ext. split screen, horse race, upper portion of screen 'the pack', lower portion of screen the 2 'front runners' ;split screen becomes single screen, time clocked at top of screen, race continues as pack catches up with leaders ;second horse passes the first in the race, # 5 first, # 1 second, & # 9 is third; night, announcer @ motocross w/ microphone, racers and crowd in bg ;night, gatekeeper @ motocross pulls lever on startgate to begin the race ;night, lead racer falls off his motor bike but is ok, other racers continue and turn corner on track ;night, leader goes over large bump in track, pack follows, crowd in bg; night, stadium full of fans, Stadium Sign says 'GO!' ;Motocross racer w/announcer as assistant fixes his helmet, fans in stadium ;cattledrive, rocky terrain w/ mountains, blue sky, herd of cattle, cowboy, wrangler ;young man w/baseball cap gets out of old car on dirt road, young man drinking, good white trash image another guy w/ him they walk on road ;young men drinking & walking on dirt road w/ beautiful view of river & trees in valley in bg ;waterfall, w/ rocky bank on one side and tree branches in fg, gorgeous beauty shot of waterfall w/ rainbow ;silhouette of land to horizon w/orangish sunset & billowy clouds ;dusk, silhouetted Bison on the plain, herd of Giraffe run on African plain into forested area ;fireman infg, Deli-Retaurant on fire w/ firetrucks & paramedics on scene ;Firemen on ladder fight blaze ;var. rainbow colored kites fly across cloudless blue sky; man w/ grey hair & blue jacket flies kite ;man's hands w/ wedding ring screwing cap back onto tube of glue, painted kite in fg, z-out to kite maker ;pan int.wall w/ masks, drawings, memorabilia, & pictures on it ;var. blooming lily pads on water, trees & sunlight reflect in water ;drawings hang on walls, artist draws w/ charcoal & paints ;artist sitting on floor admiring painting, curtains in bg, c/u- on painting ;green starfield, satellite topographical map, graphics, Maze express logo, track graphic map, beach ;aerial, freeway maze, 'spagetti', cars on freeway ;track aerial satellite map of coastline w/ maze express logo;aerial coastal beach lined w/houses & freeway, track blue water beach w/houses on coastline ;var. satellite map of coastline w/ logo, track of buildings in rows, freeways w/ cars, graphic map w/ Maze Express logo ;var. military helicopters on mission ;var. windsurfer w/ board on water falls in, windsurfers in water, w/ mountains in bg, sky, sufer lands on water ;var. windsurfers w/board on water do stunts & aerials w/ board ;var. cars on racetrack fly by, cameraman at race, pit crew work on car during race, crowd ;var. military aircraft in missile test, personnel & tanks in desert, helicopter & battleship w/ crews on ocean ;var. bikes in Europe on rural rd., European harbor village, swans, man w/ boy on steps to water, village market @ harbor ;var. native american festival w/ people in tribal costume, woman admires man's necklace & quilts @ festival, peds ; weather report, forecast, high & low's, for playback or channel surfing, var. small plane takes off from airport, tower, plane lands at night; var. fire scene, firefighters @ work on ladders & on ground, crowd on street watches, ambulance & firetruck on street; var. football game, goldhelmet, professional teams play ball ;