Swann Périssé, on the ground of the climate punchline
MOCK GERM TEST (11/06/1996)
A substance was put on the hands of some workers in Columbus, Ohio and they were allowed to go through a routine day. At the end of the day, a black light was used to highlight the substance, and officials discovered that the substance was all over everything! The idea is to show how germs can be spread.
Title reads: "Germ-masks for crowds". <br/> <br/>London. <br/> <br/>Various shots of three women taking bits of fabric out of their handbags. They tie the fabric around their faces like bandit mask. Narrator explains the Ministry of Heath wants everyone to wear germ masks to prevent colds and flu spreading, particularly in the air raid shelters. <br/> <br/>M/S of cab driver scratching his head in disbelief. C/U of woman in a mask. C/U of sign for Underground station. M/S of three masked women walking into station. M/S of masked woman talking to man, he lifts her mask and tries to give her a kiss.
Liberation Of Rome, 1944
Liberation Of Rome Reel-1: June 4, 1944 cheering crowds greet the Allied 5th Army as the troops and tanks enter Rome. Shows the Combined Chiefs of Staff planning the Italian Campaign. Animated map shows the Nazi air bases in Italy allowed the Germans to threaten air attacks against Allied shipping in the Mediterranean. Shows German planes at the Foggia airfield complex in Italy. Troops of the British 8th army under the command of General Montgomery board troop transport ships for invasion of Italy and land at Reggio Calabria on the toe of Italy. British 8th Army advances north. The Italian navy surrenders to the Allies. Shows invasion convoy of Allied ships in-route to Salerno invasion beachhead. Excellent 4-sec clip of British Spitfire planes flying cover for invasion fleet. Shows Germans on high ground overlooking Salerno. U.S. 5th Army under command of General Mark Clark hit the beach at Salerno under heavy German fire. Shows Germans firing machine guns, mortars, 88 mm artillery. Allied fleet bombards German positions. Planes of the German Luftwaffe bombards the beachhead. Planes of the RAF and 9th American Air Force bomb German troop concentrations. Shows bodies of 5th Army soldiers on beachhead. Patrols of the U.S. 5th Army and the British 8th Army meet near Salerno. The British 8th Army attacked the German's left flank while the U.S. 5th Army moved inland from the Salerno beachhead causing complete retreat by the Germans. Shows General Mark Clark and General Montgomery. Shows Foggia air field after capture by British 8th Army. Map shows how capture of Foggia air field would allow Allied planes to provide air power on the Russian Front. The U.S. 5th Army enters Naples, refugees return to the city. Shows destruction of farm house and removal of bodies of farmer's family after being killed for refusing to give up his livestock to feed German Engineers. U.S. troops fight the rain, mud and swollen Volturno river with little or no forward progress. Shows vehicles bogged down in the mud. Winter brought snow in the mountains. Animated map shows how the Germans defended the passes by laying mine fields, placing machine guns on elevated points, and anti-tank guns to protect the mine fields and machine gun positions. Shows how the Allied Forces were able to capture the passes and advance. Mules used to carry supplies on mountain trails too steep or narrow for vehicles. Nazi film shows hundreds of captured Allied soldiers. Liberation Of Rome Reel-2: Shows 18-day savage tank battle and street fighting in Ortona, Italy between troops of the British 8th Army and German soldiers. The Germans finally retreated. General Eisenhower and General Clark inspect the German defenses at Cassino. Animated map shows the importance of Cassino where the Germans had been ordered to hold at all costs. Shows fighting on Hangman's Hill. Animated map shows the German Gustav defense line. To break the stalemate at Cassino units of the 5th Army made a end run landing behind the Gustav line at Anzio. Shows American and British troops unloading and consolidating the beachhead at Anizo. Shows German General Rommel and German General Kesselring directing the arrival of Nazi infantry and tank reserves to counter the Anizo landing. Shows planes of the German Luftwaffe attacking and bombing the Allied troops and Anizo invasion ships. Allied infantry and artillery was able to beat back German attacks, but paying a heavy price in dead and wounded. Wounded being transported to hospital ship. The Battle of Monte Cassino or Battle For Rome continued. Shows American planes bombing the hilltop abbey of Monte Cassino and later the town of Cassino. British Gen. Alexander directs an artillery bombardment on the Gustav Line. Animated map shows how the Gustav line was shattered by units of the British, Poles, French, and American armies. Shows fierce fighting in Cassino. Cassino falls as the Germans were killed or surrendered. The German pows were exhausted. The tanks and infantry of the U.S. 5th Army rolls toward Rome. Captured German film shows the German Army evacuating Rome. Crowds cheer a free Rome, receives the Pope's blessing, prays, and remembers the dead. Church bells ring.
Bridgeman Images Details
DN-202 1 inch
Germ Warfare - US & Reds Clash In United Nations Over Issue
Tips to avoid the back-to-school germs
Ultraviolet light on fingers, a computer keyboard and other places shows just how many germs can live on surfaces. A microscope shows germs that cause colds, flu and other unwelcome illnesses. A young woman carefully washes her hands to kill germs.
Fly specks on a menu card are found to contain tuberculosis bacillus in the U.S.
Experiments on fly specks show the fly as a disease carrier in the United States. A fly moves on a menu card. A cup and a serving of sugar cubes on a dining table. The fly sits on sugar cubes. Experiments are performed which show that these fly specks frequently contain disease germs in an active and virulent state. After incubation the fly specks show living germs of typhoid and spinal meningitis. Tuberculosis bacillus seen. Location: United States USA. Date: 1924.
Bacteria growing on agar, time-lapse
Time-lapse footage of bacteria growing on agar in a petri-dish.
Germ Warfare discussion
c) ""Germ Warfare,"" discussion
In Chinese films, Communists interrogate US Airman Floyd O'Neal about germ warfare
“Sniffles and Sneezes” Health Film (1955)
Excerpt from "Sniffles and Sneezes” a 1955 black and white informational film about viruses and how it passes from person to person.
Early 1920s film transmission of germs through coughing and sneezing, and prevention of illness.
It is illustrated that proper use of handkerchief can prevent bacteria to spread in the United States. A boy and two girl children seated at a table playing a board game of checkers. One of the girls sneezes over the board without covering. The scene is shown again. This time the girl prepares to sneeze and the other girl and the boy each hand her a handkerchief. The girls sneezes into the handkerchief to control spread of germs, illness, and sickness. Location: United States USA. Date: 1922.
[Flooded farmland: farmers in trouble]
Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. <br/> <br/>Short trailer film telling people to use disinfectant to avoid the spread of germs. <br/> <br/>A man sits smoking a pipe. <br/> <br/>The voiceover tells him that he is going to be shown three things and he has to explain what to do with them. <br/> <br/>First - a pint of beer appears on the table. Without thinking, the man drinks the beer. <br/> <br/>Second - a handkerchief is held up. Our hero looks a little confused, then he grabs it and sneezes loudly. The voiceover reminds us to use handkerchiefs as 'Coughs and Sneezes spread diseases". <br/> <br/>Thirdly - a bowl of disinfectant appears. The man looks confused and then tries to drink it. A hand appears to stop him. The hand picks out a soiled handkerchief from the man's top pocket and he is told to put it in the bowl. <br/> <br/>Germ covered handkerchiefs should be washed in disinfectant to avoid contaminating the family wash with germs. <br/> <br/>To push home the message the man sneezes into a handkerchief and then places it into the disinfectant. He nods his understanding and then puts lots of dirty hankies into the bowl. <br/> <br/>End titles come up "Don't Spread Germs". <br/> <br/>Possibly connected with 48/99 & 49/20 - MD.
A 1970s commercial for Sani-Flush promises to "wipe out germs in 15 seconds."
Various Subjects
Animation of the intestinal microbiome
Animation of the normal microflora of the human intestines
A Safer Place to Eat-prevent food borne illness
"A Safer Place To Eat: a guide to prevention of food borne illnesses in the home."" Presented by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. A public safely program hosted by an African American woman that shows the harmful effects of bacteria and the importance of cleanliness with food preparation. Includes the different germs, the three things that make germs grow (moisture, temperature, food), using a refrigerator to slow the growth, freezer and cooking to stop growth and killing the germs. The host explains the ways to avoid botulism. man shopping in grocery store black man cooking spaghetti sauce black woman on phone mother and two children at dinner table black woman host talks about bacteria and germs.