More advice for Americans intending to do business in Britain.
<br/>This reel begins with a fast edited sequence to illustrating a range of consumer goods including a car, cigarettes, a bra, a camera, a hi fi etc. The question is posed: "How affluent are these people?"
<br/>Statistics about how many families have washing machines, irons, vacuum cleaners, food mixers, tumble dryers and fridges are given. Trend towards central heating rather than coal fires is mentioned. Montage sequence of electric fire shots.
<br/>Farming sequence and manufacturing industry shots. C/Us of labels which read: "Made in Britain.", "English Apples", "British Made." Young women clock in at work. C/U of clock in sheet. Working hours and holiday allowances are discussed. Population and main ports and centres of industry are discussed. Various towns are shown on a map and their main industries described (Steel in Sheffield, Wool and Clothing industries in Leeds and Bradford etc.) Aerial shot of a port. Graphic map shows where all the largest cargo ports are to be found. Transport statistics are given. Animation is used as an illustration. Britain's public transport system is discussed. Train routes are shown and visitor is advised: "Travel first class by train." Internal airline services are discussed. Airports are shown. Motorways are illustrated. Shots of cars driving along a motorway. "Remember they drive on the left." Avis car hire depot is shown - two glamorous assistants help business men with the paperwork. Shot of a car driving along what looks very much like the Westway. Parking restrictions are discussed - various shots of parking meters, yellow lines, traffic wardens ("not renown for their sense of humour").
<br/>C/U of a wedding photograph. Narrator discusses probable population growth. Camera moves around the photograph picking out couples, children etc. as the narrator discusses the demographic balance of Britain.
<br/>The British weather is discussed. Map of Britain shows high and low pressures. Boating lake in summer. Snow falling on conifers. Large group of people (possibly going to or from work) walk along holding umbrellas. Pea soup fogs have been eliminated thanks to the Clean Air Act. children sledge down a snowy hill. Narrator advises what clothes to bring depending on the season - funny still shots of business man in various attires. Blossom tree by the lake in St James's Park. Summer time - people sit in deck chairs by a lake. Catalogue man shots of our business man dressed for a golf match. C/U of a television screen during a weather report.
<br/>Section follows about British television and radio. Station logos for BBC 1 (the revolving world logo) Thames and BBC 2. Still image of a young groover listening to the radio and C/U of a radio dial. Television screen shows an advert for Cadbury's biscuits. Montage of still shots showing television and radio aerials. Press section - newspaper stand or kiosk. C/Us of various newspapers and magazines. Montage of still shots showing various people reading newspapers at the breakfast table, in the park, in an armchair. A man in a pub turns the page of a newspaper to show an advertisement for Watney's Red beer. We then see his pint glass which has the name Watney's Red on the side. The narrator speaks of how American businessmen can use British advertising. British are the most heavily researched nation in the world and businessmen are encouraged to consult surveys and government statistics.
<br/>Currency is discussed and one, five, ten and twenty pounds are shown. Scottish notes are also shown. Coins are presented. Ten percent of the bill is recommended as a tip. A plate is shown with a bill and £5.50 on top. One should never tip less than ten pence. BOAC aircraft seen coming in to land. Airport, high angle shot of baggage carousel. Montage of shots of British countryside, Horse Guard, bowler in cricket match, waves crashing into shore.
<br/>Cameraman - Nic Knowland. Production Manager - John Phillips. Script - Cliff Michelmore. Narrator - Robert McKenzie. Art Direction and Graphics - Blake/Sears. Producer - Michael Redington. Associate Producer - Gerald W. Funston. Director and Editor - Richard Perfitt.
<br/>The producers gratefully acknowledge the co-operation of the following companies, institutions and organisations: Bank of England, British Airports Authority, British Airways - BEA and BOAC, British Broadcasting Corporation, The Right Hon. Mr. Speaker, House of Commons, Department of the Environment, The National Liberal Club, Avis Rent A Car Ltd., Bass Charrington Ltd., Cadbury Schweppes Foods Ltd., Commercial Union Assurance, English Clock Systems, Austin Reed Ltd., The Royal Garden Hotel, Thames Television Ltd., Wates Ltd., Watney Mann Ltd., Whitbread & Co. Ltd., Young and Rubicam Ltd.
<br/>Produced in conjunction with Southam Business Publications Ltd.
<br/>An RM EMI production.
<br/>See other reels.