1980s MISC.
CHECK B-ROLL NY 1 3/17/01 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE PAT BUCHANAN CAMPAIGN OFFICE IN VIENNA, VA (3/4/96) 15:00:02 tight side shot, hands stamping envelopes 15:00:28 tight shot, stamping checks 15:00:57 medium tight shot, checks in box 15:01:06 tight shot, hands placing paper in scanner 15:01:33 medium shot, scanned checks on computer screen 15:01:51 medium shot, checks coming 15:01:59 wide posterior shot, worker sitting at screen black PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE STEVE FORBES FUNDRAISING (2/6/96) 15:02:41 medium shot to tight zoom, man signing check 15:03:02 tight shot, man writing 500 in check box 15:03:13 medium side shot, fundraisers on opposite side of table from man signing check black PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ALAN KEYES CAMPAIGN IN URBANA, IL (3/17/2000) 15:04:26 tight shot, hands signing check 15:04:47 tight shot to medium zoom, man ripping check out of checkbook, handing it to fundraisers 15:05:10 tight zoom, people placing contributions in cups 15:05:33 medium shot, man signing check on wall, woman standing next to him 15:06:03 medium shot, woman signing green check form 15:06:28 medium shot, woman dropping green form into cup a fundraisers is holding black
Green Screen Muscled Man - 1
Camera looks down on a keyable green screen of a muscled man looking side-to-side and up to the camera.
Fast Images Library
FROM 01:00:00-- violent interrogation; man swept up by passing cargo plane; stealth fighter; NASA-type control room screens w/graphics; (NOTE: do not use people in control room--they are known actors); dogfight between stealth fighter and spaceship; int. fighter cockpit; missiles fired from stealth; explosion in sky; space fighter launches pod; jheri-curled Mexican guy fires handgun; green light in night sky flies by; "Mexicans" kiss; "Mexican" guy makes sign of the cross; radio antenna revolves at top of tower, dusk; est. generic mirrored building (offices or science installation); another < @ 01:36:46); vs CGI cargo plane by in blue sky; vs black SUV jeep down dusty country road (California); CU GPS screen showing Baja California (global positioning system); figures approach huge crater (CGI); countryside WS, green streak flies by; explosion in field (can't see what exploded) w/fireball; WS scrubby mountain; couple thru double barroom doors; stripper circles pole on stage; barroom brawl/bar fight; man thrown through bar window; tough guy knocks out guy w/ elbow; brief est. shot western town/derelict trading post; headless male corpse in red tank top; fist fight in empty house; man appears from nowhere (morphed)
Selected Originals - FRIESE-GREENE STORY
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story "Friese-Greene Story" - 51/74. <br/> <br/>Material for Newsreel story - extra shots. <br/> <br/>CU Photograph of William Friese-Greene, inventor of the Movie Camera. CU Friese-Greene's original film. CU Still of Friese-Greene's hearse, showing projector and screen. CU Film of Friese-Greene. CU Provisional specification dated 1889 issued to Friese-Greene. Angle shot, Friese-Greene's lab. SV Pan up, Friese-Greene's house. CU Name 'Brooke Street'. Angle shot, building, pan to GV of street. CU Man operating original Friese-Greene camera. SV Comparison between new and old cameras. GV Still of Friese-Greene's house. CU Picture Friese-Greene's family. GV Modern building - Science Museum. CU Name 'Science Museum'. SV Modern movie camera. Friese-Greene's original open on table. CU Operator opening modern camera. pan down to Friese-Greene's original. CU Magazine of camera. CU interior, modern camera. SV Interior, old camera. CU Operator working old camera, zoom in to handle. GV Street. CU Name 'Brooke Street'. Angle shot, Friese-Greene's abode. CU Friese-Greene's first pictures. <br/> <br/>(Mute.Orig.Neg.)
