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Robot Competition
Robots compete in an electronic engineering competition. PLEASE NOTE VIDEO & AUDIO OF NEWS ANCHORS & REPORTERS IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR LICENSING.
Inventor Harvey Chapman gives demonstration of robot Garco; with chemicals, at lathe, with actress Joanne Gilbert
DN-LB-514 Beta SP
Robot Amazes Public
Electronic robot 'Unimate' works in a building in Connecticut, United States.
Electronic robot 'Unimate' in Connecticut, United States. The robot has an electronic memory of 200 separate movements and functions. The robot at work. Location: Connecticut USA. Date: December 26, 1967.
Early Robot Technology
Early Robot Technology Early robotic technology, programmable robot in the 1970's. Shows a robot designed to perform services for mankind walking the dog, serving food and drinks, and responding to voice commands. Robot interacts with young children in a classroom giving them a math quiz, on the playground, swinging one end of a skip rope, and saying goodbye to children.
Bridgeman Images Details
Robot invented. RAF (Royal Air Force) Saffron Waldren, Essex. <br/> <br/>C/U Robot (George) head turning, eyes light up and mouth moves. M/S Controller Pilot Officer Sale working robot. C/U Robot walking forward, moves arms and shakes head. M/S Pan from controller to robot walking, controller comes back into picture. C/U Feet of robot approaching. C/U Control set, pan up to controller's face. M/S Robot walking. C/U Control set. M/S Robot, controller walks into picture, puts down set and turns robot's shoulders. C/U Turning robot round, controller puts screwdriver inside robot and loosens nut. C/U Controller takes front from robot, showing inside. <br/> <br/>Cataloguer's note: The robot looks like something from a 'fifties 'B' movie. It's great ! <br/> <br/>*NB: This story may be imcomplete - hence no exact timecode. For complete version please see PM3398.
The Living Machine
Robots: various shots of man working on large humanoid robot, of parts of robot moving. Various shots of robot moving in street of city. Interior shots of other robot talking, smoking, of robot dog. Brief sequence on people playing cards around table, robot table dealing cards. Sequence on larger robot sorting marchine. Shots of remote control "sweeper" cleaning airstrip after hypothetical atomic attack, military and civilian experts looking on. Interior shot of cab showing controls moving by themselves.
NASA Dragonfly flying over Titan, animation
Animation the NASA drone/probe Dragonfly flying over the surface of Titan, the largest of Saturn's moons. Dragonfly is scheduled for launch in 2028. It aims to explore Titan to investigate the origins of life, as it is the only moon in the solar system with bodies of liquid on its surface and a substantial atmosphere. Titan's lakes and seas are composed of hydrocarbons like methane and ethane, and its atmosphere is mostly nitrogen. Dragonfly, upon arrival in 2034, will search for signs of prebiotic chemical processes common on both Titan and the early Earth before life developed.
The Paris-2024 Olympic Games Special Evening Team of 31 July 2024 (EDS - JO PARIS-2024).
Various Subjects
News Clip: Robots
Video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story about the current state of robots and robotics. Children are seen observing and operating robots.
News Clip: Robotics
Video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Various Subjects
Autonomous robotics competition at the Ontario Science Centre.
America, c.1990s: POV from base of robotic arm: Astronaut in space, attached to robotic arm, carrying a satellite capture bar
America, circa 1990s: POV from base of robotic arm: Astronaut in space, attached to robotic arm, carrying a satellite capture bar. The exterior of Space shuttle Endeavor can be seen.
Bridgeman Images Details
The robot bomb launched from the proving ground for testing in the United States.
The manufacture of the robot bomb in the United States. Interior of a building. Men working for the construction of the robot bomb. The finished parts are attached to complete the bomb. Engineers inspect the finished robot bomb. The testing of the bomb. The bomb launched from the proving ground and in flight. Smoke arises as the bomb explodes. (World War II period). Location: United States USA. Date: January 25, 1944.
Unissued / Unused material. <br/> <br/>Man made robot. Innsbruck, Austria. <br/> <br/>CU robot's arm waving, pan up to face. MS inventor at the controls. MS woman lighting cigarette from light in robot's hand. MS robot smoking and blowing smoke through its nostrils. MS inventor taking off metal chest to show intricate electrical control unit. <br/> <br/>LS Innsbruck church tower. Various shots robot in Innsbruck main street. MS crowd watching. MS robot walking across the street. MS dog at boy's feet looking up. MS robot. CU robot's feet moving.
NFB Space School (Web Site)
Various shots of the first Canadarm and Dextre robot arms on display inside lab of Canadian Space Agency in Saint-Hubert, Quebec.