De grâce et d'embarras
CS of trapper removing muskrat trap from hole; he cleans out hole, replaces trap and covers up hole. CS of boy with dog standing in snow; he holds stick with live muskrat attached to it. To kill it, the boy hits it against ground; once it is dead, he throws it on snow and another dog runs up.
L/S of two Italian fisherman at sea off the coast of Australia. The commentator explains that they are naturalised Italians living in Australia 'hardworking fishermen.... not the wops you might think". Good M/S's of the men throwing nets over board. M/S of device on deck coiling up the rope as the catch is hauled in. Several shots of fishermen with their catch of fish. <br/> <br/>We see them working on their boats during an effort to raise money for the Sydney War Fund.
AFP-19FL 16mm; VTM-19FL Beta SP; NET-92 Beta SP (at 01:48:24:00); DigiBeta
The Living City
The Living City. An award winning documentary short by John Barnes and Haskel Wexler which surveys the need for redevelopment of American cities and the forces which have created problems in urban areas; describes obstacles which deter the elimination of blighted areas and tenements and the relief of traffic congestion. The film includes scenes of St. Louis in 1890, and of present-day housing and building programs in Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh.. 1950s, cities, descending elevator pov city buildings and construction workers, slum, girl standing on slum building balcony, urban renewal, excavator claw clearing slum debris, train passing by crowded parking lot, water wheel, oxen driven plow, blacksmith using hammer to hit horseshoe, factory, steam power, historical drawings depicting growth of cities and development of elevators and skyscrapers, structure of cities, construction site, skyscrapers, people watching construction activity, businessman and children leaving home in residential area, businessman driving from residential home through traffic and congested streets to job inside city, street scenes, traffic, pedestrians, policeman blowing whistle and holding up gloved hand to signal stop, box factory, stressed businessman taking with coworkers about transportation problems, furnished apartment for rent sign on tree trunk, mother chasing after boys leaving house to give them bag, teacher spinning globe and pointing out location to children seated at desks, children fighting in playground, woman shaking out mop over balcony, garbage truck collecting trash, boys throwing ball back and forth on city street, boy throwing ball and breaking store window, boys running away, boy pointing toy gun and pretending to shoot woman and children, policeman bringing boy home to mother with warning, girls playing dress up in slum, girl looking at reflection in broken mirror, images of city superimposed behind cracked mirror, City Planning Commission door opening, City Planner talking about roadblocks to city renewal, slum, horse drawn buggy, private builder talking about why he does not build new developments in slum, representative to slum owner taking about why he does not revitalize slum, low rent public housing project, slum tenants saying that they do not want to move, roadblocks to city renewal, traffic, cars driving on city street and highway, City Planner taking about people relocating to suburbs and taxes, Baltimore, Maryland, children playing on city street, woman looking out window blowing bubble, view through window woman reading next to lamp, housing code, housing inspector examining building fire escape, landlord talking to slum tenants, Baltimore Housing Court, judge striking gavel, judge deciding on sentences for tenant and slum owner, photograph of slum, housing project, playground, children swinging, city streets, factory smokestacks, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, polluted cityscape along river, Smoke Abatement Campaign, construction site, city model, Golden Triangle, downtown Pittsburgh, car pov skyscrapers, woman talking next to clotheslines, tenant meeting with planning officials, boys playing in alley, school located on heavily trafficked street, outdoor market on city street, church facade, construction vehicles clearing slum ruins, Chicago, Illinois, low rent public housing buildings being constructed, Michael Reese Hospital project, Lake Meadows Apartments, construction workers operating machinery, city model, traffic on busy city street, cityscape, Los Angeles, over the shoulder man driving car on freeway, cars driving on freeway, over the shoulder man driving car on city street and pulling into parking lot spot, hands turning ignition key off, cityscape, construction vehicle, slums being torn down, City Planning Commission door opening, city model, pedestrians crossing city street, boy playing baseball on slum alley, factory smokestacks, children playing jump rope, pollution from factory smokestacks, aerial cityscape, cars driving on highway near city, ascending elevator pov city streets and buildings under construction
Japanese Army conducts realistic war game with live-fire exercises involving infantry, armor, artillery and aircraft.
