TAPE_NUMBER: EF99/1229 IN_TIME: 13:07:22 // 20:55:31 LENGTH: 01:58 SOURCES: IBA RESTRICTIONS: No Access Israel/Internet FEED: VARIOUS (THE ABOVE TIME-CODE IS TIME-OF-DAY) SCRIPT: English/Nat Four soldiers from the army of Napoleon Bonaparte have been buried in Israel - two centuries after they died in a French bid to control the Middle East. The men were killed during a two month siege of the port city of Acre - then part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The ceremony was attended by French soldiers and diplomats, who laid wreaths as a mark of respect. It was a poignant salute to old comrades who had fought for Napoleon and fallen two centuries ago. The skeletons of the four were laid to rest just outside the walled Old City of Acre in northern Israel, where Napoleon's army spent two months trying to take the city from the Turks. Gold buttons found on the skeletons confirmed the date of their death in 1799. The buttons, engraved with the symbol of Napoleon's army, were the only part of their military uniforms intact. The fact that the head of one soldier was missing suggested that he had been taken prisoner by the Turks. The defenders cut off the heads of French soldiers during the siege and displayed them on the walls of the city. The bodies had been discovered in 1991 - but had spent the last eight years at the centre of a diplomatic wrangle between France and Israel over who should rebury the bodies. But that was forgotten in Tuesday's ceremony. SOUNBITE: (English) "A feeling of remembrance... because these people were Frenchmen, they had come such a long way, leaving friends for years. We do not know what kind of state of mind they were in, but certainly they felt a little lost so far from their shores and we will pay homage to them and their courage." SUPER CAPTION: Jean-Noel de Bouillane de Lacoste, French Ambassador The soldiers remains were buried alongside that of their old commander, General Louis Caffarelli, who was killed in the battle. SHOTLIST: XFA Akko (Acre), Northern Israel - November 2, 1999 1. Cemetery for French soldiers 2. Various French Foreign Legion veterans, French flag 3. Burial of casket 4. Laying of wreath on top of casket 5. SOUNDBITE (English) Jean-Noel de Bouillane de Lacoste, French Ambassador 6. Various French veterans with French flags paying homage unusual ?
Full title reads: "Unveiling of South African National Memorial, Delville Wood." <br/> <br/>Delville Wood, Longueval, Somme, France. <br/> <br/>Intertitle: "To the immortal Dead from South Africa ... who at the call of duty made the great sacrifice on the battlefields of Africa, Asia and Europe, and on the Sea. Their ideal is our legacy. Their sacrifice our inspiration." <br/> <br/>Intertitle: "First to arrive at Delville Wood on Sunday morning was H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught. He was received by Brigadier General W.E.C. Tanner, C.B., C.M.C., D.S.O., and conducted by Guard of Honour, which he inspected". <br/> <br/>Various shots of Prince Arthur (in uniform), Tanner and other officers inspecting troop of soldiers. <br/> <br/>Intertitle: "Prince Arthur talking to Pipe Major McClelland, V.C." <br/> <br/>M/S of Prince talking to officer in kilt. <br/> <br/>Intertitle: "The Procession led by the Right Rev. Dr. Furse, Bishop of St. Albans, and the Rev. Dr. Van de Merwe, Moderator of the Dutch Reformed Church, forming up at the Stone of Remembrance". <br/> <br/>L/S of procession led by Bishops walking through World War One cemetery. Raining hard - many mourners carry umbrellas. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "The silent salute at the Cross of Sacrifice". <br/> <br/>M/S of mourner's procession passing memorial in cemetery, officers bring up rear. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "The Procession entering the Wood proceeded by the Guard of Honour and followed by the Pipe Band and Buglers". <br/> <br/>Various shots of crowds, including pipe band, veterans, soldiers and civilians moving across field towards arch entrance to cemetery. Rain comes down heavily. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "The Procession passing through the Central Archway on its way to the Cross of Consecration". <br/> <br/>L/S of bishops leading procession through arch entrance, people watch from rows of chairs at sides. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "At the Cross of Consecration - 'Ik ben de opstanding en het leven; die in Mij gelooft, za leven, al ware hij ook gestorven'. (in Afrikaans?) <br/> <br/>Various L/Ss of procession moving towards large stone crucifix, pausing in silence before moving away from it. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Upon the return of the Procession from the Cross of Consecration the Military Representatives of all the Fighting Forces of South Africa lined up to right and left of the platform". <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Upon the platform itself were (from left to right) Prince Arthur of Connaught, General Barbier (representing the French Republic and deputising for Marshal Joffres)". <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Sir Percy Fitzpatrick, the Marquess of Crewe (British Ambassador in Paris) and General J.B.M. Hertzog (Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa)". <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Second row - Field-Marshal Earl Haig, Mrs. Louis Botha, Mr. Amert (Secretary of State for the Dominions), Lady Lukin and M. Emery (the Prefect of the Department of the Somme)". <br/> <br/>Panning L/S of a man giving speech from steps in front of arch. Two rows of dignitaries sit behind him. More people sit on rows of chairs to either side, including bishops and officers. Behind them lots more people listen standing. