Leonardo da Vinci (15th April 1452 - 2nd May 1519), Italian artist and inventor, with some of his notes and drawings. Despite having little formal education, Leonardo da Vinci kept extensive notebooks filled with his scientific theories, inventions and architectural designs. Included in this montage are his detailed studies of the movement of a human body, human anatomy, a foetus and a flying machine. Most of his projects were never published nor constructed. After Leonardo's death his notes lay unnoticed in a library until 1796.
People observe German book exhibition in Stockholm.
German book exhibition in Stockholm, Sweden. Swedish people enter the exhibition hall. They climb up stairs. German books and pamphlets displayed on table. A Swedish woman wearing fur coat watches the books. A book on Dürer is opened. Men walk by table and observe the books displayed. Pictures of Renaissance equestrian statues in book. A book titled 'Leonardo da Vinci' is opened. Leonardo da Vinci's famous portrait 'Mona Lisa' printed in book. Location: Stockholm Sweden. Date: 1941.
Unissued / unused footage - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown.
<br/>Aeronautics by Leonardo Da Vinci - Italy.
<br/>C/U of several of Da Vinci's drawings; 2 are diagrams of his aeronautical ideas. M/S of Captains Somenzi and Soldatini of the Italian Air Ministry at drawing board. Various shots of several models built from Da Vinci's drawings. Several shots of the various types of aeronautical constructions built according to Leonardo Da Vinci in operation - non are actually seen in flight but are worked on the roof of a building.
Animation of a model of a glider designed by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Da Vinci produced many sketches of machines and devices that were centuries ahead of his time, most of which were never built or even possible to build at the time.
Drawing of Leonardo da Vinci, his name reversed. Da Vinci drawings & inventions. CU da Vinci's plans, diagrams. Modern model of da Vinci's flying machine. Dummy hangs from modern model of his parachute. Modern models of his gear shift, revolving screw, water pump, machine gun. Painting of da Vinci. Plastic rotor turns on building roof. Modern model of his wing framework. Portrait of da Vinci in studio. CU "Mona Lisa" EXT DAY French palace. View out window of palace. King's bed. Statue of da Vinci. Man drives carriage past Louvre Museum. Mona Lisa hanging inside Louvre. Da Vinci sketches. Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci. Prototype of one of da Vinci's kite designs. Model of da Vinci's sketch. Title Card: ENGLAND. Exterior Royal Academy. Da Vinci's charcoal drawing (Madonna and Child with St. Anne and the Young St. John). People look at drawing in gallery. Women raise money to keep drawing in England. Sign reads Leonardo Appeal Fund. Money placed in box. Drawing on display.
b&w narrated - historical aeronautical documentary - educational - aviation history - some mos - 1930s - c/u drawing of dinosaur bird in flight - c/u Chinese kite in shape of bird - c/u portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, as well as engineer and scientist - graphic designs for flying machines - airplane model built from da Vinci’s designs in National Smithsonian Museum - part of collection - c/u toy helicopter made w/ feathers - c/u model of Sir George Cayley - Cayley’s flying machine - models of various airplanes - c/u helicopter w/ steam driven propellers - c/u Sir George Cayley - c/u sketch or drawing of his flying machine - 1840 monoplane designed by William Samuel Henson - still m/s model plane - model suspended in air - John Stringfellow (first principle of dynamic flight)