DVD/NEWSFEED: 3/23-4/13/04, MADELINE ALBRIGHT TESTIFIES PRE 9/11 COMMISSION, RIOT IN BANGKOK, PROTESTS IN MID-EAST, POLICE VAN IN SPAIN;INT man asks questions in 9/11 commission hearings to Madeline Albright, Albright & associate answer questions about security; INT commissioner asks why the US has a slow response to terrorism pre-dating 9/11;INT Albright defends her administration against charges that they had a choice to go after the Balkans or Al Queda;INT Albright explains the difference her administration faced & the current post-9/11 administration; INT female commissioner asks Albright about Clinton administrations handling of embassy bombings & her own statements toward Taliban;INT Albright expresses her dismay for the Bush administration recreating her own policies once they took office; INT commissioner asks if the Bush admin. should be given leeway since 9/11 happened only months into their administration;INT commissioners end session, Albright & associate get up to leave, ws entire room getting up, Albright leaves;INT Colin Powell leaves hearings;INT Motorcade pulls into private residents, photographers snap pictures, Asian in sunglasses, press surrounds car; DX EXT T/H Asian official interviewed (no audio), hordes of Asian people give flowers to woman as she enters bldg, onlookers;DX EXT woman gives speech to crowd, (still no audio), crowd cheers, taps on window of moving car, more cheering crowd; NX EXT night vision shots of protesters (no audio), people chanting, throwing stuff; NX EXT var shots of riot in Asia, many police guards in riot gear, rioters kick guards, lots of mayhem here but no audio; NX EXT ambulance arrives, riot continues, may rioters wave huge flags, lots of pushing & shoving, cameras flash; NX EXT more rioting, a guardrail is thrown, police beat on raging rioters, smoke can be seen as things get out of control; NX EXT people in rain coats attend to injured, more rioting, NX EXT another ambulance arrives, more fighting; DX EXT Islamic protesters hold up signs (no audio), march & chant, guards, T/H Muslim man interviewed, paper (in Arab text); DX EXT T/H Arabic soldiers in uniform (no audio), ws chanting Islamic, US soldiers in jeep, tilt-d helicopter to police van; NX EXT pan across police van in urban neighborhood (possibly in Spain), black smoke arises from bldg, officer exits van; NX EXT 2 men near manhole;