NEWSFEED: 67/28-29/04 IRAQ FLAG, SOLDIERS, POLICE, PROTESTERS, TERRORISTS, NATO SUMMIT, SKYLINE, BOMBED CITY, MILITARY PLANE/COCKPIT;T/H male reads UN united nations resolution on Iraq, T/H male on handing over sovereignty before due date, T/H tony Blair on Iraqi leadership;DX EXT Iraqi flag waving, soldier carrying barbed wire, people reading newspapers, T/H on Iraq future, blind folded marine; CU captured marine id card, T/H reporter, terrorist, political leaders arrive at NATO summit including pres. bush;T/H NATO chairman, protesters, police, tear gas, people running through streets, males w/gas masks, military plane, cockpit; DX INT pilot, T/H male opening address at NATO summit meeting, T/H male on NATO assistance and sovereignty to Iraq;question and answer at NATO summit, Asian soldiers, destroyed hotel, car on fire, T/H male on Asian way, soldiers on horses; DX EXT AERIAL destroyed city/bldg, tanks, parade, T/H male diplomat, WS destroyed hotel, T/H male on terrorism, skyline;