBER/GARDNER PRODUCER: Ian Aktinson INTRO: Security and intelligence experts are deeply worried by a new development in suicide bombing. It's emerged that an Al-Qaeda assassin who died last month while trying to blow up a Saudi prince in Jeddah had hidden the explosives INSIDE his body. By doing so he managed to pass through security checks undetected as our Security Correspondent Frank Gardner reports. DATE SHOT: LOCATIONS: IN WORDS:The immediate aftermath OUT WORDS:Frank Gardner, BBC News" DURATION:2'31" ASTONS: 1'22" Dr PETER NEUMANN\Terrorism expert 2'06" July 2005 SOURCES: 0 to 24 Al-Arabiya 24 to 1'04 BBC 1'05 to 1'10 Al-Arabiya 1'10 to 1'16 BBC 1'17 to 1'22 Al-Arabiya 1'22 to 1'50 BBC 1'50 to 2'05 Al-Arabiya 2'05 to end at 2'31 BBC 101101#010 Name: 101101#010 Title: UK CHOPIN SHIP evn-0 TVP Type: EVN FEED In point: 11:05:11.20 Out point: 11:07:33.04 Duration: 00:02:21.14 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source TVP Notes Polish tall ship the "Fryderyk Chopin" is being towed to the port of Falmouth Dopesheet Chopin ship EVN-0 Date Shot: 01-NOV-2010 Location: FALMOUTH Province/State: CORNWALL Country: UNITED KINGDOM Sound: NATURAL Language: Aspect ratio: 4:3 Source: PLTVP Restrictions: Dopesheet: TVP cover of the The Fryderyk Chopin - a Polish tall ship carrying dozens of Polish children and crew which lost her twin masts in wild seas and was towed into Falmouth, Cornwall today. The Fryderyk Chopin is a sailing training vessel with had 36 young people and 11 crew on board, was towed to Falmouth by Newlyn-based fishing boat Nova Spiro after disaster struck on Friday morning. Both masts snapped off amid gale force nine winds around 100 miles south west of the Isles of Scilly. No injuries were reported among sailing trainees, all aged 14, and crew. Page: 1 Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#004 Name: 101101#004 Title: RUSSIA KURILES MEDVEDEV evn-y C1R Type: FEED-LINES In point: 09:31:34.26 Out point: 09:34:50.21 Duration: 00:03:15.25 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source C1R Notes Dmitry Medvedev is today visiting the Kuriles Islands Dopesheet Kuriles Medvedev EVN-Y Date Shot: 01-NOV-2010 Location: KURILES Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION Sound: NATURAL Language: Aspect ratio: 4:3 Source: RUC1R Restrictions: Dopesheet: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is today visiting the Kuriles Islands, defying Japanese warnings not to visit the disputed territory in the Pacific Ocean. Medvedev arrived in Kunashir, the second-largest of the four islands, where he met local residents. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan immediately described Mr Medvedev's visit as "regrettable". The islands have been under Moscow's control since the end of World War II. 101101#011 Name: 101101#011 Title: RUSSIA LAVROV JAPAN evn-0 RU24 Type: EVN FEED In point: 11:02:56.25 Out point: 11:03:54.17 Duration: 00:00:57.20 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source RU24 Notes Russian Foreign Minister Sergei lavrov used a news conference Dopesheet Lavrov on Japan EVN-0 Date Shot: 01-NOV-2010 Location: MOSCOW Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION Sound: NATURAL Language: RUSSIAN Aspect ratio: 4:3 Source: RU24 Restrictions: Dopesheet: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei lavrov used a news conference today to blast the Japanese "unacceptable" reaction to President Medvedev's visit to the disputed Kurile islands. "Japan's reaction to President Medvedev visit to Kurile islands is unacceptable. It is our land and Russian President was visiting Russian territory. Russian territory, Russian regions. We have explained it to our Japanese partners. We are inviting today the Ambassador of Japan to Russia to the Foreign Ministry in order to confirm our position once again with all clarity and excluding dual interpretation. It is not our plan to make any steps hindering Russian-Japanese colloboration but the Japanese side should draw the conclusions and I repeat similar comments are not acceptable." 