WWII Holocaust
b&w WWII newsreel w/ audio - Allied nations leaders meet 1945 - Yalta Conference - Crimea, U.S.S.R. - Big Three - world leaders - meeting w/ British Prime Minister Winston Churchill - U.S. President Franklin D.Roosevelt - Soviet Union Premier Joseph Stalin - Soviet Ambassador to U.S. Andrei Gromyko, American Secretary of War, Henry Lewis Stimson and U.S. Secretary of the Navy James Vincent Forrestal - Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - Allied armies in Germany - Russian and American soldiers greet each other after battle - New York newspaper headlines of WWII ending War Ends - celebration in street - over - ending - end - Italian Fascist leader and dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress dead - hanged upside down in Milan 1945 - German shot by American firing squad - execution - cyanide pellets, German Nazi leader, Heinrich Himmler dead on the floor after committing suicide - American General Dwight D. Eisenhower, General George S. Patton and U.S. General Omar Nelson Bradley - war dead - concentration camp - skeleton in oven at Auschwitz, skin lampshades made from Jewish bodies, shrunken heads - atrocities - Shoah - holocaust - genocide
After his 1953 death, a look at Joseph Stalin's tenure as leader of the Soviet Union
NEWS; 1945-1950
13:00:47:00,War planes on United States aircraft carrier prepare for takeoff, Deck crewman gestures (repeat), CU pilot in cockpit, CU men watch, Deck crewman gives thumbs-up sign, Plane taxis (repeat), Takeoff (repeat), Rear view POV from plane of carrier during takeoff, Aerial of plane over carrier, Planes in formation, Aerial of wing, ocean in background, Aerial of planes in formation (repeat), Pilot in cockpit, Planes peel off (dive into action), Plane lands on carrier (phone narration indicating the war is over), Pilot's POV as plane lands on carrier, White House, Crowds wave at passing camera, White House in background, MP's control White House crowd, President Harry Truman tells news conference of Japan's acceptance of surrender terms, unconditional surrender, words on soundtrack, Reporters run from conference, Reporters on phones, Boy with newspaper ("EXTRA! IT'S PEACE!"), Soldier jumps, WAC jumps, Women run, cheer, Crowds wild in street, TImes Square mobbed, United States flag waved, Man holds baby, baby holds small United States flag, Radio announcer above crowd, Dancing in street, Servicemen on lamppost, CU people mug, Man wears Japanese battle flag as hula skirt, does hula, Men lift pretty girl, People lift man, Pretty girl on sailor's shoulders, Sailor kisses girl, almost on ground, Woman slugs beer, Hand points to soldier's stripes, Soldier drinks, Man shampoos self with champagne, Soldier, girl kiss (repeat), Sailor, girl kiss, Soldier, woman dance, Revelers in car, flags, Ticker tape, Big United States flag, People drown each other in ticker tape, Huge mess, Church steeple, United States flag, Small town street, Empty sidewalk, trees, Dad home from work, child runs to him, Kids play under sprinkler, Kids' jumping feet, Kid in mud, Boy drinks from hose, Girl drinks from hose, Hose squirts boy in face (CU), Hose squirts girl in face, Boy helps dad mow lawn, Boys fix wagon, Little girl helps mom hang wash, CU girl shakes clothes (CUTE), Bored boys sit on curb, Small town Main Street, Men talk on street, Boys hang out, Women talk on street, Woman writes in notebook, Sign: NOTICE THE POINTS ARE MARKED ON THE ARTICLE & SHELF OF ALL RATIONED FOOD, Grocer, customer, Store window ("NO MILK, NO EGGS, NO LARD, NO BUTTER"), Half-empty shelves, Sign on shelf: SORRY NO MORE PINEAPPLE, Sign: PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR BUTTER TODAY, Sign: NO BEEF TODAY, Women buy food, CU ration stamps, Grocer counts stamps, CU hands count stamps, Butcher sharpens large knife, Butchers cut meat, Crowded meat market, Smiling butcher holds up chicken, Steak on scale, Smiling woman takes bag (repeat), Price tags changed, 78c to 95c, 59c to 74c, etc, Gas station, sign: GAS RATIONING OFF NO STAMPS REQUIRED, Men fill up tank, Pump ("THIS SALE $2.33"), Man tears up card, CU hand scrapes "A" decal off windshield, Aerial of aircraft carrier, deck crowded with men, Soldiers in foreground see lower Manhattan skyline, Soldiers look, New York City pier, banner reads "WELCOME HOME", Troops on ship wave, CU smiling woman waves, Soldier waves from porthole, Grandma waves, woman hugs her, Women wave to aircraft carrier, Servicemen run off ship, Man, woman hug, kiss (famous shots), Woman runs to hug man, Sailor