RE-ENACTMENT FOOTAGE:, legs of carriage horse walk, wheels turn, go through puddle, mud, man, woman ride in carriage down country road, pass women hanging wash, man chopping wood with axe, kids running to little schoolhouse, man checks pocket watch, man drives couple in carriage, woman says goodbye to doctor at front steps, he leaves, enters carriage, people in carriage pass church, arrive at train station, stationmaster pats horse, man helps woman down from carriage, man and stationmaster compare watches, man waits for train, empty tracks, ORIGINAL EARLY-1900S FOOTAGE:, city street (probably 5th Ave.): man drives carriage up otherwise almost empty street, people wear fine clothes, walk on sidewalk (probably Easter Parade), carriage traffic, trolleys, man buys newspaper from street newsboy, BROADWAY trolley passes, "hysterical" woman runs with cop to fire alarm box, firemen jump out of bed (somehow they are sleeping in the middle of the day), slide down famous pole, hook up horses, people watch them drive fire engines very fast down street, crowded street with peddler stands, kids play stickball, trolleys, horse carts run under El tracks, people outside ballpark: BASEBALL TODAY NEW YORK VS CHICAGO, ORIGINAL FOOTAGE (1900s), young women jam into amusement park ride, people ride down chute-the-chute (log-flume-style ride), bunches of people try to mount camel, frolic at jammed beach in cover-all bathing suits, boys run under spraying fire hydrant, RE-ENACTMENT FOOTAGE, well-dressed people ride bikes down country road, including one tandem, man falls off bike into dirt, gets up, brushes self, riders turn back, actor playing Henry Ford works in workshop on his quadrocycle, an early car, CU small gas engine mounted on back of car, in middle of night, "Ford" pushes car out of workshop, drives it down cobblestone street, man with horse tows disabled car, Two men drive car, it stops, they get out, look under hood, Three people ride in "sailwagon," like a sailboat on wheels, CU hands work on gas engine, men in blacksmith shop work on race car 999, CU hands turn bolt with wrench, 999's engine, 999 ready, ACTUAL FOOTAGE, Barney Oldfiled drives 999 on track, cars pass building with columns, possible old Penn Station before latest MSG, people, horse carts, cars on street, CU hands leaf through book, RE-ENACTMENT FOOTAGE (1900s), man drives early car (Model A) down road (steering wheel on right), man arrives at mansion, greeted by wealthy couple, woman opens door over rear bumper to get in, man takes her to front, man cranks engine from side of car, couple laugh, he drives off, farmer, horse in front of barn, farmer walks away, sees car go by, man drives up in Model T, shakes hands with farmer, who checks car out, CU hands shift gears, they talk (no sound), man works on Ford ad, men build cars on wooden horses in factory, then build them on floor, CU hand attaches old-fashioned squeeze-bulb horn to car, boss drags car, men attach parts, boss watches from steps, men attach car radiator, man pushes car on track, men attach parts, men assemble parts, push them along, ACTUAL FOOTAGE (1910-20), wheel rims roll on slide, men work with them, men put parts on conveyor belt, parts pass workers, engines move on conveyor belt, parts, engines move on overhead chains, men assemble cars on assembly line NICE, cars driven off line, apparently unemployed men watch, RE-ENACTMENT FOOTAGE, man pushes car up to house, wife, kids run out excitedly, enter back seat, kids bounce like yoyos, father cranks car from front, boy gets behind wheel, they drive off down country road, almost have a head-on with other car, ACTUAL FOOTAGE, car drives through colossal quagmire, angry man gets out of car stuck in mud, men drive horse carts through mud, build road, machine pours concrete, cars drive on concrete roads, RE-ENACTMENT, model T drives on rural concrete road, stops, man gets out, looks at confusing road signs (sign with many destinations), CU annoyed woman in car, second car pulls up, man talks to driver, who gives him directions (no sound), Puts hand to ear to hear, man gives confusing directions, man confused, ACTUAL (1910s-20s), women buy food at sidewalk produce stand, get into car, doctor gets out of car, walks toward house, woman greets him, man drives away from store, storekeeper waves, car enters filling station, men in front fix cars, two cars drive on winding hillside road, car drives past mountain stream, pulls up beside others into scenic overlook, people on cliff look down at deep valley, people drive through wilderness, feed bear which is almost in car, they drive through hole in apparent redwood tree, picnic in roadside area, kids on swings BG, people pick flowers next to car parked in field, put seat back in car, sleep in car, man in old swim suit brings picnic