US Security - Security ahead of inauguration, snow in capital
NAME: US SECURITY 190105Nxx TAPE: EF05/0063 IN_TIME: 11:19:00:19 DURATION: 00:03:13:17 SOURCES: APTN/Pool DATELINE: Washington DC, Jan 19, 2005 RESTRICTIONS: SHOTLIST: Pool 1. Zoom out of US President George Bush and his wife Laura Bush at the National Archives 2. Pan from painting of George Washington's inauguration to George and Laura Bush 3. Zoom out from Bush looking at the Declaration of Independence: UPSOUND: "Absolutely." APTN 4. Various of mounted police on patrol 5. Security checkpoint 6. Various of military vehicles in front of US Capitol building 7. Tracking shot of empty parade stands 8. Capitol building, street in foreground 9. Top view of Metro subway trains 10. People getting on and off of trains 11. Various of bomb-sniffing dogs on patrol in Metro 12. Various of army soldiers sweeping snow from seats at the Capitol 13. Pan from stands to Capitol, 14. US flag blowing in the wind 15. Parade reviewing stands in front of White House 16. Tilt down of Presidential reviewing stand 17. Workers putting bunting on stands 18. Zoom out from Presidential viewing stand in front of White House STORYLINE: On the eve of his second inauguration, United States President George W. Bush visited the National Archives to see some of the nation's most treasured historical documents - including George Washington's inaugural speech and the United States Constitution. Afterwards, asked by a reporter if he feels the history of the moment, Bush replied, "Absolutely." As a light snow fell across Washington on Wednesday, security measures started to take effect. Streets were closed and high-visibility police patrols commenced in the downtown area. As part of the increased security, over 20 transportation security officers from across the nation joined forces with the D.C. Metro Transit Police to protect the subway system serving the nation's capital and its suburbs. Officers and bomb-sniffing dogs from airports in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Milwaukee and St. Louis all made the trip to the nation's capital. With massive street closures in the centre of the city, officials are urging visitors to use the Metro subway system. At both ends of the Inauguration parade route - the Capitol Building and the White House - workers continued to apply finishing touches.
Moving toward in a library
Moving toward in a library
Special Team of the Paris-2024 Olympic Games on July 25, 2024 (EDS - OJ PARIS-2024).
This historic civil defense film was created at the beginning of American participation in WWII, and presents the scenario that Nazi and Japanese aircraft might raid the United States and drop incendiary bombs on American cities. At the time the threat appeared absolutely real, and both East and West Coasts complied with blackout restrictions, posted air raid wardens, and began training volunteers to respond in the event of an Axis attack. In the film magnesium incendiary bombs are shown, including a full-scale demonstration on a multi-story structure. Citizens are urged to train as volunteer fire-fighters, to augment the regulars who are expected to be overwhelmed by vast urban fire storms. Various tactics to defeat incendiary weapons are shown, as are scenes of the London Blitz, firefighter training, and more.<p><p>We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example like: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."<p><p>This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
Commander of the Graf Zeppelin Hugo Eckener comments upon arrival in Chicago, IL
UK Elvis - Lookalike compete and renew their wedding vows
TAPE: EF04/0096 IN_TIME: 23:34:26 DURATION: 1:11 SOURCES: SKY RESTRICTIONS: See Script DATELINE: Blackpool, 1 Feb 2003 SHOTLIST SKY - NO ACCESS UK/CNNi 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS - NO LIBRARY ARCHIVE 1. Elvis performer on stage SKY - NO ACCESS UK/CNNi 2. Elvis impersonators 3. Young boy Jack Williams impersonating Elvis SKY - NO ACCESS UK/CNNi 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS - NO LIBRARY ARCHIVE 4. Various of Elvis impersonators singing to camera SKY - NO ACCESS UK/CNNi 5. 'Elvis' on stage 6. Couples renewing wedding vows SKY - NO ACCESS UK/CNNi 24 HOUR NEWS ACCESS - NO LIBRARY ARCHIVE 7. Little boy doing his Elvis impression SKY - NO ACCESS UK/CNNi 8. Various of Elvis' on stage as winner is announced 9. SOUNDBITE: (English) Matt King, Elvis impersonator (Fantastic - absolutely overwhelmed and I mean that most sincerely. It was just brilliant. I really really didn't think I was going to get up to the top five let alone win it. Gobsmacked, overwhelmed." 10. Elvis fans singing along with performers with arms in the air 11. Elvis leaves the building STORYLINE: Elvis fanatics from around the world gathered in the seaside resort of Blackpool in the north of England for an Elvis lookalike competition. Impersonators from as far as the Czech Republic and the US had come to battle it out in a competition to be the King of all Kings. The competitors came in all shapes and sizes - and spanned several decades of the legend's life - even a four year old turned up to try his luck. But the winner of the competition was the aptly named - Matt King. And it wasn't just Elvis impersonators out to revere their hero - couples were also here to have their wedding vows renewed by their hero.
Statue of Liberty 1950's
Home movie of the Statue of Liberty in the 1950's.
