CHURCHILL THE MAN - Commonwealth Version - Reel 2
Reel 2.
<br/>01:36:51 1938 - montage - C/U of man holding an advertising board for the Evening News which reads: "Keep Calm - And Dig", men digging trenches, children gathered for evacuation, C/U of children, evacuees walking along railway platform, Churchill entering Admiralty, Neville Chamberlain leaving 10 Downing Street - Churchill entering it, French refugees walking along a road with British troops moving in the opposite direction, M/S of refugees moving their belongings with prams and bicycles, horse and cart etc. Speech about the "new dark age.." Dunkirk May 1940. M/Ss of wounded men walking up a gangplank to board a boat. Churchill voiceover "...this was their finest hour" speech.
<br/>01:37:57 Montage of Winston Churchill attempting to present arms, balancing on a sloping log and laying bricks - smoking cigar throughout. The Battle of Britain - August 1940. "Never in the field of human conflict" speech on soundtrack. R.A.F. scramble, planes taking off, air to air shots, bombed buildings, dogfights etc. - very short shots in montage. M/S of Churchill in RAF (Royal Air Force) uniform with group of R.A.F. officers. The Bombing of London - December 1940. Burning buildings in L/S, firemen attempting to put out the blaze, nurses scrambling through wreckage of bomb damage - quintessential blitz shots. Churchill speech about the spirit of the British nation on the soundtrack.
<br/>01:39:27 White cliffs of Dover - L/S. Convoy being bombed in the Channel. L/S of ships being bombed. Churchill walking amongst waving cheering crowd, inspecting the Home Guard, C/U of woman in a crowd, young women cadets, war workers etc. Children in the foreground hold up their fingers in the "V for Victory" sign. Churchill climbs into an open topped car and takes his hat off as he is driven away. Churchill visits bomb damage in Coventry. He walks through the bombed cathedral with Mayor and vicar (or bishop). Various panning shots of the cathedral. Winston Churchill with Field Marshal Jan Smuts of South Africa and European leaders including De Gaulle at army manoeuvres. Tanks, large coastal gun with the name "Winnie" on the side. Guns are fired. Western Desert - bombs are dropped, aerial shots of bombs exploding. Churchill arrives in the Middle East and has lunch with officers in a tent. We see Churchill smoking and drinking what looks like beer. He lights a cigar in C/U.
<br/>01:41:56 The burning of Pearl Harbour. Sunk ships on fire. L/S of the Capitol Building in Washington DC, United States of America (USA). President Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill sitting in car. High angle shot of Churchill speaking to Congress. M/S of Churchill with NBC microphones. He speaks of the fact that: "if my father had been American and my mother British, instead of the other way around, I might have got here on my own." The men listening to the speech laugh and applaud. Churchill climbs out of car in Western Desert and is greeted by Montgomery. C/U of the two talking. Churchill walks away from the camera along a long road lined with soldiers. He puts his fingers up in the "V for Victory" sign (as he is facing the soldier whom he signals, it looks rather like the other two fingered sign!).
<br/>01:43:23 Winston Churchill walks along in the desert holding a white umbrella to shield himself from the sun. El Alamein (Al Alamain) battle - gunfire at night, artillery fired during the day, tanks, soldiers running and diving under fire, armed soldiers march with prisoners of war, long shot of large number of prisoners of war being marched along in desert, soldiers marching past camera with pyramid in the background, Churchill salutes a passing convoy of tanks. "A bright gleam has caught the helmets of our soldiers.. the End of the beginning" speech.
<br/>01:44:19 C/U of Churchill at the controls of a plane. M/S of Churchill in Russia with Stalin - they shake hands - photographers and cameraman in the background. Churchill and Stalin inspect troops. C/U Pom-pom guns firing aboard ship, C/U of Churchill at the controls. M/S young sailors looking on. Churchill walks on deck and stands with Lord Beaverbrook. Yalta conference. Churchill sits with President Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. C/U of Churchill speaking to General Dwight Eisenhower on railway station platform.