Film opens showing a Japanese Type 89 Yi-Go tank heading straight toward the camera. Next, mounted artillerymen ride up a hill with team of horses pulling caissons. More are seen passing trees, pulling caissons and Type 91, 105mm light field howitzers. They raise a lot of dust and they race across a barren stretch of land. Elsewhere, Several soldiers are seen with large canvases laid out on the ground. Small rolled up tents appear to be lined up on one canvas. Meanwhile, the artillerymen are starting to set up positions at various spots along the crest of a hill. Closeup of one of their horses. Next, batteries of anti-aircraft guns are seen pointing skyward, each surrounded by a team of about 10 soldiers, are seen firing. Kawasaki biwing aircraft fly overhead in formation, and the anti-aircraft guns are lowered as they pass. The guns are elevated again and resume firing. Scene shifts to the field artillery, where crews are manning the 105mm howitzers and firing them. Closeup of one of the gun crews in action. Shells are seen bursting on a sandy area near a shoreline in the distance. Some field artillery under camouflage nets. An army telegrapher sends messages with his key. Several soldiers at a field communications center also send messages. Two high wing monoplanes fly overhead. Closeup from behind Japanese artillery crew firing their field piece. More views of shells striking in distance. The guns under camouflage nets are seen firing. A huge explosion nearby throws large amounts of earth into the air. Views of the antiaircraft guns and crews dissolves into views of shells exploding. Two soldiers crawl along the ground, dragging a long pole with them. Soldiers jump up and abandon their position just before a big explosion occurs there. In final scene, several soldiers are running and shouting. Location: Japan. Date: 1933.
Young Man's Fancy
Young Man's Fancy 1952 Color This film was designed to show consumers (particularly housewives) the marvels of electric appliances. 02:01:31:00-02:05:00:00 CU feet taping camera approaches old radio MCU old radio camera approaches girl ironing MCU girl ironing she stops, turns, turns off radio, begins to iron again woman enters frame, approaches refrigerator, takes out bottle of milk, MCU girl ironing CU woman speaking MCU girl, she stops ironing, throws arm into air, unplugs iron, approaches table, sits down by placing leg over back of chair, woman places dish of food on table in front of girl, girl places napkin on lap, woman shuts oven door MCU girl eating, MCU girl eating and woman carrying 2 coffee cups, approaching table, woman sits down MCU woman picking up letter, opens it, MCU girl, MCU woman and girl sitting at table VS MCU woman and girl sitting at table speaking to each other, woman's is also reading letter. 02:05:02:00-02:05:50:00 girl vacuuming living room stops, unplugs it woman enters frame they engage in conversation girl approaches window girl looking out window shot from outside MS girl kneeling on sofa looking out window, grabs head, runs back to vacuum and woman, picks up vacuum, woman rubs seat of chair. 02:05:50:00-02:05:56:00 MCU 2 young men approaching front door of house, they each have 1 suitcase, they reach door and both wave hand as if to want the other to proceed first, one then turns door knob, then the other pushes open the door. 02:05:56:00-02:07:15:00 woman in living room, 2 young men enter room, 1 hugs woman and then introduces the other MCU 2 young men MS woman and 2 young men MCU girl (weird expression on face and has rollers in hair) approaching woman's side, woman puts arm on girl's shoulder, young man approaches woman placing his arms on other youngman's and woman's shoulder 2 young men pick up suit cases and proceed slowly up stair case while stopping and speaking woman and girl engaged in conversation approach kitchen, girl is removing rollers from hair. 02:07:15:00-02:08:00:00 young man in bathroom shaving with electric razor turns around to speak to someone behind him MCU young man sticking head out from behind shower curtain. 02:08:00:00-02:09:15:00 girl looking in mirror fixing lipstick and hair young man enters frame VS of them engaging in conversation another young man comes down stairs, girl exits frame. 02:09:15:00-02:10:13:00 girl approaches stove, CU girl's hand taking lid off pot and removing small amount of food, eating it, she turns to door and states, Come and get it woman approaches stove, 2 young men enter kitchen they approach table and sit down, girl places plates of food on table, young man wearing glasses states, what's cookin? phone can be heard ringing in BG, girl exits frame, young men start to eat woman removes milk from refrigerator, approaches table, pours milk into glasses. 