Lucas and Camille live in an abandoned water park
Warm water pouring out of pipes, factory waste pouring into lake. Crop duster pesticides sprayed on crops. Dead pelican, dead fish in murky water.
Extracting salt from Lake Lake Baskunchak in the Soviet Union (USSR)
Salt being extracted from the surface of Lake Lake Baskunchak, 270 km North of the Caspian Sea, USSR. Narrator says it is sufficient for the needs of the entire Soviet Union. View of waves rippling over salt deposits in a part of the Russian lake. A dredging-type tool spins as it grinds and extracts salt from the lake surface. A conveyer system carrying the extracted salt to rail cars. A woman inside a control shack, on a railroad car, controls the speed of the conveyer with a large wheel. Salt is seen clearly deposited on the conveyer panels as they rise. View from below, of the control shack and water being discharged back into the lake from a pipe. View of the conveyer, mounted on its rail car, emptying salt into a train of open rail cars on a parallel set of tracks. At the same time water flows from its discharge pipe, on the opposite side, back into the lake. Finally, a locomotive is seen pulling rail cars filled with salt. Location: Astrakhan Russia Soviet Union. Date: 1946.
01:54:03:07 Aerial/ZI lrg pipe w dirty water pouring out into Lake Pontchartrain w men in hardhats standing near watching/ 01:55:06 ZI lrg amount of dirty water pouring from pipe/ (1:16) /
Raw sewage flowing into River Rothay, Lake District, UK
Raw sewage flowing from a sewage works pipe into the River rothay, Ambleside, Lake District, UK.
Good AERIAL SHOTs over Elliot Lake uranium mine, shots over dump site and mine tailings, heavy pollution clearly visible, dirty water pouring from pipe into pond.
Growth VS The Environment; 5/17/90
WS of a small lake in suburban neighborhood; MS of a seagull floating in lake; Mallard ducks swim in lake; CU of anti-garbage signs and stickers in Hempstead; CU toxic water pouring from pipe into harbor; Pan of the Lee Tungston radioactive waste site in Glen Cove; Aerial of Smokestacks at some sort of oil or chemical plant; CU cement blocks in pile; Swan swims in lake (Pollution)
Donald Campbell's Bluebird tested in England
CUTAWAYS OF LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK RECREATIONAL BOATING AND TOURIST TRAP SCENES. 08:00:10 Scenic panning long shots of vacationers cruising across the lake in power boats. Tight shot of a sewer pipe emptying into the lake. Panning ms of vacationers piloting Yamaha water scooters. vs of vacationers boarding, piloting and disembarking from rental power boats. Tight shots of outboard motors chugging and spitting gasoline. Tight shots of riverside signs for boat tours. Scenic has of the Lake George Valley. CI: HUMANKIND: TOURISTS. HUMANKIND: VACATIONING, LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK. SCENICS: LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK. STREET SCENES: LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK.
Polluting and Poisoning the Planet -- The Gift part 2
Part 2 picks up where Part One ended with oil derricks and oil slicks on the water. Garbage barges are accused for littering the oceans, sewage run off pollutes the rivers, and industry takes its toll on clean water. Various pipes dumping pollution into water- one red, one white and foamy. This contrasts with scenes of pristine mountain lakes and forests. Families canoe, play at the beach, and go sailing. We're told it's our responsibility to do something to turn things around. Interior Secretary Walter Hickel wraps things up.
Unissued / Unused material. <br/> <br/>Lake Molveno to be turned into reservoir. Italy. <br/> <br/>MS picture of Lake Molveno. Various shots Lake Molveno with very little water in the bottom. MS two engineers, pan to lake. Various shots new electric power station under construction at Santa Massenza. Various shots water gushing from subterraneous pipes. MS people walking onto movable bridge belonging to station. <br/> <br/>MS power station. Pan from side of lake to water. MS sun on water. CU pulley wheels working. LS bridge. MS electric pylons through window. Various shots electric pylons at power station. MS Lake Molveno.
Raw sewage flowing into River Rothay, Lake District, UK
Raw sewage flowing from a sewage works pipe into the River rothay, Ambleside, Lake District, UK.