Created in 1961 by the Highway Safety Foundation and Safety Enterprises, Inc., MECHANIZED DEATH is a legendary driver's education scare film that underscores the dangers of speeding and reckless driving. Made in an era when automobiles lacked the kind of modern safety features and crash-resistant designs that we take for granted today, and featuring bloody accident footage supplied by the Ohio Highway Patrol, "Mechanized Death" reveals the highways and byways as nightmarish avenues of carnage and destruction. The film remains absolutely relevant today, with its cautionary tales about risk taking, speeding, and -- death.<p><p>Some of the safety innovations that occurred in the early 1950s included putting padding wherever the driver's head might hit a hard surface, safety glass and by mid-decade, seat belts started becoming popular as options, although their advocates had to put up with withering criticism about their effectiveness from inside and outside the industry. Even as late as 1958 a leading research group announced that the "seat belt can be dangerous to the average user under most crash conditions" and that the safety issue "was a tool of commercialism used at the expense of human life and injuries."<p><p>Motion picture films don't last forever; many have already been lost or destroyed. For almost two decades, we've worked to collect, scan and preserve the world as it was captured on 35mm, 16mm and 8mm movies -- including home movies, industrial films, and other non-fiction. If you have endangered films you'd like to have scanned, or wish to donate celluloid to Periscope Film so that we can share them with the world, we'd love to hear from you. Contact us via the weblink below.<p><p>This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
Former American Korean War POW tells of captivity
Welcome - Wagon - Dot - Com
Made in 1945, REMEMBER THESE FACES is a poignant, agonizing tribute to the men who became casualties of World War II. Produced by the U.S. Navy, Marines and Coast Guard, the film was originally intended to serve as a promotion for the 7th War Bond Drive. Unlike the dozens of idealized, grand propaganda films that preceded it, "Remember These Faces" feels real and authentic. It is graphic, almost hard to take in terms of its content, and at the time reminded the American public that while the Japanese were on the defensive, much more fighting remained. The film today can be readily seen as one of the best, and most memorable tributes to the sacrifices made by American fighting men in the Pacific. Its searing imagery is simply hard to forget. <p><p>The film follows a typical American G.I. landing on an unnamed Pacific island, experiencing the violence of combat, being wounded in action, and arrival at a military hospital. The film focuses on the faces of the servicemen as they are about to head into battle, as well as when they are wounded, with the narrator reminding the audience that these were the people they were helping by supporting the war effort. These portraits are absolutely authentic, and their visages reveal deep exhaustion and fatigue, leaves little doubt about the stress of war and the deep debt that we as Americans owe to our fighting men and women, for keeping us free.<p><p>We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example like: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."<p><p>This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
German Chancellor Adolf Hitler speaking to Reichstag in Berlin, which gives him and his cabinet absolute legislative power
Christmas Luncheon: Avoid Discussions
Somalia UN
AP-APTN-1830: Somalia UN Saturday, 13 August 2011 STORY:Somalia UN- REPLAY Top UN official tours hospital looking after famine victims LENGTH: 01:45 FIRST RUN: 1430 RESTRICTIONS: AP Clients Only TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP TELEVISION STORY NUMBER: 701107 DATELINE: Mogadishu - 13 Aug 2011 LENGTH: 01:45 AP TELEVISION - AP CLIENTS ONLY SHOTLIST: 1. Various of Valerie Amos, U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, visiting Banadir Hospital 2. Close-up of mother with two children 3. Various of Amos talking to hospital staff and refugeees 4. SOUNDBITE: (English) Valerie Amos, U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs "I can't imagine what it's like for parents who are seeing their children - two, three year-olds - who don't even look big enough to be six months old. It is absolutely distressing, we really have to do what we can, I know security is difficult but we have to do all we can to make sure that we help people who are absolutely desperate " 5. Various of sick children at Banadir hospital. STORYLINE UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, visited Mogadishu on Saturday, where she toured a hospital and met people who had survived the long journey to the Somali capital in an attempt to escape starvation. Amos said she could not imagine the plight of Somali parents trying to save their emaciated children. "It is absolutely distressing," she said. "We really have to do what we can. I know security is difficult but we have to do all we can to make sure that we help people who are absolutely desperate," she said. The UN said last week only 20 percent of the 2.6 million Somalis who need aid, have been able to get it, because an al-Qaida-linked group controls large portions of the country. Meanwhile, The World Food Programme said on Saturday that it was expanding food distribution efforts in the country after Al-Shabab militants withdrew from most areas of the capital last week, a move that will significantly improve aid relief efforts. The militants' presence in Mogadishu had complicated international aid groups' efforts to feed the tens of thousands who had sought help in the capital. Al-Shabab has been waging a war against the weak UN-backed Somali government. The group banned relief agencies including the WFP from operating in it territories. The militants control most of central and southern Somalia, and have killed people who tried to flee starvation. Clients are reminded: (i) to check the terms of their licence agreements for use of content outside news programming and that further advice and assistance can be obtained from the AP Archive on: Tel +44 (0) 20 7482 7482 Email: (ii) they should check with the applicable collecting society in their Territory regarding the clearance of any sound recording or performance included within the AP Television News service (iii) they have editorial responsibility for the use of all and any content included within the AP Television News service and for libel, privacy, compliance and third party rights applicable to their Territory. APTN APEX 08-13-11 1450EDT
Snapshot 1970
A woman takes a picture while on vacation in the 1970's.
Picking Up Baby And Smiling 1958
A mother picks up her baby son and smiles for the camera in the late 1950's.
Putin candidate: what happened to the opponent Navalny?