ISSUE_NO = 791
DESCRIPTION : AS THE NAZIS GO BACK - REPORT FROM ITALY - The Pope, who remained in the Vatican City during the battle for Rome, gave
a blessing to the Allied troops after the occupation. When the Allies entered Rome they found evidence of Nazi
savagery in the hundreds of graves of massacred civilians in the catacombs.
CARD_FILE = 44986
CARD_TITLE : As The Nazis Go Back
Pope Addresses Allied Troops & Nazis Evacuate Rome
SHOT_LIST : Cut story - KS. Interior shot of Pope carried through hall of crowded Allied troops. Troops push their hands forward
to be shaken by the Pope. Pope addresses troops. MS & CU of same. Pope speaks in English. Pope carried out of Hall
again. Nazis leave Rome, various shots of German infantry, armour, etc. leave by all means of conveyance, handcarts,
barrows, cycles etc. Tanks & guns rumble through streets, taken from all angles, one shot passing Colosseum. Sherman
tanks enter Rome, shots of crowds gathered round transport, crowds follow American troops shooting out snipers, from
various buildings, CU Yank machine gunning balcony. Italian women visit Catacombs, various shots of same, also notice
saying "320 massacred by Germans".
AFU - Signpost "Ancona" & transport passing, also under bridge on outskirts of town. LS of Bucine small town, with
shell bursts all around same. Sherman tanks make way up hill. Sherman tanks make way across open country covered
with gorse etc. Tank lost in dusk to finish.
Cuts - Wyand - Pope arrives on throne, all repetition shots as used in cut story.
AFU - Shots of Canadian tanks climbing hills on outskirts of Arezzo. Infantry & tanks move forward. LS RAF dive
bombing Chiana, West of Arezzo. Brazilian troops arrive at Naples. CU types of Brazilian troops. Troops disembark,
lined up on quay. Brazilian officers greeted by American Army officers. American Guard of Honour on quay. Various
shots of Brazilian troops marching off, to band playing.
AFU - Square of Ancona, shows statue bearing Polish flag. Polish transport on move through streets. Various shots of
Ancona. Bombed Harbour area. Ancona signboard, also station. Wrecked railway stocks etc. LS shelling Lucine, most
of which was used in reel. Tanks pass through town, Scammell transporters pass through town. Tanks off transporters
ready for road. Various shots of tanks through streets.
OWI - German troops used all kinds of conveyance to get out of Rome. Few Italians watch Gerrys leave. Various shots
of the Fifth army entering Rome. Crowds cheer & show them where snipers nests are etc. Yanks make friends with the
kids. Italians visit Catacombs. Various shots.
KEYWORDS : Personalities - Religious; Pope Pius XII; Religion and superstition; Ceremonies - Religious; Buildings, Landmarks and
Monuments; Military Alliances; Military - R&R; Munitions and Armaments; Military - Active; Vehicles; Environment;
Aviation; Airforce - Active; Air Raids and War Damage; Ships and Boats; Military - Ceremonial; Music and Dance;
Railways; Children; Celebrations - Victory
COMMENTS : Paul Wyand recalled filming the Pope in _Useless If Delayed_ (London, 1959), pp.124-8.
MATERIAL : Lav 7512
Can 7907
Indian Lav 7919
Flemish Dupe 5888
Keys 8288
Odd Sec. Sound Lav 8192A
French Dupe 5888
AFU: A.769/2, A.769/1/3-4, A.771/1/3-4-5
Lav 7826 OWI
Cuts 7825 Universal - Pope with troops
AFU A.769/2: Uncut Brazils 7826
Cuts 7825 AFU - Pope
Cuts 7827 AFU - A.771-5-45
Sound Neg 7873 Wyand
DATE_SUBD = 07/00/1944