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starting 00:09:47:16-- CU white wine poured, slo-mo partly set sun ball, ECU spoon into chocolate frosting or caramel & lifted, red wine swirled, CU woman's lips drink red wine, ice cube splash into martini. Shots of packaged seafood intercut w/ ocean waves, pelicans, waterfalls. Farm field w/ sprinkler, more vineyard aerials intercut w/ peanuts, grapes, woman's mouth sipping white wine, sun disappearing below horizon of ocean. END (courtesy Chilean Fruit Growers Association). "PAILLAMAPU": (odd industrial intercuts scenics of Chile w/ the rape of her natural resources) Very dry rock landscape; t/l open-pit mine, aerial along black sand beach, t/l sunset clouds over valley w/ mist rising, t/l sky over desert rocks, seagulls float in ocean, POV rough seas (ship tackle in FG), t/l clouds over forested hills, side POV looking up at sky & tree tops; lo< dump truck by to quarry; aerial past small fishing boat. Intercut industrial sequences of: dam, logging/lumber, mining, ore refinery (smelting), commercial fishing, massive earth movers, trucks, blasting, ship in heavy seas, more seagulls, misty primeval forest, hydroelectric generators, aerial over hilly forest, barf-inducing ocean aerial, several miner's headlamps in the dark (cool) .