1960s - 1970s, HISPANIC FAMILIES, HOME MOVIES, LATINOS, LAS VEGAS, UNIVERSAL STUDIOS, MOMS W/KIDS, VARIOUS ANIMALS, BEACH, BIRTHDAYS, DANCING, BABYS FIRST STEPS; EXT DX MS of women w/waterfall BG, family walking w/waterfall BG, PAN-L to DUNES hotel in Las Vegas, mother and son walking; EXT DX MS of family posing for camera, statue BG, CU son kissing/hugging mom, MS of family walking on ledge of water fountain; EXT DX MS Hacienda Hotel in Las Vegas the horse, PAN-L to teens/brother sister walking towards camera, (camera very shaky); EXT DX MS of boy in pool w/family, boy swimming w/ women, MS of family playing in snow, kids throwing snowballs a teach other; EXT DX MS of father/daughter holding hands w/cars passing BG, little girl walking towards camera, MS of women and kids at beach ;EXT DX MS of women helping kids w/inflatables, MS of kids playing in water, mother helping son on beach toy, VAR family at beach; EXT DX CU of boy coming out of water playing w/sand, MS of tired boy laying on inflatable, MS of couple walking w/waterfall BG; POV DX of golf course, POV of Universal Studios lot, family siting on bench, boy sitting on huge sizers, MCU of couple, waterfall; EXT DX MS of man holding up huge rock, family behind bars, POV HS of Universal Studios,EXT DX MS of boy/girl standing w/family out side church after making Holy Communion, two teens walking baby girl in cute dress; EXT DX MS of women filming w/old camera, baby/girl pointing at camera, MS of dad and kids girl w/white dress on boy/dad w/suite; VAR MS mom/little girls playing, VAR mom/daughter in arms, mom/son walking, boy waving at camera, CU of mom/daughter in arms; EXT DX MS of grandmother taking baby in arms, VAR kid on swings w/moms pushing them, MS kids sliding down slide; DX POV from car various animals roaming around free (Lion Country Safari), ECU of zebra looking into camera, lions roaming ; DX VAR from car of three lions trying to mate w/lioness, Z-in to lioness/lions laying on dirt, MCU of hippos feeding; DX POV of flamingos feeding/perched in pond, CU of giraffe, Z-out to reveal all of giraffe, MS of two giraffe; DX Z-IN to lions, sitting by fence, cloudy skis, INT MS of little girl jumping on bed, small boy making faces at camera ;INT VAR MS of kids playing on bed looking into camera, MS of little girl blowing kisses, VAR not clear shot very foggy ;EXT DX VAR kids in pool having fun, girls w/hair cap on, VAR kids playing in snow not to clear, HS PAN-R of tropical island/ocean; EXT DX MCU of father/baby in arms coming downhill, father lifting baby to camera, older women smiling at camera; EXT DX MS of man carrying same baby w/boy by side, man putting baby on dog, baby talking first steps, MS of family at the beach; EXT DX of ocean waves crashing, MS of child w/mom, child w/big hat on, family siting on blanket under big tree ; DX ECU of marry-go-round going round, MCU of baby on swing, VAR other kids on swing, MS of large turtle under water ;INT MS of kids around table w/birthday cake, kids picking out candles, VAR family w/kids, young girl cutting cake, older girl same; ECU of three kids blowing out b-day candles, older girl picking out candles from cake, MS of girl in red dress dancing w/other girl; INT MS of two girls dancing w/boy watching, women ironing in BG, VAR EXT DX kids in pool having fun, swimming, girl on rubber seal; EXT DX MS of women holding child in arms vegetation BG, MS of mad boy looking into camera, boy smiles w/second boy joins him; EXT DX MS of girls in swimming suits, PAN-D to boys in swimming suits, CU of women holding child by arms taking his first steps; EXT DX VAR family at the beach in water playing, boy coming to camera w/seashell, girl in water w/baby in arms, mother w/baby; EXT DX more of same family at beach kids in water, girls chasing small boy, INT MS VAR kids around table celebrating birthday; INT MS VAR b-day party w/kids making funny faces at camera, EXT DX father and boy w/child first steps, MS of boy walking child; EXT DX boy/child walking towards camera, CU of child, INT girls w/child learning how to walk, MS of child w/ball; INT VAR family party, eating, kids of different ages dancing, adults dancing, having fun, MS of father holding child by feet; INT MS of baby standing in cradle, MS of men playing cards, more kids dancing together, child walking in stroller; INT DX MS of girl/small boy dancing together, CU of baby in stroller, VAR MS of same baby in stroller w/big Mexican hat on; INT MS of same baby w/boy playing w/cat, baby petting cat, MS of older girl clapping, MS of man resting on couch, boy walking child