02:10:13:00-02:10:45:00 VS girl sitting on stairs, speaking on telephone.(she uses groovy type 1950s teen terminology) 02:10:45:00-02:11:50:00 2 young men sitting at table, woman standing over them, they engage in conversation, youngman approaches dish washer while speaking, woman approaches sink, she begins to load dish washer, young man exits frame other young man approaches dish washer, helps woman, VS of them engaging in conversation. 02:11:50:00-02:12:27:00 young man sitting in chair talking on phone, girl standing next to him with arms crossed (stair case railing in BG), young man hangs up phone, girl begins to speak, they engage in conversation. 02:12:27:00-02:13:36:00 VS young man and woman standing in kitchen engaging in conversation, young man is wearing suit, woman is folding napkins and place mats, girl enters frame, smiling, speaks to young man MCU young man and girl young man looks at watch, goes to exit, stops, taps girl's shoulder, then exits VS girl looking very unhappy with woman standing along side her. 02:13:38:00-02:15:20:00 woman unloading washing machine speaking VS woman and girl folding cloths engaging in conversation MCU young girl paces back and forth, she approaches stair railing, leans against it, woman standing behind her. 02:15:21:00-02:16:45:00 MCU girl sitting on sofa reading magazine MS living room, man sitting in chair, young man standing next to him speaking, girl next to chair sitting on sofa MCU young man, MCU girl, happy facial expressions MCU older man turning head, speaking, holding pipe in hand MCU young man speaking MCU girl speaking MS living room, man speaking young boy approaches record player MCU girl she is smiling states, PLAY SOMETHING GROOVY ALEX she stands up and begins to dance MS young man putting on record, as music begins to play the girl stops dancing and has pathetic look on face MCU girl making square shape with fingers and waving head in disgust, she approaches sofa and sits back down, begins to look at magazine again MCU young man smiling MCU older man holding pipe and newspaper, speaks just before end of shot. 02:16:47:00-02:18:32:00 MS woman and girl in kitchen, preparing berries to be frozen, girl eats berries, woman scooping berries from big bowl into smaller bowls, girl picks up two bowls, approaches freezer, opens it and places them in, looks down into freezer, speaking, picks up frozen corn on the cob, woman approaches freezer, girl places corn back into freezer, woman than closes door, they both approach table, woman begins to fill bowls of berries again, girl walks around behind woman, picks up dish cloth walks behind her again, they are engaging in conversation while these actions are taking place, woman picks up dish cloth, wipes hands, VS woman and girl speaking MCU woman. 02:18:32:00-02:19:43:00 MS 2 girls folding towels from dryer, girl places towel against cheek, engaging in conversation, they both throw down towels, approach counter and chair, girl climbs up and sits on counter top, other girl straddles chair, MCU girl on counter top states, At first he was gone, a really big wheel., MCU other girl stating, Well it isn't the first time a big wheel turned out to be just a hubcap. a girl is speaking. 02:19:43:00-02:20:56:00 MS living room, woman dusting chair, other girl sitting on arm of chair with feet on seat of chair, woman approaches girl slaps her leg, girl stands up, walks behind woman, woman is speaking while walking, approaches lamp table dusting it, girl sits on arm of another chair, woman snaps fingers facing girl, girl jumps down and sits on seat of chair, looking up at woman, woman sits down on sofa, girl sits down next to her, MCU girl and woman MCU girl and woman sitting on sofa speaking to each other. 02:20:58:00-02:23:33:00 VS girl in kitchen, placing pots in oven and milk and butter in refrigerator, woman enters frame, VS woman and girl speaking to each other girl approaches stove, sets timer with woman watching, VS woman and girl MS 2 young men sitting in living room speaking to each other, woman and girl enter frame, both young men stand up 1 then sits down on coffee table, he stands up VS of the four of them speaking to each other girl exits frame MCU woman who states, Well don't over do it, you'll give her the reds. woman exits frame 2 young men approach camera, they stop, looking shocked, they look behind them, at each other, then begin to laugh. 