1969 Hippie Volkswagen
Aspen, Colorado - Hippie car - VW Beetle or Bug - Volkswagen with Peace symbol sticker and "Give Peace a Chance" written
Close ups on crowds mourning the death of John Lennon in Central Park. Some people hold posters with Lennon's picture on them. Some hold candles. A group sings "All we are saying, is give peace a chance".
Blackpool, Lancashire. <br/> <br/>GV Blackpool. LV & SV interior of Empress Ballroom, Anthony Eden receiving ovation. SCU Mr Eden saying(natural sound): "First, the first time for a great many years their is no war going on..." - applause (crowded room, 2 shots) - "main issue of our relationship with Communist world lies nearer home, it is in fact Germany... Russians conscious of this too... they will try to prevent Germany joining our side... no mention of Russians arming Germans in their propaganda..." (SCU Mr Maxwell Fyfe and Mrs Eden) "danger is what Russian would do to Germany if we were foolish enough to give the chance... the greater danger would be if we were to exclude the Germans... destroy those very impulses... for the future." SCU Eden sitting down, amidst applause. <br/> <br/>(Orig.Neg.) (Title scene I.)
Demonstrators protest the escalation of war and advocate a march towards the Capitol in Washington DC on May 13, 1972.
Hippies demonstrate on the north sidewalk of the White House in Washington DC. Long haired , weirdo hippies and their things on Pennsylvania Avenue along a sidewalk in front of the White House. A woman stands with a poster. The poster reads 'Honk For Peace'. Various posters read 'Unity Means Peace', 'In The Name of God, Stop The War', 'Vigil for Peace' and 'Give God A Chance'. Peace demonstrators play guitars. A young man in torn denim jeans sings with them. A baby in a pram or stroller. The demonstrators pass out leaflets to pedestrians. Some sleep on a sidewalk and smoke cigarettes. The demonstrators protest the escalation of war ( Vietnam War ) and advocate a march towards the Capitol on May 13, 1972. Location: Washington DC USA. Date: May 10, 1972.
Peace Message Billboard Times Square
Peace Message Billboard Times Square 10/15/01 Huge banner hung in Times Square ""Give Peace a Chance"" shot from various angels, Another billboard ""Imagine all the people living life in peace"" right above the TKTS booth, shot of Jumbotron in Times Square with a big flag on screen,
00:18:06:22 WPOW (Power 96) DJ Don Cox joined four other local radio stations in playing John Lennon&apos;s &quot;Give Peace A Chance&quot; as last-ditch effort for peace. (0:00) /
DN-B-006 Beta SP; NET-563 Beta SP (at 01:19:49:00); DigiBeta
Return ticket: [issue of 28 May 2023]
#1 Conference April 28 - Jay Garner, Tom Cross and others regarding reconstruction of Iraq
COLOR SYNC Conference in Iraq held April 28, 2003 to Iraqi leaders to discuss reconstruction 00:00:00 - 00:05:05 prior to start of conference, people mingling in the room 00:05:10 - 00:09:30 start of meeting by the reading of a few verses from the Koran - everyone stands and then is seated 00:09:30 - 00:13:50 thank you to all who have come from all areas of Iraq - some had difficulties getting there but applaud your commitment to building a new Iraq. Purpose of meeting is for those assembled to hear from Jay Garner regarding reconstruction and humanitarian structure as well as to continue the national dialogue that was started in Nasaria in regard to building the Iraqi interim authority as soon as possible. First Jay Garner will prsent and then discussion will begin about the principles in building a free and democratic Iraq. We will read the principles that were developed in Nasaria to facilitate that discussion and for volunteers to chair and co chair those sessions. After lunch we will have a focused discussion on how to build the Iraq INterim Authority. INtroduces General Jay Garner 00:13:50 - Garner mentions that the Iraqi people brought forth a culture that represents civilization and codification of law (mike goes out). 00:16:00 - 21:00Garner mentions that the raqi people brought forth a culture that represents civilization and cbrought about goverment process and codified laws for the first time and society as we know it started here. (simultaneous translation going on ) .... it is our responsibility to give democracy a chance here today and continue from what we started in Nasaria. I am here and Tim Cross is here, is to create an environment in Iraq which will give us a process to start a democratic government, which represents all people, all religions, all tribes, all ethnic groups, all profesions and to begin that process that we will have a government that will represent a free society. TO start that we have two paths to travel and these paths are side by side. First path is reconstruction and the second path is government. I am going to give you a report on reconstruction and you are going to give the process of government. It is our job to give you the tools you need and the resources. But before we can begin reconstruction successfully we have to have security. We are trying to put security throughout Iraq. It is very difficult but we will make this happen....discusses an upcoming town hall meeting about security and we have asked for people to join us and we will do this throughout Iraq. The qustion will be where do you need security and how do we bring forth a police force that will be accepted by the people. 00:21:00 - 00:24:30 Tim Cross introduces himself and talks about how he helped to liberate Kuwait 12 years ago. He refers to many assembled in the room have returned to Iraq after several years and with great pride we have come to help you rebuild this great country. He says he knows security is a big issue and it is of concern to all but that they are working hard to make it better. There are people who are claiming to be working with the Coalition and they are using force to move people from their homes and establish their own areas of responsibiity.. General McKiernan who is responsible for secure environment in which we operate, has made it clear that this is unacceptable...these people are not working with us - 00:24:30 - 00:28:00 ws of room. Garner talking that one of the most important things is to get the people back to work. and in a matter of weeks we will be able to pay people salaries. They discuss payment process. He introduces general from Corps of Engineers who will help to get infrastructure working and to get materials here to your engineers. 