> Well, thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. It's a great honor, and last night's debate was fun. It was different. It got wonderful -- there were a lot of good feelings in that room, and I think it's something, frankly, that the Republican party needed, and today is something very, very special, because Dr. Ben Carson was respected by everybody. Everybody wanted his endorsement, and everybody loves him, and truly, truly admires what he's done. His life has been an incredible life. It's been an awe-inspiring life, and I just want to tell you that having his support really -- I think it just adds total credence to what I'm trying to do and what we're all trying to do. So I just want to introduce Dr. Ben Carson, special, special person. Special man. Thank you very much.
>> Thank you. Well, thank you, Donald, and, you know, this whole process getting involved in the political process was something I never particularly intended to do, but, you know, I listened to the people, and it was really all about the people, and it continues to be all about the people. You know, it's not about the Republican party or the democratic party. It's about the people of America, and what I have been seeing recently is political operatives and parties once again trying to assert themselves and trying to thwart of will of the people. I find that that is an extraordinarily dangerous place to be right now, and, you know, I want the voice of the people to be heard.
I want the political process to play out in the way that it should play out, and, you know, I think the Republican party particularly will be very wise not to adopt, a let's stop this guy and promote this guy policy, but, rather, start thinking about, what are the things that are going to be helpful for America? Right now, you know, we're in a process of going off the deep end. We're going off the cliff for fiscally irresponsible, we're hating each other, destroying ourselves, a house divided against itself cannot stand. We're failing to take a leadership position on the world stage. Now, some people have said, well, why would you get behind a man like Donald Trump?
I'll tell you why. First of all, I've come to know Donald Trump over the last few years. He is actually a very intelligent man who cares deeply about America. There are two different Donald trumps. There's the one you see on the stage, and there's the one who's very cerebral, sits there, you can have a very good conversation with him, and that's the Donald Trump that you're going to start seeing more and more of right now. And some people said, but -- well, you know, he said terrible things about you. How can you support him? First of all, we buried the hatchet. That was political stuff. And, you know, that happens in American politics. The politics of personal destruction, all that.
It's not something that I particularly believe in or anything that I get involved in. But I do recognize it. It is a part of the process. We move on, because it's not about me. It's not about Mr. Trump. It's about America. And this is what we have to be thinking about. I have found that in talking with him that, you know, there's a lot more alignment, philosophically and spiritually, than I ever thought that there was. He will speak to that, but, you know, that actually surprised me more than anything. Because I do recognize how a person's image can be greatly distorted, having been the victim of that. I probably understand it better than anybody. And I think as the American people who we are focusing on, as they begin to see the real individual there, and those who are helping that individual, I think we're going to be comforted as a nation.
You know, we have to start working together. We cannot allow the agents of division to continue to separate us. As a nation, our strength is our unity. And we -- we just have to sort of ignore those people who are always trying to stir up strife, and I'm appealing to some degree to the media as well. You know, you're part of America, too, and should be interested in strengthening our nation. Not in creating divisions. Not in creating conflicts all the time. If we start having that American attitude that American spirit that made us great that took us to the pinnacle in no time at all, believe me, everybody will benefit from that. We're also talking about how can we make America a place that's successful for everybody.
You know, we have 330 million people. We're going to be competing with China, with 1.4 billion. India, 1.4 billion. We have to develop all of our people. You know, the people who are the down trodden in our society. We're not going toes people any favor by patting them on the head and saying, there, there. You poor little thing. I'm going to take care of all your needs. What we need to be doing instead is concentrating on things that allow them to climb out of the state of dependency and become part of the strength and fabric of this nation. That's what America is about. It's not about dependency and it certain isn't about socialism. You know, socialism is seen as the panacea by some who don't really understand it. I think a lot of young people think socialism is just being concerned about other people.
That's not what it is. It's cradle to grave government, and you let them take care of you, but you give them all of your money. You give them control of your life. They all end up looking the same way. A small group of elites at the top controlling everything. A rapidly diminishing middle class and a vastly expanded dependent class. That is not what made America great. Donald Trump talks a lot about making America great, but it's not just talk. He means it.
I'm going to be helping him. Others are going to be helping him. You know, one of the things that I've discovered in this country is we have some incredibly smart people. None of us knows everything, but when we begin to use those smart people effectively to accomplish the goals of America, you're going to see us once again begin to ascend to the pinnacle to a much higher pinnacle than we've ever achieved before and that's where America should be. Thank you so much.