02:23:33:00-02:27:34:00 MS girl in kitchen, she places food in refrigerator, approaches kitchen door, CU girl looking out door MS man sitting in chair, speaking to young man standing in front of him MS girl in kitchen appears to be thinking, snaps finger, approaches frig, opens it, takes out empty bowl and mixes as if there was something in the bowl MS man and young man in living room MS girl in kitchen CU girl unplugging an appliance, covers up outlet with dish cloth approaches kitchen door, says something out door, MS man and young man in living room,young man approaches kitchen VS young man and girl engaging in conversation, they approach different appliances in kitchen it appears as if the young man is giving tour of kitchen. 02:27:34:00-02:29:23:00 CU man placing dinner napkin on lap MS man, 2 young men, and girl sitting at table eating dinner, they make a toast, MCU manslicing meat VS of them sitting around table talking, MCU young man looking at watch, girl stands up, picks up some dishes, man removes them from her placing them back on table, girl hugs him she approaches young man, he stands up, they exit frame, man and other young man stand up picking up some dishes. 02:29:23:00-02:30:02:00 MS man in kitchen loading dish washer, woman enters frame, they hug and man kisses woman on cheek, they engage in conversation, woman looks at tickets in man's shirt pocket, man removes them from his pocket, they both look at them, man looks up with thinking expression on face, woman shakes head no, they lock arms and lean heads together.
United States of America. <br/> <br/>Titles read: "A REAL FISHERMAN'S TALE - from California." <br/> <br/>"The kind of yarn that fishermen dream about - and then wake up." <br/> <br/>L/Ss of fishermen throwing live bait into the water for the tuna fish. C/U of special hook. Several shots of numerous fishermen on boat at sea, they simply cast their lines over the side immediately catch fish and lift it on board. They then do the same again and a second later (literally) they have caught another whopper (it's incredible to watch).
Young boy sits on the carpet in the living room he is playing with a 1940's/1950's vintage metal spinning top toy. He cranks it several times then hands it to the toddler boy who is seated beside him. The toddler picks up the top awkwardly and throws it on the floor several times
Various scenes of daily life in Springfield, New Jersey during WW2
Opening title "The Old Home Town". A young woman opens the front door of a house with a Service Flag in the window during World War 2. Service Flag displayed in house window showing one star, meaning 1 person in the household is serving in the military. Camera pans inside living room, displaying photographs of relatives serving in the military. Woman writes a letter to her son. Hand writing out letter with pen. View of the First National Bank of Springfield on Main Street, Springfield New Jersey. Woman buying ticket at movie theater box office. Movie theater displays sign that reads "Buy War Bonds and Stamps Here". A woman enters Hoffman Drugstore Luncheonette with her child. High School students drink soda while sitting at drugstore counter while soda clerk fills soda from soda fountain. View of downtown Springfield, New Jersey. Women out shopping and eating ice cream in downtown Springfield, New Jersey. Children exit the James Caldwell Elementary School at 36 Caldwell Pl, Springfield Township, NJ 07081 and line up in front of the police crossing guard. Mailman walking down residential street and delivering mail to a woman at a house. Smiling woman closes door with Service Flag displayed. Woman shares letter with neighbor. Women read a V-Mail from abroad. Paperboy riding bike throws evening newspaper to porch. Man gets newspaper from porch. Man reads newspaper while sitting in living chair. Wife and daughter read from behind the man reading newspaper. The family reads the newspaper together. A Lions Club Honor Roll signage containing every person fighting abroad in Springfield, New Jersey. View of Springfield Township military Honor Roll. A Lions Club member adds a star beside the name Howard Lott, a soldier who died fighting in the Mediterranean. Two Lions Club members look mournfully at sign. A "Handy-Man Association" meets together near the Lions Club Honor Roll signage. Old man sawing wood while wife watches. Old man fixes bureau drawer. Man cleans window while on ladder. Old man climbs ladder to remove window screen. Woman gives doorknob to a man and he re-attaches it to a door. Man paints a porch while a woman sweeps. Townspeople enter the First Presbyterian Church in Springfield, New Jersey (37 Church Mall, Springfield Township, NJ 07081, United States). Townspeople attend church service. Pastor delivering his sermon. Women lower their heads in prayer during church service. View of bell tower of the First Presbyterian Church in Springfield, New Jersey. Location: Springfield New Jersey USA. Date: 1944.