00:28:00 - 00:32:33 General Carlstadt(?) talks about success of getting power plants up and running. We must now turn our attention to the national system so we can move power to where it is needed more effectively. Electrical system requires fuel so we are working hard to restore the oil fields. Our first priority is to provide fuel to the refineries because we know this nation provides for itself in the area of fuel. It is aprropriate that the first flowing of oil in a free Iraq is for the benefit of the Iraqi people (applause). We know it is importnat to get the oil flowing for export as this is the wealth of the Iraqi people and you must benefit from that wealth. When I say ""we"" I am referring to the Iraqi people with the assistance of the American and British. The key is to get your peopleback to work. This is a nation of engineers and you are very very capable of doing this on your own. The people we have worked with show confidence and commitment and with hazard to their own health to put your systems back in place. 00:32:35 - 00:36:45 ws room - Garner talks about health and sanitation needs - this goes back to security issues. pan of room. Talks about the needs for people in public service to come back to work and we are prepared to pay them rapidly. TIm Cross talks about how they plan to implement this through meetings with people at the individual ministries to locate the leaders of the ministries and to listen to their needs. 00:36:45 - 00:41:40 Garner talks about preparations to be ready for the harvest. So the work this week and next is to provide security and get water, hospitals, teachers and students back to pre-war and to prepare for the harvest. Cross adds that there is assistance from other countries from around the world. We look to you to tell us how best the international community can help... we will make mistakes. Some of the things we have spoken about will take time. We need to hear from you when we make mistakes and we will try to improve and not make those mistakes again. We need you as the possible future leaders of Iraq to talk to your people to help and to be patient so that together in the weeks and months ahead their lives will get better instead. Garner talks about how he prays that his two grandaughters will be able to grow up in a world full of peace and prosperity. And now we have this opportunity to establish a government where your sons and daughters, grandsons and grandaughters will be safe and free
BRU-1 Beta SP
World Trade Center Disaster
Selected Originals - SHADOW OVER KENYA
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story "Shadow Over Kenya" - 54/6. <br/> <br/>Lots of cuts exist for this story - 8 separate reels. Some very good material which was not used in cut story. This reel has full speech by Sir Evelyn Baring. See other records. <br/> <br/>There are a few false starts and garbled bits but this is the transcript more or less! Some has been cut for use in the story. <br/> <br/>John Parsons asks Sir Evelyn to tell us about the current situation. "Certainly I'll do my best to do so. I look at it rather like this. I should say that everybody in Kenya, that is to say whether European, or whether they are Asian, or whether they are African, who are reasonable and have a decent outlook on life, are faced with a threat. A threat in the limited area of the country, and a threat from one of the many African peoples in Kenya only. But all the same it is a serious threat. I think that threat has come about by the result of a conspiracy. A conspiracy that has been laid very deeply and has spread very wide and has been organised by a comparatively small number of very clever and very ruthless men, whose aim without any doubt whatever, was to obtain part of themselves. <br/> <br/>In order to gain power, they have used methods of most bestial cruelty, and as everybody knows, there are several Europeans who have been killed, there have been Asians who have been killed, but by far the greatest number of sufferers, the greatest number who have died as a result of this movement have been Kikuyu, so the thing is becoming in a way a Kikuyu Civil War. Now you may very well ask and very well wonder given the number of people engaged on both sided, why it hasn't been stopped long ago. Well the answer to that is that it may look extraordinarily... when you're actually on the ground it looks quite different because we are faced with very great difficulties, great physical difficulties. <br/> <br/>There are two large mountain masses close to the City of Nairobi, one around Mount Kenya and the other is near the Abadres. Each of them is covered with forest, very dense forest indeed. It is just as dense as what I should imagine the Brazilian jungles are, and the Kikuyu were forest people long before the Europeans arrived in East Africa. Kikuyu, that is to say those who are in Mau Mau, operate from those forests and they have to be sought and chased in them. That is our great difficulty. <br/> <br/>Let me go on and say this, that I think that this conspiracy this violent movement takes several forms. We have got to fight it in whatever form it appears in. Sometimes it takes the form of large organised gangs operating from these forest bases and attacking either European farms, or even more the villages and houses of ordinary Kikuyu living in what is called Kikuyu land unit, that is to say the main area, the agricultural area for