<br/>Documentation on file.
<br/>Various shots of machinery at work making and wrapping pills. MS. of a man coughing, he opens a packet and swallows a pill. CU. Montage of three shots, of a man holding a hand to his forehead. MS. of three men swallowing pills after which they drink a glass of water. CU. of two pills being dropped into a glass of water. Section of Pathe newsreel material where Jean Buchan (Pathe employee) gives Miss Caley a tablet, after which she looks slim (trick photography). MS. to CU. of sultry girl lying in bed, she leans out of bed and takes a pill from a bedside table. CU. of the front page of a German magazine, a naked baby boy appears from behind the paper, pan down to a C.U. of the baby's pot which he has vacated, it's empty. CU. of the baby as he is given a spoonful of medicine. Three C.Us of babies.
<br/>(Mute F.G.)