--SUPERS--\nMonday\nLondon\n\nDecember 23, 2019\n\n:00 - :34\nAnna Stewart\nCNN Reporter\n\n:34-1:04\nJose Mourinho\nTottenham Hotspur Manager\n\n1:05 - END\nAnna Stewart\nCNN Reporter\n\n\n --LEAD IN--\nBRITISH POLICE HAVE MADE ONE ARREST AFTER ACCUSATIONS THAT FANS RACIALLY ABUSED A FOOTBALL PLAYER ON THE PITCH DURING SUNDAY'S MATCH BETWEEN CHELSEA AND TOTTENHAM.\nMATCH OFFICIALS WARNED THE CROWD AFTER PLAYERS REPORTED HEARING MONKEY CHANTS.\nTHE BRITISH GOVERNMENT IS THREATENING TO STEP IN IF SPORTS AUTHORITIES DO NOT CRACK DOWN HARDER ON ABUSE.\nAS ANNA STEWART REPORTS, INCIDENTS LIKE THIS ONE HAVE become A SCOURGE ON FOOTBALL.\n\n --REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS--\nAnna Stewart, CNN Correspondent: “This is the second reported incident of racism in a Premier League match this month. Antonio Rudiger, a Chelsea player, reported to officials during the match that he could hear abusive chants. Now, three announcements were made in the stadium warning fans about abusive behavior and racism, and that fulfills step one of UEFA's three-step protocol. But today plenty of questions being asked as to whether the sport is doing enough to stamp out this kind of behavior. The manager of Tottenham Hotspurs spoke in a press conference today and said he's actually looking beyond football for support.”\n\nJose Mourinho, Tottenham Hotspur Manager: “I think society needs help, and then football is a micro society, if we can call it. Do we need help? Yes, but society needs help. We need to eradicate ... Is that the right word? We need to eradicate any form of discrimination, and in this case, we are speaking about racism. And yes, football needs help, but society needs help.”\n\nAnna Stewart, CNN Correspondent: “The PFA, the Professional Football Association, says it wants to see a government inquiry into this issue. Meanwhile, the government says, clearly the football authorities need to do more to tackle the issue, and they will be monitoring them through the season to see how they implement their plans, which leaves the door open for potential government intervention. However, plenty of people in the industry have told us today that actually talking at authority or government level may not be enough, and that perhaps the players themselves, on and off the pitch, need to do and say more. Back to you.”\n\n -----END-----CNN.SCRIPT-----\n\n --KEYWORD TAGS--\nFOOTBALL SOCCER RACISM CHELSEA TOTTENHAM ENGLAND SPORTS INTERNATIONAL \n\n