VN #14
0:00:40 - 0:05:00 >>> POV as camera follows a bagpipe band in kilts marching as drums play. Hundreds of firemen and people in the streets at the St. Philip Neri Church on Ocean Ave for a fireman funeral. PAN down over the firemen's caps out to the church steps. 0:05:00 - 0:10:00 >>> Priests emerge from church, come down steps. The funeral flower car passes in front, followed by the Rescue #4 truck, then the bagpipe band in kilts thru the throngs of firemen and people in the streets 0:10:00 - 0:21:25 >>> Fire engine with flag draped casket on top stops in front of church. Pan to priests standing at the curb. Firemen mount engine, lower the casket stand, dismount from the engine and the casket is slid off onto the firemen's arms. They turn and raise the casket overhead and everybody salutes as priest reads prayer and throws holy water onto the casket. Priests lead up steps, casket being carried follows and then family and firemen as choir sings. PAN over hundreds standing in the street. Shot of high pressure hose nozzle on the fire engine. CU's of some firemen as the sermon is played over loud speakers. 0:21:25 - 0:30:50 >>> Firemen start to exit church and go back into formation in the street. Priests emerge and casket follows as the choir sings Glory, Glory Hallelujah At the bottom of the steps the priests throw holy water onto the casket. Firemen put the casket back onto the fire engine. Taps is played as all salute. 0:30:50 - 0:33:45 >>> Helicopters fly over. PAN over the people and firemen in street. LS as band and honor guard followed by the engine with the casket go away. 0:34:48>>> Good shot of firemen silhouetted against flames at night. 0:37:16>>> Low building totally engulfed in flames at night 0:38:00>>> Good shot of bucket spraying water down onto the fire 0:56:00>>> Fire in a house and electrical sparks 0:58:00 - 0:59:30 >>> Flames billowing out windows of a house fire 1:08:00>>> Firemen in inflatable boat in water. Diver prepares to go in. Fireboat arrives as PAN of the New York skyline across the river.