>> Thank you very much, Ben, and Ben and I were talking lengthily yesterday, and it was an amazing conversation. One of the things that I realized is, his great love is education, and he was telling me things about education, and it was so right-on, and it was so good, and it's such an important element for our country, and I said, Ben, congratulations. You just have to get involved with us with education, because our educational system in the United States, as you've heard from my speeches, were ranked at the bottom of the pack worldwide yet we spend the most money per pupil. By far. Not even close. Second doesn't even exist. Ben is going to get very much involved in that, and going to get very much involved in health care where he's an expert and even during the debates I'd always know, Ben when it came to health care and talking about health, Ben was in really a class by himself. So it's such an honor to have Ben. He's a friend. He's become a friend, and I really appreciate the endorsement, Ben. Thank you. Any questions, folks? Yes?
Q: Mr. Trump --
>> David?
Q: Mr. Trump, two questions. First of all, did you guys, gently or formally apologize to each other for some of the nasty things you said on the trail?
>> Yeah. It's politics. It is politics. It's tough stuff. It's a tough business. I used to think real estate in Manhattan was tough. This is like -- this is a tough business, this politics. A lot of things happen in politics that don't happen anywhere else. So, yes. We understand that. Go ahead?
Q: The question always coming up in big endorsements. Any discussion between the two of you men or promises made about a position for Dr. Carson in your administration either as a running mate or secretary of --
>> No. I thought it was lovely. When Ben called, would you do this, do that? He just wants to help and feels strongly about what's happening and you see the kind of crowds we get. Crowds that are amazing and record-setting. I don't think there's ever been anything like it. Well, it's on the cover of every magazine. There's never been anything like it. Ben's seen that and Ben's going to have a big, big part. Maybe Ben doesn't know this yet, but Ben's going to have a big part. We want to keep that kind of talent. We want to keep.Yes?
Q: Mr. Trump, do you see Mr. Carson, Dr. Carson, playing a policy role princely for your campaign or as a surrogate on the campaign trail going places you're not going?And when he says there are two Donald Trumps, do you agree with that characterization and could you amplify on it?
>> I probably do agree. There are probably two Donald trumps. The public version and people see that and I don't know what they see exactly but it seems to have worked over my lifetime but probably different I think than the personal Donald Trump. Ben said it very well today. Perhaps there are two Donald Trumps, but -- well, you know, I'm somebody that is a thinker. I'm a big thinker. And I have my ideas and they're strong, and typically they've worked out. And what I want to do is, you know, the theme and Ben alluded to it the theme I have for this entire campaign is "Make America great again" that's what I want to do.
Very simple. I want to make America great again. We have so many problems whether it's military, whether it's trade, whether it's borders, whether it's terrorism, we have so many problems. The debt. When you look at our debt. $19 trillion going up to $21 trillion in a very short fashion. So we're going to straighten things out and we're going to straighten them out correctly.
Q: Policy or politics for you?
>> Doctor Carson is both. Dr. Carson is both but he's going to be very much on policy. Ben was always very strong on policy and he's going to be very much on policy.
Q: Thank you, Mr. Trump. You've talked a lot about unity on the campaign trail and in the debate last night. Can you fill us in on outreach efforts making to capitol hill and also ask you an islamic state question after that.
>> We have been called by the biggest people in politics, not only Republican politics, but also the biggest people in Republican politics, and over the last couple of weeks, you saw Paul Ryan reached out, and terrific guy. I've always respected him, I've always liked him, and not necessarily agree on everything. I'm very strong or borders and security and I think Paul is, you know, I think he's going to have his views and I think probably certain things will change. But Paul Ryan reached out and we had a great conversation, and many other people at the top, top level. I sort of get a kick. I see you covering one person who is saying, Donald Trump must be stopped. I talked to them two days before, Donald, we have to come together. We've been contacted by many of the biggest people in Republican politics.
Q: -- Congressional lawmakers as well.
>> They are really reaching out to us because they see what's happening. We're getting millions and millions of additional people. People that the Republican party has never had before. It's the biggest story. I said it last night at the debate. The biggest story in politics is what's happening. We are having millions and millions of people come out and vote for the Republicans. They get out. They register Republican. I've had so many people tell me, I've never voted Republican in my life. I left the Democrats in order to register as a Republican so I could vote for you.
