Samantha Fox
I started late getting paid for it. I started at 25 But I got involved very early in my personal life
Gloria Leonard
you think you got started late I was in my 30s when I got into this industry, which is hardly a time when a woman is thinking about becoming a sex symbol. So for me it was really a bizarre twist of fate
David Susskind
Why would seemingly normal decent American Why would all of you be in such a grubby business?
Cadida Royalle
I'll have you know There's actually some amount of glamour I mean, I think a lot of the reason that like we hear about dancers new dancers that dream of being in erotic films and because there is a certain amount of glamour in in the good quality films, you have makeup people you have scripts you've directed you have all the things that real Hollywood movies have
Gloria Leonard
regardless, regardless of what you're putting in front of the camera, it is still Lights Camera Action, it still has all the you know the machinations and all the requirements of whether you're shooting a horror film or, or a comedy movie making is very glamorous
Samantha Fox
and also if it's so grubby? Why are people making millions and billions and zillions of dollars? Someone is buying it.
David Susskind
Well, because the final porno film appeals to people's basis sex drive.
Samantha Fox
It does. Is that is that your feeling?
David Susskind
Yes. I think that it's used as a turn on for people, a man and a woman
Marc Stevens
David have you seen a lot of X rated movies.
David Susskind
No, I've seen deep throat and I've seen a recent masterpiece called roommates. Three of You are in it. Oh god things you're doing there.
Gloria Leonard
I don't have any sex very morals
David Susskind
You answered the door.
Gloria Leonard
No I play I play her madam. She's a retiring Samantha's retiring prostitute and I come to chew her out and try and dissuade her from leaving the business.
Jack Wrangler
You're a nasty lady.
Gloria Leonard
Samantha Fox
and look with what happens to me in the film. I fall in love with a regular guy. He dumps me and doesn't even tell me he's engaged to someone else. So much for nice guys, you know,
Gloria Leonard
Roomates is a very interesting example of the current trend toward appealing to more sophisticated adult audience in that I think it's a real feminist film because even though these women really get kind of trampled over to some extent by men, at the end, they keep on keeping on and I to me, that's a feminist kind of film and posture.
David Susskind
I thought the film was uniquely lacking story. Anything involving thematically me you didn't buy for a minute that she really had a problem and you just wanted to see her do it with him again, because they did it so well together.
Samantha Fox
You really didn't buy into it emotionally at all
David Susskind
No, three roommates an ex prostitute a model. And the third one was, I don't know,
Gloria Leonard
A California dip girl i Well, that was the model and then Veronica plays very serious Yale Drama student trying to make it on Broadway
Samantha Fox
Well I will agree with in that instance is that there's never enough time to develop characters because it's always a toss up on how much time we should give to seeing love scenes and how much time we should develop characters you know? Is 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there, then other people spend developing characters we are having sex
Jack Wrangler
like horror films that way you have a certain amount of plot to set up your characters just to get them in a situation where somebody heads gonna get chopped off and
David Susskind
I found it that kind of a sexual turn on
Marc Stevens
Years ago you'd just get on set and if you were there early enough you got to pick the girl you wanted to work with. And we just sort of made up the story as we went along the earlier films years ago
Jack Wrangler
Then they'd have what you called garden what I used to call garden hosing a scene where they would get to people who were very Randy animals together and they would just put a camera overhead and say go to it
David Susskind
that seems to be a repetitive pattern of uh conolingus
Gloria Leonard
the backbone of this business or maybe the front bone used to be wall to wall skin and and sexual activity with little rhyme and reason of Who are these people? How did they get there why are their clothes off? And now as I say there's there's more of an effort to make it a movie with sex. However, I think there will always be that that proverbial raincoat crowd that doesn't want the plot doesn't want the character development they just want the turn on for turn on sake I say fine. There should be as much material to appeal to as many varieties of tastes
Jack Wrangler
Well I know people that get the films and and they cut out all the dialogue and they just save the sex scenes and put them on a different tape
David Susskind
when you when you're at it, is that one continuous take
Jack Wrangler
No, no do you know sometimes takes five hours to shoot one love scene in a film. I know a film that I've got coming out in January, I found out that the first scene is 150 some odd cuts in just a three minute opening scene in the film. No, it's not done that way at all. But you do what you have about five minutes of the pistons in the Volkswagen and they shoot that first when you're shooting a love scene
David Susskind
pistons and Volkswagen what the hell are you talking about?
Jack Wrangler
Well the actual the actual physical thrust thing and the penetration and all that is done. First you shoot that then you'll shoot reactions you'll shoot all the foreplay and also these films are shot the love scenes are shot three different ways we shoot what's called a hard X version, a soft X and somebody should explain to me what that means. I don't know but that and then there's an R version that's made
David Susskind
So you make three versions of the same take of the same love thing. Yep, see Yeah, you're making love the same way. But we're covering cameras
Gloria Leonard
The cameras are positioned in enough different zones as to protect themselves so they can maximize the the distribution possibilities.
David Susskind
The roommates that I saw yesterday, your latest film your latest film that was the hard hard X
Samantha Fox
You saw close ups of genitalia. That's hard X
Cadida Royalle
I don't I have to take issue with all this because I don't shoot like that at all. My series is aimed at a very new growing market. And I really I take issue with a lot of things that have been said here. I don't think that all these movies are educational. And the reason that they look the way they should is because there's a standard formula. Well, that's a lot of you know, the different I think people do learn from it. But I think that a lot of it is done. The reason is a lot of is done by formula. There are certain things like when I started out my project, my new concept, people told me you must follow the formula or it won't sell
David Susskind
See these words, we don't know what the formula means
Cadida Royalle
The formula means. You must have conoingus you must have intercourse you must have a scene two women scene you know there's certain scenes you have to have and and I trashed all that I don't do any of that. I don't set the camera up in a static position in lots of different ways. In my movie you are seeing what really happened it really is shot as is I don't stop my action just because I want real heat. But most of the time the reason that some films look so mechanical is because they have to do it that way. Well, they set up the camera static and and you know, we're getting
David Susskind
Alright, we're getting awfully technical in film terms and you're saying that you shoot your sex scenes continuously?
Cadida Royalle
David Susskind
no 10 secons and stop. It's the whole thing.
Jack Wrangler
I've never done that
Cadida Royalle
No movie magic.
David Susskind
Could you manage it?
Jack Wrangler
I don't know. I'd be frightened. I would be really frightened
Samantha Fox
I could that's how you get real heat.
David Susskind
We're doing this while studying your grammar. We'll be right back