basket to people on beach, rock cliff BG, RE-ENACTMENT, surf, little boy, girl run on beach, girl picks up seaweed, throws it, they play on rocks in surf, ACTUAL (1910s-20s), people drive model T's through stream, on rutted road, through snow, over railroad bridge, on railroad tracks, along top of huge pipe, SILENT COMEDY FOOTAGE, motorcycle cops stand next to road, try to flag car down, car speeds past, almost hits cops, they chase on motorcycles, over field, onto other road, car drives up hill, can't make it, stops, cops pull man out of car, it rolls back down hill, man runs, catches car by fender, it stops, he jumps in, drives away, he jumps out of car while it's still moving, moves road-closed barrier from other road to his road, jumps back into still-moving car, cops zoom down other road, ACTUAL FOOTAGE (1930s), EXTERIOR DAY large FORD factory, smoke pours from chimney, INTERIOR sparking molten steel is poured, machines make parts, machinists work at machines, man takes car body part from pressing machine, car bodies hang on chain belt, assembly line goes full tilt, actual Henry Ford walks toward camera from Fairlane home, down steps with wife, sits with friend, they laugh at something in newspaper, Ford skates on pond carrying tiny grandchild, other grandchild runs behind, Ford tinkers with steam-driven tractor, drives gas-driven tractor on farm, talks with men in his office, actual Ford, family say goodbye to son Edsel (!!!) next to car, two cars drive away, Ford, woman dance in barn, people watch, Ford plays with grandchild Henry Ford II on lawn table, plays with same child and Mrs. Edsel Ford on lawn, shows grandchildren Henry II and Benson how to garden, Ford, wife drive quadrocycle around Fairlane estate in snow, return, he helps her out, Ford camping with famed naturalist John Burroughs, tire magnate Harvey Firestone, Ford chops wood, cooks at outdoor grill, Thomas Edison noshing BG, Ford, Burroughs, Edison, have tea in tent, waiter pours, Burroughs drives model T, Ford washes something next to stream, Ford, Edison, Firestone eat in tent at table with giant lazy susan, food keeps zipping by, Ford, Edison, Firestone sit in beach chairs, Ford whispers to Edison, all laugh, Ford talks with son at camp, also as they walk through factory, they sit in early Ford, next to 1930's model, cars, trolleys, run through Times Square, other NYC locations, past BANK OF ITALY (1920s), cars parked in middle of small-town street, RE-ENACTMENT, rich woman exits mansion, chauffeur lets her into limo, limo, car pull up to NEW ENGLAND cleaners, chauffeur exits car, man checks it out, ACTUAL, men put body onto car moving slowly on assembly line, words painted on car: FIFTEEN MILLIONTH FORD, Ford, 2nd man sit in car, flat-bed truck carries derelict cars, driver checks in with man, tow truck tows two old cars to factory, men dismantle car, car crushed in compressor, rolls out, old car rolls into compressor, CU spinning wire-wheel tires SUPER OVER various scenes: happy couple drive convertible, people enjoy various Coney Island attractions: tumble in giant barrel, fly off big spinning turntable, ride on roller coaster, slide down big wooden slide, people do Charleston, bartender mixes martinis, chorus girls dance, man in raccoon coat, couple dance in night club, drink at bar, street sign WALL ST BROADWAY, crowded NYSE floor, man selling apples on street, jobless men lined up on street, walking country road, okies loading truck, resting next to truck, driving, nice 30s car driving, family in car, sign BEGIN DETOUR 40 FT, Two WW II soldiers drive jeep down hill, along bumpy road, actual WW II footage: artillery firing, tanks, street fighting, bombs fall from planes, explode, battleships fire, marine shoots flamethrower, buildings burn, bomber hit, burns, nuclear test with ships FILM TURNS COLOR!!!, CU car wheel spins, view from car going through tunnel, emerging into light, big car drives past palm trees, second car passes trees, lake,, view from car as it goes under expressway connecting ramps, big car crosses suspension bridge, view from car as it passes large FORD truck, views from side, back of cars on various roads, farmer drives BIG tractor, woman drives van, car drives in suburbs, suburban community, car passes elementary school during recess, worker drives to factory, car passes lake, car passes apartment house, palm trees, view of coast from moving car, CU woman drives, smiles, view from car driving over small hill in farm country, then past vehicle parked on road in ski country, dune buggy passes model T, sports car drives out of tunnel, cars pass Lincoln Memorial, White House, view from car as we enter tunnel, vehicle drives through desert, couple having roadside picnic wave to passing car, sunset on water seen from car, car parks between us, sunset