Independents, Democrats, and you see it. We're up 65%, more than that. Millions of people more, and that's what I'm saying. The Republicans now want to embrace it.I see it. They want to embrace it. Tom?
Q: Ask you about islamic state quickly. Last night in the debate you talk and potentially sending up positive 30,000 American troops to fight Islamic State -- more than president bush sent to Afghanistan after 9/11.
>> Let me tell you, we're gonna get rid of them and get back real soon. We have to get rid of ISIS. It's going to be up to the generals. We have to get rid -- generals have to play their own game. I want to find out we have the right general, Ben, right? We don't want to have the wrong general talking to us but we're going to find the right general, the right person or guy or woman.
Q: And prepared potentially for a long war?
>> No. It's going to be very quick. We're very powerful. We're going to use our power. Yes?
TOM LLAMAS: Mr. Trump two questions. First on the burying the hatchet with you and Dr. Ben Carson, you mentioned politics is rough. Do you personally regret any of the things said about Dr. Carson?
TRUMP: Funny, I thought about it yesterday. I have such respect for Ben. If you notice, the CNN poll came out 49-15. How do you like that, Ben? He wouldn't have been happy. But if you noticed, during this whole thing, nationally I'm talking about. Ultimately probably the most important. CNN comes out 49 -- a couple days ago. 49 for trump and 15 for the two others I think w'ere at 15. The one person that just kept sneaking up on me, I couldn't lose him, was Dr. Ben Carson. I could not lose that guy, and I was doing well and you know, Trump would be at 28 at that time. And I remember when it was 28, and -- Ben was 18. And then he was 19. And then the next week it was like 22. I said, whoa, whoa. What's this happening here? I don't like this. Right? And then he was 24. And then I had a pretty good poll where I took a little lead in one. And -- but then what happened is it was, I believe NBC, "Wall Street journal," who always gives me bad polls by the way, I have to tell you, I always have bad polls.
Oh, thank you for the nice things you always say about me. You are so nice. Thank you. Sitting next to David. Okay? Thank you very much. Always so nice. Now she's going to be bashful because she's embarrassed. But I just want to thank you. So, Ben, Ben would always, like, he'd be there and then we had one poll where Ben went ahead. The biggest story worldwide. I said, this guy is unbelievable. And so I started going after Ben. And it's politics. I mean, Ben understands that. And I was really impressed with the way he fought back, because he fought back with silence and strength.
And I even commented on it. Somebody else would have gotten -- wouldn't have gone well. His great confidence, in himself, I was very, very impressed. It is true. He's the one person -- I used the expression, I couldn't lose him. I couldn't shake him, he did so well and just go up, up, up, so steady, so solid, and I fought back and I hit him hard. And he, which is politics, and Ben understands that, and he understood that, because I talked to him about it yesterday, but he handled it with such dignity I frankly thought it was amazing and actually gained a lot of respect for him. Okay.
TOM LLAMAS: On that point though Mr. Trump you talked about the two Donald Trumps that maybe Dr. Ben Carson brought that up, would you say things like I wanna punch a protester in the face, or when you said the things about Dr. Ben Carson- is it just politics or are you playing a character there?
>> It's politics and it's fact. Let me just telling, we've had some violent people as protestors. Not just people saying, oh -- these are people that punch. People that are violent people. I get the biggest crowds, by far. Not even a contest and you people don't like to report it, but actually the one thing good about protestors is you have to go and go into these stadiums, massive stadiums with 25,000, 30,000 people and cameras never turn. The cameras never, ever turn and show the stadium. I always say turn and show the -- they don't. When there's a protestor up in the corner it's great. The cameras all turn because it's a negative as opposed to a positive so they turn.
We've had a couple that were really violent. The particular one when I said, I'd like to bang him. That was -- a very vicious -- a guy who was swinging. Very loud and then started swinging at the audience. You know what? The audience swung back. And I thought it was very, very appropriate. He was swinging. He was hitting people. And the audience hit back. And that's what we need. A little bit more of. Now, I'm not talking about just a protestor. This was a guy who should not have been allowed to do what he did. Frankly, if you want to know the truth, the police were very, very restrained. The police have been amazing, but the police were very, very restrained. Okay.Yes?
