WASHINGTON, THE EVERGREEN STATE - 1950 -16mm color sync - A tour of the state of Washington in the late 1940s.
Filmway, Seattle,(many splices first 4:00) Pan over topographical map of Washington, trail ride, deer, feeding bear cub, Olympic Mountains, Lake Crescent, forests, large trees, salmon fishing, beach, ferry, bridge, swimming pool, motorboat, salmon fishing, family with fish, Salmon derby, commercial fishing fleet, shellfish, oysters, Farming, Farmers, fixing fences, beanstalks, grapes, strawberries, beans, timber, logging, felling large tree, truck with large tree, seedlings, pulp and fiber mill, smokestack, lumber mill, sawmill, mason County Forest Festival, floats, parade, Seattle harbor, city street, bus, unloading cargo ships, ferry terminus, government locks, Puget Sound to Lake Union, Portage Bay, University of Washington, Velocity Hall, library, Lake Washington, floating bridge, Woodland Park, zoo, girls riding camel statue, Seattle Art Museum, Bremerton, Everett, Mt Vernon, Bellingham, Western Washington College of Education, Blaine, Peace Arch, Tacoma, gold smelter, flour mill, Fort Definace Park, Olympia, legislative building, state capitol, Vancouver, aluminum plant, eastern Washington, Cascade Range, Yakima Valley, Yakima, hops harvest, drying machines, pears, peaches, watermelon, Ellensburg, Central Washington College of Education, sheep ranch, grazing, Ellensburg rodeo, Indians on horseback, apple orchard, Wentachee, Apple Blossom Festival, floats, parade, blossom queen is crowned, apple trees, trucks with apple boxes, processing plants, Lake Chelan, cattle. beef. steers, corrals, deers, fall foliage, hunters, cutting down tree with chain saw, logs on truck, Coolee Dam, Columbia River, power houses, hydroelectric power, high tension lines, sub stations, Dry Falls, steam shovel digging irrigation ditches, growing lettuce, onions, potato harvest machine, potato sacks, pea growing, wheat belt, Steptoe Butte, harvester, Sacajawea Park and Museum, Walla Walla, Whitman College, Pullman, Washington State College, Cheney, Eastern Washington College of Education, flour mill, Spokane, grain storage, aluminum plant, golf course, drawbridge, hydroplane race, Lake Washington, crew racing, sculling, snowplow in deep snow, skiing, highways.