picks up little boy, Aerial of troop ship, War brides, babies wave, CU brides, babies (NICE, repeat), Women off ship, luxury liner at sea, Men kiss babies, Statue of Liberty, People on ship see Statue, Crowd at pier waves, Refugees on ship, CU women show concentration camp tattoos, just barely visible, Refugees leave ship, People kiss, hug (VERY TOUCHING, MOVING), Army camp, sign: SEPARATION CENTER, Group of soldiers, one steps forward at a time, gets discharge in front of United States flag, Soldiers wave hats, Soldiers wave discharges, Rows of quonset huts (military buildings), Man takes bedding into quonset hut, Child, man take belongings from car, Women hang laundry, Tethered child plays, man reads paper in front of quonset hut, Young men leave school, meet wives, kids, Couples walk with babies, People walk home to tiny trailers, Rows of hundreds of warplanes (repeat), Rows of plane engines, Bomber ("DEADEYE II"), Bomber ("CALAMITY JANE", nose art), Bomber with kill markings, Bomber ("OUR BABY"), Bomber ("DRAGON LADY"), Bomber ("EVASIVE ACTION"), Bomber ("FOREVER AMBER"), Crane stacks planes on end, Welders dismantle plane, Molten steel poured, steelworkers shovel, Men, machines make cars, Car engine hoisted along, Men weld cars (car manufacturing), Men put door on car, Men paint car (repeat), Car body hoisted along, Car finished, Car driven out of factory, Cars drive, Textile bobbins spin, Nylons being made, Women mob "Sultana Hosiery" store, Woman inspects nylons as crowds watch, Man buys nylons, Crowds run through street, Women mob man under sign: WE ARE GIVING AWAY NYLONS, People scramble, Man throws nylons to crowd, Crowd dives, fights for nylons, Person, stretcher loaded into ambulance, Crowd of women don nylons on street, CU legs, "Cheesecake", Models parade, nylons emphasized, Women raise skirts (a little), drop them (a little), "New look" long skirts, Models at lunch, CU Christian Dior, Legs, skirts, Line of models in bikinis, Bikini babes parade, Crowd watches Henry Ford's funeral procession, Woman cries (repeat), Onlookers, Sad boy in baseball uniform, New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia's funeral procession, LaGuardia, Bud Abbott, Lou Costello on steps of New York City City Hall, LaGuardia, Abbott, Costello up steps, Costello trips on purpose, LaGuardia with fire chief, Firemen spray hoses, CU LaGuardia, LaGuardia runs steam shovel, with Casey Stengel (I think), Steam shovel, Walks in parade with General Dwight Eisenhower, With Eisenhower in motorcade, man in weird costume runs up, hands unofficial key to city to Ike, Speaks on radio (WNYC), Reads, dramatizes funnies on radio (SOT, very long version), LaGuardia waves, Original Yankee Stadium, United States flag at half mast in foreground, Game at stadium, Ruth walks on field past uniformed boys, CU Ruth grips bat, Ruth homers, Ruth signs autographs for crowd of kids, CU older Ruth, Ruth waves goodbye to kids, Sickly Ruth at Yankee Stadium for his farewell speech, Crowd, Kids watch, Ruth applauded at microphones, Mel Allen in background, CU Ruth says farewell in pitiful, raspy voice, Mel Allen on verge of tears, Crowd, Ruth smiles (CU), Stadium, United States flags at half mast, Crowd enters Ebbets Field, Man sells programs, wears hat lettered ("BROOKLYN"), Crowd cheers, jeers, calls players "bums", fan gets hat pulled down over his face, CU Jackie Robinson smiles, Fan Hilda Chester with sign "HILDA", CU Robinson (repeat), Robinson gets hit, Fans cheer, Robinson greeted after homer, Crowded street, pushcarts, CU fish put on scale, Fish market, Signs: KNISH 10C, KNOCKWURST 10C, Man eats hot dog, items taken off scale, Strollers, Street scene, Engineer's POV as train passes train, Engineer, Train crosses bridge, POV from train as fields pass, United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill leaves train, Churchill, President Harry Truman into car, Car moves, secret service on fenders, Two leaders in motorcade, Churchill makes famous Iron Curtain speech at Fulton, Missouri (SPEAKS NICE, long version), Audience, Flags at United Nations headquarters, United Nations headquarters, "NEW YORK CITY BUILDING AT FLUSHING MEADOW PARK, NOW AN ICE RINK!!", Marines guard building, VIP's enter, Cars pull up, exit Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov, United Nations Security Council session, Soviet representatives, including Andrei Gromyko, Soviets walk out of session, CU Soviet seats empty, Parade, Marchers carry sign: WAKE UP AMERICA PEEKSKILL DID, Poster advertising concert by Paul