Q: Mr. Trump, did the RNC ever come to you and I don't know if you know about the other candidates, but did they ever come to you and say this debate needs to be more civilized?
>> No, they didn't.
Q: They did not? Why do you think it was?
>> I just think it was time. It was time. Very substantive last night. I said before, a very elegant debate. It was very substantive. Ben came in, and he said it was a beautiful debate last night. It's gotten great reviews as a debate. I won't tell people I won, even though I did win, let me just say. I refuse to say that, "Time" magazine, 80, slate, 84. Fox, 91%, Fox. I don't believe it. New -- so, we had a debate last night and I think I did what I had to do. I don't know. We've had enough debates, in my opinion. These debates have been, like -- like Vince Mcmahon should have put them on because they were WWE, and too much. I think that it really -- I think last night was something that was very important. That it come off like that, and we didn't speak -- and the candidates didn't speak about it, but it short of morphed into a very dignified debate. Yes?
Q: Mr. Trump --
>> Go ahead, sir.
Q: You said in the debate last night you haven't decided whether you'll accept fundraising for the general election.
>> Accept what?
Q: Whether you'll raise money for the general election.
>> Yeah.
Q: If you go that route doesn't it undermine your pledge to voters --
>> I don't think so. I wouldn't be taking money. If anything the party would be taking money. I don't want money, but the party might take money.It's up to the party. That's up to them. Not up to me. Something I haven't given much thought to. I self-funded my campaign. I put in, I guess I'll be in for $50 million, $60 million. I am somebody that's a business person -- the money is sort of irrelevant but I have a natural instinct to be a little careful with money. That's the way I am, the way we have to be with our country.
I expect to have, you know, tremendous amounts of money in this by the time we finish. I guess right now, into, you would know better than me, maybe $30 million, maybe more. Others are in for $150 million and nowhere. They're out of the race. I'm very proud of the race we've woo run. Somebody said, he's only been doing this eight months, but I know the system better than anybody, and the reason I know, because I was on the other side of the system. When they talk about campaign finance laws all these different things I've been there and know it better and from the real side. Not from the politician's side. Yes?
Q: Mr. Trump, I want to go back -- I want to go back to the, what major asked and Tom asked about what Dr. Carson said this morning on the radio and here about the two Donald trumps. So many people know and like you because of your public persona. Is that the real Donald Trump or something we don't see?
>> Well, it's an interesting question. I don't like to over analyze myself. But I will tell you that I try and be, you know, who I am. I want to be honest. Certain questions are asked of me and I give a straight answer as opposed to politically collect answer. I know the politically correct business answer better than anybody.
Q: Would you answer differently in private?
>> I don't think so. I answer truthfully. We're at a point we have to start being truthful with the country. Like the question on Islam. I'm answering the question. I know the exact answer. I could have given an answer the other night to Anderson Cooper, which would have been perfect, nobody would have talked about it, it would have been fine but there is a problem. And we've got to find out what the problem is. We have to solve the problem. You're not going to solve the problem unless you know there is a problem. So I want to answer questions honestly and forthrightly, and even if I'm -- on a big stage with all of these tremendous numbers of cameras around I have to answer honestly. The only way we're going to solve the difficulties of our country. Yes, go ahead.
Q: Mr. Trump, just along the same lines, so why are there two Donald Trumps? Did you at some point make a conscious decision to behave differently in public for --
>> I don't think there are two Donald trumps. I think there's one Donald Trump but you have certainly, look, all of this and you have somebody else that sits and reads and thinks, and I'm a thinker and have been a thinker and perhaps people don't think of me that way because you don't see knee that forum but I am a thinker. I thought it was very nice what Ben said, actually, because it is another side of me. I'm a very deep thinker. I know what's happening. Okay?
Q: -- Start seeing more of that side of you? Elaborate a little on that?
>> I'm going to work with Ben on so many different things, and -- I'll be honest, when I was with Ben yesterday the thing that most impressed me, I know all about his views on health care because I've heard them and I've always felt he knew more about it than the other people on the stage, and perhaps he should, because that was what he was doing. But I was most impressed with his views on education. It's a strength. And it's a tremendous strength. And so Ben's going to be involved with us in any aspect he wants to be but in particular on those two subjects. Okay? Yes.
