With the R.C.A.F. in Europe
HALS PAN of Royal Canadian Air Force No 1 base at Marville, France. MLSs of Headquarters building at Marville. MLS of hangar at RCAF Fighter Wing No 2 at Grostonquin, France, Sabre jets on tarmac in foreground. HAMLS PANs over RCAF Fighter Wing No 3 base in Germany. HALS PANs over RCAF No 4 Fighter Wing base in Germany. MS of Headquarter building. Various shots of Permanent Married Quarters at RCAF base in Germany. Interior MS of people shopping in PX store on RCAF base in Europe. MSs of people shopping in butcher shop. CSs of hand placing pick-up arm on spinning disc on record player turntable. MS and MCS of two women and man having drinks at outdoor restaurant in France. MS of small speeding red sports car crashing into roadside tree. MCSs of driver sprawled out of smashed car, of woman's head against smashed windshield. MS of airman and man running to examine victims. Several shots of group of four Sabre jets taxiing on runway, taking off, flying overhead and landing. MSs of CF-100's landing on runway. MSs of Lufthansa Constellation aircraft taxiing on runway. LAMCS of RCAF flag waving in breeze.