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Over 1,200 people assembled to pay Honour to South Africa's Glorious Dead". <br/> <br/>Panning shot of crowd. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Address by Sir Percy Fitz-Patrick. A message from the Prince of Wales". <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "'If I cannot be present in person with my many friends from South Africa, met together to honour the memory of the sons of the Union who gave their lives in the Great War, my thoughts will be with you on this solemn occasion which recalls to us all the spirit of the Delville Days, and an enduring example of comradeship in a commons cause'. Edward P. (aka Prince Edward, Prince of Wales)" <br/> <br/>M/S of Sir Percy reading this message from a podium, dignitaries sitting behind him. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "The concluding remarks of Sir Percy FitzPatrick - 'Here as my brothers side by side they stood, and here they dies - Yea and made their burial place altar of a Nation'." <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Ten years have elapsed since the sons of South Africa made history upon this historic soil, The healing hand of time has covered many searing scars, but the broken stumps of once majestic trees still stand as grim reminders of the terrible havoc wrought by shot and shell". <br/> <br/>C/U of Sir Percy speaking. L/S of crowd gathered around arch. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "General Hertzog, in accepting the Memorial on behalf of the Government of the Union, said: 'I gladly accept from you this Memorial in sacred trust for the people of South Africa and with your permission I shall now request Mrs. Botha whose presence here today ...' " <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "... cannot but gladden the hearts of disconsolate mothers to perform the proud task of unveiling this Memorial in honour of South Africa's Fallen Sons." <br/> <br/>C/U of General Hertzog speaking. M/S of General J. M. B. Hertzog turning to address dignitaries sitting behind the speaker's podium. <br/> <br/>Story resumes at 01:41:39 after section of spacing. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "The Unveiling by Mrs. Botha, amid a solemn hush". <br/> <br/>M/S of dignitaries gathered around Mrs. B. as she pulls a rope. L/S of rope pulling open two large Union Jacks, that drape over arch. Low angle shot flags, tilt down to dignitaries, the officers salute. Various shots of dignitaries and mourners standing in silence, some saluting. L/S of horse statue on top of arch. L/S of the two bishops, one is reading aloud. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "The Clergy pronounce the words of Dedication." <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "To the Glory of God we dedicate this Memorial to the men of South Africa who gave their lives for us". <br/> <br/>C/U of bishop reading aloud from bible. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Military representatives from South Africa - Mrs. Vintcent and the Blinded Soldier are on the extreme left". <br/> <br/>Panning shot of row of South African army officers. Mrs V. and blind ex-servicemen in civvies are at end of row. M/S of bishops. M/S dignitaries on steps in front of arch. C/U of bishop holding crook, giving speech to crowd. M/S horse statue. More shots dignitaries. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "To the great regret of the French people as well as our own, the inclemency of the weather and ill-health prevented Marshal Joffre at the last moment from attending. His message was read by his Staff Officer ... ". (end obscured by timecode) <br/> <br/>M/S of French Staff Officer speaking from podium. L/S of aeroplane swooping over arch and crowds, in foreground are stumps of trees - reminders of battlefield. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Address by Field-Marshal Earl Haig". <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "In paying my tribute of respect to the valour of South Africa's sons, and to the memory of her Glorious Dead, I know that while this Memorial stands witness to the sacrifice she made in the common cause". <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "... the call which was answered so gallantly by those who lie at rest in honour before us, will never sound in vain in the wars of the people of South Africa". <br/> <br/>M/S of Field-Marshal Earl Haig giving a speech from podium on steps in front of arch. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "The Laying of Wreaths by Lady Lukin, Mrs. Botha, the Blinded Soldier accompanied by Mrs. Vintcent, Mrs. Stanford (representing the South African Military Nursing Service) and the Military representatives of all the Fighting Forces of South Africa". <br/> <br/>L/S of representative mentioned above laying wreaths on steps and walls around arch. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "To the mournful strains of the Lament played by the pipe band of the Seaforth Highlanders, the Laying of Wreaths took place". <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Following the Representatives of the various War Fronts came the Delegates of the Cities, Towns and Organisations of South Africa and Great Britain". <br/> <br/>Various shots of above representative laying wreaths. Some wreaths are attached to ropes and hoisted side of arch. Low angled C/U of wreath dangling on side of arch. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "The British Legion of Paris, headed by their flags, placing their tribute to their Comrades from South Africa". <br/> <br/>Various shots of British Legion representatives, walking of flags of France, U.K. and South Africa, laying wreaths by walls surrounding arch. More general crowd shots. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "At a point half a kilometre from the town of Albert on the road to Amiens, the United Forces of Great Britain and France finally stayed the advance of the enemy in 1918." <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "At this point a Triumphal Arch was erected. Earl Haig was received by the Chairman - Sir Percy Fitzpatrick, the Mayor of Albert, the Military Representatives and Guard of Honour from South Africa". <br/> <br/>M/S of Haig and dignitaries walking through smaller arch with large banner reading - 'Albert'. They all face the camera and salute. Haig stops to shake hands with some of row of soldiers. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "Earl Haig's Address - the closing words". <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "So shall this Arch bridge the gulf of the years between and knit all the wide Dominions of the Empire into a brotherhood of noble purpose and endeavour". <br/> <br/>M/S of Haig reading speech to crowd of veterans and dignitaries. Various panning L/Ss of small crowd gathered around Albert arch. <br/> <br/>Intertitle reads: "A small son of South Africa in France, whose father dies for South Africa - 'Scatty' Mitchell, Jnr." <br/> <br/>C/U of little boy in kilt and tam-o'-shanter, wearing father's medals, standing beside a memorial stone. <br/> <br/>Cuts / out takes start at -1:52:24. C/U of one of dignitaries at Delville Wood memorial - a French Officer with large white beard. M/S of soldier buglist (British?) playing the last post. M/S of Field Marshal Earl Haig buttoning up his coat and talking to another officer. Otherwise shots are same or similar to those in edited part of item.
&lt;p>&lt;b>--SUPERS&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Hostage Families Forum&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--VIDEO SHOWS&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>-Photo with four of the female Israeli soldiers; photo of Naama Levy; photo of Liri Albag; photo of Karina Ariev; photo of Daniella Gilboa; photo of Agam Berger. &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--CNN INFORMATION&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Families release photos of five female Israeli soldiers from their first days of captivity in Gaza&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>The families of five young Israeli women serving in the Israel Defense Forces who were kidnapped on October 7 have released photographs from their early days in captivity in Gaza.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>The young women were observers stationed at an Israeli military base at Nahal Oz.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>The Hostages Families Forum Headquarters said the families of the observers are “now allowing the publication of photos showing their loved ones during their first days in captivity. The images reveal them bruised and wounded from the horrific abduction that the entire world witnessed.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>The Forum added: "Over nine months have passed since these photos were taken, showing Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, Liri Albag, Naama Levy and Karina Ariev during their first days in Hamas captivity in Gaza. The courageous decision by the parents to reveal these photos aims to bring them closer to embracing their daughters.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>“This reunion is just a deal away, a deal that would bring all 120 hostages home - the living for rehabilitation and the murdered and fallen for proper burial. We demand that the Israeli government, and particularly its leader, look these girls in the eyes, try to imagine what they and all the hostages have endured for 284 days, and do everything possible to bring them home," the Forum added.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Earlier Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with the families of other observers who were killed at the base, close to the northern Gaza Strip, which was overrun in Hamas’ attack in the early hours of October 17. Sixteen soldiers were killed.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>The Prime Minister’s office said the meeting lasted three hours. It said he had “listened attentively to the stories about the lives and heroism of each of the young women, felt the families' pain, and heard their requests and demands for an investigation into the events and for the commemoration of their daughters.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>“The Prime Minister answered their questions and said that matters would be thoroughly checked and that the lessons would be learned at all levels, including in the intelligence, operations, military and diplomatic spheres.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>-----END-----CNN.SCRIPT-----&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--KEYWORD TAGS--&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>ISRAEL HAMAS WAR GAZA PHOTOS FEMALE SOLDIERS HOSTAGES &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--MUSIC INFO---&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>
Return ticket: [issue dated 19 February 2023]
Tsar Nicholas II with a priest and other officials. Fallen soldiers are brought for burial, in World War I.
Russian officials along with Tsar Nicholas II arrive at a field cemetery on the Eastern front during World War I. A priest accompanies them as they walk. The officers and soldiers walk into a fenced area where fallen soldiers, in uniform, are laid out. soldiers unload more war dead from wagons and place them on the ground. Some houses are seen in the background. In a different setting, war dead, with some snow on them, are laid out on the ground. Tsar Nicholas II and officers are seen proceeding on horseback, ahead of marching troops. Snow covered fields in the background. Location: Eastern Front European Theater. Date: 1916.
Hunley - Newser
&lt;p>&lt;b>--SUPERS—&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>:00-:05&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Friday&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Garden City, KS&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>:09-:21&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Gary Foos &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Color guard&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>:27-:31&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Austin Morton&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Reporting&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>:43-:48&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Patty Knoll&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Great niece&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>1:00-1:03&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Paul Horning &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--LEAD IN—&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>A MAN WHO GAVE HIS LIFE FOR HIS COUNTRY NEARLY 80 YEARS AGO IN WORLD WAR TWO FINALLY RECEIVED LONG OVERDUE HONORS AND A PROPER BURIAL IN GARDEN CITY, KANSAS FRIDAY. &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>ARMY SERGEANT GREGORY V KNOLL WAS DECLARED NON-RECOVERABLE IN 19-51…&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>BUT HIS REMAINS WERE IDENTIFIED THROUGH ADVANCED D-N-A TESTING IN JANUARY. &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>AUSTIN MORTON WAS AT THE CEREMONY -- WHERE MOST WHO ATTENDED WERE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE MET KNOLL BUT CAME TO HONOR HIM AND HELP BRING CLOSURE TO HIS FAMILY.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--REPORTER PKG AS FOLLOWS—&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>*nats* Army cadence&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>THOUGH SERGEANT GREGORY KNOLL DIED DECADES AGO IN GERMANY FIGHTING IN WORLD WAR II ...MANY STILL CAME TO HIS FUNERAL THIS AFTERNOON.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Gary Foos - Color guard: “To honor the family, to repatriate the remains, and give the honor that he deserves as a fallen veteran.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>*nats* Soldiers marching &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Gary Foos - Color guard: “Important. Very important. Can't express it enough just how important it is.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Austin Morton standup: “Dozens came to support a family member they never even knew.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Patty Knoll, Great niece: “There's only maybe one or two people here who actually knew Gregory, the rest of us just heard about him.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>*nats* Guns firing&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>GREAT NIECE PATTY KNOLL SAYS SHE STILL CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S BACK.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Patty Knoll, Great niece: “It was shocking, it was shocking. It's like you're kidding, they found him?”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>MOST ARE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE KNOWN SGT. KNOLL... BUT SAY THEY ARE JUST THANKFUL HE IS FINALLY HOME.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Patty Knoll, Great niece: “It feels like the closure of a chapter.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>*nats* Trumpet playing&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Paul Horning: “As you can see today, it's very much closure for him. Everyone's happy to see that he's back home.”&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>IN GARDEN CITY, AUSTIN MORTON, 12 NEWS.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>-----END-----CNN.SCRIPT-----&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--KEYWORD TAGS--&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>KANSAS WORLD WAR 2 VETERAN SOLDIER FUNERAL&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>
(V) Lithuania Graves - VOICER Soldiers from Napoleon's army are re-buried in military ceremony
TAPE: EF03/0501 IN_TIME: 22:16:18 DURATION: 1:29 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Vilnius - June 1, 2003 VOICED BY VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST 0000 Soldiers marching and soldiers with wreath 0007 Mid shot wreath being laid 0016 Mid shot soldiers wearing traditional Napoleonic uniform 0021 Honour guard giving gun salute 0029 Priest blessing the dead 0032 French flag and audience 0035 Various soldiers in traditional uniform 0059 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0114 Wreath being laid at memorial 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Two centuries after they died, about three-thousand French soldiers from Napoleon's army have finally been given a proper burial with full military honours. The men were part of Napoleon's Grand Army which marched into Lithuania bound for Moscow. It was one of the largest forces ever assembled, but only six months later only 40-thousand men remained. They retreated to Vilnius where many of them died in bitter winter weather. VOICE-OVER 0000 UPSOUND 0004 The remains of the French soldiers, who froze or starved to death during Napoleon's invasion of Russia two-hundred years ago, are buried in a hilltop cemetery in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. 0016 At the solemn ceremony, soldiers wore traditional Napoleonic uniforms to honour the dead. 0021 Guns from the honour guard echoed through the trees. 0025 UPSOUND Gunfire 0029 A priest then blessed the dead. 0033 The bodies of the soldiers were discovered in Lithuania two years ago. 0038 Authorities initially believed they were the remains of dissidents executed by secret police during Soviet rule. 0044 But coins with Napoleon's image were discovered at the site and experts soon identified the bodies as soldiers from the French emperor's army. 0053 Lithuania's Defence Minister attended the ceremony. 0058 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0115 UPSOUND 0117 The fallen soldiers will now rest alongside leading Lithuanian politicians and independence heroes in the forests of Atakalnis cemetery. 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS
09:55:01:08 DC MS ID# 10456342 AX MS ID# 10456771 SHOT DATE: 9/19/14 LOCATOR: DC SOURCE: CNN RX: 446 TX: 753 Event Info: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel will host the Department of Defense's National POW/MIA Recogntion Day Ceremony at the Pentagon River Terrace. Fonts: Chuck Hagel Secretary of Defense Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Jr. Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff SOTS: WX-HAGEL/THANK YOU TO OUR POWS TRT:26 OC: WITH OUR COUNTRY 10:24:30 To our former POW's families of former POW's families of our missing in action- we welcome you, we honor you, we thank you and we are grateful that you are here to share a special day of recognition with us with our country. 10:24:56 WX-HAGEL/WE WILL TAKE BRING OUR SERVICE MEMBERS HOME TRT:59 OC:FROM PAST CONFLICTS 10:24:57 Yesterday afternoon at Arlington National Cemetery a soldier from the Korean War who for decades was listed as Missing in Action finally received the full honors he so richly deserved. His burial fulfilled a solemn pact- a solemn pact America makes with each of its defenders and their families- that we will take care of them and that however much time has passed, they will make it back home. For the Department of Defense this is a responsibility and an obligation that we are proud to soldier. We do whatever it takes to recover every US service member, every US service member held in captivity and do whatever it takes to find and recover and identify the remains of America's missing from past conflicts. 10:25:56 WX-HAGEL/THANKFUL NO US TROOPS IN CAPTIVITY TRT :19 OC: AND WE WILL 10:25:56 Today we are thankful that there are no U.S. troops being held anywhere in captivity. We know that there are still tens of thousands of fallen Americans still remaining missing from many wars. We must continue to work hard to bring all of our missing American's home and we will. 10:26:15 WX-HAGEL/DOES NOT FORGET ITS POWS TRT: 37 OC: FAMILIES THEY REPRESENT 10:28:15 Fifteen years ago this week, a Vietnam veteran said that for those of us who were soldiers, that's our one fear- that somehow we'll be forgotten. But let it be known far and wide around this great nation and around this great world- that this nation, the United States does not forget. It does not forget its POW's and for certain does not forget its MIA's and the families they represent. 10:28:52 Rough Log: Winnefeld 10:21:12 Flag not only a symbol but a reminder that we never leave our family behind. 10:21:54 Private Gavin's body recovered last year from WW2- we will not call our mission complete until all are home. 10:23:53 Thank you to all that wear the cloth HAGEL 10:24:27 Thank you. To our former POW's families- that are MIA we welcome you, we honor you, we thank you and we are grateful you are here 10:24:56 yeserday afternoon at Arlington a soldier from the Korean war finally given the honor he deserves 10:25:24 (plane) no matter how much time has passed he will make it back home. we do whatever it takes to recover every service member. 10:25:56 Today we are thankful there are no us troops held in captivitiy- we know there are many still missing.**** we will bring them home. 10:26:20 A good example of many of these efforts is Vietnam- we appreciate these efforts and will continue to build on this partnership. 10:27:10 As many of you know I started a specific department for this the DOD has been working closely with everyone that has a steak in this. 10:28:02 we made progress in this new transformation- 15 yrs ago this week a vietnam vet said that for tose of us hwho were soldiers that's are one fear that we'll be forgotten- but let it be known that this nation does not forget- it does not forget it's vetereans and doesn't forget ************* 10:29:12 man who i am proud to introduce, whos humility good grace, decency and humanity represetnt this nation's greatest qualities. Max 10:30:03 You must know that Chuck is a very special friend of mine 10:31:23 he said it's important we have faith like this- one of my favorite poets lost a brother in WW1 10:32:12 I hope a day like today gives you meaning to those who were POW's or families of POW's- or those who the war is not over, you still have a soldier missing 10:32:55 we are now experienicng a revlution in identifiying remains- there are 8 bodies that are currently being exummed- chuck mentioned the vet- for those who have gone through this agony there is some hope 10:33:46 we may not all come home alive, but we will all come home- he lost 69 men in his unit in that battle, but he made sure every man came home 10:35:07 As a nation we remember, we recognize this nation still has a job to do. 10:35:24 When i was a young cadet- i came across a quote by one of wellington's men after the battle of Waterloo and he wrote simply- (plane noise) (54:06) /
DN-LB-052 Beta SP
Physical Damage, General Views, Hiroshima
(V) Lithuania Graves - VOICER Soldiers from Napoleon's army are re-buried in military ceremony