Robeson, Protesters, Cops control crowd, Enter more cops, Crowd, Sign: OUST THE COMMIES, Cops search man, Cops confiscate baseball bats, Cops, crowd push each other, Man arrested, CU Gary Cooper testifies at HUAC congressional session, Coop says he doesn't like Communism (speaks), Crowd (repeat), Crowd, press, Women knit, Reporters (repeat), CU Ronald Reagan testifies, says no Communist ever used films for ideology, stands up for movie industry, Chairman raps gavel, Herbert Biberman testifies, is asked whether he is a Communist, defies committee, criticizes committee's purpose, refuses to cooperate, Photographers, Hostile witness, don't know who (Hollywood 10 member), CU Congressman Richard Nixon, Committee, Alger Hiss sworn in, Hiss speaks, no sound, Whittaker Chambers testifies, accuses Hiss, speaks, CU Hiss, CU Chambers, Astor Theatre in New York City, huge sign for premiere of "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES", CU Myrna Loy, CU Virginia Mayo (at opening of movie), CU Dana Andrews, Photographers flash bulbs (VERY NICE), Shirley Temple weds John Agar, CU couple, Fans wild, Fans rush Rita Hayworth-Aly Khan wedding, French cops, crowd, Couple in car (CU), Fans, CU couple CU, Photographers, Couple, violinists, Ingrid Bergman, Roberto Rosselini walk on street, Couple drink in cafe, CU Bergman smiles, Princess Elizabeth marries Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, couple in carriage, crowds watch, Crowds rush palace gates, Multitude, Couple, family wave from balcony, Crowd, Extended royal family, CU King George VI, Queen Mary, CU Elizabeth, Philip, Ext. United States Capitol Dome, Newspapers on printing press, Secretary of State George Marshall at committee hearing, speaks of Marshall plan committee, Street scene, Woman hangs out wash, Women talk, Men talk, Men talk in diner, Crowd, announcer at microphone, Woman says Joe Louis and Joe Walcott should fight again, Black man expresses opinion on fight, Crowd on golf course, Enter Bob Hope, Hope jokes, words on soundtrack, Hope gets set to drive, Crowd, Hope drives, hams it up, Future President Dwight Eisenhower on golf course, tries to hit out of sand trap, CU Ike, Ike, press, Ike refuses once again to run for president, CU Ike (NICE), Truman leaves White House with bodyguard, Truman, bodyguard walk (repeat), Truman's legs, cane, Shakes hands with woman, Shakes hands with man, Photographers, Shakes hands with black man, others, House Speaker Joe Martin bangs gavel at 1948 Republican Convention, Indian chief, South Dakota sign, Men, Kansas sign, Aged Herbert Hoover waves, Signs for Taft, CU Robert Taft, Confetti, Balloons, Drum majorette, Man wears goofy-looking mask, Photos of Dewey, Signs for Dewey, New York Governor Thomas Dewey waves (repeat), Papier mache donkey head, Democratic Convention, "ILLINOIS" sign, Delegates fan themselves, Man, towel around head (FUNNY), Sign: WE ARE MILD ABOUT HARRY, Sign: THE WORLD'S HOPE TRUMAN, Delegates, Sign: TRUMAN FOR PRESIDENT, Delegates make noise, Man looks like beardless Gabby Hayes, Fat lady dances, Signs, delegates (repeat), Truman on dais, Truman, Vice President candidate Alben Barkley hold hands aloft, Seal of the President, Truman waves from train observation car, Kids cheer, Truman leaves on train, People wave, POV from train town passes, CU Truman, Dewey writes on train, CU Dewey, CU from train as countryside passes (repeat), Crowd hears Dewey speak, Crowd, CU Truman speaks at microphones, Old man watches, Old couple watch, Old lady with funny hat, CU Dewey speaks at microphone, Truman holds bouquet, Boy holds flag, Dewey gets stick of fish, Dewey waves, POV from train of crowd waving, Reporters work on train, Truman in motorcade, People go to town hall, Sign: TOWN HALL, People enter building, Voters line up, Workers help voters, Couple with baby vote, Voter at machine, X for Dewey, Man casts ballot, X for Truman, Woman casts ballot into ballot box, Truman votes, People vote, Dewey votes, NBC news room, Sign: POPULAR VOTE TABULATORS, Bob Trout broadcasts (repeat), Worker marks STATE CHART (repeat), H.V. Kaltenborn speaks (repeat), Operators at switchboards, Workers use adding machines (repeat), Tote board, Reporters type various broadcasters broadcast, Times Square (NIGHT), Times Building news ticker: TRUMAN TAKES LEAD AWAY FROM DEWEY (SIC), Banquet crowd applauds, Couple hug, celebrate, Empty Dewey headquarters, Glum group (four people look very disappointed), CU sad woman, CU sad man (repeat), Political cartoon of man with ass marked "ALL US POLITICAL