Q: More of the, this toned down version what we saw last night with Dr. Carson referring to as your cerebral side. Do you plan to tone down your performances as --
>> Depends. You can't say. I didn't go there as a toned down person. I went and whatever happens happens. You have to be able, to swing with the punches and to be honest with you, I went there, I didn't know if I was going to be -- if I was hit I would have hit back. Now, there are those people that said to me, I was telling Ben yesterday, those people that said, it doesn't matter. Let them call you names. Let them do whatever they want. Stand there and take it. You're leading. You've got a substantial lead. Nobody's going to beat you. Don't do anything. And I said, I can't do that. When somebody hits, I have to hit back. So I thought they were very respectful yesterday. I thought frankly everybody did well. I thought it was, you know, I used the expression. I thought it was a very elegant debate last night. Go ahead.
Q: Mr. Trump you said earlier you felt we had enough debates. There is potentially another debate scheduled on March 21st. Is your suggestion to the RNC at this point, guys, we've had enough?
I think we've had enough debates. How many times do you have to give the same answer to the same question? Do you agree with that Ben? Same question, same people, same everything. I think it'd be nice to finish off with this one. I thought CNN did a fantastic job last night I thought that Jake was a great moderator. It was just -- it was just a really nice way to finish off the debate season, but I thought -- I really think it's enough debates. I don't think there's any reason for the debates. I know they're getting very big ratings. By the way, Democrats are not getting ratings at all and our debates are getting very, very big ratings, but, you know, one of those things. I think we had enough. The net -- look, the networks want them. I don't think any of the candidates want them at this point. The networks very much want them.
Q: Can you talk about also there's a phrase you've been using the last several days on the trails and interviews, you said embrace it to the Republican party you were asked about that earlier. As you move forward now and as the contests start to limit, what are you going to do? Are you going to find yourself surrounding yourselves with more people endorsing you, speaking on your behalf?
Well when I said embrace I was saying the Republican party should come together and embrace these millions of people that are going down and voting. Millions. South Carolina, New Hampshire. No matter where it is, the millions and millions of people. We've had -- I was going to bring down a list and I said I didn't want to bore you people but we've had some states that are up 102% from four years ago. 102%. There's something is happening that's beautiful to see. And these are people in many cases, as I said last night ,these are people that have never voted. Ben, I have people coming up, they said -- I'm talking about 40, 50, 60, 70 years old. So many people. They say Mr. Trump, I've never voted before and they've got a trump shirt on. I mean, they never put a political shirt on in their lives. They weren't political people. They never had confidence in the people that they were voting for and said -- I have had -- literally, when I shake hands with people or when I sign autographs, people are saying, I've never voted before, Mr.Trump.
But I am so proud to be voting and some go early voting. It's been an amazing thing. What I said to the Republican party, the establishment, if there is such a thing. I guess I used to be a member of the establishment eight months ago, but if there is such a thing -- I'm not sure that there is -- but I said embrace it. Instead of are fighting it, instead of fighting me like these people from club for growth. These are people that came to my office, they asked me for $1 million. I said, who are they? I don't even know who they are. Asked me for $1 million. I said, well, let me think about it. Then I found out who they are and I said I'm not wasting $1 million. Why give them a million dollars? Soon as I said that, they started doing negative ads. They went negative on me. If I would have given them $1 million they wouldn't be doing negative ads. They're extortionists. They're extortionists, that's all they are. And I look on television I see negative ads, which are all wrong. The ads are lies by the way. That's what you have. We should embrace it, the Republican party should grab this, and we will have a victory, like the Republican party has never had before.
One of the things Ben and I were talking about. I will win Michigan, that's not in the playbook for the Republican party. I think I have a chance to win New York, that's not in the playbook. Can you imagine if you win New York, you know they always talk about the six states you have to win, Florida, Virginia, you know, just go down the line. Pennsylvania. Ohio. You have to win certain states. If you lose one of them it's over for the Republican party. The fact is the structure. Structurally it's much more difficult for somebody to get elected from the Republican party. Everybody knows that. With me, I add a lot of states that aren't even in play for anybody else. I mean, I add all of the rust belt states. I own states that -- I will get states that are unbelievable. That are unthinkable for the Republican party. And we should embrace it. All right. A couple more and we'll --
Q: You said Dr. Carson would handle education for you. Here in Florida a lot of people worried about common core, it just came in a few years ago. But it's up to states to handle that. How would Dr. Carson do something about the issue a lot people have with common core?
