Growing Canadian Apples
MS of cluster of apples in tree. ESTABLISHING HA PAN of orchards, countryside. Interior shot of laboratory, two technicians at work. Various shots of operations including collection of pollen in small bottles, test for germination. MS of man looking into microscope, cut to photomicrograph of germinating pollen. Shot of man removing apple seed from cold storage, laying racks of seed on flat surface to allow seed to germinate. MS, CUs of two men preparing apple blossoms for tests in field, pollen-bearing stamen are removed to prevent self-pollinization, blossoms and sometimes, whole tree are bagged to prevent wind and insect born pollen to spoil experiment. Shot of pistils being pollinized by hand. Seedlings being transplanted and allowed to come to fruit in order to examine quality of fruit. Interior shot of office where records of experiment are kept. HAS over nursery producing varieties produced experimentally. MS of man removing bud sticks from apple bush. LS and CU of people budding seedlings. Shots of seedlings receiving cultivation, being sold to fruit growers and being planted in commercial orchard. Sequence on planting operation, pruning. Winter shot of trees being pruned. Sequence on buds of different varieties being crafted into tree limb.
Version 2 also transferred but story is cut and out of order - use version 1 (this one). <br/> <br/>Pro Patria presentation. Produced by British Instructional Films Ltd. <br/> <br/>A poppy seed head is turned and hundreds of seeds drop out. Dandelion clock seen in C/U. Time lapse photography showing how the seed parachutes open and close depending on the weather. Seed flying over dry ground. When it comes upon a wet area the parachute closes and seed drops down. Alternate sunshine and dew can make the parachute open and close so that it finds the right spot. The thistle reaches its home by a bomb dropping device. C/U of the seed pod. Parachute will open and drop seed when it hits a tree or flower. The stonecroft (?) seeds are attached to flowers which bounce on the rocks to find a home. <br/> <br/>Nightshade seeds have hooks so they can "hitch a ride" with passing animals. Burdock seed pods sticks to a coat sleeve. A balloon like seed pod is seen under a microscope. Its hooks are strong enough to grip a piece of paper. We see this illustrated. There are also "stings" on the seed pod which ensure that pods carried in animal fur will be scratched out. Seeds carried on coats of animals usually have "wool" attached to them. This attracts dew which feeds the young plant. Majority of seeds have hard outside case. This is illustrated by a runner bean seed. Cucumber seed clamps itself to the ground. <br/> <br/>Cress seed absorbs water, a sticky jelly forms which glues the seed down. The heronsbill seed is like a living corkscrew. Seen in C/U. Changes in the atmosphere affect the handle at the top causing the seed to be screwed into the ground. Dandelion (?) seeds have hooks to hold it down. Sunflower uses seed case as a battering ram. Various saplings grow in time lapse. Cress plants strangle a rival. House leek (?) stores moisture in its thick leaves. Grass stores moisture rations in underground bulbs. Grass growing. <br/> <br/>Farmer's oat, if sewn upside down it cannot grow. If falls on surface of ground cannot move to a better position. Wild oat however is armed with long filaments which push its neighbours off the parent's stem. Time lapse. The seed heads move around the ground (presumably on currents of air). When a head finds a suitable hole it takes root. <br/> <br/>Time lapse of root growing. C/U of bristles around its neck. Moral of the film: "Be very careful how you sow wild oats - for as you've seen, once sown they are practically certain to take root and grow". <br/> <br/>Note: there are two prints of this film transferred. The print catalogued here (version 1) is a better print and is marked as such on can. Version 2 has very jumpy sound and shots are not in correct order. Another B.I.F. film called "Seed-Time" shares some shots but is silent. 16mm mute and track negs exist.
EBC-43 Beta SP; NET-476 DigiBeta (at 01:42:26:00)
1960s: Time lapse of seeds growing.
1960s: Time lapse of seeds growing.
Bridgeman Images Details
/n00:00:00:00 /nMission Specialist, Wubbo Ockels draws liquid growing medium into seed sprouting chamber. /n (0:00)/ /n
French bean germinating, timelapse
Timelapse footage of a French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) germinating underground. This is an example of epigeal germination, where the stem (hypocotyl) bearing the first leaves (cotyledons) forms a hook shape, which pulls the leaves upwards to the surface before straightening. Cropped from 3872x2592 pixels. See clip K003 7998 for a version with aspect ratio 4:3.
Animated cartoon of a farmer planting seeds and a grasshopper devouring pumpkin leaves in the United States.
Anti Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) cartoons in the United States. Chalk-Talk type cartoons: Animated cartoon of a farmer planting seeds. The farmer walks away. A plant grows. A huge grasshopper devouring leaves. The grasshopper hops away. A large pumpkin. The pumpkin becomes jack-o-lantern and its teeth are carved to spell 'Ford'. Location: United States USA. Date: 1919.
