This film "A Light in Nature" was directed by Ramsay Short and Michael Orrom (:36) and details scientific advances in the 1960’s. Topics covered include study of radioactivity, astronomy, materials science, geology, biophysics, oceanography and the discovery of DNA, among others. It features cinematography by the incredible Winton Hotch. Production of the film was to coincide with tercentenary of the Royal Society as tribute. It is a Shell Oil Company film (:43). Opening scenes show men carrying wooden canoes into a cold river in Scotland (:55). Snow crusted mountains rise in the background (1:18). Scientists drag up a specimen of nitella (1:28). Nitella is a genus of charophyte green algae. A scientist looks at the specimen under a microscope (1:45). The narrator mentions nitella has electrical properties similar to that of human nerves. A view is presented looking through the microscope (2:07). The BARC Atomic Reactor (2:13) appears in Trombay; the eastern suburb of Mumbai (Bombay). A scientist works to release the energy from the atoms of a heavy metal (2:24). The 200 inch Hale telescope is angled on Palomar mountain (2:37). This telescope is used to explore the life and death of stars. In the Cambridge Laboratory (3:00), scientists work to put together a display a molecule of the protein, myoglobin (3:08). A radioactive isotopes are examined (3:24). Oceanographers (3:39) pull samples from the ocean. Samples are examined (3:52). Scientists meet to discuss nuclear physics (4:13), geology, zoology, biophysics, pathology and chemistry among others at a meeting for the Royal Society of London. The temple of Theseus (5:21) is pictured. An image of Copernicus (5:48) appears. Kepler is mentioned (6:07). The telescope used by Galileo (6:13) follows. Isaac Newton’s photograph and quote is heard (6:27). European scientists study (7:29) results obtained from the world’s first operational circular particle accelerator in Berkeley California (7:57). A wide shot shows the entirety of the structure (8:04). The film returns to the Royal Society (9:46). Medical patients receive daily medication (10:26). A passenger plane of the British European Airways line takes off (10:37). A ship bounces through rough seas (12:02). A weather balloon is released (12:14). A naval ice breaker chomps through thick sheets of ice (12:14). A missile is fired from the surface (12:25). Other images show scientists conducting experiments in the arctic ice (12:39). Other scientist walk with flares through icy hallways (12:56). A scuba diver explores the Mariana trench (13:10). Leeuwenhoek’s microscope (14:51) follows. A tiny flake of metal is examined (15:07). A view follows looking through the microscope (15:32). Chlorophyll pulled from leaves is examined (16:44). Equations related to nature are scrawled onto a chalkboard (17:42) and discussed by scientists (18:31). A congress of scientists meets in the Soviet Union (18:51). Living cells are examined under the microscope (19:30). A geneticist studies fruit flies (19:52). A close shot follows of the fruit flies (20:13). The fly’s chromosomes are zoomed in on (20:21). Cells divide (20:44). Rat cells are pulled (21:08). Chromosomes within the cell are separated (21:32). Research revealed phosphate groups (21:39) which led scientists to the discovery of DNA (21:56). The molecule appears under the microscope as a thread like substance (22:07). Chemical compounds are explored (22:24). A physicist draws DNA into a fiber (23:00). He utilizes x-ray crystallography (23:07) to force the DNA to reveal its shape. Scientists work to create a model of the DNA strand (23:40). Human nerve cells are examined in experiment (25:23). A zoologist conducts an experiment with an octopus (25:34). It eats a crab in it’s holding tank (25:48). The test includes an electric shock (26:01) and a white paddle. A lobe of the octopus’ brain is removed for examination (26:38). The experiment is conducted again (26:57). The octopus has forgotten the lesson indicating it was the removed lobe contains the octopus’ memory. A female subjects mind is used for another study (27:14). Outer space exploration is looked to (28:13) at the Jodrell Bank Observatory. The electronic telescope is set to be sent into space (29:45). The space shuttle shoots into the sky (30:23). The view follows from below as the shuttle shoots into the atmosphere (30:32). The film concludes with acknowledgments (32:18). <p><p>If you have endangered films you'd like to have scanned, or wish to donate celluloid to Periscope Film so that we can share them with the world, we'd love to hear from you. Contact us via the weblink below.<p><p>This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit