Inside Afghanistan
Shot on 16mm film in Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Spinbuldak, and the Afghan countryside in 1987, this film is a look at the *other* side of the war in Afghanistan - the Communist government and its supporters. It is not only the sole documentary on the Afghan communist side of the war, but it shows how the war looked to the Afghan middle class, to educated Afghan women, to the army officers who led the Soviet-inspired ""revolution"", and to the khans (""feudal landlords"") and villagers of the Afghan countryside. The film includes an interview with two captured Taliban guerillas in the Kandahar prison, as well as a Mujahedeen attack on an Afghan army outpost, and a rare public interview with then-President Najibullah
The outtakes are also available for licensing.
00:00:00>>>Dog fights in Kabul. Referee blows whistle, dogs fight.
02:46:00>>>views of city of Kabul , people washing before prayer
03:06:00>>>people praying outside mosque, blind beggar at gate, entering mosque
03:23:00>>>Soviet convoy (National Police called ""Sarandoy"") drive along road, sheep herd on side of road - trucks and tanks. Convoy pulls up to desert station outside Kabul. They come from the Soviet border bringing goods. Afghani soldier interviewed. Explains he brings goods to Kabul
05:33:00>>>unloading sacks from truck. Afghani says he brings food, clothes and other supplies. He is asked if he saw the enemy along the way. He says yes we saw them and sometimes we have to fight them.
06:05:00>>>Afghani military colonel answers that the Afghani ""Sarandoy"" bring in the supplies not the Soviets. See cu of Soviet labels on sacks of food.
00:0>>>Translator says Our government (afghani) announced a policy of national
reconciliation and asked the opposition to participate in a coalition government. He says the reactionary countries which help our enemies should stop helping them. Then the refugees will return home: When asked what will happen if this does not happen the Aftghani military colonel replies: The war will continue and those responsible will be the reactionary forces,
not us.
00:07:23>>>Afghani troops run in desert to position, cu inside Afghani tank with soldier looking out , troops jump into tank, tanks firing in desert
00:08:07>>>Military colonel explains this is weapons drill The weapons and tanks are all Soviet. (see Afghani soldiers loading rifles ). Colonel says he studied in Soviet Union in the
tank academy. Colonel says his army is ready at any time and can protect its April revolution
00:08:47>>>Propaganda board with Soviet leaflets and booklets
00:08:54>>>Colonel - when Soviets withdraw we can protect our motherland and our April revolution and its goals
00:09:04>>>photo Zahir Shah, King of Afghanistan until 1973
00:09:08>>>Afghan Army colonel interviewd ""under the monarchy when Zahir Shah ruled us
people were exploited. There was no freedom.We wanted to change the feudal system we lived under.To build a new society based on freedom. Where men are friends, equal, not master and servant.
00:09:25>>>views of Afghani men sitting in desert preparing and drinking tea. Colonel says
come and drink tea with us. The men say they are drinking green tea. When asked if they are satisfied with their life, they say they are happy. I have bread, work and tea right now and that is enough for us.
00:09:59>>>ws of desert village built into side of mountain
00:10:08>>>Military colonel says when I was studying in the military school, I travelled alot in
foreign countries and there I saw how people live...
00:10:15>>>ws. Tashkent city in Russia - two large buildings with banners on each - one of
Lenin and one of Stalin (?) various views of modern city
00:10:59>>>Kabul - people walking in street, horse drawn carts, boy on bicycle. Shot of poor
woman sitting outside tent - PAN to 3 children and ZOOM OUT to show refugee area where many tents are set up and they live in poverty.We are poor people who travel in the shadows. We are from Kohistan in the North. Man says that there is too much trouble in Kabul so they will stay where they are for now. ""You know, those people in the mountians, the Mujahadeen, they want bribes from us and they take our things- we are afraid of them and that is why we came here....we are not with either the Mujahadeen or the government. We are just poor people"".