AFP-19CT 16mm VTM-19CT Beta SP
PA-0578 Digibeta; PA-1477 1 inch
Preventive Psychiatry in the Navy: The Role of the Junior Officer
ISSUE_NO = 1864a NO_OF_ITEMS = 5 COMMENTATOR = Leslie Mitchell ITEM_NO = 1 DESCRIPTION : People of more than 20 nationalities live within the area of the "Steam Engine" in Peterborough. The pub has become a social centre for them. The dart team, organised by the landlord John Dowsett, features people from 13 countries. Until the team was formed last year, few of its members had ever held a dart. CARD_FILE = 89388 CARD_TITLE : UNITED NATIONS IN A PUB SHOT_LIST : CU Pub name sign (Steam Engine). GV Inside public bar. CU Barman serving a pint. CU Man receiving and drinking the pint. CU Man throwing darts. CU Dartboard. CU Two men talking. CU John Dowsett. CU Dartboard. CU John Dowsett throwing darts. MS Barman serving customers. CU Mohammed Yousef throwing darts. CU Mr Togher throwing darts. MS Customers watching the game. CU Albert Slee throwing darts. CU Signor Mario throwing darts. CU Clydestone Dick marking up score on the blackboard. CU Horst Pangas throwing darts. MS Henry Francis throwing darts. CU Dartboard. CU Alf Wilbourn throwing darts. MCU Clydestone Dick drinking with his mates. CU Signor Mario throwing darts. INDEX : Towns and Cities, Personalities, Miscellaneous - Signs, Buildings - Public Houses, Interiors, Food and Drink, Mankind, Sport and Games FEET_SHOT = 112 DATE_SUBD = 00/00/0000
Sunny Skyway
Sunny Skyway. A film about the Sunshine Skyway bridge near St Petersburg, Florida. 1950s, cabin cruiser, Burrell Smith, Spanish crossbow and Native American pottery, St. Petersburg, Florida, Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Tampa Bay, Native American man paddling dugout canoe, cars driving on bridge, elderly couple sitting on sidewalk bench, elderly woman playing bocce ball, elderly man playing shuffleboard, car pulling up to building, woman and boy playing catch with beach ball on beach, businessman getting out of car and looking at watch, family running on beach into water, family eating on picnic table, fishermen, women sitting on beach chairs while children dig in sand, pirate using shovel to dig hole in sand with parrot nearby, parrot on pirates' shoulder, man jumping off boat and scuba diving, reenactment of Juan Ortiz exploring Florida, hand holding Native American arrowhead, Native American man sharpening arrowhead, Native American people in traditional clothing on beach, Native American man putting corn kernels into pot, campfire, Native Americans running away from beach, booted legs stomping out campfire, Spanish Conquistadors, Spanish Conquistadors searching through corn and smashing pottery, Spanish Conquistadors setting fire to camp, Juan Ortiz walking through wilderness, Native Americans capturing Juan Ortiz and bringing to Native American chief, Juan Ortiz condemned to stake, Chief's daughter begging father to save Ortiz, Ortiz living with tribe, Ortiz and Chief's daughter walking along shore, car driving on Sunshine Skyway Bridge, cars passing through tollbooth, motel near tollbooth, powerboat traveling under bridge, Mullet Key, sailor and woman holding hands walking on beach, miniature railroad, couple riding miniature railroad, sailor and woman looking at cannon, reenactment of Colonel Robert E. Lee selecting site for fortification in 1849, reenactment of Juan Ponce de Leon and conquistadors coming ashore and exploring island on horseback in 1513, Native Americans hiding from conquistadors, Native Americans attacking conquistadors, Native Americans shooting arrows and throwing spears, conquistador shooting crossbows and rifles, Native Americans fleeing conquistadors, conquistadors carrying dead conquistador, Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Native American man, pirate, conquistadors, car POV driving on Sunshine Skyway Bridge, St. Petersburg, elderly couple sitting on sidewalk bench, family playing catch with beach ball on beach, man scuba diving, elderly man and women holding up fish catch, cabin cruiser on Tampa Bay
Battle of Dieppe in World War II
