African native tribes under Belgian Colonial rule. A native African village, Bamburi women come out of huts (have distended lips) Women sit outside huts, women smoke pipes through distended lips, (weird.) A small village in the jungle, huts clustered together. A station wagon drives through jungle road. Efe Pygmies with bows and arrows hunt through jungle. A Pygmy village with small huts, pygmies use bows and arrows Close Up shot of a pygmy. Pygmy tribe dances around while a native african tribesman plays drums (war dance). Mangbetu tribe (long headed people, voice over claims 'former canibals') village. Explaination of native body modification, binding of skulls. CU African women with bones in hair. African tribe chief poses for camera as natives play in background. Son of King sits on little throne. Mangbetus dance around. Tribal Queen sits in profile.