1990s NEWS
NEWSFEED, 10/98 YUGOSLAVIA, IRAN AT WAR, VARIOUS ECONOMICS, ITALIAN FASHION SHOW, JERUSALEM KILLING PROTEST, SWISS BANKS; DX YUGOSLAVIA CONVOY rubble in streets, thin old man, burned tractors/ men walking, car in ditch, people carry dead body, brothers crying; DX CONT'D people stand qround covered dead bodies, people ride in tractors, ash burns by house, lady hides, family looks @ burnt house; DX CONT'D man puts water on smoking rubble w/ hose; DX RUSSIA GOV'T/PROTESTS politicians @ long table, red brick gov't building, yeltsin rewards old man; DX CONT'D large office space w/ employees @ computers, talking head, large chanting russian protesters; DX IRAN WAR GAMES soldiers shoot weapons from tanks, soldiers running, soldiers using field communication, cannons firing; DX CONT'D soldiers POV during combat, tanks, soldiers POV, tanks, cannons fire, soldiers run/ make perimeter, firing missiles; DX CONT'D soldier's perimeter, missile fire; DX SRI LANKA OFFENSIVE aerial map, tanks, soldiers attacking/firing weapons/ on tank/ launch granades, helicopter flies over; DX CONT'D soldiers attacking, hospital sign/ building, patients in bed, nurses help patients; DX AUSTRALIA ELECTION people hold out flag, man walks through reporters, policemen greet older man, couple talks on radio; DX CONT'D large press conference, politician speaks, angry crowd, police on horseback ride up, bleeding old man escorted; DX CONT'D female politician steps on platform, male politician speaks, seated journalists @ dinner tables listen to politician; DX CONT'D protesters outside yelling, police carry away protesters & lock them up; DX VARIOUS KOSOVO REAX press conference, politician speaks, political debates, talking heads, reporters ask questions/ man answers; DX CONT'D white house rep speaks, news reporter w/ world map behind him; DX USA WORLD BANK/ IMF press conference, reporters write, talking heads; DX VARIOUS YUGOSLAVIA clinton speaks, refugees on tracors, damaged homes, guerilla soldiers, talking heads, 'officials' home; DX CONT'D large conference room, talking head, downtown street w/ white old buildings, office building sign, people pull up, talking heads; DX SWITZERLAND UBS WS town exterior, bank exterior w/ people, talking heads, swiss bank exteriors; DX USA DOCUMENTS talking politicians outside u.s capital, talking heads, gingrich speaks, truck backs into building, man passes out documents; DX VARIOUS ECONOMICS asians looking @ building, tokyo stock echange, men @ computers, #'s on board, german stock exchange exterior & interior; DX CONT'D people look @ #'s on monmitors, line graph on wall, talking head, LS office w/ computers, talking head, NY stock exchange, time man; DX CONT'D CU ticker board & floor activity, clinton speaks, teachers walk kids down street/ inside sydney stock exchange, int. exchange floor; DX ITALY FASHION make up applied to models, black woman gets body painted, int. runway/ fashion show audience, various girls walk down runway; DX CONT'D backstage w/ hair & make-up, models on the runway, models bring out designer at the end; DX YUGOSLAVIA UN HCR/BODIES United Nations un in rain, people greet un, people distribute rations,talking head, villagers lifestyle, uncovering dead bodies; DX AUSTRALIA DECLARATION people on street, people placing ballots, talking heads, people counting ballots, candidates speak; DX CONT'D woman exiting building being escorted & photographed; DX CROATIA/FILE PAPAL MASS crowd on street, massive crowd greets the pope, the pope waives @ crowd & speaks, b/w footage of the pope; DX AT SEA/USA SPILLAGE aerial view of oil spill, talking heads, oil drill platform, oil in water, talking heads; DX FILE TOMBA RETIRES skiers on mountain, downhill skier, man recievs award, man eats food, old olimpiad grounds, man talks; DX GAZA/JERUSALEM KILLING PROTEST law enforcement takes away dead bodies in desert, large crowd marches, crowd @ burial, protesters on street; DX CONT'D police carry away protesters violently, old woman cries, talking heads, protesters sing, police violently break it up; DX ERITREA MILITARY trucks carry tanks, tanks ride down street w/ people watching; DX FRANCE FANS/ STRIKE arc de triumph, people walk on street, french newspapers, world cup fans @ the eiffel tower, exterior stadium; DX CONT'D man sells shirt to fan, fans outside stadium, fans sit on bleachers ;