Item title reads - Busy Bees! Location unknown.
<br/>L/S of rows of beehives. C/U of the bees on the cell. C/U of bee eggs, C/U of the bees at different stages of development, 1 1/2 days old, (just looks like a small maggot), 2 1/2 days later, (bigger, fatter maggot) 6 days nearly fully developed but still looking maggot-like. M/S of queen bee creeping out, she crawls over the cells. These bees are being bred for exportation.
<br/>M/S of artificial queen cells being made by dipping pegs in wax, they are provided with gland juice from natural queen cells, various shots of process. The Larvae are transferred from the hive where they develop. M/S as man brushes bees from a cell and holds it up. C/U of the queen bee in a small container, M/S as a man picks another bee up and puts it into a box.