The Dieppe Raid, during World War 2. Relief map of France overlayed by Label "DIEPPE." Low-flying British Royal Air Force Spitfire aircraft seen attacking German installations in the area, as German guns fire at them from deep fortifications. Closeup of German antiaircraft gunners on lookout for British aircraft as they fire a Bofors (4 cm Flak 28) point blank, from atop a hill. German gunners firing 2 cm Flakvierling 38 at the attacking aircraft. A German 12.8 cm Flak 40 antiaircraft gun firing. Views on the ground of smoke rising from bomb strikes. German soldiers gathered near a Renault FT tank (one inside it) on deserted street. One soldier holds a hand grenade. A huge explosion throwing up large amount of earth. German Soldier firing MG42 machine gun from inside a building. More huge explosions. Canadian soldiers on beachhead. Some carry a wounded comrade on a stretcher. A German Junkers Ju 88 aircraft bombs vessels near the beachhead. A Churchill tank of the Calgary Regiment near burning landing craft on the beachhead. Glimpse inland of bombed buildings. View shifts to beach, again, and fallen Canadian soldiers lying in front of a burning landing craft. Wounded Canadian soldiers lying on the beach in front of a knocked out Churchill tank. German soldier giving a drink to a wounded Canadian soldier on a landing craft. Canadian soldiers being rounded up as prisoners of war, on the beach and walking under guard with seaside Church of Notre-dame-de-bon-secours in the background. Some prisoners are barefoot. One is being carried on a stretcher. Abandoned Canadian military vehicles on the beach. Canadian prisoners of war with hands raised, being escorted under guard. View of town from beach. Bomb damaged buildings in town. views of allied prisoners under loose guard: walking across a town square; on the beach; and helping injured as they walk from beachhead. View of town from overlooking cliff. Bomb damage is seen. Camera pans across the beach showing beached landing craft and damaged and abandoned military vehicles and equipment littering the shore. View from shore with Church of Notre-dame-de-bon-secours and cliffs in background. Churchill tanks and other equipment at edge of surf. Damaged fortifications in cliffside. Numerous dead Canadian soldiers piled up against a cliff on the beach. Others lying in front of German fortifications. Camera pans across fallen soldiers on the beach. Closeup of surf lapping at two Canadian helmets. More knocked out Canadian armor. A destroyed German fortification and heavy gun near the beach. More destroyed Canadian armor and fallen soldiers lying nearby. More knocked out Churchill tanks. Closeup on one named "Beefy." Closup of manufacturer's label on Churchill tank. A stack of Canadian soldiers' boots. A British Spitfire airplane crashlanded on the beach. Wreckage of a destroyed British aircraft. Closup of bullet holes in fuselage near the aircraft's roundel. A landing craft drifting in the surf. Scene shifts to the town, where canadian prisoners of war are being processed. They remove their helmets. A group of French boys (some in boy scout uniforms) march along a road. Captured Canadian commandoes in black uniforms marching under guard. Ambulatory wounded civilians walking along a sidewalk. POWs assembled in a large open space near a building where a field kitchen has been set up. German soldier puts soup into the helmets of the prisoners. POWs seated on ground eating their meal. Another look at the shore and detritus thereon. View shifts to the undamaged areas of the town and waterfront. Residents continuing on with their lives, as normal. Some conversing as children stand near a street vendor, who appears to be selling ice cream. Other city street scenes. A German soldier at an anti aircraft gun in the hillside overlooking the port. A contingent of German soldiers marching in formation along a beach road. German officers looking over a 12.8 cm Flak 40 antiaircraft gun position overlooking the beach. German troops marching below in background. Location: Dieppe France. Date: August 19, 1942.