101101#005 Name: 101101#005 Title: ITALY FILMFEST REEVES evn-y RAI Page: 2 Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#005 Type: FEED-LINES In point: 09:51:55.19 Out point: 09:55:48.26 Duration: 00:03:53.05 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source RAI Notes Director Matt Reeves talked about his second film 'Let Me In' Dopesheet Filmfest Reeves intr EVN-Y Date Shot: 31-OCT-2010 Location: ROMA Country: ITALY Sound: NATURAL Language: ENGLISH Aspect ratio: 4:3 Source: ITRAI Restrictions: -Access only for Eurovision Members and Sub-licensees with relevant agency contracts Dopesheet: Director Matt Reeves, who is in Rome for the film festival, talked to Rainews 24 about his second film 'Let Me In', an American adaptation of the 2008 breakout Swedish vampire drama 'Let The Right One In'. Shotlist: Director Matt Reeves soundbite Keyframe: 9:51:57 Q: Stephen King said this was the best US horror in 20 years. 9:52:04 SOT Matt Reeves: `Yes he did I was very flattered. I met him at the New Yorker film festival. We ran a panel together talking about vampire stories actually and the write of all the Twilight screenplays all the feature films there and there was a wonderful professor there, but there was Stephen King and I walked in the door and they told him who I was and he immediately pulled by aside and put his arm around me and told me how much he loved the film and I was blown away, it was a great hour, very exciting, especially given how many ways he had inspired the film, including obviously in the ways in which I think I just met Jon Lindquist, we spent some time together and I love him, he's a wonderful man, and he was telling me how his childhood was definitely by Stephen King and so I think it found its way into his writing, and then obviously in all of the films that have been made of Stephen King stories I have been very, very influenced and in trying to do this film I think you can look through and find all these Stephen King stories that I watched in film version in preparation, from the Shining to Carrie to all of these films, so it was a very exciting honour when he said that.` 9:53:18 Q: The original story of your movie is set in Scandinavia and the protagonist is really the cold, the ice, the snow, which can be comparable to the coldness of the death of vampires. How did you move it to the heart of New Mexico, which is not as cold as Scandinavia? 9:53:40 SOT Matt Reeves: `It's interesting because when I started looking for places to shoot the film, one of the things I loved about the story, both in the novel and in the film was the sort of idea of the virgin snow and blood, it seemed to capture the idea of innocence juxtaposed with sort of our more primitive nature, so I want to hold on to the snow, and I had originally set the story in Colorado, because in the novel Oscar, the boy, is obsessed with serial killers and it's all sort of how he's being believed and you get the sense that over time he's been very affected by these experiences, and it reminded me a lot of what I'd heard about an experience in the US that was the Columbine tragedies where these boys who had been bullied turned on their class mates and it was a very, very sad affair and had taken place in Colorado. And the place that seemed like on the one hand it should be a kind of idyllic American suburb but on the other hand there was a kind of isolation and loneliness and a remoteness that had a lot of desperation under it. So when I started looking it turned out Colorado was too expensive to shoot it and so somebody suggested New Mexico and I had the reaction you had which was oh well it's the desert so it'd be really warm and what is that like and they said no no no it's the high desert and in fact it snows there quite a bit, in Los Alamos, which is an interesting suburb with its own unique history, and it was a town that grew up out of nowhere because of the Manhattan Project and so it's a whole town that grew up around the history of the atomic bomb, but it snows up there, it's cold and in fact there's much of the film, moments where it's snowing and that's because it did snow while we were shooting there, so it's very cold, so we were able to preserve that, because that was one of the things I loved about the story and wanted to keep.` 101101#006 Name: 101101#006 Title: CHINA SHANGHAI EXPO CLOSES evn-y CCTV Type: FEED-LINES Page: 3 Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#006 In point: 09:59:06.11 Out point: 10:01:11.08 Duration: 00:02:04.29 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source CCTV Notes The 184-day Shanghai World Expo came to the end Dopesheet Shanghai Expo closes EVN-Y Date Shot: 31-OCT-2010 Location: SHANGHAI Country: CHINA Sound: NATURAL Language: Aspect ratio: 4:3 Source: CNCCTV Restrictions: Dopesheet: The 184-day Shanghai World Expo came to the end as a closing ceremony started here Sunday evening. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and other dignitaries attended the ceremony. Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan said the Expo has made China and the world come closer together, and a more open, inclusive and culturally advanced China that steadily moves forward will join other countries in the world to usher in an ever brighter future for all. He said the Expo spirit will be carried forward from generation to generation. President of the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) Jean-Pierre Lafon said Shanghai World Expo an "astounding success". He said Shanghai shows that with a talented organization, a willing to succeed and an excellent international communication campaign, a World Expo always brings out a true fascination. The BIE flag was lowered and Wen Jiabao declared the Shanghai World Expo closed. The first of its kind staged in a developing country, the event attracted 246 participating countries and international organizations and 73 million visitors. Both figures are records in the history of expos, the first of which was held in London in 1851. Shotlist: 1.Exterior of the venue for closing ceremony 2.GV of the audiences 3.the orchestra 4.Wen Jiabao and other dignitaries coming 5.close of Wang Qishan speaking 6.close of Jean-Pierre Lafon speaking 7.lowering the BIE flag 8.various of performances 9.night view of the Expo park 101101#009 Name: 101101#009 Title: GERMANY SINKHOLE CARS evn-0 ZDF Type: EVN FEED In point: 11:00:33.23 Out point: 11:01:35.04 Duration: 00:01:01.11 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source ZDF Notes A large sinkhole opened up sucking a nearby car into its depths Dopesheet Sinkhole cars EVN-0 Date Shot: 01-NOV-2010 Location: SCHMALKALDEN Province/State: THURINGIA Country: GERMANY Sound: NATURAL Language: GERMAN Aspect ratio: 16:9 Source: DEZDF Restrictions: Page: 4 Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#009 Dopesheet: A large sinkhole opened up overnight in the middle of residential area in Thuringia, sucking a nearby car into its depths and forcing authorities to evacuate residents, police said on Monday. The crater, measuring some 40 x 15 metres, appeared in the town of Schmalkalden, a police spokesperson said. The hole is believed to be some 20 metres deep. 101101#016 Name: 101101#016 Title: UK DRUGS bbc1300 Easton Type: BBC In point: 13:39:18.17 Out point: 13:40:52.09 Duration: 00:01:33.24 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source BBC Notes Alcohol is a more harmful drug than heroin or crack cocaine according to research published today Dopesheet STORY/CORRESPONDENT: DRUGS/EASTON PKG PRODUCER: Katrina McCafferty INTRO: Alcohol is a more harmful drug than heroin or crack cocaine according to research published today. The report was co-written by Professor David Nutt -- the UK's former drug advisor who was sacked by the Government in 2009. The research goes against the long established drug-classification system -- which rates Ecstasy, LSD and heroin as the most dangerous. Our home editor Mark Easton reports. DATE SHOT: recent LOCATIONS: UK various IN WORDS: "Almost exactly..." OUT WORDS: "...Easton, BBC News." DURATION: 1' 37" ASTONS: 0' 17" - Professor DAVID NUTT\Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs 0' 54" - STEVE ROLLES\Transform Drug Policy Foundation SOURCES: All BBC News - access ok except: GFX- PAN BBC NEWS USE ONLY 101101#020 Name: 101101#020 Title: GREECE ATHENS BOMBS evn-w ERT Type: EVN FEED In point: 14:16:19.14 Out point: 14:21:24.13 Duration: 00:05:05.01 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source ERT Notes a parcel bomb explosion in Athens Dopesheet Athens bombs EVN-W Date Shot: 01-NOV-2010 Location: ATHENS Country: GREECE Sound: NATURAL Language: GREEK Aspect ratio: 4:3 Source: GRERT Restrictions: Dopesheet: One person was injured shortly after noon on Monday in a parcel bomb explosion in the Pangrati district of Athens, while police have arrested two suspects and are investigating terrorist ties. A parcel bomb exploded at 12:40 p.m. in the hands of a courier company employee in Pangrati as he picked up a package destined for Mexico that had been left by unidentified persons at the Swift Mail courier office a few minutes earlier. The female employee suffered injuries to his fingers from the explosion, which