TAPE: EF03/0501 IN_TIME: 22:16:18 DURATION: 1:29 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Vilnius - June 1, 2003 VOICED BY VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST 0000 Soldiers marching and soldiers with wreath 0007 Mid shot wreath being laid 0016 Mid shot soldiers wearing traditional Napoleonic uniform 0021 Honour guard giving gun salute 0029 Priest blessing the dead 0032 French flag and audience 0035 Various soldiers in traditional uniform 0059 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0114 Wreath being laid at memorial 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Two centuries after they died, about three-thousand French soldiers from Napoleon's army have finally been given a proper burial with full military honours. The men were part of Napoleon's Grand Army which marched into Lithuania bound for Moscow. It was one of the largest forces ever assembled, but only six months later only 40-thousand men remained. They retreated to Vilnius where many of them died in bitter winter weather. VOICE-OVER 0000 UPSOUND 0004 The remains of the French soldiers, who froze or starved to death during Napoleon's invasion of Russia two-hundred years ago, are buried in a hilltop cemetery in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. 0016 At the solemn ceremony, soldiers wore traditional Napoleonic uniforms to honour the dead. 0021 Guns from the honour guard echoed through the trees. 0025 UPSOUND Gunfire 0029 A priest then blessed the dead. 0033 The bodies of the soldiers were discovered in Lithuania two years ago. 0038 Authorities initially believed they were the remains of dissidents executed by secret police during Soviet rule. 0044 But coins with Napoleon's image were discovered at the site and experts soon identified the bodies as soldiers from the French emperor's army. 0053 Lithuania's Defence Minister attended the ceremony. 0058 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0115 UPSOUND 0117 The fallen soldiers will now rest alongside leading Lithuanian politicians and independence heroes in the forests of Atakalnis cemetery. 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS
&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--SUPERS&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Thursday&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Augusta, ME&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>:04&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Donald Kozerow&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Judge Advocate, Marine Corps League&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>:27&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Phillip Dow&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Chaplain, Maine Army National Guard&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--VIDEO SHOWS&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>sound with marine corps league spokesperson, video of procession, video of marines, veterans, and citizens at funeral, sound with maine national guard chaplain&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--SCRIPT PROVIDED BY WABI&lt;/b>--&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>86-YEAR-OLD GARY BROOKS PASSED AWAY IN A NURSING HOME IN MID-MAY WITH NO FAMILY OR FRIENDS BESIDE HIM.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>TODAY, THE MARINE VETERAN WAS PUT TO REST AT MAINE'S VETERAN CEMETERY WTIH PLENTY OF FELLOW VETERANS AND BIKERS SURROUNDING HIM, MOST WHO DIDN'T KNOW BROOKS, FOR HIS FINAL GOODBYE.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>KEENAN MILLS HAS MORE FROM AUGUSTA.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>(PKG)&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>"We received a notice from our brothers down in Augusta that we had a Marine who passed with no family, and we wanted some presence at his funeral. So he being a brother, I'm here."&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Through Facebook and other social media outlets, word got out quick about Brooks' passing. The community of the Marines, and the community in the state of Maine, proved that no one is ever alone.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>"It really truly is amazing and it goes back to the testament of the brotherhood of the various service members and the various services and the understanding that being willing to put your life on the line for others, for folks that you may never meet, or never have met, cements a bond with folks. To be able to, even if you've never met them, to be able to know that you had something in common."&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Being a veteran of the Marine Corps creates a rare bond that is truly one of a kind.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>"Being a Marine is being a brotherhood. We're all brothers. I may not like you. In fact, I may think you're the worst person I've ever met in my life, but you're still my brother. So you're in the eagle, globe and anchor. You are my brother or my sister, and that's forever."&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Many of the people that spoke and put on the ceremony, never met Brooks but see it as an honor to be a part of any veteran's service.&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>"One of the biggest frustrations is the fact that I have the opportunity to hear about folks that I know I would have truly enjoyed meeting, sitting down with over a cup of coffee, but being able to honor them in this time, to be able to preside over the committal, to be able to be with them as their remains are put away for one last time and placed is truly amazing. It's overwhelming."&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Chaplain Dow mentions the power in the presence of people reinforces the fact that every veteran has an outlet for support. &lt;/p>\n&lt;p>"There's too many veterans of all the branches that are taking their life and that's been a push of mine, whenever I talk with folks, whether it's veterans or currently serving or family members, is to remind them that they aren't alone. There's always somebody that they can reach out to."&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>Keenan Mills, WABI TV 5 News, Augusta&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;b>--KEYWORD TAGS--&lt;/b>&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>MAINE MILITARY VETERAN MARINE CORPS FUNERAL FALLEN SOLDIER BURIAL COMMUNITY&lt;/p>\n&lt;p>&lt;/p>