Washing Day on a Stone Frigate. <br/> <br/>Location of events unknown. <br/> <br/>Sailors' (American?) wash day. GV pan over many sailors; sitting on beds or doing other things; with duffle bags; bedrolls all over etc. Lots of white; from the sailors' uniforms and from sheets; etc. Closer shot of several sailors at work; washing cots or benches; some men have hoses; others are scrubbing with sponges. <br/> <br/>M/S shirtless man; bending over & scrubbing cot; a man behind him turns a water hose on his and another pours a bucket of water on his back; but he grabs another bucket & turns almost instantly; so it ends up they're both throwing water on each other. Then he throws more water at the man with a hose. Funny. <br/> <br/>Next; shot of sailors standing along a counter w/ sloping top; all scrubbing uniform shirts and hats; some looking toward camera & grinning. Pan on sailors hanging up wet uniforms on clothes line. CU sailor stroking the feathers of a huge eagle mascot (live!). <br/> <br/>Navy. Cleaning; birds. <br/> <br/>Also on ON 415 C.
Chessington Zoo, Chessington, Surrey. <br/> <br/>Chessington Zoo is where Wendy Snazle lives, the daughter of the General Manager. She is surrounded by animals. Shots of Wendy in front of their big medieval house and loads of animals in front garden. She puts a banana on a table for a monkey which is on a lead. She cuddles a foal and cut to shot of Llama eating grass. Ernest Engler, the head keeper, takes Wendy with him on his feeding rounds. Shots of sea lions being fed with fish which the keeper throws at them. Top shot of huge bear in a cage. His food is put on a tray which he drags under the cage. Feeding an elephant with food on a tray which she picks up in her trunk and throws. Brief shot of lions in a cage. <br/> <br/>Some penguins are seen walking through a model village which was bought from Ferndown Zoo in Bournemouth. Quick shot of a zebra looking over a wall and then M/S penguin pool. The penguins are fed fish by the keeper and young girl, although they refuse the fish from the child and only take it from Uncle Ernest.
Peru Violence - Clashes between police and squatters
NAME: PER VIOLENCE 20060623I TAPE: EF06/0552 IN_TIME: 10:47:56:03 DURATION: 00:02:20:08 SOURCES: CHANNEL 9 DATELINE: Lima - 23 June 2006 RESTRICTIONS: No Access Peru SHOTLIST: 1. Wide of squatters throwing rocks at police 2. Tear gas landing near squatters 3. Various of people throwing rocks at police 4. AUDIO of bang near police vehicle, smoke rises 5. Police vehicle drives off over fires 6. Pan of land occupied by squatters 7. Various of squatters throwing petrol bombs and rocks, police shooting tear gas 8. Police in riot gear holding shields against rocks 9. Pan of squatters throwing rocks 10. People chanting: "The people united will never be defeated" 11. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Unidentified Squatter: "We need houses to live in, I don't have a house to live in that's why I live here. Please, let us live in peace." 12. Person limping 13. Woman running with small child in her arms 14. Close up of injured man 15. Bulldozer moving in to demolish area STORYLINE: Thousands of people who had built makeshift homes on the outskirts of Lima clashed with police on Friday, as officials moved in to evict them from their houses. The illegal community called "The Prairie of the Children of Saint Gabriel" was set up six years ago. The territory where they were living spans approximately 10-thousand square feet, is part of the Villa Maria del Triunfo Municipality and belongs to the Ministry of Health (MINSA). MINSA said the squatters knew the Ministry had plans to build a hospital specialising in maternity services for the community. On Friday, Peruvian officials came equipped with riot gear, bullet proof vehicles and tear gas as they forced the residents of the community from their homes. The squatters responded by throwing rocks and sticks. According to police, seven people were injured. No arrests were immediately reported. Keyword-violence