NEWSFEED: JUNE 20, 2002, CHARLIE SHEEN/DENISE RICHARDS, PRISON THAILAND, MOVIE STARS, SPORTS, POLITICIANS, STORMS; Bars and Tone, Nightline promo - talkhead, US Report - MS talk head, Stills of magazine covers, shot from Spin City; MS INT Charlie Sheen & Denise Richards, CU Hansen, MCU Jon Waters, VAR shots from Mr. Deeds, CU Tom Cruise talk head; MS Dx Tom Cruise & Steven Spielberg on set, still graphic - US News & Report Weddings cover, MS talkhead; WS Dx Prison tower in Thailand, VAR shots prisoners and guards, WS prisoners cheering for World Cup, WS soccer team in green; VAR WS teams on parade w/nat'l flags, VAR MS & CU armed guards, VAR WS soccer-playing, MS tracking hurt player, VAR WS crowd; MS & CU Prison soccer player talk head, MS talk head, WS Winning team celebrates, CU winner kisses trophy, CU locking door; WS lo-angle George W. Bush at podium, CU African leader, CU Bush at podium talk head, MS retarded prisoner in courtroom, MS Dx same exits; CU INT lawyer talk head, infographics - justices, which states ban execution of retarded or mentally challenged convicts, quotes.. talk head, infographic; MCU talk head, MS prisoner saved by new law, WS tree split in half, CU pan up/down same, CU sawing branches, CU leaves rained on; WS Dx Trailer blown down, VAR MS details of same trailer, WS Dx pan Wizard of Oz Munchkins on horse-drawn carriage, MS Munchkins; WS Dx Munchkins lined up as speech given for them, CU Wiz of Oz director talk head, WS Dx Aerial massive wildfire, good dry cracked earth, drought- VAR; MCU Dx Farmer talk head, WS Nx lightning strike, WS Dx Aerial Tree explodes into flame, MCU scientist talk head, VAR WS Aerial fire; WS lo-angle crane tears down trees, MS same, MCU logger talk head, MS Firefghters burn undergrowth, WS firefghters hose house; CU firefghter talk head, WS lo-angle firefghters put out controlled burn, MS same, CU ground same, WS plane drops flame retardent ; WS Dx Aerial Plane crash w/emergency crews everwhere, z-in remains of plane, WS lo-angle ext courthouse, CU crying accused murderer; Still CUs of murdered men, CU lawyer talk head, VAR CUs jury, WS Dx pan across bridge construction, CU sledgehammer, CU bulldozer; WS Dx Hi-angle boat on river, CU construction workers talk head, VAR WS Dx Aerial of Water reservoir; POV Police Car Camera WS Dx city street shootout - seen twice (once in slo-mo), VAR Cardinals baseball clips; VAR Cleveland Indians vs Florida Marlins baseball highlights, VAR Cincinnati Red vs Seattle Mariners baseball highlights; VAR clips from UTexas vs Stanford baseball game, VAR highlights from Oakland A's vs Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game ;VAR clips from NHL awards show 2002, Play of the Night - Double play by Colorado Rockies, VAR clips from Tigers vs Braves; VAR clips from Royals vs Expos, VAR clips from Twins vs Mets, CU Airline official talk head, VAR CUs sea lion; CU photo of lost search dog, VAR MCU & WS owner w/search dog, CU newspaper clippings of same, VAR WS forest fire; CU pan down a split tree, CU sawing, WS smashed mobile home, VAR MS details of same, WS Laura Bush in nice home, MS same w/ interviewer; WS Nx Stormy night, VAR WS storm damage to buildings, WS man pulling fallen tree, CU same man ;