Sprinkler in yard. Girl washes face. Water stops running. Boy brushes teeth, water stops. Boy drinks from fountain, water stops. Water starts again at faucet. Girl washes face. Kids visiting water works. Guide shows kids lake. Giant artisan well. Water pipe. Guide shows kids the water works. Man opens hatch, shows kids water underground. Man shows kids lab in waterworks. Man shows diagram to kids. Lab tech speaks to kids about how germs are detected in water. Guide shows samples of water to kids. Man shows kids how they test water. Guide takes kids through water works. Water being purified in water works. Man loads chemicals into purification machine. Horn goes off. Chlorine added to water. Guide answers kids questions. Kids on tour in waterworks. Diagram shows sand and gravel filtering system. Filtering tank. Water flows through filtering tank. Water washed back into lake. Man at huge pipes. Pump pumps water. Bank of gauges. Man operates pumps in water works. Water tower. Men lay water manes in ground. Modern suburban home. Fire hydrant. Woman leaves laundry. Ext. laundromat (NICE). Florist shop. Street sweeper on street. Class leaves water works. Kids drink from fountain.
Historical black and white film taken in the 1930’s of the construction of the Boulder and Hoover dams.
Gen. John Pershing and Vice President Charles Dawes hunt for prairie chicken in Nebraska
German Army in combat with Soviet forces during retreat on the Eastern Front during World War II.
German forces operating in Russia during World War II. Film opens with map showing Northern sector of Eastern Front, highlighting city of Luga, the Luga river, Nowgorad (Novgorad) , the Woldhow river (Volkhov River), Schlosselburg (Shlisselburg), the Ladoga-see (Lake Ladoga), and Leningrad. Next, German forces in army trucks and some in horse-drawn wagons, are seen taking up new positions (retreating) in a snowy landscape, during World War 2. They move through a town, and are seen using vehicles to drag aerial and other bombs into position on a bridge , for use as demolitions to make pursuit by Russian forces more difficult. The bridges are destroyed as the last German troops pass over them. View of fires raging in wake of retreating German forces. Closeup of German Army engineers setting charges and detonating them, creating a large explosion. Numerous explosions as demolitions continue in the midst of burning areas. Closeup of a German soldier in a white helmet, smoking a pipe. Others are seen sharing sandwiches and bottled drinks. One passes a bottle to a soldier wearing the Iron Cross First Class medal. German soldiers dig new foxholes and defenses in the snow. Close front view of a German Panzer IV tank and others moving along a road in the distance. German forces exchanging fire with Soviet forces. Artillery shells bursting along the battle front. Location: Soviet Union. Date: February 1944.
&lt;p>&lt;pi>&lt;b>This package/segment contains third party material. Unless otherwise noted, this material may only be used within this package/segment.&lt;/b>&lt;/pi>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>Supers/Fonts: &lt;/b> Monday&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>El Dorado Hills, CA&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>Story Location: &lt;/b> El Dorado Hills&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>State/Province: &lt;/b> California&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>Shot Date: &lt;/b> 09/23/2024&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>URL: &lt;/b>;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>Notes and Restrictions: &lt;/b> This package includes 3rd party material that needs to be cleared ONLY if you want to run the items as stand alones outside of the affiliate package. If your show or platform is interested please contact RACI directly.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>Newsource Notes: &lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>Story Description: &lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Elements:&lt;/p>\n&lt;p> DONUT: 3rd-party video/sot of sewage running down road (source: David Michael), sot local resident, sot irrigation district rep, vo of dirty road, homes in neighborhood, vo resident talking to reporter, pump truck near lake, red danger sign, vo of lake, &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Wire/StoryDescription:&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>EL DORADO HILLS Officials are warning people to stay out of Browns Ravine at Folsom Lake after a pipe leaked sewage into the water Sunday night.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>El Dorado Irrigation District spokesperson Jesse Saich said an old pipe on Green Valley Road, just west of Francisco Drive, started leaking at around 9:30 p.m. Sunday. Within 30 minutes, pump trucks were out there working to suck up as much sewage as possible, but Saich said some sewage water did flow into Folsom Lake.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>The stinky sewage also seeped into the gated community Rolling Hills Estates in El Dorado Hills.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>"It was brown with stuff floating in it and it was bunching up into certain driveways," said David Michael, who captured video of the sewage flooding his neighborhood.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Saich said crews repaired the damaged pipe around noon Monday and no sewage services were impacted. They are now testing the water at Browns Ravine, and it could take days before they get the results as to how much sewage got in.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>The video player is currently playing an ad.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>"I don't know how many days it will take, but we will continue to test until we get the all clear," Saich said.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Michael's glad the sewage on his street got swept up on Monday but shocked there has not been any communication to the community about the lake.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>CBS13 saw pump trucks out by Folsom Lake on Monday and spotted red signs posted on the way into Browns Ravine reading: "Danger. Raw Sewage. Avoid Contact."&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>There was never any formal PSA or warnings posted at other spots around the lake.