was described as being of mild, Page: 5 Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#020 The female employee suffered injuries to his fingers from the explosion, which was described as being of mild, and was rushed to hospital. Police immediately launched an investigation and, based on descriptions provided by eyewitnesses, quickly spotted another booby-trapped parcel that had been left at another nearby courier service office in Pangrati. The second parcel bomb, left at the offices of ACS couriers, was destined for The Netherlands. Police shortly afterwards spotted two people fitting the eyewitnesses' descriptions in a nearby street, who were arrested. Shotlist: - Various of the scene of the first explosion in Pangrati. - Area closed off by the police. - Antiterrorism policemen and bpmb experts outside the courrier company Swift mail. - Police vehicles blocking the area where the second parcel bomb was located in the same district. 101101#021 Name: 101101#021 Title: BURMA ELEPHANTS bbc1300 Hall Type: FEED-LINES In point: 15:25:27.15 Out point: 15:27:35.13 Duration: 00:02:07.28 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR A,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source BBC Notes one of World War 2's most remarkable rescues Dopesheet STORY/CORRESPONDENT: ELEPHANTS/HALL PKG PRODUCER: Jon Leleu INTRO: Extraordinary pictures of one of World War 2's most remarkable rescues have been released today. In 1942 -- hundreds of refugees were evacuated from Burma into India -- riding elephants that had to wade across a monsoon-swollen river. British tea planter Gyles Mackrell know as "the Elephant Man" organised the rescue -- and now film of it has been donated to Cambridge University. Robert Hall has more. DATE SHOT: 1942 LOCATIONS: Burma into India IN WORDS: FX explosions... OUT WORDS: "...Hall, BBC News." DURATION: 2' 05" ASTONS: 0' 05" - Archive courtesy\University of Cambridge 0' 56" - Extract from\Gyles Mackrell's diary SOURCES: All material from Cambridge University - PAN BBC NEWS USE ONLY 101101#024 Name: 101101#024 Title: IRAQ CHRISTIANS evn-1 RTV c/ap Type: EVN FEED In point: 16:16:02.07 Out point: 16:19:53.03 Duration: 00:03:50.26 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source RTV c/ap Notes Iraq Christians Dopesheet Iraq Christians EVN-1 Date Shot: 01-NOV-2010 Location: MOSUL Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: ARABIC Aspect ratio: 16:9 Source: GBRTV /GBAPTN Restrictions: -Access only for Eurovision Members and Sub-licensees with relevant agency contracts Page: 6 Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#024 Dopesheet: Some of the oldest communities across the Middle East belong to the Christian faith. They have co-existed peacefully with Muslims for centuries, but several factors, including rising Islamic radicalism in recent years, has seen their numbers fall. Nowhere have the changes in the region been more sudden than to Christians in Iraq, where a plunge into unimaginable levels of violence after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion left many Iraqis, including Christians, seeking a safer life elsewhere. Once numbering some 750,000 in this mainly Muslim country of 30 million, Christians have been trapped in the crossfire of sectarian strife between the once-dominant Sunni Arabs and the country's Shi'ite Arab majority. Alarmed that their flock could face extinction, Iraqi Christian leaders appealed to the Vatican for help. Pope Benedict, also worried about the shrinking Christian presence in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, has called a synod of bishops for Oct. 10-24 to discuss how churches can work together to preserve Christianity's oldest communities. The special assembly will consider a Vatican document that decries "disregard for international law", human rights abuses and an exodus of Christians fleeing conflict in the Middle East. The document cites the menacing conditions in Iraq, "where the war has unleashed evil forces". Post-invasion bloodshed and chronic insecurity have spooked Iraqi Christians, many of whom feel they have no future here. Many of Iraq's Christians live in Baghdad and the northern city of Mosul, a city that still has a significant al Qaeda presence after the militants were pushed out of other Sunni Arab areas in the past two years. Um Rami has suffered, like many others, from the toll of violence and instability. Her husband disappeared in 