08:10:55:00,Young man sits at dinner table, CU plate with steak, plate of potatos, plate of peas, plate of cabbage (shaking), CU plate with bread and butter, CU glass of milk, GRAPHIC: Illustration of entire digestive system, Man puts forkful of food in mouth, CU man chews (front & side view), Nasty cross-section illustration of inside of mouth (supered over live image), Unidentified animal salivary gland (gross) hooked up to tube, stimulated, Saliva flows through tube, drips into beaker, CU saliva dripping into beaker, CU man being given vinegar in eye-dropper, CU man's saliva dripping through tube to beaker, CU two beakers filled with starch (looks like milk), saliva added (clear liquid), Timelapse as beaker with saliva becomes clear (molecules of starch broken down), GRAPHIC: Illustration of complex starch molecules (like a net) being broken down, Young man chewing thoughtfully, leans forward to spit (not actually shown), ECU wad of chewed food (looks like meatball), forceps pick it apart, Two laboratory set-ups labelled "WATER" and "SALIVA", clear liquids poured into each one, water drips through quickly, saliva slowly (more viscous), CU man's chin, throat, and Adam's apple as he chews, swallows, GRAPHIC: Illustration of esophagus, CU live animal esophagus, chunks of food swallowed, slide down, GRAPHIC: animation of food sliding down esophagus, GRAPHIC: illustration of the stomach (VERY NICE), GRAPHIC: CU cross-section of stomach lining, gastric juices secreted, Old professor-type calmly swallows a tube (!), pumps out some gastric juice, Egg cracked into beaker, white separated from yolk, Egg white (clear) sucked into glass pipette, cooked (turns white), Section of pipe with egg white placed in dish, gastric juices poured over, CU clock reads 7:00, CU petri dish with tube, CU clock reading 9:00, CU petri dish, egg partly eaten away, CU clock reading 11:00, CU egg in dish, more eaten away, CU clock reading 1:00, CU egg in dish, almost gone, GRAPHIC: Illustration of large protein molecule, breaking down, CU live stomach (looks just like illustration), pointer points, ECU glistening, vein-covered section of stomach UNDULATING MOISTLY, GRAPHIC: Illustration of the duodenum, arrow shows path of food, CU live pancreas, secreting pancreatic juice through a tube into a beaker, GRAPHIC: cross-section of duodenum, stomach and pancreas, illustrating the flow of juices and food between the three, CU live liver and gall bladder, secreting bile, ECU bile dripping from tube to the ubiquitous beaker, CU two tall beakers full of cream, bile added to both (yum...). Pancreatic juice added to one only. (These could pass for close-ups of milkshakes in some shots). Timelapse as the one containing pancreatic juice becomes clear, GRAPHIC: Illustration of fat molecules breaking down into glycerine & fatty acid, GRAPHIC: Progressive cross-section of the many layers of the small intestine, ECU (microscopic) of intestinal villi-- look like white sea anemone waving, GRAPHIC: cross section of a single villus, showing flow of nutrition into blood and waste into the lymph system, CU live intestine undulating away (weird), moving food through, GRAPHIC: Illustration of large and small intestines, CU live large intestine contracting as it does when you poop !, GRAPHIC: illustration of entire digestive system (recap), GRAPHIC: cross-section of villus (recap), Emaciated boy in diaper-like underpants standing on doctor's scale (pathetic) showing effects of malnutrition. He walks out and is replaced by a healthy specimen of American boyhood in the same weird diapers