Aldershot, Hampshire.
<br/>LV. Paratroopers climbing rope between trees. SV. Men climbing onto ropes. LV. Men climbing up ropes, reach top and walk along pole, bridging trees. SV. Man reaching top, cocks leg over ropes. SV. Men ascending rope ladder. SV. Pan, man walking along bridge between trees and prepares to descend. CU. Instructor shouting. LV. Men climbing down rope. SV. Man climbing down rope and drops to ground. SV. Man climbing down rope and drops to ground. LV. Men jumping down steps obstacle, & SV. MV. Team of men climbing vertical wall. SV. Men scrambling over top of suspended net. LV. Men scrambling up and over net, & SV. CU. Instructor shouting. LV. Men walking along series of catwalks in trees. SV. Man jumps from one catwalk to another. Pan to man clambering down trees. LV. Men swinging from tree to another by means of rope. SV. Man swinging on rope. MV. Man hanging on rope and swings from tree. SV. Man flying through air on rope, lets go and lands in scramble net. MV. Towards and pan, man swinging across clearing and into net. MV. Man swinging from Platform SV. Type landing in net. LV. Man hanging on dummy harness sliding down rope. LV. Towards, man sliding on rope, and drops. SV. Towards, another man sliding down rope. LV. Towards, another man sliding down rope, and drops. CU. Another officer looking on. SV. Towards, paratroops running over log bridges. LV. Men scrambling up obstacle and sliding down rope. LV. Men running towards and over inverted V obstacle. & SV.
<br/>(Orig. Lav. from N.A.T.O.) (Orig. Neg. "A")