17:47:00:00,Shots of safflowers in fields, Family eats on floor in India, Hand pours cup of oil, The Sphinx, Shot of safflower, Man works at desk, Tweezers remove from seeds from safflower, Shot of glass of oil and jar of seeds, Scientist works in fields, studies flowers, Corporate plant, People work in fields with sign for safflower breeding, Farmers stand around for demonstration in fields, Scientist works in fields, Men with tractors plant and harvest flowers in fields, Men spray fields with herbicide, Pan across vast fields of safflowers, Sacks of safflower seeds, Tractor plows rows in field, Man loads sacks into seeder, Farmer in field waves white flag. Dusting plane flies over, Various machines working in fields, Safflowers growing in fields, Hands poke at seeds in hand, Combines harvest crops in field, Men load wagons from combine in fields, Truck full of safflower seeds drives to plant, unloads, Silos on farm, Trucks lined up at plant, Man works in lab, test tubes, oil extracted from seeds, Beaker boils on hot plate, Gate at Highland Alameda County Hospital, Shot of hospital grounds, Graph shows safflower oil as compared to other oils, Oil poured from bottle. Into measuring cup, Shots of safflower oil used in cooking, Oil onto salad, Frosting goes onto cake, Chicken basted on rotisserie, Hand opens small oven to reveal biscuits, French fries fried in fryer, Shots of various fried dishes, Shot of safflowers in vase, Cherry pie, Ideal glass of milk, Imitation ice cream, Table full of food
01:00:01:27 SOT RR '... Seeds of greater freedom &amp; trust were sown... take root &amp; grow' (0:23) /
This is duplicate of STARTING IN LIFE - version 1, but with jumpy sound and shots in a different order. Some sequences may be incomplete. Use version 1 - 1825.01. <br/> <br/>Version one description follows. <br/> <br/>Pro Patria presentation. Produced by British Instructional Films Ltd. <br/> <br/>A poppy seed head is turned and hundreds of seeds drop out. Dandelion clock seen in C/U. Time lapse photography showing how the seed parachutes open and close depending on the weather. Seed flying over dry ground. When it comes upon a wet area the parachute closes and seed drops down. Alternate sunshine and dew can make the parachute open and close so that it finds the right spot. The thistle reaches its home by a bomb dropping device. C/U of the seed pod. Parachute will open and drop seed when it hits a tree or flower. The stonecroft (?) seeds are attached to flowers which bounce on the rocks to find a home. <br/> <br/>Nightshade seeds have hooks so they can "hitch a ride" with passing animals. Burdock seed pods sticks to a coat sleeve. A balloon like seed pod is seen under a microscope. Its hooks are strong enough to grip a piece of paper. We see this illustrated. There are also "stings" on the seed pod which ensure that pods carried in animal fur will be scratched out. Seeds carried on coats of animals usually have "wool" attached to them. This attracts dew which feeds the young plant. Majority of seeds have hard outside case. This is illustrated by a runner bean seed. Cucumber seed clamps itself to the ground. <br/> <br/>Cress seed absorbs water, a sticky jelly forms which glues the seed down. The heronsbill seed is like a living corkscrew. Seen in C/U. Changes in the atmosphere affect the handle at the top causing the seed to be screwed into the ground. Dandelion (?) seeds have hooks to hold it down. Sunflower uses seed case as a battering ram. Various saplings grow in time lapse. Cress plants strangle a rival. House leek (?) stores moisture in its thick leaves. Grass stores moisture rations in underground bulbs. Grass growing. Farmer's oat, if sewn upside down it cannot grow. If falls on surface of ground cannot move to a better position. Wild oat however is armed with long filaments which push its neighbours off the parent's stem. Time lapse. The seed heads move around the ground (presumably on currents of air). When a head finds a suitable hole it takes root. <br/> <br/>Time lapse of root growing. C/U of bristles around its neck. Moral of the film: "Be very careful how you sow wild oats - for as you've seen, once sown they are practically certain to take root and grow".
Examination of the effects of First Thermonuclear test by China.
Events related to China's First Thermonuclear Test. Mushroom cloud rises in the sky. Results of the thermonuclear test are studied. Test dogs in underground bunkers are found to be more protected then those on the surface during the test. Man shoes eggs laid by chicken after the test. Monkeys in sheltered headquarters are discovered completely protected from the effects of the blast. Exposed test buildings on the surface are completely destroyed but the semi underground buildings are in good condition. View of germinated seeds that germinated even after being exposed to the test. Crops in field continue to grow even after being exposed. People buy newspapers, cheer and celebrate on streets in China. English translation overlays Chinese narration. Location: China. Date: October 1966.
EBC-100 Beta SP; NET-473 DigiBeta (at 01:00:00:00)
01:00:13:00,Indians playing musical instruments, Long shot of magician, pulls out of his mouth small flags one after the other, Magician takes eggs out of his mouth, Magician doing a string trick, Magician sets string on fire, Coin slides uphill from magician's hands, Magician turns toy bird into nine live ones, Mountain goat stands on top of bottles, The mango seed that grows before your eyes, Magician uses magic flute to do mango trick, Magician lifts stone with his eyelids, Tourist explorer looks at magician, Shell game, The snake charmer
Ear of wheat germinating and growing, timelapse
Timelapse sequence of an ear of wheat (Triticum sp.) germinating and growing in a rhizobox. The ear contains numerous individual seeds, which germinate separately on the ear. This wheat was filmed over 12 days.