Ben knows the education knows, he knows what's going on. I'm personally very opposed to common core I like local education. Ben feels very much the same way, and I think Ben is going to do a tremendous service for helping the states, because, you know, we want to see it. There's great love in education. When you circle those schools with the parents and the teachers and everything else, instead of some bureaucrat in Washington, you're going to do a lot better. Okay?
Q: Have you had any conversations with Senate majority leader Mcconnell?
I have not yet. I'm sure I will, but I have not yet.
Q: What is your reaction to the news that Mitch Mcconnell has been advising vulnerable senate Republicans on, you know, running away from you, if you were the nominee?
I'm sure that will change. Yeah?
Q: Do you think that the Republican party leadership, those that are in Washington right now, are disconnected from the Republican base, the electorate? Is that who you are seeing as maybe potentially dividing, uniting the electorate against party leadership?
It's true. There's a big disconnection between the so-called leadership. I don't even know what the leadership is. I can't define the leadership because nobody knows what it is. But there's a big disconnect between the so-called leadership and the people, but the people to me are much more important. Because they're the ones doing the voting. That's why I'm standing up here and other people aren't.
Q: Why do you think there's a big disconnect? What are they not understanding?
The Republican party lost its way. They've lost two elections they should have won. Certainly the last election they absolutely should have won, easily, that should have been an easy victory. In my opinion much easier than the one we have coming up and they lost. So the Republican party lost its way. The Republican party now, something has happened, call it a miracle, call it whatever you want to do, but they're talking about it all over the world. The biggest story in all of politics. One of the big stories of the world. The millions and millions of people that are pouring into the Republican party. Not to the Democrats, to the Republican party. And these are people that were disenfranchised, there are people that haven't had a pay increase in 20 years. These are people that have seen their jobs go to China. And to Mexico. And to Japan. And to Vietnam. And to every other country in the world but us. It's going to all end. It's going to end.
Q: What will will you say --
>> Believe me, it's going to end.
Q: If you get to the general election, Democrats what will you say to them?
One of the things -- let me tell you about the democratic voters, as you said. Democrat voters. I will tell you, one of the things we're going to do is, we are going to get so many -- it's already been proven so many Democrats have come and signed registration forms for the primaries where they're voting for me. They left. They said they've never done this in their lives. They had an expression, Democrats, for Reagan years ago. We're going to have Democrats for trump. But it's going to be much bigger we're going to get tremendous numbers of Democrats. I have people in Hollywood, friends of mine saying everybody out there is voting for you but they're not going to admit. I said why? Aren't you proud? No. Because I have a tough stance on crime, I have a tough stance borders. They all know I'm right. But they're liberal people, don't want to admit it, but they're going to vote for trump.
Q: Ted Cruz recently acknowledged that this would come down to the convention? If it comes down to a convention fight what's your campaign doing?
Well I think we'll do it without a convention. I hope we're going do it without going into the convention without having a fight but I do feel and I said it strongly, whoever has the most delegates at the end of this trip should win.
Q: Prepare for the possibility --
Well, I'll prepare. But I'm hoping to prepare. Ohio should be great for me, because they're losing tremendous numbers of jobs. You've seen what's happened with the coal industry in Ohio.
Q: [ Inaudible ].
I think I'll beat John kasich. Yeah. I mean John Kasich he's been an absentee governor. He's been campaigning for the last -- he lived in New Hampshire. In fact, Chris Christie said that absolutely John kasich was there much more than him, which is true. And John kasich then went, as you know, to other states, to different states. Very big in South Carolina. He was there. He didn't win. Didn't win in New Hampshire. Right? Didn't win in Michigan. He guaranteed Michigan. He said, I will win Michigan, and I thought and I thought he said, you could correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought if said if I don't win Michigan I'd drop out because Michigan is his neighboring state, and I won Michigan in a landslide, and he was living there. So John has been, you know, not really there, and John's got some innate problems. He's very much in favor of trans-pacific partnership. Tpp. That will be the destruction of Ohio. Now that oil is down, Ohio got lucky because they struck oil and the budget went up more than any other budget in the United States. Higher than any other budget.
