IN_TIME: 12:37:28 // 19:28:29 - 21:36:34
LENGTH: 01:22
SCRIPT: English/Nat
In California an eight year old boy is already being touted as a future Mr. Universe.
Despite his youth the child has the physique of a polished bodybuilder.
Richard Sandrak began working out at the age of two.
It seems good genes are all in the family - his parents are former marshal artist and aerobic champions in Russia.
Some claim that, for his size, Richard is the strongest human in the world.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"He does 115 punches in 15 seconds, 35 kicks in 15 seconds, and he is the strongest human in the world, pound for pound."
SUPER CAPTION: Sherry Goggin, Richard's Co-Manager & Choreographer
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"So far, it has been amazing. I actually expressed a lot of concern. I got a bone age test, some hormones checked. And they all seemed very normal."
SUPER CAPTION: Dr. Michael Goldberg, Richard's Pediatrician
Richard is not your typical kid, he loves to lift weights but has never eaten a chocolate-bar, and is a spokesman for a nutritional supplement company.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"We eat only vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and sometimes fish."
SUPER CAPTION: Mark Paul Sandrak, Richard's father
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Q. Never had a M & M (chocolate confectionery) ?
A. Never. Not even one piece."
SUPER CAPTION: Richard Sandrak, 9 year old body builder
Richard says he enjoys what he does.
Doctors claim that all this working out isn't hurting the child - in fact he seems to be in incredible shape.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Cause I really love it - not like - love it."
SUPER CAPTION: Richard Sandrak,8 year old body builder
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"I would say this child is thriving on it. He seems to enjoy it and is proud of himself. And, so far, he seems to be very healthy psychologically as well as physically."
SUPER CAPTION: Dr. Michael Goldberg, Richard's Pediatrician
And what does he want to be when he grows up?
Well does Arnold Schwarzenegger ring a bell?
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"I want to be a movie star."
SUPER CAPTION: Richard Sandrak,8 year old body builder
SHOTLIST: California, USA - 5 October, 2000
1. Richard playing computer games
2. Various of Richard weight training, boxing and stretching
3. Richard writing on paper
4. Picture of Richard at three years old
5. Recent picture
6. Richard boxing
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Sherry Goggin, Richard's Co-Manager & Choreographer
8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Dr. Michael Goldberg, Richard's Pediatrician
9. Richard weightlifting in fitness centre
10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mark Paul Sandrak, Richard's father
11. Richard posing in front of mirror
12. SOUNDBITE: (English) Richard Sandrak, 8 year old body builder
13. Richard lifting weights
14. SOUNDBITE: (English) Richard Sandrak, 8 year old body builder
15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Dr. Michael Goldberg, Richard's Pediatrician
16. Various of Richard walking around and posing
17. SOUNDBITE: (English) Richard Sandrak, 8 year old body builder
18. Richard walking ?