1990s NEWS
NEWSFEED, IRELAND DIVORCE LAWS, AUSTRALIA CLIMBER, HOA BIRD NEW ZEALAND, ISRAEL WEST BANK; DX - Australia, centrepoint, space needle, downtown Sydney, climber on guy wires, crowd looking up, man is arrested DX - Ireland, Divorce law, church, priest blessing crowd, letters to petition for divorce vote, vote yes; DX - New Zeland, Hoa Bird, birds being fed, bones from prehistoric birds, children, professors, scientist in lab DX - Israel, settlement, West bank, settlement, protestors, soldiers, cell phones, Arafat, press conference; DX -Prince Charles, Bangledesh, refugee camps, women, children, weighing grain, Prince Charles reviews; DX - Protest, Albania, h/s overview of crowds, protestors, carry placards guns, wave and shout; DX- Karaozic, various, with delegates, with priest, making sign of the cross, interviewed, Jimmy Carter signs documents; DX - Karaozic, Bosnia, being interviewed, various back of the head of the interviewer; DX-good shot of egg cell being manipulated genetic engineering, no actual artificial insemination, plant into cows, frozen embryos, bulls at stud, cattle auction, artificial insemination of cow; DX - soldiers, protestors, appear to be South American; DX - labs, man pours orange juice, fresh veggies in supermarket, people eating fast food, oj being poured; DX - cu various orange juice, oj being poured, family drinks juice, repeat from previous tapes; repeat of orange juice commercials; DX - UK/Bangladesh, Royal Web Site, Prince Charles, tours Bangladesh, website tour; UK/New Fabric, women in exercise class, ots, cu on feet and shoes, factory that makes latex fabric for exercise clothes; Germany/Nuclear train, protestors and police, train with nuclear elements passes by, nuclear power plants ala Chernobyl, police; Israel/So.Lebanon, protestors, organized, quiet, refugee camp, doing prayers, camera crews, bombing, wounded; Earthquake, Pakistan, workers in rubble of buildings, wounded in hospital, soldiers, children, rubble; DX - Yeltsin, looking healthy and trim, shakes delegates hand, in posh office hold meeting; DX - Romania, King returns, people line the streets to greet the king, exit plane, archival of coronation, Cetatean Roman; DX - France, paris, Zaire aid, delegates pull up to meeting, greeted, shake hands, pose for photo op; DX - Canada, North Pole Trek, men in parkas, snowy terrain, extreme cold, cu of ski tips, setting up frozen tundra camp; DX - McDonald's, serve french fries, int. of, talking heads, burgers being wrapped for delivery; DX - refugees fleeing camps, in rain, Africa belongings carried on their heads, starving children; DX - shots of giant barge being towed, shots from helicopter; DX - Zaire, refugees, fleeing camps, starving children, carry belongings on their heads, thin little children; DX -delegates, signing of treaties, press conference, photo op