Young Man's Fancy
Young Man's Fancy
1952 Color
This film was designed to show consumers (particularly housewives) the marvels of electric appliances.
CU feet taping
camera approaches old radio
MCU old radio
camera approaches girl ironing
MCU girl ironing
she stops, turns, turns off radio, begins to iron again
woman enters frame, approaches refrigerator, takes out bottle of milk, MCU girl ironing
CU woman speaking
MCU girl, she stops ironing, throws arm into air, unplugs iron, approaches table, sits down by placing leg over back of chair, woman places dish of food on table in front of girl, girl places napkin on lap, woman shuts oven door
MCU girl eating, MCU girl eating and woman carrying 2 coffee cups, approaching table, woman sits down
MCU woman picking up letter, opens it, MCU girl, MCU woman and girl sitting at table
VS MCU woman and girl sitting at table speaking to each other, woman's is also reading letter.
girl vacuuming living room
stops, unplugs it
woman enters frame
they engage in conversation
girl approaches window
girl looking out window shot from outside
MS girl kneeling on sofa looking out window, grabs head, runs back to vacuum and woman, picks up vacuum, woman rubs seat of chair.
MCU 2 young men approaching front door of house, they each have 1 suitcase, they reach door and both wave hand as if to want the other to proceed first, one then turns door knob, then the other pushes open the door.
woman in living room, 2 young men enter room, 1 hugs woman and then introduces the other
MCU 2 young men
MS woman and 2 young men
MCU girl (weird expression on face and has rollers in hair) approaching woman's side, woman puts arm on girl's shoulder, young man approaches woman placing his arms on other youngman's and woman's shoulder
2 young men pick up suit cases and proceed slowly up stair case while stopping and speaking
woman and girl engaged in conversation approach kitchen, girl is removing rollers from hair.
young man in bathroom shaving with electric razor
turns around to speak to someone behind him
MCU young man sticking head out from behind shower curtain.
girl looking in mirror fixing lipstick and hair
young man enters frame
VS of them engaging in conversation
another young man comes down stairs, girl exits frame.
girl approaches stove, CU girl's hand taking lid off pot and removing small amount of food, eating it, she turns to door and states, Come and get it
woman approaches stove, 2 young men enter kitchen
they approach table and sit down, girl places plates of food on table, young man wearing glasses states, what's cookin? phone can be heard ringing in BG, girl exits frame, young men start to eat
woman removes milk from refrigerator, approaches table, pours milk into glasses.
VS girl sitting on stairs, speaking on telephone.(she uses groovy type 1950s teen terminology)
2 young men sitting at table, woman standing over them, they engage in conversation, youngman approaches dish washer while speaking, woman approaches sink, she begins to load dish washer, young man exits frame
other young man approaches dish washer, helps woman, VS of them engaging in conversation.
young man sitting in chair talking on phone, girl standing next to him with arms crossed (stair case railing in BG), young man hangs up phone, girl begins to speak, they engage in conversation.
VS young man and woman standing in kitchen engaging in conversation, young man is wearing suit, woman is folding napkins and place mats, girl enters frame, smiling, speaks to young man
MCU young man and girl
young man looks at watch, goes to exit, stops, taps girl's shoulder, then exits
VS girl looking very unhappy with woman standing along side her.
woman unloading washing machine speaking
VS woman and girl folding cloths engaging in conversation
MCU young girl paces back and forth, she approaches stair railing, leans against it, woman standing behind her.
MCU girl sitting on sofa reading magazine
MS living room, man sitting in chair, young man standing next to him speaking, girl next to chair sitting on sofa
MCU young man, MCU girl, happy facial expressions
MCU older man turning head, speaking, holding pipe in hand
MCU young man speaking
MCU girl speaking
MS living room, man speaking
young boy approaches record player
MCU girl she is smiling states, PLAY SOMETHING GROOVY ALEX
she stands up and begins to dance
MS young man putting on record, as music begins to play the girl stops dancing and has pathetic look on face
MCU girl making square shape with fingers and waving head in disgust, she approaches sofa and sits back down, begins to look at magazine again
MCU young man smiling
MCU older man holding pipe and newspaper, speaks just before end of shot.
MS woman and girl in kitchen, preparing berries to be frozen, girl eats berries, woman scooping berries from big bowl into smaller bowls, girl picks up two bowls, approaches freezer, opens it and places them in, looks down into freezer, speaking, picks up frozen corn on the cob, woman approaches freezer, girl places corn back into freezer, woman than closes door, they both approach table, woman begins to fill bowls of berries again, girl walks around behind woman, picks up dish cloth walks behind her again, they are engaging in conversation while these actions are taking place, woman picks up dish cloth, wipes hands, VS woman and girl speaking
MCU woman.
MS 2 girls folding towels from dryer, girl places towel against cheek, engaging in conversation, they both throw down towels, approach counter and chair, girl climbs up and sits on counter top, other girl straddles chair, MCU girl on counter top states, At first he was gone, a really big wheel., MCU other girl stating, Well it isn't the first time a big wheel turned out to be just a hubcap.
a girl is speaking.
MS living room, woman dusting chair, other girl sitting on arm of chair with feet on seat of chair, woman approaches girl slaps her leg, girl stands up, walks behind woman, woman is speaking while walking, approaches lamp table dusting it, girl sits on arm of another chair, woman snaps fingers facing girl, girl jumps down and sits on seat of chair, looking up at woman, woman sits down on sofa, girl sits down next to her, MCU girl and woman
MCU girl and woman sitting on sofa speaking to each other.
VS girl in kitchen, placing pots in oven and milk and butter in refrigerator, woman enters frame, VS woman and girl speaking to each other
girl approaches stove, sets timer with woman watching, VS woman and girl
MS 2 young men sitting in living room speaking to each other, woman and girl enter frame, both young men stand up
1 then sits down on coffee table, he stands up
VS of the four of them speaking to each other
girl exits frame
MCU woman who states, Well don't over do it, you'll give her the reds.
woman exits frame
2 young men approach camera, they stop, looking shocked, they look behind them, at each other, then begin to laugh.
MS girl in kitchen, she places food in refrigerator, approaches kitchen door, CU girl looking out door
MS man sitting in chair, speaking to young man standing in front of him
MS girl in kitchen appears to be thinking, snaps finger, approaches frig, opens it, takes out empty bowl and mixes as if there was something in the bowl
MS man and young man in living room
MS girl in kitchen
CU girl unplugging an appliance, covers up outlet with dish cloth
approaches kitchen door, says something out door, MS man and young man in living room,young man approaches kitchen
VS young man and girl engaging in conversation, they approach different appliances in kitchen
it appears as if the young man is giving tour of kitchen.
CU man placing dinner napkin on lap
MS man, 2 young men, and girl sitting at table eating dinner, they make a toast, MCU manslicing meat
VS of them sitting around table talking, MCU young man looking at watch, girl stands up, picks up some dishes, man removes them from her placing them back on table, girl hugs him
she approaches young man, he stands up, they exit frame, man and other young man stand up picking up some dishes.
MS man in kitchen loading dish washer, woman enters frame, they hug and man kisses woman on cheek, they engage in conversation, woman looks at tickets in man's shirt pocket, man removes them from his pocket, they both look at them, man looks up with thinking expression on face, woman shakes head no, they lock arms and lean heads together.