Czechoslovakian women volunteers learn first aid, self-defense, toss hand grenades and rifle shooting, go over obstacle course for emergency wartime duty training
Czechoslovakian women soldiers watch a demonstration during their emergency wartime duty training (early in the Cold War). Female Czechoslovakian soldiers learn first-aid wrapping techniques. Czechoslovakian women go over obstacle course by climbing, jumping and crawling. Spectators cheer on their comrades going over the obstacle course. A young Czechoslovakian woman stands up after crawling from obstacle and runs. Young Czechoslovakian woman successfully blocks her classmate holding pistol during self-defense training. Czechoslovakian women watch self-defense demonstration during training. Young Czechoslovakian women toss hand grenades together during training. Czechoslovakian women lying face down in field. Czechoslovakian women lie down and aim rifles in formation during rifle firing lesson. A box with small human figures as targets for rifle firing training. Young Czechoslovakian woman soldiers adjusts her rifle, aims, and shoots targets. Location: Prague Czechoslovakia. Date: 1948.