USA President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) and Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson sign treaties.
Helicopter carrying Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson approaches the White House lawn, the Washington Monument can be seen in the background. United States President Lyndon B. Johnson welcomes Prime Minister Lester Pearson on the White House lawn. Prime Minister Lester Pearson and President Lyndon B. Johnson, with Canadian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Paul Martin and United States Secretary of States Dean Rusk sign a treaty on power and flood control development between United States and Canada. Prime Minister Lester Pearson and President Lyndon B. Johnson, with Canadian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Paul Martin and United States Secretary of States Dean Rusk shake hands after signing treaty. Photographers, one with a 16mm motion picture camera, take photos of the treaty signing. President Lyndon B. Johnson and Prime Minister Lester Pearson sign an agreement creating the Roosevelt Campobello International Park off the coast of New Brunswick, Canada. Maryon Pearson, the wife of Prime Minister Lester Pearson, is seen talking with United States and Canadian officials, behind Prime Minister Pearson and President Johnson. Location: Washington DC USA. Date: January 21, 1964.