Kikuyu. <br/> <br/>Sometimes it takes quite a different form. Individual assassins mixing with ordinary work people going to work in the morning, coming back in the evening in the city of Nairobi. The first is a military problem, the second a policeman's. Sometimes it takes a form of much smaller gangs committing robberies, committing attacks, committ- ing assassin on houses either on European farm lands or in the Kikuyu reserve, and that is a combination of a military and police problem. Those are the three forms and we have got to try our best to fight all those three forms. <br/> <br/>John asks a question about different methods of dealing with problems. C.U. Well, to give you a very detailed answer would take too long, but let me say this, at the bottom it is an appeal for information. If we can get information about the individual assassins in the city of Nairobi then we can get at them and to get this information we have got to bring over to our side and to give enough courage enough protection to Kikuyu. <br/> <br/>It is only Kikuyu who can give up information about other Kikuyu, and that we have tried to do not without success. But it can't be done unless a measure of protection can be given, and gradually, slowly, but after many checks at the beginning, sucessfully we have built up in country areas an organisation called the Home Guard. In the Home Guard are the Kikuyu who have decided they are opposed to Mau Mau. Some of them have been opposed to Mau Mau all the time, others after starting on the Mau Mau side have realised it is leading their people to destruction, to complete destruction, and are coming over the side of all peace loving people in Kenya. It is they who are a very important element indeed in our action against the Mau Mau. <br/> <br/>They have showed great courage, and under cover of the Army and the Police it is on them that we rely for information and much of the follow-up action. What we have done in the country we are now repeating in the city of Nairobi. Though it is in its early stages in Nairobi, and is not easy to do, the results are already being seen. <br/> <br/>We have got a lot of problems of peaceful developments as you may well imagine problems of varying means, but the most important one, the one that is right on out doorstep, is the problem of African agriculture. That being caused in the main by a large movement of Kikuyu from one part of the country to the other. We have got plans for African agricultural development. Those plans are of the development of African agriculture as a whole. We have prepared a big and a detailed plan for this and we hope to do a large number of things in it. It is based on some very good work that has been done in the past and has continued right up to the present day in our agriculture in the colony of Kenya and we hope in it to save and improve some of the rather arrid country inhabited by certain, in particular, the Pastoral tribes of Kenya. <br/> <br/>We hope also to improve production very much in what are sometimes called the African areas of high potential. But there are a great many African people, including Kikuyu, who live in a part of the country where the soil is very good and the rain falls high, and we have plans for improvement in many ways for those areas. Now quite apart from the agricultural question, we have also got the question of general development for the social services, and that too will be based on what has been done in the past. We have got plans, for example, for education. May I give two illustrations. <br/> <br/>I have no time to go into our education plans. One illustration is of what we call Trade and Technical schools. Technical education is by no means the only sign of education, but I thought I might mention this one. It is one to turn out Africans to be artisans in the factories of Kenya, for that we need a certain standard of education, now we are going to expand that and the boys who do not reach that standard, we are going to offer, we hope, in the future, a chance of a rather rougher form of technical training in what we call rural training school so that instead of be- coming young artisans, the young African will become a handy-man, with, let's say, a knowledge of building and carpentry capable of getting a job in his own areas perhaps, or perhaps on a European farm. Now going from education to health. I have only time to give you one illustration. We have already started and we hope to go on building what we call health centres in the African areas particularly, and the idea of these health centres is a combination of preventive measures and curative methods, and also a very definite aim of bringing medicine and bringing preventive health measures into the houses and the villages of the people instead of waiting for the people to come to the hospital, these are two illustrations of the type of thing we have in mind of two important social services. <br/> <br/>Now quite apart from social services, we have got to try to develope the background on which our agriculture and industries may grow, and we intend to spend money in the future as we have spent it in the past on that background, on roads, geological survey, on water development, always a very important thing in the dry parts of Africa, and a great deal of Kenya is dry. We are going to be in financial difficulties because of the trouble against Mau Mau. We are going to have to spend a great deal of money on security, but in spite of that, we are confident and we hope that we will be able to go on with both social development and the background such as water and the economic developments I have just spoken of. <br/> <br/>C.U. Finally, let me say this, the struggle against Mau Mau has been long, i am afraid it will still go on for a long time, but let me add we are not stationary, we are making progress and we are all completely confident that we will eventually succeed and destroy Mau Mau." <br/> <br/>(Comb.Orig.Neg.)
