Inside Russia
00:26:00 - ws Kremlin during Tsar, Peter The Great sculpture, great closeups of colorful minarets atop Moscow buildings.Tsarist historical footage showing Nicolas II and his family walking to a formal ceremony in the Kremlin. Large parade - marching band in Moscow followed by armed soldiers, Tsar reviewing troops, Cossacks on horseback racing across open field
00:26:30 - poor peasants under Tsarist Russia - working, woman washing cloths in Volga River sitting down to eat and sharing food from one common bowl, having tea, women eating separately at a long table, cu of two smiling peasant women, two older women posing for camera, woman reading letter, old woman threading a needle
00:29:50 - women in church praying, crossing themselves. Narration discusses how even in communist Russia there is still some who continue to attend church. Large group of people follow priest holding banner of Jesus to church. Priest in center of town sprinkling mass of people with holy water.
00:30:55 - Samarkand in Central Asia, great mosque and teaching center of Muslim World which has been turned into Museum. People praying outside in nearby mosque. Horse drawn cart. Women peasants in field working land, good shots of tractors in fields, plowing land, harvesting grain. Harvesting grain. Long shots of cattle in field grazing. Collective farm where people picking grapes, fruits, and open market where fruits and vegetables are being sold - good shots of weighing and packing vegetables for sale. State owned stores where meat is being bought by women.
00:33:53 - Russian winer - snow covered farms, people getting water from wells. Cows drinking water from trough. Farmer bringing in grain supplies to barn for storage. Peasant woman feeding chickens, cu chickens, cu woman. Truck delivering lumber to collective farm. Men building homes collectively - cutting wood.
00:35:37 - views of machine tractor station run by Soviets, various shots of men tooling and fixing parts of the machines. Man writing on blackboard. Good cus of machinery and spinning wheels, lathes cutting, gears turning, cu of man welding, feeding steel into big furnaces, fires in furnaces. Trains - Locomotive carrying goods to collective farms. Steam locomotive.
00:37:27 - view of city showing various buildings with apartments. Apartment house construction, buses through town. Women working in industry - working on tractors, cleaning streets. Views of Stalin's portrait outside great cotton textile works in Tashkent - good views of machinery inside- big sign in Russia says ""Let us mobilize all of our forces to carry out the decisions of the 20th party congress. Good views inside textile mill with women working at looms - excellent shots as various finished products roll off the machines.
00:39:14 - good views of the Government Universal Store - various people shopping (oftentimes more tourists) - views of cars on street and traffic. WS of the city, pedestrians walking on street, mother and child, people buying fabric, shoes, money being handed out for wages, liquor store ext.
00:40:30 - two children playing on ice, group of children skiing cross country and playing in snow, children in school, writing on tablets, doing math on giant abacus, cu young boy writing, group of girl students standing up in class and reciting together, one girl standing up and reciting from English textbook, girls writing on blackboard writing math calculations, students at Polytechnic Institute, professor demonstrating, students listening in large lecture hall, cu textbooks, students doing chemical tests, students in library . Medical conditions. Views of Hospital - doctor and military man on crutches, inside operating room during operation,
00:44:15 - ext stadium ws, shots of crowds while they watch soccer game, giant pep rally on field, people exiting stadium
00:45:03 - Moscow University ext, students entering buildings (guard standing outside), Students in science lab doing research, partical accelerator machines and scientists doing research, Atomic icebre