Stations Please Note: This package contains third party material. Unless otherwise noted, this material may only be used within this package and within ten days of its initial delivery or such shorter time as designated by CNN.\n\nNOTE: We send our packages with discrete, separate audio. Our reporter's track can be removed by deleting the audio on channel one.\n\nAFFILIATE MARKET NOTES: John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England. Yoko Ono was born in Tokyo, Japan. Lindsey Buckingham was born in Palo Alto, California.\n\n --SUPERS--\n\n:00-:22\n"Imagine"\nCourtesy Eagle Rock Entertainment\n\n:22-:30\nCNN\n\n:30-:35\nCourtesy Rhino Records\n\n:35-:44\nCNN\n\n:44-1:23\n"Green Book"\nCourtesy Universal Pictures\n\n --LEAD IN--\n\nFROM THE BIG SCREEN TO THE CONCERT STAGE, WE'VE GOT A SONG IN OUR HEARTS TODAY! HERE'S DAVID DANIEL WITH A MARVELOUSLY MUSICAL HOLLYWOOD MINUTE.\n\n --REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS--\n\n(singing) "Imagine all the people..."\n\n"IMAGINE" JOHN LENNON AND YOKO ONO ON THE BIG SCREEN! THEIR 19-72 MUSIC FILM "IMAGINE" RETURNS TO THEATERS THIS SEPTEMBER -- RESTORED, REMIXED, REMASTERED, AND FEATURING PREVIOUSLY-UNRELEASED MATERIAL. SCREENING LOCATIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION AT IMAGINE-FILM-TICKETS DOT-COM.\n\n"People have a hard time finding me."\n\nLINDSEY BUCKINGHAM IS HITTING THE ROAD. THE LONGTIME FLEETWOOD MAC GUITARIST HAS ANNOUNCED A NORTH AMERICAN TOUR, AND A NEW COMPILATION: "SOLO ANTHOLOGY -- THE BEST OF LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM." THE THREE-DISC SET ARRIVES OCTOBER FIFTH, WITH A SIX-L-P VINYL VERSION DUE NOVEMBER 30TH... AND THE TOUR KICKS OFF IN PORTLAND, OREGON, OCTOBER SEVENTH.\n\n"Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man?"\n"You, in the deep South? There's gonna be problems."\n\nVIGGO MORTENSEN PLAYS A BOUNCER FROM THE BRONX, HIRED TO DRIVE MAHERSHALA ALI'S WORLD-CLASS PIANIST ON A CONCERT TOUR SOUTH OF THE MASON-DIXON LINE IN 19-62 IN "GREEN BOOK." THE TITLE REFERS TO THEIR GUIDE TO THE FEW SOUTHERN ESTABLISHMENTS THAT WERE SAFE FOR AFRICAN-AMERICANS IN THE JIM CROW SOUTH. THE FIRST TRAILER JUST DROPPED... THE MOVIE, INSPIRED BY A REAL FRIENDSHIP, OPENS IN NOVEMBER.\n\n"How does he smile and shake their hands like that?" (nat-music)\n"Because it takes courage to change people's hearts."\n\nIN HOLLYWOOD, I'M DAVID DANIEL.\n\n -----END-----CNN.SCRIPT-----\n\n --KEYWORD TAGS--\n\n
Film clip shows life of Australian airmen in Canada during Commonwealth Air Training and on route to Europe after training
Leo's Jewelry & Watch Repair shop - Sign - Keys Made - suburban or small town - one story building with green awning - man seated on bench right of building - neon signage in window - traffic screen right - suburbs - suburbia
Meeting in industrial workshop
Engineers talking in a workshop conference room with a tv with a green screen mock up display.
Various traffic control computerized centers at work in Los Angeles, California during the Summer Olympics
Preparations being made for participants and visitors to the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California. Automobile traffic on road. Engineers study traffic patterns on a map. Men at a computerized center to control traffic. Traffic on road. Traffic pattern on a computer screen. A man enters the information center. Pamphlets in various languages in selves. Traffic on a freeway. Men at center control traffic on freeways. A man works on a typewriter. A model shows traffic flow. Red light shows excess traffic and green light shows normal traffic. Men draw on charts and study traffic flow. Overhead direction boards on roads. Private transport on road. A driver talks to a visitor and gives information. Women talk on microphones and feed information on computer at Commuter Computer. Prints being taken out. A woman arranges papers. People work in telephone exchange center. Men on control panel at General Telephone and Electronics Corporation Location: Los Angeles California USA. Date: 1984.
