NEWS; 1972
00:34:00:00,NIXON IN CHINA/RUSSIA, Nixon off plane in China with Pat, Nixon on Great Wall of China, Nixon, Kissinger meet with Mao, Pat Nixon looks at pandas in zoo. Nixon toast, Shot of the Kremlin, Nixon and Brezhnev sign treaty,PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1972 candidates. Muskie, Shirley Chisholm, Humphrey, McGovern, Wallace gives campaign speech, Wallace shootist in crowd, Wallace shot, footage, McGovern gives primary victory speech, McGovern and Eagleton at convention, Convention delegates waves signs, Says "Come Home America", sign: LET GEORGE DO IT, Sargeant Shriver gets into car, McGovern with Shriver,VIETNAM TALKS, Kissinger comes out of Paris peace talks, Kissinger gives peace speech,NIXON'S THE ONE, Nixon gives acceptance speech at convention, Nixon, Agnew at convention, Crowds with Nixon signs, Fighting in Vietnam, Nixon gives Port Mining speech over battle footage,MUNICH OLYMPIC MASSACRE, Olympic torch lighted in Munich, Olympic Israeli hostage standoff in Munich, Helicopter in air, Destroyed helicopter on ground,MARCOS ATTACKED, Tanks in street, Man with machete attacks Imelda Marcos,CHILE, Salvador Allende. Riots in streets of Chile,NORTHERN IRELAND, Street fighting in Northern Ireland. Rock throwing, explosions,VIETNAM BOMBING, B-52s bomb Vietnam, Destruction on the ground,HURRICANE AGNES, Flooding from Hurricane Agnes,APOLLO 16 and 17 launch, Lunar buggy on surface of moon, Apollo 17 night launch, Astronauts plant flag on the moon, Astronauts on moon,TRUMAN DIES, Truman Library, Truman lies in state, Johnson, Nixon at Truman funeral, Bess Truman at funeral,TERRORISM AT AIRPORT, Bags searched at airport. Airport security