2000s NEWS
NEWSFEED 8/7-8/9/2001, HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE 100 BIRTHDAY, ANTI-TAX PROTESTORS IN TN, CLONING MICROSCOPY OF CELLS; DX - NYSE FLOOR ACTIVITY, pan floor, traders, banners etc; DX - HARLEY DAVIDSON/100 YEARS, cu on bike with year 1918, variety of classic motorcycles, harley factory watertower on bldg; DX - HARLEY DAVIDSON/l00 YEARS, ground level bikes on road, letterboxed harley davidson promo reel bikes on open road with riders; DX - CLONING PROFIT, commodity brokers, scientist looks thru microscope, implanting egg with DNA, talking heads, sheep cloned; DX - CLONING PROFIT, scientists in labs, microscopy of eggs being implanted, cloned sheep in pen; DX - SCHOOL VACCINES, Nurse measures vaccine into syringe, apprehensive school kids getting shots, cu of injection site; DX - WORKERS RESCUED FROM HI-RISE, firemen helping down trapped window washers on outside of hi-rise bldg; DX - RANDLEMAN DAM GROUND BREAKING, line of men in hardhats with shovels doing ceremonial ground breaking for new dam; DX - TN/BUDGET BATTLE, protestors with 'AX the TAX' anti-new tax banners, in Tennessee, lots of placards, horn honking in bg, etc.; DX TN/BUDGET BATTLE, additional anti-tax protestors with placards, standing along street, drawing attention, rally; DX TN/BUDGET BATTLE, generic govt. bldg, police outside standing guard sign 'Entrance Closed' roped off; DX - DIABETES PRESS CONFERENCE, White House press sec/gives talk generic crowded sidewalk with sea of people to camera; 00:45 very white shoppers in white shopping mall DX STATE/REVERSE ELIAN, Dept. of State, without audio; DX PARDONGATE, MYSTERIOUS NOTE, Hillary Clinton say disappointed in Brothers involvement, copy of note from Hugh Clinton law office; DX - COUNTRY MUSIC STAR, part time car salesman writes country hit, interviews with 'stars'; DX - TN/BUDGET GOV. SOUNDS OFF, Tennessee Gov, press conference regarding the budget crisis in his state; DX - CHILD DROWNING, EMS lights flashing pulls up to scene, goes past camera, officers at scene, parents of children; DX - FL. MARIJUANA BUST, Customs agents open semi-truck filled with cases of pot, contraband unloaded from truck; DX - CUBAN-AMERICAN FOUNDATION, press conference talking heads pan of members in front of podium; NX - LATIN GRAMMY AWARDS, press footage from 2000 award ceremony, banners, musical acts on stage, back to Cuban-American foundation; DX - TN/BUDGET REAX, REPEAT OF TENNESSEE GOV. SPEAKING ON BUDGET; DX - INT. NYSE FLOOR ACTIVITY, PANS OF FLOOR, BANNERS, ETC; DX - ALLERGY DRUGS/CLARITIN, allergy season people outside, allergy drugs on display, talking heads panel, pharmacy, prescription filled; DX - CUBAN REFUGEES, boat at sea w/refugees, rescued, INS bus with detainees being off loaded giving victory signs; DX - FL, PLANE BOMB THREAT, 58 year old woman arrested, face covered officers escort, aerial plane at gate, reporter; DX - GA/UNSTABLE WALL HI-RISE BLDG, workers trying to stabilize wall of hi-rise to prevent it falling down; DX - GA/OAKLEY ARREST, Reginald Oakley in court in jail coveralls, judge reads charges, various; DX - BAPTIST CONVENTION FLAP, NX ext. hotel police car in front flashing lights, African Americans exit, hotel ext. NX estb; DX - NC/HEAT WAVE, Air Conditioning repairman, sun thru trees, box of fans on sale, construction workers in heat; DX - PIT BULL ATTACK/OFFICER INJURED, officer helped into EMS vehicle by fellow police/sheriffs, talking head