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Saich said they are only testing the water at Browns Ravine because this only affected that small area, but Michael questions if the rest of the lake is contaminated as well.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>"I wouldn't be going in that water just me personally," Michael said.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Saich said the irrigation district has followed all its protocols including contacting El Dorado County Environmental Health.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>It said that the pipe that leaked the sewage has had problems in the past. That is why it is on a list to get replaced entirely soon.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Station Notes/Scripts:&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>NAT&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>2:01&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"its like the river in willy Wonka and the chocolate factory that agustus gloop fell in, except its not chocolate.\"&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>STINKY SEWAGE SEEPING INTO A GATED COMMUNITY IN EL DORAdo HILLS---&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>219_5620&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>David Michael, saw sewage in neighborhood&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>:32&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"it was brown with stuff floating in it and it was bunching up into certain driveways.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>DAVID MICHAEL---CAPTURED VIDEO OF HIS CUL-DE-SAC TURNED MURKY RIVER IN REAL TIME SUNDAY NIGHT---&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>NAT CELL PHONE&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>1:17&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"this is going right into folsom lake.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>AND HE WAS RIGHT---&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Jesse Saich, EID Communications Manager&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>1:57&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"certainly some amount did get into the reservoir.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>THE EL DORADO IRRIGATION COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER JEESE SAICH SAYS THAT AN OLD PIPE THAT'S HAD PROBLEMS IN THE PAST NEAR GREEN VALLEY ROAD STARTED LEAKING THE SEWAGE INTO BROWNS RAVINE---&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>David Michael, saw sewage in neighborhood&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>3:58&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"people go paddle boarding out there, swimming.\"&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>MICHAEL'S GLAD THE SEWAGE ON HIS STREET GOT SWEPT UP---BUT SHOCKED THERE HASN'T BEEN ANY COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT THE LAKE.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>219_5621&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>4:59&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"Is the water contaminated? Do they warn people? Its odd?&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>WE SAW PUMP TRUCKS OUT BY FOLSOM LAKE PLUS SPOTTED RED SIGNS POSTED ON THE WAY INTO BROWNS RAVINE READING: DANGER. RAW SEWAGE. AVOID CONTACT.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>BUT THERE WAS NEVER ANY FORMAL P-S-A OR WARNINGS POSTED AT OTHER SPOTS AROUND THE LAKE.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Jesse Saich, EID Communications Manager&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>6:05&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"I dont know how many days it will take, but we will continue to test until we get the all clear.\"&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>HE SAYS THEY'RE STILL WAITING FOR TEST RESULTS TO SHOW EXACTLY HOW MUCH SEWAGE GOT INTO BROWNS RAVINE.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>NAT FROM VIDEO&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>:02&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"this has been going on now for over two hours now...&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>BUT THIS WASTE-FILLED FLOW OF WATER FROM A PROBLEM PIPE---HAS MICHAEL QUESTIONING IF THE REST OF THE LAKE IS REALLY SAFE.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>David Michael, saw sewage in neighborhood&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>4:09&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>\"I wouldnt be going in that water just me personally.\"&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>NAT VIDEO RUSHING WATER&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--SUPERS&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--VIDEO SHOWS&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--VO SCRIPT&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--LEAD IN&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--SOT&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--TAG&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--REPORTER PKG-AS FOLLOWS&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>-----END-----CNN.SCRIPT-----&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--KEYWORD TAGS--&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>
Full titles read: "LAKE CONISTON" <br/> <br/>M/S and C/U of Malcolm Campbell climbing into Bluebird II speed boat on Lake Coniston in the Lake District. L/S's Panning with boat as it races across lake setting a new world water speed record of 142 mph M/S Boat being towed in and crowd cheering Campbell. Good C/U of Campbell lighting his pipe.
CUTAWAYS OF LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK RECREATIONAL BOATING AND TOURIST TRAP SCENES. 08:00:10 Scenic panning long shots of vacationers cruising across the lake in power boats. Tight shot of a sewer pipe emptying into the lake. Panning ms of vacationers piloting Yamaha water scooters. vs of vacationers boarding, piloting and disembarking from rental power boats. Tight shots of outboard motors chugging and spitting gasoline. Tight shots of riverside signs for boat tours. Scenic has of the Lake George Valley. CI: HUMANKIND: TOURISTS. HUMANKIND: VACATIONING, LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK. SCENICS: LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK. STREET SCENES: LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK.