The camp of migrants behind the city hall evacuated before the 2024 Olympic Games (30 April 2024, Paris)
Host Alexander speaks about increasing number of refugees and interview with Victor Henry Palmieri, Europe.
The plight of South East Asian refugees, with focus on role of international organizations in Europe. Host Alexander speaks about increasing number of refugees since 1975. Victor Palmieri, U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs, is interviewed. He speaks about international aid to keep refugees alive. Camp area of refugees. Refugees are sent to other camps of other countries. Refugees in camp. Alexander speaks about that lucky refugees who are resettled into US, China, Canada, Australia and France and others remain in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. Location: Europe. Date: 1980.
State Department Briefing (1991)
Subjects: James Baker’s mother’s death, G7 meeting in Taiwan, Kurdish refugees, April Glaspie.
First films of French refugees in Nazi camps in France
NEWSFEED: Croatia, dam breaks overflows; Croatia, flooded power station; flood waters, dam, troops, rubble, refugees; Egypt, building collapse; South Africa, Le Clerq; protestors in South Africa; France/Zaire: Kinshasa ambassador gunned, troops in street; Iraq: UN inspectors arrive; Saddam Hussein; Belgium, refugees on tarmack; India, Yeltsin speaks to Indian parliament; Queen Elizabeth at opening of Ascot, horse racing; horse racing action, crowds, top hats in stands; cu horses run in fields; Croatia dam breaks, floods; Belgium devaluation of money; Croatia, Tadjman; Yugolsavia karadzic; Bulgaria, prisoners swallow foreign objects; Croatia, fighting, bombing; Belgium, Owen press conf.;India opposition protestors; Kazakhstan in space, cosmonauts; Russia, cats/dogs show; Belgium enlargement of power of Finland; Iran Rafsanjani, press conference on Israel; Currencies trading floor, Europe, ext. estb. 'Deutsche Bundesbank'; European stock trading floor active; Zaire/Congo, refugees/looting; Israeli deportees in snowy camp in no mans land in mtns; Economic Community, Council of Europe meeting in France, Kohl speaks; Russia, Yeltsin, eternal flame, Stalingrad
Hedgerows, Weather slows Allied Advance in Normandy, US soldiers near St. Lo; paratrooper activity; Germans surrendering
France Asylum - Interior Minister says refugee centre should close
TAPE: EF02/0439 IN_TIME: 03:10:59 DURATION: 1:22 SOURCES: SKY RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Sangatte - 23 May 2002 SHOTLIST: 1. Refugees walking at Red Cross refugee centre, Sangatte 2. Wide shot Sangatte refugee centre 3. NIGHT SHOTS Various of refugees trying to get to Britain from Sangatte 4. Various of refugees walking 5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Nadim Abway, Asylum seeker: "The people know that if there is no camp, the number of newcomer would decrease day by day. Now they know there is a very large camp, that gives people food, a place for sleeping - if the camp is closed the number will be decreased." 6. Various refugees 7. French Interior Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, at press conference 8. Convoy of cars carrying Nicolas Sarkozy at Sangatte STORYLINE: The French Interior Minister said Thursday that the government has an "objective" to shut down a centre that is used as a stepping stone for illegal passage into Britain - but the closure won't take place right away. Sarkozy made his comments after a visit to the Red Cross refugee center in the northern French town of Sangatte. His comments come as top British government officials have stepped up pressure on France to close the center. The overcrowded centre, near the freight entrance of the English Channel tunnel, is often packed with refugees trying to steal a ride to Britain on freight trains passing through the tunnel. Eurotunnel, the tunnel operator, says it intercepted about 18-thousand 500 refugees trying to cross the tunnel in the first half of 2001 alone. Last year, six people died trying to sneak through the tunnel, and more than 100 were injured, according to the Interior Ministry. The center, set up in 1999 in an abandoned Eurotunnel warehouse, has been the site of frequent clashes between refugees, many of whom hail from Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.
DN-LB-524 Beta SP
World Wide News Events - Le Perthus, France [Spanish War Refugees]
Scenes of refugees in camp doing daily tasks, making garden
Flight to Israel airliners fly above clouds
1951 Color Sync: Flight To Israel 13:00:59 - 13:06:32, 1951 Color Sync: Flight To Israel - Various Air France Continental Air Liner flying above clouds, cockpit, HA over Tel Aviv, airliner landing, EXT terminal building, passengers disembarking walking across tarmac to terminal building, baggage being unloaded. Various downtown Tel Aviv, streets and traffic, stores, streets being widened. Construction of sidewalk on Allen by Street. ZI sidewalks being laid with blocks of concrete in sand. Jaffa, Israel Alleyway of Arab slum on outskirts of Tel Aviv. Rubble of shacks torn down in Arab slum to clear area for Israeli development. Construction site of apartment buildings to house new immigrants. Israeli immigrant working at construction site. The slums in Jaffa being torn down, new buildings being constructed, man working painting traffic stripe on road. Various good shots of stilt type apartment house building common in Israel. Modern style office buildings and EXT National Theatre, philharmonic inside practicing. The Rothschild Boulevard, the gardens and flowers and people walking, large sidewalk cafe filled with people. Various many people walking up and down the beaches, surfer in the water, lifeguard, PAN people on the Mediterranean beach. EXT Weizmann Institute, sign on wall, various CU flowers. 13:06:34 - 13:10:06, POV airplane over cultivated land, orange groves and farms edged by desert, new buildings in new communities. Various PANs the Negev desert, reservoir, new trees planted. PANs a tent city for new immigrants, new housing being constructed for them, various a pipeline for irrigation being built and laid, machines, men digging a deep ditch, man carrying dirt away by hand, railroad train, a power station, oil tanks, chimneys at an atomic plant, large factory being built. Close-ups of Dutch and Belgian immigrant diamond cutters working with hand tools and machines to produce diamonds for export. Yemenite Jewish immigrant shoemakers working in alley. Profile of Yemeni shoemaker with long side locks making shoes 13:10:08 - 13:12:08, Various at a kibbutz, horse drawn wagon, fields beings sprayed with water, the houses in background, people working in the field, various poultry farms, chickens, ducks and turkeys, cattle grazing. Various and CUs children, at the kibbutz and at a camp for rescued children. 13:12:10 - 13:17:10, HA over Haifa out to bay of Accra. Various, in streets, the harbor and activity at a ship, loading a railroad car. Ship in Haifa with refugees at rail and disembarking, shots of people young and old as they come down gangplank. Various modern housing on Mt. Carmel. Various at a school with girls dancing in celebration of the first harvest, CUs children. LS Akko over the water, CU the wall of St John and shot along sea wall fortification, various in the streets, mosque, man praying. Various Roman aqueduct still standing, camels eating grass, CU camel head chewing grass stalk. Beach at Nahariya with people, various beach scenes. 13:17:13 - 13:22:03, Various hills in Galilee, white houses, people at work in field, donkeys, threshing wheat as in olden days, CUs man working a winch with his feet to raise water from deep well. Beit Jan, Israel Wide shot of Druze village. Druze men in keffiyehs performing traditional debka folk dance. Druze man playing flute. Portraits of Druze villagers in traditional headdresses. Row of Druze uqqual men with beards in turbans and religious dress. Israeli Druze flag with Star of David and Arabic inscription. Various hills in Galilee, white houses, people at work in field, donkeys, threshing wheat as in olden days, CUs man working a winch with his feet to raise water from deep well. Men in St. John in Arab dress dancing. Men working to plant trees, PAN a recently planted area in northern Israel, CU a 2000-year-old olive tree, a tobacco farm. PAN the Huleh valley and the start of the Jordan River, various the water flowing to Huleh Lake and men in water working to clear debris, flowers alongside. Various men working the land converted from the swamp int
The State Department holds a briefing for reporters. Topics include Serbian President Milosivich's letter to US, Israeli settlement activity, the appointment of the new UN Secretary General, Rwanda and the attack on Saddam Hussein's son.
United States Army and Red Cross volunteers prepare Camp Kilmer in New Jersey for arrival of Hungarian refugees from the Hungarian Revolution
View of the Statue of Liberty. View of New York City and the Statue of Liberty. Sign saying "Camp Kilmer named in honor of Sgt. Joyce Kilmer Soldier Poet. Born December 6, 1886, New Brunswick, N.J. Killed in action World War I in France June 30, 1918". A United States military jeep approaches the entrance of Camp Kilmer. Soldier at Camp Kilmer entrance allows Jeep to enter. Soldiers march and then sprint inside Camp Kilmer. Using crane attached to truck, soldiers unload crates containing furniture for incoming Hungarian refugees who will stay in Camp Kilmer. Soldiers carry mattresses into the barracks. Two soldiers carry a crate to a barrack. Soldiers carry a cabinet to the barracks. Inside the Camp Kilmer paint shop, soldiers prepare signs in Hungarian such as "Varás es asztalos munka (sic.)" ("Sewing and Carpentry") and "fö üzlet" ("main shop"). Camp Kilmer dentists disinfect clinic. Camp Kilmer pharmacists prepare medicine for incoming refugees. An army pharmacist pour medicine into a bottle using a funnel. An army pharmacist grounds with using mortar and pestle. Pharmacists stack medicine such as aspirin in shelves. Army nurse making hospital bed with freshly laundered white bed sheets. Red cross volunteers filling comfort bags containing toiletries for refugees. Soldiers unload piles of second-hand clothes donated by Americans through the Red Cross. Red Cross volunteers organize second-hand clothes by type and size. African American woman Camp Kilmer staff enter the Recreation Center, with sign in English and Hungarian. African American staff at Camp Kilmer hang paintings and arrange furniture in the Recreation Center. Location: Camp Kilmer New Jersey United States. Date: November 5, 1956.
1990s NEWS
NEWSFEED, IRELAND DIVORCE LAWS, AUSTRALIA CLIMBER, HOA BIRD NEW ZEALAND, ISRAEL WEST BANK; DX - Australia, centrepoint, space needle, downtown Sydney, climber on guy wires, crowd looking up, man is arrested DX - Ireland, Divorce law, church, priest blessing crowd, letters to petition for divorce vote, vote yes; DX - New Zeland, Hoa Bird, birds being fed, bones from prehistoric birds, children, professors, scientist in lab DX - Israel, settlement, West bank, settlement, protestors, soldiers, cell phones, Arafat, press conference; DX -Prince Charles, Bangledesh, refugee camps, women, children, weighing grain, Prince Charles reviews; DX - Protest, Albania, h/s overview of crowds, protestors, carry placards guns, wave and shout; DX- Karaozic, various, with delegates, with priest, making sign of the cross, interviewed, Jimmy Carter signs documents; DX - Karaozic, Bosnia, being interviewed, various back of the head of the interviewer; DX-good shot of egg cell being manipulated genetic engineering, no actual artificial insemination, plant into cows, frozen embryos, bulls at stud, cattle auction, artificial insemination of cow; DX - soldiers, protestors, appear to be South American; DX - labs, man pours orange juice, fresh veggies in supermarket, people eating fast food, oj being poured; DX - cu various orange juice, oj being poured, family drinks juice, repeat from previous tapes; repeat of orange juice commercials; DX - UK/Bangladesh, Royal Web Site, Prince Charles, tours Bangladesh, website tour; UK/New Fabric, women in exercise class, ots, cu on feet and shoes, factory that makes latex fabric for exercise clothes; Germany/Nuclear train, protestors and police, train with nuclear elements passes by, nuclear power plants ala Chernobyl, police; Israel/So.Lebanon, protestors, organized, quiet, refugee camp, doing prayers, camera crews, bombing, wounded; Earthquake, Pakistan, workers in rubble of buildings, wounded in hospital, soldiers, children, rubble; DX - Yeltsin, looking healthy and trim, shakes delegates hand, in posh office hold meeting; DX - Romania, King returns, people line the streets to greet the king, exit plane, archival of coronation, Cetatean Roman; DX - France, paris, Zaire aid, delegates pull up to meeting, greeted, shake hands, pose for photo op; DX - Canada, North Pole Trek, men in parkas, snowy terrain, extreme cold, cu of ski tips, setting up frozen tundra camp; DX - McDonald's, serve french fries, int. of, talking heads, burgers being wrapped for delivery; DX - refugees fleeing camps, in rain, Africa belongings carried on their heads, starving children; DX - shots of giant barge being towed, shots from helicopter; DX - Zaire, refugees, fleeing camps, starving children, carry belongings on their heads, thin little children; DX -delegates, signing of treaties, press conference, photo op
ISSUE_NO = 625 NO_OF_ITEMS = 10 ITEM_NO = 1 DESCRIPTION : PITY POOR REFUGEES IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS - These scenes shot in a Concentration Camp in Vichy, France may be repeated in other parts of Europe. CARD_FILE = 40776 CARD_TITLE : French Vichy Controlled Concentration Camp SHOT_LIST : Refugees from Countries occupied by Germany in Vichy controlled France. Women and children arriving at camp. Women with child weeps. Trucking of men gardening with rakes. Some crippled. Old Jewish looking men in groups. Soup being distributed and eaten. Handing out letters and official looking form. KEYWORDS : Exiles; Ethnic Minorities; Jews; Vehicles; Food, Drink and Cooking; Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Disabled; Communications; Occupied Countries; Buildings, Landmarks and Monuments MATERIAL : Can 5661 FG Pos 09951 TWTD tape 57 LENGTH_SHOT = 130 DATE_SUBD = 05/19/1941
State Department Spokesperson James Rubin holds a briefing for reporters. Topics include the budget, Bosnia and Iraq.
First films of French refugees in Nazi camps in France
Lebanon Tension 3 - WRAP Beddawi, Nahr el Bared camps, UN visit, PLO presser, family in Beirut, Jumblatt, aid, UN presser
NAME: LEB TENSION 3 20070527I TAPE: EF07/0625 IN_TIME: 10:44:28:08 DURATION: 00:04:20:06 SOURCES: AP TELEVISION DATELINE: Various - 27 May 2007 RESTRICTIONS: SHOTLIST: Nahr el Bared refugee camp 1. Wide of camp 2. Various of damaged buildings in camp 3. Various of Lebanese army using bulldozers to place dirt around camp 4. Lebanese army checkpoint at entrance to camp Nahr el Bared refugee camp 5. Various of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) convoy 6. ICRC sign on vehicle 7. Various of aid on truck 8. Truck drives away Beddawi refugee camp 9. Wide of camp 10. Wide shot of Kawkab boys school 11. Various of refugees in school Beddawi refugee camp 12. Various of Karen Abuzayed, head of U.N. Relief and Works Agency touring camp Tripoli 13. Wide of presser 14. SOUNDBITE: (English) Richard Cook director of UNRWA in Lebanon: "The electricity is non-existent in most of the camp. I have heard of some areas that seem to be fed by generators and those have been continuing to work. So I can imagine that conditions inside the camp are very serious, very poor. I think people are without their basic needs." Bourj al Barajanah camp near Beirut 15. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Abu Ramez Mostapha, head of the PLO in Lebanon: "We are convinced that this is part of a plan to execute an American plan by some people in this country." 16. Tilt up building in the Bourj al Barajanah camp where a family from Nahr el-Bared is staying 17. Various of family eating on the floor 18. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Mohamed Gohar, Refugee: "The situation is miserable in Nahr el-Bared. Our houses have been destroyed." Al-Mukhtara, Mount Lebanon - 45 kilometres south east of Beirut 19. Exterior of the house of the Druze Leader Walid Jumblatt 20. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Walid Jumblatt, Druze Leader: "There are rumours and that there is tacit American support of the Lebanese Army. What I would like to remind everybody of is that 80 per cent of the army's weapons are US made, the army only has a few old Soviet weapons. Support from Emirates, Saudi Arabia, USA. and a few weapons from France are only a small help for the army." 21. Exterior of Jumblatt's house STORYLINE: A majority of families from a besieged Palestinian refugee camp caught in the crossfire between Islamic militants and the Lebanese army have been forced to flee while thousands more remain trapped inside, a United Nations official said on Sunday. The Nahr al-Bared camp, located near the outskirts of the northern port city of Tripoli, was calm on Sunday after sporadic gunfire overnight between the army and Fatah Islam militants inside punctured a four-day-old truce. On Sunday the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delivered aid to the camp. Mohamed Gohar, a refugee who had fled to the Bourj al Barajanah camp near Beirut said that the situation was, ''miserable in Nahr el-Bared.'' ''Our houses have been destroyed,'' Gohar added. Richard Cook, director of UNRWA, said the supply of water and electricity had been severely damaged at the Nahr el Bared refugee camp. "I can imagine that conditions inside the camp are very serious, very poor. I think people are without their basic needs," he said. A spokeswoman for United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, known as UNRWA, said more than 5,000 refugee families - or about 25,000 refugees - have left the camp, normally home to about 31,000 people, since the fighting began one week ago. A majority of the families have fled to the nearby Beddawi refugee camp, while others are staying in Tripoli and other villages, she said. Karen Abuzayed, head of UNWRA toured the Beddawi camp on Sunday. Eight military transport planes have so far landed at Beirut airport since Thursday, including four from the US Air Force, two from the United Arab Emirates and two from Jordan. Media reports claimed the planes flew in ammunition, body armour, helmets and night-vision equipment. US arms are a sensitive issue in a nation deeply divided between supporters of Prime Minister Fuad Saniora's government and an opposition backed by America's Mideast foes, Iran and Syria. The Shiite Hezbollah-led opposition accuses Saniora of having too close ties to Washington. Abu Ramez Mostapha, head of the PLO in Lebanon, said he was convinced that it was to "execute an American plan by some people in this country." Druze leader Walid Jumblatt said 80 per cent of the Lebanese army's weapons were US made. "Support from Emirates, Saudi Arabia, USA and a few weapons from France are only a small help for the Army." The militants - part of Fatah Islam - claim to number more than 500 and are armed with automatic weapons, mortars and rocket propelled grenades. An all-out assault on Nahr el-Bared could spark unrest and violence elsewhere in Lebanon, home to some 400-thousand Palestinian refugees who mostly live in camps that are rife with armed groups. Even so, the military appears to be preparing for an assault, rolling more troops into place around the camp in northern Lebanon. Palestinian factions are scrambling for a negotiated solution to end the siege and avert what many fear would be a bloody battle. But prospects for a peaceful settlement appear dim. The government says it is determined to finish off the militants. Fatah Islam has vowed to fight to the death. And major Palestinian factions are unable to agree on how to take charge of camp security.
1990s NEWS
SEE STS-6781A for NEWSFEED: RWANDA VILLAGE, refugees, crowds on the march, soldiers accompany, medical attention in camps, Dr. attends to head wound; aid worker, with RWANDA refugees, children reaching out with hands for food and other aid, mass of people in camp seek help; RWANDA, CHILDREN in camp seek help, cu of syringes for giving vaccinations to the refugees, masses of people refugee camp; RWANDA, children loaded on to trucks for movement to camp; US/RWANDA meetings on needed aid situation; POPE, speaks to massive crowd people over easter session, with regarding to peace in world and RWANDA specifically, crowds; cu shot sea of umbrellas over the heads of crowds for POPE'S EASTER MASS SEE BETA MASTER TO DIGITZE: ARGENTINA, mothers of missing loved one's protest in town square, APARICION CON VIDA; BOSNIA, night fighting, tracer fire, man digs grave for dead, in BOSNIA crowd gathers people crying, body buried; the HAGUE, TRIAL, flag flying, JUDGE INT. courtroom, the accused with guard at his side, behind bullet proof glass; GERMANY, CHECK POINT, SENTRY, HOECHST CHEMICAL PLANT, line of people outside the plant, wait to file claims; RUSSIA, soldiers lay wreath at grave site, BORIS YELTSIN, GRIEVING FAMILY AT THE GRAVESIDE, soldiers give gun salute; JAPAN, SHIP, RAMS ANOTHER, POLICE, SAILORS, rush to aid victims, helicopter hovers over ship, PACIFIC PIN TAIL; FRANCE, COMMUNISTS GIVE PRESS CONFERENCE, PAPARAZZI, CROWDS OUTSIDE GREET SPEAKERS, calm march thru streets; MRI, SPACE INT. OF SPACE SHUTTLE, IN SPACE, ASTRONAUTS CONDUCT EXPERIMENTS IN SPACE; RUSSIA, SEX, PARTY atmosphere, drinking, mixing, w/s office atmosphere students type on computers, study, etc...; crowds on street NYC packed, traffic on street, TABLETING MACHINES LABoRATORY ATMOSPHERE PEOPLE IN CLEAN ROOM SUITS; DOCTORS talk with patients, variety of ages, no ***clearance ***, take blood pressure, fill out forms, pill, medication, TABLETING MACHINES, CLEAN ROOM ENVIRONMENT, MACHINES ROLL OFF LARGE SPOOLS OF PILLS, PHARMACIST FILLS ORDER ; VNR, older woman at medicine cabinet full of pills, doctors speak to patients, take blood pressure; archival PEACE MARCH FOOTAGE, B/W, ON WASHINGTON DC, CIVIL RIGHTS, DR. KING GIVES I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH W/ AUDIO; B/W PRESIDENT JOHNSON SIGNS DOCUMENT HANDS OUT PENS; OKC BOMBING CHILDREN INJURED AT SIGHT, DOCTOR LOOKS AT X-RAYS; SHOTS HAVE ROLLING BAR ALL THRU THEM, *** PLEASE INQUIRE *** trash pollutes the beach, people pick up trash from sand dunes, local crews have clean up beach day
The American Military Government officials interview displaced persons in a camp in Europe during World War II.
Activities of the American Military Government (AMG) officials in Europe during World War II. Displaced persons and refugees on the streets with their belongings. They haul bags, luggage, carts, and trolleys loaded with belongings. Jeeps move on the streets. The refugees, including women, children and men walk past damaged buildings. They gather in a field and sit and chat. The American Military Government officials interview men. Officers at a desk in an office. An officer talks over a telephone. He gives instructions to a woman officer to prepare for newly arriving refugees. Military personnel help children to get down from trucks at DP Camp. The displaced persons point at pictures placed on boards for various languages. They walk up the stairs of a camp office. Three soldiers interview a Belgian woman and her child. The displaced persons shown include refugees from Belgium, Netherlands, France, Russia. They are assigned to quarters in camps. Location: Europe. Date: 1945.
Sudan Camp - Refugee camp where conditions have deteriorated
NAME: SUD CAMP290804NXX TAPE: EF04/0863 IN_TIME: 10:02:09:14 DURATION: 00:01:51:03 SOURCES: APTN DATELINE: Kalma, 28 Aug 2004 RESTRICTIONS: SHOTLIST: 1. Kalma refugee camp 2. Tents in camp 3. People around water pump 4. Donkey and cart carrying man and woman 5. Various shots of women and sick children inside makeshift hospital run by the aid organisation CARE 6. Tents in camp 7. Old woman near children 8. Tracking shot through market area of camp 9. Various shots of refugees near tents 10. Various shots of Sudanese Government soldiers guarding camp STORYLINE: Conditions in a Sudanese camp for internally displaced people have deteriorated recently despite efforts to send food-aid and supplies to the stricken region. Kalma camp, east of southern Darfur's capital Nyala, is home to approximately 85-thousand internally displaced people, and is one of the most poorly equipped. Due to the sheer size of the camp, a market has developed from within, and stalls trading various goods can be found. The United Nations describes the situation in the Darfur region of Sudan as the world's worst humanitarian crisis. The US and aid agencies accuse Sudan's Arab-dominated government of backing an Arab militia, known as the Janjaweed. Sudan's Arab-dominated government has pledged to work with the international community to restore calm, and have denied charges it supported the Janjaweed. However attacks are still being reported, and Human Rights Watch, a US-based advocacy group, issued a statement on Friday accusing the Sudanese government of letting the militias maintain at least 16 bases in the region, including five apparently shared with the military. Trucks loaded with food and other relief supplies have begun a two-week trek to the Darfur region, opening a mammoth Red Cross effort to help hundreds of thousands of people made homeless by ethnic fighting. Food and medicine are desperately needed in 147 refugee camps scattered across a region the size of France. The UN Security Council has set Monday as the deadline for Sudan's government to disarm militias from Arabic tribes of nomadic herders accused of killing more than 30,000 African farmers and looting and burning their villages. The violence began in February 2003 when two African rebel factions took up arms against President Omar el-Bashir's forces, claiming discrimination in the distribution of scarce resources. Since then, the Janjaweed have rampaged across Darfur in a scorched-earth campaign that the US Congress has described as a genocide.