The Nation's Capital
1953 The Nation's Capital - BW SYNC A tour of Washington, DC in the 1950s - aerial view Capitol building, mall, Jefferson memorial, Washington monument, Lincoln memorial, National Archives, people looking at documents, fireproof cases for Declaration of Independence, National Gallery of Art, rotunda, dome, Arlington cemetery, tomb of unknown soldier, tourists, bus, Senate subway, Capital building. congress interior, Supreme Court building, judges, Department of Justice, J. Edgar Hoover, Treasury Department, money being made, dollar bills, State Department, White House, January 20, 1953, inauguration of Dwight Eisenhower, Ike and Truman shaking hands, crowds line streets, motorcade, convertible Cadillacs, Eisenhower at podium, Senator William Knowland swears in Richard Nixon as Vice President, Chief Justice Fred Vinson swears Ike in as President, Mamie Eisenhower, people in trees, Ike speaks, parade to White House, ticker tape, Ike waves from car with hat, crowds clapping, Korean war veterans march