But they got lucky because oil was under their ground as opposed to some states where they don't have the oil. Now that prices of oil are down, Ohio's going to have a lot of problems. Maybe one or two more. Go ahead.
Q: Just to be clear you won't be in Salt Lake City on March 21st for this next debate?
I didn't know there was a next debate. I thought we had our next debate last night. No? I have yet another -- look, there's been a ratings bonanza. I would do debates frankly if networks agreed to give all of the money let's say to the wounded warriors or to the veterans. Networks are making a fortune on these debates. Ratings for the debates are through the roof. Can I be honest, I think it's time to end the debates. No. I didn't know about a debate in Salt Lake City. Yeah?
Q: To clarify, you've been hearing mostly from republicans like Paul Ryan. Have you personally reached out to anybody in the Republican party?
>> I'd rather not say but hearing by virtually everybody in the Republican party and they're congratulating me saying we're going to get together. They want to embrace, it look these are not stupid people. These are very smart people. They want to embrace it. What are they going to do? Take millions of the voters -- look at the polls. People are telling me this every time, when we want to went to Nevada, which we won. All of them. The people that work in the polling areas, they've been there 20-25 years, they love it. They do it. They're political people. Every single time I go they say,Mr. Trump, we've never seen anything like this. You go to Nevada, we'd stand here and the place would be empty all morning long and now you'd lines five blocks long, it's really been amazing thing. Yes, ma'am, absolutely. Go ahead.
Q: Last night on the debate stage you said trade is an area you diverge -- the Republican party.
>> Very much so.
Q: Discussed a lot in the context of Ohio. How would you differ on trade from Hillary Clinton?
>> Well, Hillary's terrible on trade. She has no business instincts, doesn't have the energy or strength to get the right deals made. You need strength, stamina, you need a lot to get these deals come. They come at you in ways. To do these deals where they wrap them up, put 12 countries in one, TPP as an example, I want individual trade deals with individual countries. Some deals we'll make will be so good. Some countries treat us better than others. Some are worse.
China will take advantage of TPP. It's not in it now, but believe me, they will come through the back door. They're watching it so closely. I have so many friends in China.I have great respect for China. I'm not angry at China. I'm angry at our people. We have a trade deficit with China this year, $500 billion. It's unsustainable. We're going to change our trade deals, make grade deals. We're going to become a rich nation again. We cannot become a great nation until we are rich again. We can't afford social security, we can't afford anything. I'm going to save social security. There are so many things we can do it's going to go quickly, too. Okay yes?
Q: A quick question about Dr. Carson, your addition to ten doors Mr. Trump over senator Cruz. You were open to endorsing one of the two. Why not senator Cruz?
>> Well, first of all, we had a lot of excellent candidates. I think any of the 17 candidates who were running could have done a fine job. But one of the real factors for me is what will happen if we allow the political operatives to succeed in their endeavor to stop Donald Trump? I think it would fracture the party irreparably and hand the election to the Democrats, and they would get the picks in the supreme court and America would be forever changed. That's the big picture. It's a very big picture. It's not about me. It's not about Mr. Trump. It's about America.
Q: Why not senator Cruz, ultimately?
>> Because I feel that Mr. Trump is willing to do what needs to be done to break the stranglehold of special interest groups, and the political class.
Q: Are there any remaining hard feelings towards senator Cruz over what happened in Iowa?
>> I've completely forgiven him. That's a duty one has as a Christian.
TOM LLAMAS: You said throughout your life god has led you to your most important decisions. This truly is an important decision. Did god lead you to Donald Trump?
>> I prayed about it a lot, and I got a lot of indications, people calling me that I haven't talked to for a long time saying, I had this dream about you and Donald Trump -- I mean, just amazing things. But I also -- tend to think that the way God speaks to you is by giving you wisdom, and that wisdom seems to me that if we allow this attempt to disrupt the will of the people to be successful, it will fracture the party in an irreparable way, and that will hand the election to people who, I personally believe, would destroy our country.
