1971 May Day hippies rock festival in West Potomac Park, Washington, D.C.
A rock festival in West Potomac Park during the 1971 May Day protests in Washington DC to protest the Vietnam War. Crowds of anti-war protesters belonging to different youth subcultures, such as college students, hippies, and high school students, camp and attend rock concert in West Potomac Park. A hotdog vendor selling Sabrett frankfurters to protesters in West Potomac Park. Various images of teenagers and protest participants attending a rock concert in West Potomac Park. Band playing onstage during a rock festival in West Potomac Park. African American man dances to rock music. A couple, lying down in an embrace. Teenager dancing. A toddler riding the back of his parent during the rock festival. Two teenagers embracing. A teenager smokes. Medics carry a drug overdose patient away from a D.C. Human Resources Drug Mobile for treatment. A police helicopter flying over West Potomac Park. Aerial view of the West Potomac Park filled with over 25, 000 rock festival and May Day protest participants. An image taken during the evening showing an aerial view of the 40, 000 participants gathered in the West Potomac Park. A police officer sits at his desk using a loupe magnifier to view photos taken from the West Potomac Park rock festival. Close view of a rock singer performing onstage. Location: Washington DC USA. Date: May 1, 1971.