NEWSFEED FROM 7/29/98-THE WORLD IS A CRAZY PLACE, AND NURSE RACHED IS THE GATEKEEPER; ETHIOPIA: ballot box overturned, votes are counted, talking head, white woman enters building making face, WS voters; white woman votes and talks, votes are tabulated, CU computer screen with spreadsheet, police sit in back of pickup truck; CU tank sits with white building in front, refugees (?) walk, in back of truck, soldier with I.V. climbs into helicopter; INT helicopter w/soldiers, injured people get off helicopter, US CAPITAL: low angle shot of US Capital, security guards; flowers and flags left at foot of Capital steps, woman in flowered dress leaves a flower, man in suit admires flowers; WS guard looks at flowers, chubby security guy gets a hug, VAR people pay their respects, still photo of shooter at Capital; parents of the shooter, chaplain gives prayer in Congress, everyone turns to US flag, AUSTRIA: EXT DX hospital, ambulance; patient on gurney rolled outside hosp, WS press conference, girls led into hospital, still photo of patient, kids press conf; NX mining scene, austrian ambulance goes past, PHILLIPINES: WS protesters, row of riot police, MS protesters with signs; WS official lunch, Madeline Albright speaks, WS forum, Albright speech, 'surveillance man' with earpiece in hotel room; VAR shots at Phillipine Forum, talking heads, NX riot in the street-protesters, riot police stand defiant; NX high wide shot riot police charge crowd, DX crowds applaud a woman, woman speaks, CUBA: LS Cuban building, large crowd; large Cuban flag. Cuban girls give programs to Castro and Co., WS crowd waving flags, Castro speech, crowd cheers wildly; RUSSIA: small plane on runway, small crowd around, woman arranges cockpit, fuel truck fuels plane, CU man fuels plane; women arrange maps, fuel leaks on one of them, CU cockpit control board,women board plane, LS planes on grass, man on wing; long pan of Russian map, b/w people, woman waves from cockpit, USA: Kenneth Starr exits garage, drives away, Monica Lewinsky; Mike McCurry conference, classic footage of Clinton hugging Monica Lewinsky, (beret), talking head (no pun intended); WS court house, Linda Tripp arrives, Clinton wrapping up speech, CHINA: People row boat down flooded city street; VAR shots flooded town, RUSSIA: Yeltsin arrives, greets people man takes picture, Yeltsin speaks!!, WS plane on tarmac; Yeltsin waves, plane takes off, SPAIN: WS offical conference, talking heads,WS bombed out street, charred cars, carred chars; corpse covered in blankets in street, feet stick out, car burned beyond recognition, VAR shots of charred street; blood in street, GREECE: Girls splash in fountain, WS small park, sleeping chinaman, ('chinaman'?!), talking head, pigeons in park, drink; old woman shields sun with newspaper, boys drink bottled water, woman with fan shields sun, WS city on hill, hillside burns; smoke rises from burning hillside, helicopter lands, supplies loaded on, takes off. BRAZIL: ANTI-TELEBRA PROTEST dead burned bodies in street; police on horseback in street, riot police charge, throw rocks, chaos on street, RUSSIA: Building ripped apart from bomb; VAR shots of destruction from explosion, woman crying with hands to her head, emergency crew works, FRANCE: tour bus; man sprays water at camera, guard outside fence, men talk, Fiat drives past with bicycles on roof, man- jacket over face; JAPAN: VAR WS Japanese assembly, members arrive, speech, men bow for each other, CU newspaper on rolling presses; USA: people buy lottery tickets, long line, CU oriental processes ticket, VAR CU people fill out tickets, televised drawing; lottery winner press conf, Indiana state sign, MS gas station, MS front yard w/minivan in driveway, CHINA: flood destruction; Chinese in straw hats relocate water, laying sand bags, lone man floats in boat, VAR shots homes almost completely submerged; people prepare shore for flooding, VAR flooded city, helicopter drops supplies, SUDAN: line of black people to tent; starving children, long low shot of bony legs, CU bags of grain for the people, VAR shots of starving crowd; people don't even care that flies are on their eyeballs, GREECE: LS NX brush fires, fire truck sits in dark, men load supplies; CU ofhouse with fires in bg, NX trees alight with orange flames, bulldozer pushes dirt toward fire, men chainsaw brush; NX VAR shots of fires, DX morning damage to area from fire, JAMAICA: passenger jet lands, military guards in fg; guards fire cannons(palm trees), Castro gets off jet, walks down red carpet, redcoat guard with sword, large crowd of blacks cheer; motorcade passes, Castro receives award on podium, PAKISTAN: plane crash wreckage throughout town; crowd gathers around plane that has crashed into building ;