And the reason I say that is because, you know, Hillary Clinton was a great friend of Saul Wilensky. On a first-name basis when him as a student. He wrote the book "Rooms for radicals" and if you haven't read it, I recommend that you read it, and see the kinds of things that are recommended to change, fundamentally change, this nation from the great success we have to a socialist country. And the dedication page of that book says, dedicated to lucifer. I don't want anything to do with anything like that.
Q: You talk and burying the hatchet. Did you have any kind of conversation with Mr. Trump like that with senator Ted Cruz? And did he ask you for your endorsement?
>> He did not specifically ask for an endorsement, but he did apologize, he said -- he wasn't really aware of what was going on. He didn't agree with it.
Q: Dr. Carson, you said you were endorsing we the people. It sounds as if that intervening time between then and now you've evolved and the central focus, the effort to stop Donald Trump is what motivated you to endorse him. Is it his qualities or the movement against him that put you where you are?
>> It's about we the people. We need to empower the people. That is not going to be done through politics as usual, be that Republican politics as usual or be that Democrat politics as usual. It requires somebody who's is bit of an iconoclast, but someone who has the ability to listen and to make wise decisions.
Q: Dr. Carson, do you think that going back to what Mr. Trump said, you have a lot of evangelicals that come out, and they were there when I was there, do you think that people will be representative of the American people, and do you think you can help bridge the gap with evangelicals and people of color now that you're endorsing Mr. Trump?
>> I hope we can bridge the gap with everybody. All the policies I have ever talked about and Mr. Trump is going to be on board with this too. We talk about things that are good for everybody, not for this group or that group. The whole concept of picking and choosing winners and losers is something that I think is antithetical to what we believe, don't you? And that is simply not -- would not happen with a trump administration. We would be looking at ways to do things that benefit all Americans, that create an equal playing field. Equality of opportunity. That's what we're looking for. And that doesn't mean that we're not sensitive to people who are downtrodden.
In fact, we're very sensitive to people who are downtrodden, and we'll be putting in place things that will allow those people to ascend. Many people have been placed in a position of dependency for generations. They don't even recognize what's going on. We have to change that.
Q:: Dr. Carson, what are you doing to reverse the situation?
[ Question inaudible ]
>> I'll let Mr. Trump answer that question.
Q: Do you see a future for yourself in politics, and even if there was no promise in this endorsement, would you be interested in serving in a potential trump administration?
>> I'm interested in saving America. My concern is our posterity. All the people coming after us. And we are destroying any possibility of the American dream to them with the policies that we're doing. I would be very interested in helping to achieve the goal of saving America and making it great absolutely.
Q: You talk about Mr. Trump, two Donald Trumps, the one in public and the one in private. Does that worry you for the American voters? Should the voters know that second Donald Trump, and as that relates to you and Mr. Trump have sparred on a number of issues whether it's Muslim database or religion. Are we seeing a second Dr. Carson with this endorsement?
>> I don't think so. But my point being that there's a different persona. Some people have gotten the impression that Donald Trump is this person who is not malleable, who does not have the ability to listen and to take information in and to make wise decisions, and that's not true. Now, you might get that impression from looking at debates and looking at some of the public appearances, but he's much more cerebral than that and a much more reasonable person than comes across.
But as you well know, because you've heard me talk about it a lot, the media, they're very skillful at painting people certain ways, and it may not be who that person is at all, and that person can spend all their time trying to change the media or they can just move ahead. I think he's decided he's just going to move ahead and focus the attention on the American people, not so much on the media. I think that's the right way to do it.
Q: Will you be hitting the campaign trail with him?
>> We'll do some campaigning together. And the last question.
Q: You said you would be interested in being a part of a potential trump administration. Have you been promised a V.P. Slot in exchange for this endorsement?
>> We have not talked about a role other than being involved and helping formulate policies and trying to make America great. That's the real key. And as was said by many, it is great, but the it is nowhere near as great as it can be, and a lot of the things that are in place and that have been in place and growing over the last few decades have led us to a place of incredible stagnation. We don't need to be there. And if we, once again, begin to embrace those policies that will create the atmosphere for entrepreneurial risk taking and capital investment, you will see an explosion like nothing you've ever seen before. We simply haven't been doing that. I don't think it's going to be that hard, and I don't think Mr. Trump thinks it's going to be that hard either.
>> So, thank you all very much. Thank you very much. Great honor, and go outside. We have coffee and drinks. Enjoy yourselves. Thank you.