2007 after being taken into custody by what appeared to be an Iraqi security forces unit, her eldest son was murdered by militants back in 2005 and another son had been kidnapped twice and released following large ransom payments that left her finances in tatters. "This is our country where we have lived. In all honesty, (I feel comfortable) when I sit with my neighbour and talk to her, I know her and she knows me and we like each other is different to living abroad where I don't know anything about the people there, I don't know their customs. While we Iraqis know how to live with each other, we are one family and there is no difference between Islam and Christianity because we know each other and share the same feelings. If I leave, how can I live?" said the mother of four. "We have suffered a lot to be honest, but there are a number of reasons keeping us here, the main reason is I'm waiting for my (missing) husband, hopefully he will come back to us one day. We have hope in God, may he return for the sake of his small children," she added. Perhaps only half of what was once a vibrant Christian community rooted here for centuries remains, although no official figures exist. And more Christians are leaving, despite a plunge in overall violence in the past three years as bloodletting between majority Shi'ites and once dominant Sunni Muslims tapers off. Every now and then Christians still come under attack, especially in the northern province of Nineveh, considered the last urban stronghold of al Qaeda Islamist militants. It is not always clear whether they are targeted for their faith, for the headlines their woes generate in Western media, for their political allegiances or for other reasons. Page: 7 Louis Morqus, the head of the Hamurabi Organisation for Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#024 Louis Morqus, the head of the Hamurabi Organisation for Human Rights, said hundreds have died in the violence, but suggested other factors weigh in on the exodus of Christians. "More than 730 Christians have been killed, they were from the Christian sects, the Syrians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians. 730 Christians have been killed from 2003-2009 and thousands of families have been displaced until this moment. There are families who are experiencing a very bad economic status. So, due to the absence of infrastructure in their areas, the absence of economic development and unemployment, they have started to think of migrating outside the country," he said. In February, gunmen killed eight Christians in the streets or at work in Mosul, prompting thousands of others to flee. The slayings occurred two weeks before an inconclusive parliamentary election that has produced no new government six months later. The stalemate threatens Iraq's fragile security, along with most other aspects of life in a traumatised nation. Christians, like other minorities in northern Iraq, feel insecure as the region's Arabs and Kurds feud over land and oil. Attacking Christians is an effective way to highlight the shortcomings of Iraq's security forces, attracting more media attention than the far higher casualties among Iraqi Muslims. Shotlist: SHOWS: MOSUL, IRAQ (RECENT) (ACCESS ALL) 1. IRAQI POLICE VEHICLE GUARDING CHURCH IN THE NORTHERN CITY OF MOSUL 2. CHURCH IN MOSUL CITY 3. MORE OF IRAQI POLICE VEHICLE GUARDING CHURCH IN MOSUL 4. CHRISTIANS ATTENDING MASS PRAYER 5. PRIEST PRAYING 6. VARIOUS OF CHRISTIANS ATTENDING MASS PRAYER 7. STATUE OF VIRGIN MARY INSIDE CHURCH 8. VARIOUS OF EXTERIORS OF CHURCH 9. SIGN READING "CHURCH OF MARBAHNA AND SARAH" 10. MORE OF EXTERIOR OF CHURCH MARBAHNA AND SARAH 11. VARIOUS OF CHILDREN PLAYING OUTSIDE HOUSE 12. CHRISTIAN WOMAN "UM RAMI" IN KITCHEN INSIDE HER HOUSE 13. UMM RAMI WASHING GLASSES 14. (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) UM RAMI, CHRISTIAN WOMAN IN MOSUL, SAYING: "This is our country where we have lived. In all honesty, (I feel comfortable) when I sit with my neighbour and talk to her, I know her and she knows me and we like each other is different to living abroad where I don't know anything about the people there, I don't know their customs. While we Iraqis know how to live with each other, we are one family and there is no difference between Islam and Christianity because we know each other and share the same feelings. If I leave, how can I live?" 15. PHOTO OF UM RAMI'S MURDERED SON 16. (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) UM RAMI, CHRISTIAN WOMAN IN MOSUL, SAYING: "We have suffered a lot to be honest, but there are a number of reasons keeping us here, the main reason is I'm waiting for my (missing) husband, hopefully he will come back to us one day. We have hope in God, may he return for the sake of his small children." 