Fallujah: 13 Iraqis killed by US troops
(V) Lithuania Graves - VOICER Soldiers from Napoleon's army are re-buried in military ceremony
TAPE: EF03/0501 IN_TIME: 22:16:18 DURATION: 1:29 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Vilnius - June 1, 2003 VOICED BY VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST 0000 Soldiers marching and soldiers with wreath 0007 Mid shot wreath being laid 0016 Mid shot soldiers wearing traditional Napoleonic uniform 0021 Honour guard giving gun salute 0029 Priest blessing the dead 0032 French flag and audience 0035 Various soldiers in traditional uniform 0059 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0114 Wreath being laid at memorial 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Two centuries after they died, about three-thousand French soldiers from Napoleon's army have finally been given a proper burial with full military honours. The men were part of Napoleon's Grand Army which marched into Lithuania bound for Moscow. It was one of the largest forces ever assembled, but only six months later only 40-thousand men remained. They retreated to Vilnius where many of them died in bitter winter weather. VOICE-OVER 0000 UPSOUND 0004 The remains of the French soldiers, who froze or starved to death during Napoleon's invasion of Russia two-hundred years ago, are buried in a hilltop cemetery in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. 0016 At the solemn ceremony, soldiers wore traditional Napoleonic uniforms to honour the dead. 0021 Guns from the honour guard echoed through the trees. 0025 UPSOUND Gunfire 0029 A priest then blessed the dead. 0033 The bodies of the soldiers were discovered in Lithuania two years ago. 0038 Authorities initially believed they were the remains of dissidents executed by secret police during Soviet rule. 0044 But coins with Napoleon's image were discovered at the site and experts soon identified the bodies as soldiers from the French emperor's army. 0053 Lithuania's Defence Minister attended the ceremony. 0058 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0115 UPSOUND 0117 The fallen soldiers will now rest alongside leading Lithuanian politicians and independence heroes in the forests of Atakalnis cemetery. 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS
(V) Lithuania Graves - VOICER Soldiers from Napoleon's army are re-buried in military ceremony
TAPE: EF03/0501 IN_TIME: 22:16:18 DURATION: 1:29 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Vilnius - June 1, 2003 VOICED BY VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST 0000 Soldiers marching and soldiers with wreath 0007 Mid shot wreath being laid 0016 Mid shot soldiers wearing traditional Napoleonic uniform 0021 Honour guard giving gun salute 0029 Priest blessing the dead 0032 French flag and audience 0035 Various soldiers in traditional uniform 0059 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0114 Wreath being laid at memorial 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Two centuries after they died, about three-thousand French soldiers from Napoleon's army have finally been given a proper burial with full military honours. The men were part of Napoleon's Grand Army which marched into Lithuania bound for Moscow. It was one of the largest forces ever assembled, but only six months later only 40-thousand men remained. They retreated to Vilnius where many of them died in bitter winter weather. VOICE-OVER 0000 UPSOUND 0004 The remains of the French soldiers, who froze or starved to death during Napoleon's invasion of Russia two-hundred years ago, are buried in a hilltop cemetery in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. 0016 At the solemn ceremony, soldiers wore traditional Napoleonic uniforms to honour the dead. 0021 Guns from the honour guard echoed through the trees. 0025 UPSOUND Gunfire 0029 A priest then blessed the dead. 0033 The bodies of the soldiers were discovered in Lithuania two years ago. 0038 Authorities initially believed they were the remains of dissidents executed by secret police during Soviet rule. 0044 But coins with Napoleon's image were discovered at the site and experts soon identified the bodies as soldiers from the French emperor's army. 0053 Lithuania's Defence Minister attended the ceremony. 0058 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0115 UPSOUND 0117 The fallen soldiers will now rest alongside leading Lithuanian politicians and independence heroes in the forests of Atakalnis cemetery. 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS
(V) Lithuania Graves - VOICER Soldiers from Napoleon's army are re-buried in military ceremony
TAPE: EF03/0501 IN_TIME: 22:16:18 DURATION: 1:29 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Vilnius - June 1, 2003 VOICED BY VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST 0000 Soldiers marching and soldiers with wreath 0007 Mid shot wreath being laid 0016 Mid shot soldiers wearing traditional Napoleonic uniform 0021 Honour guard giving gun salute 0029 Priest blessing the dead 0032 French flag and audience 0035 Various soldiers in traditional uniform 0059 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0114 Wreath being laid at memorial 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Two centuries after they died, about three-thousand French soldiers from Napoleon's army have finally been given a proper burial with full military honours. The men were part of Napoleon's Grand Army which marched into Lithuania bound for Moscow. It was one of the largest forces ever assembled, but only six months later only 40-thousand men remained. They retreated to Vilnius where many of them died in bitter winter weather. VOICE-OVER 0000 UPSOUND 0004 The remains of the French soldiers, who froze or starved to death during Napoleon's invasion of Russia two-hundred years ago, are buried in a hilltop cemetery in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. 