How Much Affection - sex education film
How Much Affection? 1957
Presents frank discussion of how much affection there should be between a couple going steady. How far can young people go in petting and still stay within the bounds of social mores and personal standards is one question considered.
(02:30:48:12- 02:31:53:23))
EXT NIGHT GS white house on shady residential street (affluent area). Crickets chirp. Car pulls in front of the house teen girl in dress jumps out of the car and runs towards the house her date chases her calling her name. Cut to
girl opening her door to go in. Teen boy : Wait, please...I'm sorry, Mary.
Cut to Mary leaning against door from inside the house. Her Mom calls down to her: Mary, is that you dear? Mary (looking upset): Yes, Mother. She walks up the stairs with bowed head.
(02:31:53:24- 02:35:59:28)
INT TEEN GIRL'S BEDROOM Mom comforts daughter who sit at dressing table. She pats her on the shoulder and walks over to sit on her bed. Mom: You know, dear, I was young once, too. Perhaps I can understand something of what you feel. (Daughter looks at her, interested.) Mom continues, First, well it all seems quite a like someone and he likes you. Everything is fun and affection. Then all at once you can find yourself in a situation where your physical urges fight against your reason. Then those fine thoughts of love and affection can suddenly get twisted. Teen daughter (Mary) asks, Mother, is it wrong to feel warm and affectionate when you're with a boy you really like? Cut to CU of Mom who says, No dear, it is not wrong, because this feeling can grow into a love that will last. It's the way happy marriages are built, but Mary if these strong feelings lead you into behaving unwisely, well the outcome can be guilt and frustration. And these can spoil the chance of finding the very love that you're looking for. Mary: Then Mother, how do you... Mom: Come here dear. Mary goes over to the bed and sits next to her mother on the bed. Mom: In the height of emotion, it's not always easy to stop and think things through. But if you'll just slow down the rush and pressure of your feelings a little, then judgment has a better chance to take hold and guide you away from wrong behavior. When you can rely on judgment rather than emotion to rule your behavior as you did tonight then you'll really be grown up. I can help by talking things over with you and giving suggestions, but you will have to work out your own best way to make emotions work for you and not against you. Mary smiles and they hug.
(02:36:01:13- 02:42:08:18)
INT CLASSROOM Jeff enters room while Mary sits alone and is typing on typewrite. Jeff apologizes for his behavior on Saturday night. Good shots of each of them.
A group of students enter the room and sit at a large table and discuss production of the school newspaper. Students begin to discuss fellow student Ilene who ended up becoming a teenage mother and had to get married.
After the meeting, Jeff(older teen boy) asks Mary (older teen girl) on a date. J: Mary, how'd you like to go to the party with me Friday night? M: Okay, Jeff. Maybe we could double date with Marge and Stew. They's probably like a ride over. J: Yeah, sure...C'mon, I'll walk you home. They leave the classroom.
Couple seen walking along residential street
Cut to girl walking with baby carriage
Couple stops to talk to girl with carriage. Teenage mother talks about how great life is but in actuality it is not good at all.
shots of girl taking care of baby - diapering
shots of girl trying to get husband to wake up and go to work.
shot of girl sewing while husband sleeps on couch
(02:42:09:13- 02:43:11:20)
INT HOUSE Camera pans across party where teens dance (the jitterbug), chat, and laugh.
MS Mary, Jeff, and other teens sitting at a bar drinking there are empty beer bottles around the.
Cut to MCU of a girl changing record on the turntable (it's a romantic slow song). Teens couple up and dance close. Mary and Jeff walk out onto the patio.
(02:43:11:21- 02:45:44:25)
Jeff and Mary (older teens) look into each other's eyes. He asks her to go steady. They kiss passionately (very Hollywood kiss). He asks her to go steady. They pull apart and she smiles. They walk back inside party and slow dance. Other couples dance around them.
Cut to someone turning off the light. Cut to high angle
MCU of two teens making out.
Cut back to Mary and Jeff dancing closely.
teens leaving party
(02:45:45:28- 02:47:01:07)
EXT NIGHT MS car pulling up to curb. Cut to MS Mary and Jeff in front seat of car into he back seat, another couple makes out in back seat. Jeff (to his friend in the he back seat): Hey Stew, I hate to break things up, but we're at Marge's house. Stew (stops making out): Oh, here, why don't we go to the point and park a while. J: No, I think this is the end of the line. Stew: Well, what's the matter....half the kids will be up there. J: No, come on Stew. S: Boy, did you turn out to be a pill...well, what's the matter? Well, can't you go along with everyone else? Don't you and Mary like each other any more? J: Come on Stew. Stew and his girl get out.
(02:47:02:06- 02:48:03:1;2)
EXT NIGHT Teen girl and boy get out of car and walk up path to big white house. They let themselves in. (House looks shadowy at night).
Mary and Jeff pull up to Mary's house. She invites him inside. THey are seen walking up to house.
Mary puts on music and they dance in living room. Look at each other passionately and kiss.
(02:49:03:25- 02:49:25:02)
MCU Mary and Jeff (older teens) kissing passionately. Mary begins to hear her mother's voice (in her head): If you'll just slow down the rush and pressure of the feelings a little, then judgment has a better chance to take hold. Jeff's inner voice: We have so much fun together. I'd sure hate to ruin everything.