/n00:00:00:00 [Travelers in Washington DC take to the trains, including Amtrak&apos;s high speed Acela trains, as Union Station bustles with activity, including a Jazz band]---TU EXT Union Station w large green wreaths underneath arches on exterior &amp; man&apos;s singing heard/ ZI travelers approaching station on foot carrying luggage/ MS group of men &amp; women disembark from taxi carrying multiple pieces of luggage/ MS woman &amp; daughter pull rolling suitcases past security barrier, over curbs into station/ TU large wreath/ ZI travelers approach station, one pulling suitcases w wheels/ MS older white man in tuxedo w red bow tie plays trumpet in jazz band (Richard Bray Orchestras?)/ CU man playing trumpet/ CU fingers work valves on trumpet/ CU trumpet/ CU man plays trombone in jazz band/ CU trombone/ MS man playing trombone/ PAN jazz band in union station/ CU black gentleman working the fret board on a bass guitar/ MS man playing bass guitar/ CU older white male playing guitar very well behind trombonist/ CU hands on the guitar, picking &amp; fingering fret board/ CU younger man playing the drums/ CU older white man playing keyboards/ WS jazz band/ CU sheet music/ QS black man playing saxaphone/ VS jazz band playing/ ZI woman smiling &amp; clapping as band finishes song/ MS train station departure &amp; arrival boards on video monitors/ ZI Departure screen/ CU Departure screen/ SOT Larry Barman on way to Newark via train says &quot;novel&quot; way to travel/ SOT Ed Linek on way to New York City for Macy&apos;s Thanksgiving Day parade/ WS travelers wait in line at Gate F inside train station/ CU Departures screen/ CU mother tries to get child to wave at camera (doesn&apos;t work)/ CU GREAT close up shot of woman pushing retractable handle into rolling suitcase/ WS INT waiting area near gates at Union Station/ CU young woman holds ticket &amp; cell phone in line/ CU man&apos;s hands hold ticket for train/ SOT Kim Bowden &amp; daughter Tenaja Brown arrivals in DC from New York City/ WS EXT people boarding trains at Union Station as older white male directs travelers/ POV on train platform as travelers board Amtrak Acela trains, Amtrak&apos;s newer faster trains/ VS people boarding Acela train cars/ CU little boy in baseball cap boarding train/ PAN train cars/ LS down train platform as travelers board/ TU sign indicating Track 20, and 2166 Train to Boston. (0:00)/ /n
CHECK B-ROLL NY 1 3/17/01 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE PAT BUCHANAN CAMPAIGN OFFICE IN VIENNA, VA (3/4/96) 15:00:02 tight side shot, hands stamping envelopes 15:00:28 tight shot, stamping checks 15:00:57 medium tight shot, checks in box 15:01:06 tight shot, hands placing paper in scanner 15:01:33 medium shot, scanned checks on computer screen 15:01:51 medium shot, checks coming 15:01:59 wide posterior shot, worker sitting at screen black PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE STEVE FORBES FUNDRAISING (2/6/96) 15:02:41 medium shot to tight zoom, man signing check 15:03:02 tight shot, man writing 500 in check box 15:03:13 medium side shot, fundraisers on opposite side of table from man signing check black PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ALAN KEYES CAMPAIGN IN URBANA, IL (3/17/2000) 15:04:26 tight shot, hands signing check 15:04:47 tight shot to medium zoom, man ripping check out of checkbook, handing it to fundraisers 15:05:10 tight zoom, people placing contributions in cups 15:05:33 medium shot, man signing check on wall, woman standing next to him 15:06:03 medium shot, woman signing green check form 15:06:28 medium shot, woman dropping green form into cup a fundraisers is holding black
Engineers working on computers
Engineers working on computers in an office within a workshop.