[Antoine Arjakovsky]
Valérie Toranian
DN-ZLB-048 Beta SP; DN-ZLB-049 Beta SP
Macy Gray
Manic Depression/Give Peace A Chance
00:00:00:00 [Vigil for John Lennon]-- huge crowd sings &quot;Give Peace A Chance&quot;; then time of silence begins. (0:00)/
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story "Premiere with President" - 50/99. <br/> <br/>United States of America (USA). <br/> <br/>This is continuation of speech of Mr Clement Attlee at the National Press Club during his visit to USA. First part of the speech can be found in 50/99 A - Film ID 1506.36. <br/> <br/>'I'm giving you some of the thoughts which form the background to the policy of the British Government towards China. I know our policy has not always been considered here - quite understood here - yes, sometimes criticised. We asked how can we recognise and have diplomatic relations with the Government of China when its policies have been contradictory to the United Nations objectives in Korea, when the Nationalists are in conflict with our own forces and my answer to those criticisms is quite straightforward and realistic. The Chinese peoples Government has control over all the mainland territory that we know as China command the obedience of 400 million Chinese who inhabit that territory and those are stubborn facts and its no use shutting one's eyes to it - are we to refuse to recognise those facts.... are we to cut ourselves off from all contact with one sixth of the inhabitants of the world from all chance of making our views known to their rulers. Our recognition of the Chinese Peoples Government was the recognition of an obvious fact and our attempt to establish full diplomatic relations with them sprang from those motives which I have referred. Now you will see that we recently published the Colombo Plan for co-operative economic development in Southeast Asia. The second title of that plan is I think significant, it is 'New Horizons in the East' and that title expresses that hope which we and our fellow members of the Commonwealth have put into this plan. <br/> <br/>That plan grew out of a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth at Colombo because we are persuaded that military and political policies are not enough. There must be an economic and social policy and our aim is to try and get rid of those terrible extremes of poverty that you find in the East that form places at which all kinds of dangerous movements may breed. With our partners in the Commonwealth we keep all these matters under review. You may know I am meeting my fellow Prime Ministers of the Commonwealth in London early in January and I shall be very glad to go into that family gathering, fresh from the intimate talks I am having here with President Truman. You see we in Great Britain value very highly those three great strands of a bond that ties us to the rest of the world. There is a strand of the British Commonwealth, there is a strand which united by our history by our common culture to the United States of America, there is a strand that united us to the rest of the world and especially to Europe. Two world wars have shown how strong these links can be - how closely we are linked in the Commonwealth - how closely the defence of freedom and democracy depends on joint action between the United States of America and the United Kingdom. It has also shown our forces are insolubly tied to those of our European neighbours, the common inheritance of the culture of Europe. We have forces on the continent of Europe today, in the near future they will grow in size so that we should be ready to defend the front line of the Atlantic communities should anyone wish to attack us. I am confident that those who have pledged themselves to defend freedom will do so successfully. We are part of the Atlantic community. We are seeking to build up the strength of the West - not for aggression but as a bulwark of peace, and we are resolved to defend our way of life, against anybody who may seek to attack, us. But for this purpose we need the utmost co-ordination not only in defence but also in economic affairs. For a sound economic position is the necessary basis for defence. <br/> <br/>In Britain we have embarked on a large rearmament programme. It will strain our resources, we are only just emerging from the difficulties caused by all out strain of the last World War. It is regrettable to all of us that we have again to turn our energies towards defence preparations but we feel convinced that in the present state of the World that its necessary and that no difference exists, amongst the political parties in Britain, and, I might add, whatever you may hear to the contrary, there is no difference within the party. Our two nations draw their inspiration from the same spiritual sources, we have the same beliefs in freedom and democracy, the same value for the common man, the desire for peace. I am certain that our talks here will make for fuller understanding and increased collaboration in the great causes that we all have at heart (applause.) <br/> <br/>(Comb. F.G.) <br/> <br/>Note: Severely damaged sound - natural sound only.
ORIG.COLOR 500 SOF.MAG. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cue in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HA LARGE CROWD AT WASHINGTON MONUMENT SINGING, LETS GIVE PEACE A CHANCE, WAVING V SIGNS. Moratorium, anti-Vietnam war demonstration, massed crowd singing "Give Peace a Chance," led by Pete Seeger. Masses at Washington Monument, swaying and singing. Peace signs. Seeger, 00:01:40 - "Are you listening Nixon?...Agnew?...in the Pentagon." More of crowd and song and Seeger's voice. Capitol dome in background. ( VS CAPITOL IN BACKGROUND. MS CORETTA KING SPEAKING AT RALLY AGAINST THE VIETNAM WAR. LS MAN ON CRUCIFIX AMONG THE CROWD. CU KING POSTER. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cue out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CI: WAR: VIETNAM: DEMONSTRATIONS- MORATORIUM. PERSONALITIES: KING, CORETTA.