00:11:43>>>view of Afghan Military Academy - troops marching in open square and ZOOM IN to MS of them marching in formation. Soviet propaganda posters on huge bulletin board. Hear VO of man saying ""when I came back from abroad I was in the army in the technical academy. We saw the situation in the Army and started to talk among the officers. The other officers and soldiers believed us.We wanted a new kind of armybased on new principles....we returned from the Soviet Union united and after the revolution we made a new society (see imges of Soviet and Afghani soldiers shaking hands with hammer and sickle above them, pictures of Lenin on wall of Afghan Military Academy classroom. See teacher at chalk board teaching students at a Soviet boarding school. Map of world see on wall showing points where Russian language is spoken around the world.
00:13:11>>>interview with teacher. He says he is an Afghan who studied in the Soviet Union.
00:13:31>>>Teacher explains in VO why the Afghan army studies Russian. He says ""It is obvious - first thing is it is good neighborly relations with soviet union and our people want to know the language of our Northern neighbor. and we are using the experience of our Soviet comrades and friends. Soviet advisors work with us and we ask them for help and resolve our problems together with them. (footage shows Afghan military training exercises at a Military Academy)
00:14:07>>>Teacher (soldier) expalins he has a Russian wife (video inside their apartment where she is preparing food in the kitchen. )
00:14:16>>>Old man sitting by himself on concrete slab in city - where he is selling rugs which are displayed in the limbs of nearby tree and PAN across to apartment complex where teacher lives.
00:14:39>>>Interview inside teacher's apartment. He says"" I worked a lot in Soviet Union... I felt very free there. I worked on all kinds of jobs there. I never felt restricted and that I could not travel around there. views inside his apartment, two sons studying , baby in crib
00:13:32>>>He goes on to say that he was brought up a Muslim and when asked if he still practices he gets very uncomfortable and says that that is a very ticklish question. views of the family sitting together in living room. Children say they speak Russian and Farci. See footage of the children at school. One of the boys says he wants to stay in Afghanistan, the other wants to live in Soviet Union. More classroom where children are being taught Russian by Russian woman teacher
00:16:10>>>Teacher interviewed and says that she loves the Russian language and sees it as an international language and that is why she is teaching it in Afghanistan.
00:16:40>>>Tashkent Medical University - scenes inside hospital where Afghani students are learning medical skills. Young woman medical student is interviewed and describes the advanced medical equipment in Soviet Union and explains what the equipment is and does. BOth men and women students. Woman student goes on to explain that the Soviets give special attention to them even over Soviet students because they will be the people who will help to build a new Afghanistan. Several of the Afghani women medical students say that their work is first and they would not give up their careers for marriage and stay at home if demanded by their husbands.
00:19:40>>>interview with woman from Literacy school in Kabul. She says"" Islam has made education aduty for all Muslims - men and women. SInce the people of Afghanistan are Muslim they should study. (Views of woman teaching a group of women whoseheads are draped in white scarves) In Islam there are no limits on learning and today we have better educational systems. Good shots of men and women reading and studying. GOod close shots.
00:20:22>>>Woman teacher (dressed in western clothese) says : We are Muslim and we belive there is no
difference between men and women
00:19:00>>>more views of people studying. Young woman interviewed who says' THe revolution is for us so that more people can study. Before the revolution we had to wear a veil, but now we can wear whatever we want.
00:19:15>>>young boys and girls play outside in schoolyard. Various shots of people, landscape, buildings
01:21:41>>>shots of ""Caravan of Peace"" - a village in Kabul province. views of town. Group of musicians singing in town square - people gathered around. Doctor attending to people. Male Dancer performs for people who are gathered - twirls like whirling dervish
00:22:42>>>soldier says that people in Afghanistan wish for peace. What more do we need? He is dressed in Soviet type uniform. He says the enemy does not accept peace. They make friends with the Imperialists. They are their puppets. VIews of older men in audience. More of dancer doing various contortions with his body (feet behind head and spinning round etc.)
00:24:06>>>Soviet commander talking to assembled crowd of Afghani's. He says your country is going through hard times. The Soviet Union is giving you free material and medical aid. We travel around Kabul and see that the Afghan people see what we are doing. (Views of crowd, good cu old men, cu of young man fingering prayer beads, old man receiving sack of food, women in burqa, unloading various supplies and handing out to people
00:25:31>>>truck convoy in Maivan District, Kandahar Province, various trucks Truck with people - refugees returning. THey say they are returning home because of policy of national reconciliation. See busloads of families - contains 50 families. The returning refugees say that the Soviet for