Leo's Jewelry & Watch Repair shop - Sign - Keys Made - suburban or small town - one story building with green awning - man seated on bench right of building - neon signage in window - traffic screen right - suburbs - suburbia
Green Screen Muscular Man - 2
Camera looks down on a keyable green screen of a muscled man looking side-to-side and up to the camera.
Importance of well balanced diet for American citizens at home and at work during World War II
Importance of well balanced diet during World War 2. American man seated at a table eats food. A housewife serves more food to him. Narrator talks about importance of nutrition, having three square meals each day, eggs and other protein foods, and vitamin B rich foods such as cereal of whole wheat, or enriched white bread. A worker on the job is shown taking a lunch break. Close up view of his open thermos with a hot drink and his sandwich and fruit and a chocolate bar. A couple dining together at a table for dinner are seen. Narrator suggest chicken, fish, liver, or sweetbreads as a main course, served with green leafy salad and also cooked vegetables like peas or carrots. A man carves meat. Men walk near a war materiel production factory gate, with a sign, "Let's step it up." Women at a factory production plant prepare large numbers of sandwiches for workers, with the help of automated machinery. Narrator says average workers need twice as many vegetables and fruits as they now consume. A group of men in an industrial kitchen work to prepare carrots, spinach, cauliflower, and other vegetables like squash, parsnips, and lima beans. African American cooks prepare food. Factory workers line up and take prepared food trays at a factory kitchen. Workers sit outside and enjoy food during a lunch break. Young men and women in a cafeteria line select foods to eat. War workers exit at the end of a work day. View of the U.S. Capitol dome. On screen public service message text says "U.S. Needs US strong. Eat nutritional food." Location: United States USA. Date: 1943.
Solar panels, the frondes agriculteursReportage dedicated
03:39:58:00, Early stills and drawings of men who developed pre-industrial age computer, CU hand holds microchip, CU how to do it instructions, Computer processes punch cards, Man fills machine with cards, CU magnetic tape, Animation showing how computer works, Woman opens machine and sets magnetic disc, CU man uses typewriter, Woman draws on computer with special pencil, Electric pulse (green line), Memory cords, Flashing lights, High speed computer printer, Computer typewriter printer, Computer graph on TV screen, CU hand turns off light, Light bulb goes on and off, Man works on the typewriter, Woman works on the typewriter, High school classroom, Kid works on the computer, Flashing light, Chemistry industry, Montage of checks CU airplane takes off, Satellite, Radar, Computer controller, Bills and credit cards, Bank checks
Wood Green, London. <br/> <br/>An object which looks like a large boiler or distilling barrel appears on screen. A man wheels a trolley with a basin on and places it under the strange barrel. He opens a tap at the bottom and a glue-like liquid starts pouring into the basin. After the basin is filled, he closes the tap and wheels the basin next to a long working table. He pours the liquid across the table helped by another man. <br/> <br/>This is a sweet factory in Wood Green where London Rock is made. Glue-like liquid is toffee of which the London Rock is made - a mixture of glucose and cane sugar boiled in the strange barrel at 260 degrees Fahrenheit. <br/> <br/>A man pours a colouring into the toffee and starts mixing it slowly. C/U shot of the man's hand mixing colour into toffee. M/S of the two men making letters. The man wearing glasses is Mr Jerry Toll who has made the rock for 38 years. He and another man (young, possibly apprentice) are mixing strips of red and white toffee into rolls, each containing an individual letter. Rolls with individual letters are then placed into a large roll (a huge one) which, when stretched and cut, becomes London rock. <br/> <br/>Three men are lifting a huge roll to chain it on one side so they can hang it to stretch. After the roll is stretched, hand rolling takes place. Rolling has to be done very fast since it takes an hour for the toffee mixture to become too hard to handle. Succession of shots showing how huge thick roll is stretched and rolled into thin strips of London Rock. Rock is then measured and cut (with large scissors) into strips seven inches long ready for packaging. <br/> <br/>Film ends with a great C/U shot of a pile of circles, each reading 'London Rock'. No wonder they are famous!