NEWSFEED: 4/21-5/8/04 RUMSFELD AT IRAQ PRISON ABUSE HEARING, FIGHTING IN IRAQ, RIOT POLICE, SPANISH NEWS REPORTS, BURNING BUS;INT senator gives praise to Donald Rumsfeld on his record but expresses concern over Iraqi Prison abuse scandal; INT senator on speakerphone expresses his outrage over the scandal & media coverage of it, Rumsfeld listens, writes down notes;INT senator adjourns session but not before praising Rumsfeld for his work;INT hearing completes as Rumsfeld, senators and members of the press get up to leave; INT empty hearing room, pan towards hallway, Rummy makes his way down hallway as he heads towards a quick press briefing; INT Rummy holds briefing w/senator who praises him, camera follows him outside building into jeep; EXT Rummy gets out of jeep & talks to reporter (we can't hear him too well); INT military men walk down hallway into room, Rumsfeld walks down hallway w/lawyers; INT T/H Joe Lieberman interviewed about abuse scandal, photos of abuse, EXT Capitol Bldg, Bush speaks in support of Rummy; INT Republican officials defend Rumsfeld, aerial of Pentagon; DX EXT Arab newspaper stand, headlines in Arabic, men reading papers; INT Iraqi men watch footage of Rumsfeld's hearing on TV & give their own opinions; DX EXT US soldiers walk near prison, Iraqi bldg, men carry open coffin, injured women & children in hospital; DX EXT bombed out damage of bldg, INT Iraqi leaders meet for a council; INT Iraqi council meets in round-table discussion (all in Arabic); DX EXT military man gives press briefing on recent engagement in Iraq, takes questions from press; DX EXT soldier holds rifle out of helicopter, chopper flying, soldiers in jeep wave, choppers fly in line;DX EXT soldier looks through binoculars, small hut explodes in training exercise, chopper flies, soldiers look @ map; DX EXT T/H soldier behind chopper, apache choppers fly, Arab man in screams at camera (not happy), car bomb on highway;DX EXT fires burn on pavement, more of the angry Arab dude, man armed w/machine gun, bazooka; DX EXT shaky footage of cars on highway, fires set, US soldier on guard, soldier does not want to be filmed; DX EXT more shots of soldiers on guard;INT press briefing w/Iraqi leader; DX EXT officials near jeeps, jeeps leave premises, replay of officials arriving; DX EXT burning bus in Iraqi street, charred bus, convoy drives along street, soldiers waiting, jeep drives away, locked gate; DX EXT police officers fire guns across street, sparring gun battle, incoming mob moves towards camera; DX EXT officers run along street, mob disburses, cops run, more gunfire is heard; DX EXT tank moves across street, more of the unruly crowd, Spanish news segment on fighting in Iraq;