0016 At the solemn ceremony, soldiers wore traditional Napoleonic uniforms to honour the dead. 0021 Guns from the honour guard echoed through the trees. 0025 UPSOUND Gunfire 0029 A priest then blessed the dead. 0033 The bodies of the soldiers were discovered in Lithuania two years ago. 0038 Authorities initially believed they were the remains of dissidents executed by secret police during Soviet rule. 0044 But coins with Napoleon's image were discovered at the site and experts soon identified the bodies as soldiers from the French emperor's army. 0053 Lithuania's Defence Minister attended the ceremony. 0058 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0115 UPSOUND 0117 The fallen soldiers will now rest alongside leading Lithuanian politicians and independence heroes in the forests of Atakalnis cemetery. 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS
(V) Lithuania Graves - VOICER Soldiers from Napoleon's army are re-buried in military ceremony
TAPE: EF03/0501 IN_TIME: 22:16:18 DURATION: 1:29 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Vilnius - June 1, 2003 VOICED BY VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST 0000 Soldiers marching and soldiers with wreath 0007 Mid shot wreath being laid 0016 Mid shot soldiers wearing traditional Napoleonic uniform 0021 Honour guard giving gun salute 0029 Priest blessing the dead 0032 French flag and audience 0035 Various soldiers in traditional uniform 0059 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0114 Wreath being laid at memorial 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Two centuries after they died, about three-thousand French soldiers from Napoleon's army have finally been given a proper burial with full military honours. The men were part of Napoleon's Grand Army which marched into Lithuania bound for Moscow. It was one of the largest forces ever assembled, but only six months later only 40-thousand men remained. They retreated to Vilnius where many of them died in bitter winter weather. VOICE-OVER 0000 UPSOUND 0004 The remains of the French soldiers, who froze or starved to death during Napoleon's invasion of Russia two-hundred years ago, are buried in a hilltop cemetery in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. 0016 At the solemn ceremony, soldiers wore traditional Napoleonic uniforms to honour the dead. 0021 Guns from the honour guard echoed through the trees. 0025 UPSOUND Gunfire 0029 A priest then blessed the dead. 0033 The bodies of the soldiers were discovered in Lithuania two years ago. 0038 Authorities initially believed they were the remains of dissidents executed by secret police during Soviet rule. 0044 But coins with Napoleon's image were discovered at the site and experts soon identified the bodies as soldiers from the French emperor's army. 0053 Lithuania's Defence Minister attended the ceremony. 0058 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0115 UPSOUND 0117 The fallen soldiers will now rest alongside leading Lithuanian politicians and independence heroes in the forests of Atakalnis cemetery. 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS
(V) Lithuania Graves - VOICER Soldiers from Napoleon's army are re-buried in military ceremony
TAPE: EF03/0501 IN_TIME: 22:16:18 DURATION: 1:29 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Vilnius - June 1, 2003 VOICED BY VERA FRANKL SHOTLIST 0000 Soldiers marching and soldiers with wreath 0007 Mid shot wreath being laid 0016 Mid shot soldiers wearing traditional Napoleonic uniform 0021 Honour guard giving gun salute 0029 Priest blessing the dead 0032 French flag and audience 0035 Various soldiers in traditional uniform 0059 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0114 Wreath being laid at memorial 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS STORYLINE Two centuries after they died, about three-thousand French soldiers from Napoleon's army have finally been given a proper burial with full military honours. The men were part of Napoleon's Grand Army which marched into Lithuania bound for Moscow. It was one of the largest forces ever assembled, but only six months later only 40-thousand men remained. They retreated to Vilnius where many of them died in bitter winter weather. VOICE-OVER 0000 UPSOUND 0004 The remains of the French soldiers, who froze or starved to death during Napoleon's invasion of Russia two-hundred years ago, are buried in a hilltop cemetery in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. 0016 At the solemn ceremony, soldiers wore traditional Napoleonic uniforms to honour the dead. 0021 Guns from the honour guard echoed through the trees. 0025 UPSOUND Gunfire 0029 A priest then blessed the dead. 0033 The bodies of the soldiers were discovered in Lithuania two years ago. 0038 Authorities initially believed they were the remains of dissidents executed by secret police during Soviet rule. 0044 But coins with Napoleon's image were discovered at the site and experts soon identified the bodies as soldiers from the French emperor's army. 0053 Lithuania's Defence Minister attended the ceremony. 0058 SOUNDBITE (English) Linas Linkevicius, Lithuanian Defence Minister "In 2001 we found the remains of about 3,000 soldiers of Napoleon's army, and since it's really a tradition of every civilised nation to pay respect and to bury the remains, it was done today." 0115 UPSOUND 0117 The fallen soldiers will now rest alongside leading Lithuanian politicians and independence heroes in the forests of Atakalnis cemetery. 0125 SOUND ENDS 0129 VISION ENDS