DN-LB-583 Beta SP
Sports - Texas [Cassius Clay refuses draft & loses title]
Fiorina responds to black Muslim comment
(AFRICA) (beware - other items in ON 457 have this title)
North Africa. <br/> <br/>Shots of narrow street between tall stucco buildings, people walk along passageway. In one shot 3 young Muslim boys pose for camera. CU three children of black African appearance, they giggle at camera. Veiled Muslim woman on street, pan up showing tall buildings.
News Clip: Malcolm X
Video footage from the KXAS-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Elijah Muhammad Speaks - HD
Black separatist and Nation of Islam leader, Elijah Muhammad, tells fellow Black Muslims, "I am your flesh and brother. White people are not your brother." (See also, "Ali Attends Nation of Islam Convention.")
Kenneth Clark interviews Malcolm X on civil rights movement of African Americans in the United States.
A poster advertising an event featuring Malcolm X and black muslims. Malcolm X exits a car. Flashback scene to African American civil rights demonstrators being repelled with water from fire hoses and police arresting some. Malcolm X addresses a gathering. Doctor Kenneth Clark, Professor of Psychology at the City College of New York; Director of Fallen Youth Opportunities Unlimited and Research Director, North Pride Center for Interpretation, interviews Malcolm X on civil right movement of African Americans. Malcolm X speaks about condition of black people in America and the Supremacy of God. Topics also include comparisons of Malcolm X positions to White Supremacy, and discussions of anti-semitism, guilt of white people, muslim faith, immorality of western society and separation from western society, and self-defense by African Americans in the face of violence. Location: United States USA. Date: 1963.
2001 Mosque Night
Istanbul - Turkey - night - Blue Mosque lit up - minaret lit up against black sky - Mosque with traffic in fg - tilt up minaret - Middle East - Islam - Muslims
School students gather in honor of Princess Elizabeth visit to Kenya in 1952
Arrivals for the annual pilgrimmage to Mecca
Luxury liner at sea – MS of various Arabs on the decks looking out Airplane taxing at Saudi airport, various black Muslim women leaving plane, cu bus ZO to WS of Buses traveling along highway through desert, Pilgrims arriving in Mecca for the Haj, Muslims praying during Haj to pull out to ws of throngs of people assembled around the Kabba to even wider showing the city skyline in the background, group of Saudis facing East and praying . They have gotten off a bus and are on the side of a round in a grassy area.Saudi man has pulled his car to side and he is praying on a mat put down on the ground.
Under One Sky... Arab Women in North America Talk About the Hijab
CS of woman (wearing black hijab and clothing) walking in packed urban building.
Tunisia And Spain
Sign: Polish Ocean Lines, man on rail platform conversation through window of train carriage, CU sign, possibly Southampton docks. Men and women smartly dressed, man in black tie, women on boat go to dinner, small boats beside ocean liner try to get attention of passengers, overhead small boats show goods on board, man in white suit on street, next to an ox rickshaw, lady carried up steps in sling, hammock tied to long pole, male carriers with pole on shoulder, vintage car open top, another lady in hammock, CU policeman, three ladies bamboo chair being pushed, pony and cart, Arabic people in town waiting by coach, street scenes, people, cars, bicycles, muslim woman in veil, scarf covers face, old man with turban, using walking stick slowly down steps, small boy fed water from street by man, muslim woman wears veil over face walk with small child, market, water and man waterskiing in harbour, ocean liner, check point, guards in uniform pointed helmets like British bobbies, horse and cart for tourist rides, plane on strip by water, onboard ship, people relax, play badminton on deck, people on deck, two woman sunbath, overhead shots of town, rooftops, outside building, hotel, street corner shot of petrol pump, man talk to traffic policeman, get directions, sign on beach Teatro Costa de Sol, town, people, cars, yellow trams, ship dock passengers walk towards it.
Bridgeman Images Details
Unveiling statue - Byron of Egypt. <br/> <br/>Two British representatives arriving; 1 in military uniform; they walk past Egyptian dignitaries- -government officials; Muslim priests; etc. Some of the Egyptians wear fez hats; white robes; also a line of men; most elderly; in long black robes and black headgear. BG of intricately patterned mosaics and huge heavy curtains. Egyptian leader (Ahmed Fuad Pasha- -King Fuad I?) seated on throne; various officials stand behind him. Pan on British officials and their wives; more Egyptians. Egyptian makes speech. Shot of large monument; covered. W/ some effort by team of workers below; monument is uncovered: it is a large sphinx; w/ statue of a man in a long robe standing next to it. Not known what Byron is meant. 1920s?
Islam Project Office
close up profile of woman in marigold scarf, pan left rack focus to close up of woman in black and white scarf, back and forth between the two as they discuss the difficulties of being a woman in the Turkish workforce, full shot of three woman around the table, camera moves to medium shot of woman in light blue outfit talking about her social history and prayer through which she decided to be a complete Muslim woman and hence wearing scarf, zoom in to over the shoulder close up of woman in light blue continuing her discussion on how wearing a head scarf gives her strength and happiness, swish pan to medium two shot of woman in pink and black/white laughing, pan right to close up profile shot of woman in marigold looking at the group,
Under One Sky... Arab Women in North America Talk About the Hijab
CS of young black woman wearing orange hijab walking in urban centre.
Muslim Po; 6/28/1993
black Muslims hold press conference (not terror related)
Outside Nation of Islam Convention - HD
Women of the Nation of Islam arrive in a Cadillac for the beginning of a convention in Chicago. A contingent of Chicago policemen is on hand, including a motorcycle cop. Attendees line up outside of an auditorium.
The Sultan of Morocco attends annual festival celebrating Muslim holy day in the capital, Rabat
News Clip: Black Muslims
Video footage from the WBAP-TV television station in Fort Worth, Texas, to accompany a news story.
Focus: [broadcast of 28 November 2023]