Fromings Collection: Production of Malawi Darkfired Tobacco Part 4 1956
Filmmaker: Douglas Fromings Film showing every stage of the production of dark fired tobacco at Kasiya (40 miles from Lilongwe) in Nyasaland (Malawi), from the issue of seed to the despatch of baled leaf to the Limbe Auction floors. Fromings supplied five typed pages of notes to accompany the film. He provided some commentary on the footage, and also covered the general background of the dark fired tobacco cultivation project. Detailed description The film begins in bright sunlight in a clearing, where a large group of African males are sitting on the ground. Douglas Fromings (DF) is seated at a table. In his notes he identifies this as a meeting of tobacco growers in 1956, outside a village in Malawi. An African male is seated next to DF, addressing the group. DF identifies him as Simeon, the Head Instructor. The growers are seen queuing to register and for seed issue before the film pans across seed beds being prepared for planting. Dry grass is laid on tilled and ridged beds to burn off weeds, and seed is mixed in a watering can. A tractor pulls a trailer surrounded by a group of men, into a field. They are carrying small saplings in plastic pockets which they proceed to plant, with close-ups of this activity. This appears to be part of the afforestation programme which DF initiated and mentions in his memoir. 'Growers were encouraged to plant their own small stands of a quick growing teak called Gmelina'. Some of the planting appears to be carried out by schoolboys. This section precedes the arrival of a limousine flying a Union Jack, perhaps an official visit by a dignitary. High-spirited football match with spectators on touchlines, at the end of which an open-topped bus pulls away, followed by another football sequence, this time with younger boys. DF's notes remark that 'Mr Mumba was very keen on football and the Board paid for a bus to bring a team from another market'.
Bridgeman Images Details
The Persistent Seed
Several shots of downtown Toronto traffic on rainy day, some cars with lights on. Shots of rainstorm in downtown Toronto, lowering clouds, traffic, cars with lights on, streets awash, trees dripping. Several TRAVELLING SHOTs, PANs, static shots in Toronto park, shafts of sunligh8t piercing mist, woman walking dog. Several CSs of weeds growing up through cracks in concrete steps and through seams in pavement. Several CSs of pigeons walking about on pavement, perched on roof tops and moving about in railway yard. CSs of house sparrows foraging for food on wet ground. Several shots of polluted stream on outskirts of city. MSs of anti-nuclear demonstrators marching around sample basement fallout shelter with placards.
Civilian internees work in a vegetable garden at a Civilian internment camp in University of Santo Tomas, Manila
Civilian internees from Allied countries including Americans, work in a vegetable garden at a Civilian internment camp operated by occupying Japan, at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, during World War 2. Sign says "Vegetable garden". Various vegetables growing in a garden. A female internee planting seeds on soil. A woman picking from vines. Two men sitting in front of crops. A man and a woman walking together. Men and women use shovels to dig up soil. A man waters trays of seedlings. Several internees buy vegetables in market. Vegetables such as turnips, radishes, potatoes and other root crops on sale. Internees selling vegetables inside camp market. Children looking at vegetables for sale. Women picking leaves. A man distributes packages. Location: Manila Philippines. Date: January 2, 1945.
Produced by British Instructional Films Ltd. <br/> <br/>"Many of the plant movements are shown at 20,000 times their normal speed". Poppy seeds are spread out. The Burdock seed case attaches itself to human beings - a large spiky seed pod gets stuck on a coat sleeve. Vigorous shaking ensues but the pod stays stuck. The Enchanters Nightshade has hooks to catch the fur of passing animals. C/U of rotating seed pod. The Beggar Tick has barbed spears which irritate the animal so that it scratches them out of its fur. C/U of the barbed spears. Blumenbachia has a balloon-like seed case - C/U of this. A piece of fur is passed underneath the seed case and it latches on. X-ray microscope shot of its spikes. A piece of paper is put close to the pod and it attaches itself to it. Much shaking ensues but again it stays put. <br/> <br/>Stone Crop is a plant which lives amongst rocks. The leaves bounce down the mountainside. Stop frame animation of this. Time lapse photography is used to show the plant growing. Ecballium fruit can explode spontaneously to scatter its seeds. A graphic animation is used to show this and a pod is manipulated by hand to show the process. Thistle has a bomb-dropping device. C/U of the "parachute" and seed pod. The slightest shock in flight causes the seed to drop. Stop frame animation is used to illustrate this. We see a seed which has fallen upside down growing around and into the ground. <br/> <br/>The Goat's Beard seed head is rather like a dandelion clock. Time lapse photography of the "parachute" opening. It closes again if there is rain in the air. Moisture from damp ground makes the parachute close and the seed drops down. Time lapse animation to illustrate this. Alternative actions of sun and dew make parachute open and close and the parachute moves along - time lapse photography. <br/> <br/>Note: some shots shared with sound film "Starting in Life" .