17. VARIOUS OF HOUSES IN QARAQOUSH NEIGHBOURHOOD IN MOSUL 18. (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) LOUIS MORQUS, HEAD OF HAMURABI ORGANISATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS SAYING: "Christians, like other minorities have suffered from displacement and killings because of the harassment they got from terrorist groups and groups supported by regional Page: 8 countries for the sake of political agenda. More than 730 Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#024 countries for the sake of political agenda. More than 730 Christians have been killed, they were from the Christian sects, the Syrians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians. 730 Christians have been killed from 2003-2009 and thousands of families have been displaced until this moment. There are families who are experiencing a very bad economic status. So, due to the absence of infrastructure in their areas, the absence of economic development and unemployment, they have started to think of migrating outside the country." 19. STREET IN QARAQOUSH NEIGHBOURHOOD 20. CLOSE OF OLD CAR PARKED ON STREET 101101#025 Name: 101101#025 Title: GERMANY SINKHOLE AERIALS evn-1 ZDF Type: EVN FEED In point: 16:03:54.24 Out point: 16:05:22.09 Duration: 00:01:27.13 Clip Locations BROWSE,PDR C,PDR D,PDR E Tape ID Source ZDF Notes Dopesheet Sinkhole aerials EVN-1 Date Shot: 01-NOV-2010 Location: SCHMALKALDEN Province/State: THURINGIA Country: GERMANY Sound: NATURAL Language: GERMAN Aspect ratio: 16:9 Source: DEZDF Restrictions: Dopesheet: A large sinkhole which opened up in the night from Sunday to Monday (November 1) in the middle of a housing area in Schmalkalden, Thuringia, is still growing. The crater, which sucked a car into its depths, has a diameter of about 35 metres and a depth of 30 metres, and more than 20,000 cubic metres simply vanished. The reason for the phenomenon remains still unknown. Experts assume that the hole has a natural cause. According to experts damages due to salt mine or a subterranean bunker are out of the question. Nobody has been reported missing or injured so far, but a helicopter is searching the area with a thermal imaging camera. So far 25 residents have had to leave their homes and the area has been broadly closed off because of possible subsequent earth movements. A large number of police and fire fighters are securing the area. After the landslide the supply of electricity and water was stopped as a security precaution. It has not yet been decided what measures should be taken to stabilize the sinkhole, although one option could be filling it with gravel. Shotlist: Schmalkalden?Thuringia 01?11?2010 - aerial images from the hole - close up of the crater - night shots of fire fighters in front of the hole - Vox pop (woman): "A bang ? and then a noise like very heavy rainfall ? like a storm, but no leaf moved. We watched from the balcony, no raindrop and then we left the house in our pyjamas and then we saw the street disappearing." - Vox pop (man): Who would have ever thought that something like this would happen here on top of the hill? It?s unimaginable. It?s like in a horror movie what happens here." Page: 9 Printed: 01/November/2010 17:03:01 101101#025 It?s unimaginable. It?s like in a horror movie what happens here." - night shot of the hole - zoom in to a crack in a house - SOT Michael Pfunfke, fire chief of the city of Schmalkalden: "I?m already working several years for the fire fighters ? something like that, I?ve never seen. Especially as the masses of earth havn?t been just washed away ? they have sunken down ? they are gone ? they are not here anymore. This is really wicked." - onlookers behind a barrier - zoom in to the hole SOT Thomas Kaminski, mayor of Schmalkalden: "We still have crack formations in the neighbouring streets and we don?t know when something is sliding-down again." SOT Juergen Reinholz, minister of environment Thuringia: "the m ain task within the next hours and days will be the stabilization of the hole, but this is not so easy, because we are not able to use heavy machinery alone."