20:43:25:00,CU finger pressing door bell, MS two boys (one 11-13, other 9-10) at door with old man, CU child drawn map, The boys enter the house, One of the boys uses a yardstick to measure a sand table, then smooths it out by hand, CU hands of man and boy pick out small block models of houses, CU boys lay out houses in the sand, CU sandbox model of a town, Aerial view of a small town like the model, Boy unrolls a large sheet of paper on the floor, CU man draws a north-south compass on the paper, Boy starts measuring grid on the paper, Boy measures a smaller piece of paper on a drawing table, CU boy writes "SCALE: .......", CU boy draws a square on his map to represent a house, The man and the boys look at a wall map, CU hand points to a map legend, CU boy's hand writes "LEGEND", Boy draws railroad tracks on his map, CU boy traces out his paper route through the map of the town, Old man picks up and moves the drawing table, CU boy points to map of Colorado, Man opens an atlas book, CU fingers use the grid system to pinpoint a location, Car on road passes sign "COLORADO STATE LINE", Man points to a physical map as boys look on, CU's various map legends, Man pulls down different maps, each covering more of the world than the last, Boys wave goodbye to man as they leave his house