EXPERTS" says "KICK ME", Banquet, Truman on dais, Crowd rises, applauds, Truman speaks, makes fun of, does accurate, mocking impression of Kaltenborn and his predictions of Truman's defeat, Nuclear bomb tests, Flashing sign ("DANGER"), Men in bizarre safety suits work with hazardous materials, Flashing sign ("RADIATION AREA"), Robot hands handle chemical in beaker, Worker moves radioactive material, Glow, Scientist works equipment, Man looks through eyepiece, Men work with radioactive chemicals (repeat), Chemical bubbles, Man smokes pipe, Instrument lights flash, Instruments operate, Blindfolded man in G-Force test, face horribly distorted (WEIRD!), Rocket sled speeds (repeat), Man in sled under G-Force, almost as weird, People look at sky with binoculars (repeat), Cat looks up (CUTE), Soldiers look at sky, Soldier on microphone, People talk to Air Force investigators, CU airline pilot, Pilots talk near jet fighter (trying to find flying saucers), CU Air Force pilot, People on sidewalk look into "Today" show window, CU men smoke, People look in store window, Early TV screen, wavy lines (repeat), Bartender, CU mug of beer, Men drink in bar, Horse race on TV, Man laughs, Bartender consoles patron, TV antennas all over roofs, People watch TV, Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca do skit, CU Dave Garroway, Faye Emerson, Kukla, Fran, and Ollie, Milton Berle dances with Carmen Miranda (guess which network made this film), TV studio, Microphone boom operator, Camera WNBT NBC, CU Albert Einstein speaks of danger of nuclear suicide, Thermometer reads 97 degrees, Crowded beach, People on beach blanket, Kids run on beach, Woman, child with bare ass (the child, not the woman) on beach, Girl plays in surf, Crowds on Coney Island beach, People descend on parachute jump, People on revolving swing ride at Steeplechase Park, POV from front seat as people ride roller coaster, Starter waves flag at auto race, Autos race, Race accidents, End of horse race, Crowd, Bob Richards does pole vault, People at fair, CU balloons, Carnival rides, Barker barks, Man hits bell with mallet, People watch, Cotton candy made, Kid with cotton candy, Man holds son, Rides, CU clown, CU boy with father, Goats on leash, Truman says goodbye to wife at plane, Plane engine starts, Truman onto plane (repeat), People wave, Airliner taxis, Aerial of airliner in air, Aerial of Washington, DC, CU landing gear goes down (NICE), POV from plane as it lands, Plane taxis ("INDEPENDENCE"), Secretary of State Dean Acheson in parking lot (A COUPLE OF FRAMES ONLY), Truman exits plane, Truman's car leaves, Men raise flags at United Nations, Sign: COUNCIL IN SESSION, United Nations Security Council session, Soviet seat empty, Korean representative, empty USSR chair, Korean refugees flee battle (repeat), Refugees, building burns in background, Burned buildings, Naked baby cries, Legs of marching soldiers, Troops march to ship, Troops board ship, Dog watches, Troops up gangway ("SAN FRANCISCO PORT OF EMBARKATION"), Hand beats drum ("SAN FRANCISCO PORT OF EMBARKATION"), Navy band plays, Crane removes gangway, Men untie ship, Smoke from funnel, Ship leaves, People wave, Men wave from portholes, Troops wave (repeat), Woman waves, CU baby waves, Aircraft carrier at dock, Ship in harbor, View from ship, Soldier on ship, CU sailor, CU soldiers, sailors, Aircraft carrier at sea
Interview with Alan Dershowitz pt 2
INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 01:27:14>>>,The way in which Israel occupied particularly the West Bank is a fascinating story that I think many people just don't understand. Um Israel never attacked Jordan what happened is in 1967 Israel had intelligence information that nobody disputes that the Egyptians were gonna start the war they did start the war they did start the war they sealed off the ah the straits of Tehran. INAUDIBLE admitted it was an act of war Israel had every right to treat it as an act of war they did bomb the Israel I'm sorry. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 02:03:03>>>,Israel had the right to treat it as an act of war they bombed the Israeli airfields they bombed the Iraqi airfield and never touched the Jordanian airfield. Jordan started firing at Israeli cities 6,000 shells landed in downtown Jerusalem and in other populated areas still Israel did not retaliate only after Jordan flew it's planes and started bombing Israeli cities in the heartland of Israel did Israel retaliate by destroying the airfield in Imam. Even then it accepted a seize fire and sent emissaries to Jordan saying Israel will not set foot into Jordanian territory won't even capture the western wall the holiest sight. It won't even go and try to reclaim the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem if Jordan will simply seize fire at that point. King Hussein refused to do that probably got through a period INAUDIBLE assonated he did and he sent in the legion ah the strongest of the armies and in the course of the defensive war Israel captured the west bank at considerable loss to itself. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 03:15:26>>>,Michael Lauren who has written the definitive history of the 6th day war comments about how remarkable it was that Israel was able to win this war with hardly affecting a single um civilian. Almost no Arab civilians were killed in the entire 6 day war. The largest number of civilians killed in the 6 day war were Jews. Jews who were killed in the initial bombings of the cities and Jews who would kill in Arab countries during pogroms that were conducted during the 6 day war. And so it's quite remarkable how Israel was able to conduct a war like that far away from population centers bombing airports and destroying military bases where all the Arab countries goal was a war of extermination. A war designed to kill as many Jewish civilians as possible. Thankfully that didn't happen either. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 04:17:24>>>,There is no international law that has ever previously required a return of territory captured in a defense war. Human resolution 242 which I played a small role in drafting I was an assistant to justice INAUDIBLE Goldberg who was the united states representative to the united nations and he consulted me I was at his apartment at the Waldorf Astoria. As 242 was being drafted 242 was the first declaration of international law ever to require a country to return territories captured in a defensive war but it didn't require Israel to return a single piece of territory unless the second provision of 242 which is always omitted in discussion was complied with that as all these states in the area recognized the territorial integrity and the right to exist in every other state in the area. In other words Israel had no obligation to return an inch of territory either to Jordan or to Egypt or to Syria unless those countries recognized Israelis right to exist. Israel offered to return the territories. The response was the cartoon meeting in which all the Arab states issued their three no's. No negotiation no peace no recognition. Israel at that point satisfied 242. It's only when Israel made peace that Israel was obliged to return territory captured by Egypt it did it returned every inch of territory captured from Egypt that Egypt didn't wanted back they wanted the Gaza back. That's too bad they should have taken the Gaza back they didn't want the Gaza back. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 05:52:14>>>,Um Jordan when it made peace had renounced the west bank to the Palestinians but Jordan did get back a 300 square kilometer that was in dispute in the INAUDIBLE section of um of Israel. And Israel has offered Syria the return of the INAUDIBLE heights in exchange for full and complete peace something that the Syrians have rejected. So Israel is in full and complete compliance with 242. At Camp David it offered back territories captured during the 6 day war. Doesn't have to return all the territories. Lord Carrington justice Goldberg everybody who had anything to do with the UN resolution 242 understood that there was no obligation ever on Israel's part ever to return to the pre 67 borders what INAUDIBLE even called the Osowitz lines which made Israel vulnerable to attack. It was entitled as the result of winning a defensive war to make some territorial adjustments. And um camp David and INAUDIBLE included small territorial adjustments between 4 and 6 percent of the west bank. In which in exchange of Israel is prepared to give back about 3 percent of Israeli territory to a Palestine state. Certainly filled compliance with 242. Israel is the only country in full compliance with resolution 242. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 07:25:21>>>,There was a greater Israel movement in Israel which was completely renounced by everybody including the current prime minister Ariel Sharon. Um the greater Israel movement is dead. Um it was always a tiny tiny movement very unpopular in Israel never got anything like a majority. Every Israeli government has been prepared to give back territory. Ah the most hawkish INAUDIBLE governments gave back ah the Snide including oil reserves and forward airbases and settlements which they dismantled immediately. And the current hawkish government of Ariel Sharon has been prepared to give back ah the vast majority of territory though not to return to the pre 67 lines. Um the greater Israel movement is tiny and fading whereas the greater Palestine movement 83 percent of Palestinians according to a recent poll would not be satisfied unless all of Palestine became an Arab Palestinian state and Israel no longer existed. INTERVIEWER:INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 08:31:26>>>,67 lines were always artificial. They were not ah lines drawn in any rational way. They were the result of the way fighting ended in 1948 at a seize fire not recognized by many of the Arab states and certainly not recognized by the Palestinians. The ah Jerusalem was easily cut off from the rest of Israel ah at the Latroon area. And there were other points in which Israel could be simply off its waste. INAUDIBLE it was one of the greatest dubs in Israel history referred to the pre 67 lines as the Oswitz lines. Ah the United States was against the return of the pre 67 lines. England was against it. The Soviet Union tried to introduce a resolution in 1967 calling for Israel to return to the pre 1967 lines and that resolution was never accepted by the security counsel. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 09:35:00>>>,Israel's disadvantage would be that it would be extremely vulnerable to a pincer attack by either Arab armies masked in a Palestine state. Or also very vulnerable to terrorist attacks coming from ah the Palestinian state. Having said that I believe that if Israel could get real genuine peace by actually returning to even the 67 lines a very significant number of Israelis would support that just like a very significant number of Israelis would support the return of um much of Jerusalem ah to the Palestinians. But if think about the 67 lines that would mean the end of the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem. What conceivable argument would there be that the Jewish quarter or Jerusalem which has been a Jewish place of residence for thousands of years should suddenly and has a completely Jewish population should suddenly revert to a Palestinian state. That would make absolutely no sense. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 10:48:08>>>,Jerusalem is the easiest point to resolve. Ah that will not be a barrier to peace. Um intelligent people can think of condominium arrangements and other arrangements. Barak offered that ah others in Israel have offered that. That's not the biggest problem. The biggest barrier to peace is the fact that the vast majority of Palestinians would not be satisfied with having a Jewish state side by side with a Palestinian state. As Hamas has said even Jewish state the size of a postage stamp would not be possible under Islam law. By the way that's not true of Islamic law. Islamic law never included the claim that you couldn't have a Jewish state in Palestine until it was so interrupted by the grand INAUDIBLE of Jerusalem who's a nazi. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 11:39:11>>>,Settlements in the west bank are neither illegal nor do I think they're an obstacle for peace but I think they should end. Um Israel certainly has the right to have Jews live ah ah in places where Jews have lived historically. Take for example the INAUDIBLE which was a INAUDIBLE and in the 1947, 48 war Palestinians came and slaughtered all the residents after they surrendered with their hands up. Ah they were just short a 120 of them. Ah the grandchildren and the children of the residents of INAUDIBLE block moved back and established a settlement nothing illegal about that. What's illegal is china moving hundreds of thousands into Tibet. You don't hear any resolutions about that at the United Nations. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 12:24:09>>>,Nor is it a barrier for peace because we are not very close to peace in the Middle East before a single settlement was established. And it wasn't a barrier to peace with Egypt the settlements ended as soon as peace was a real prospect. On the other hand I don't think they make any sense. On the other think it makes a lot of sense to have forward outward settlements in areas that eventually become of a Palestinian state. So I would like to see the settlements end but I think calling the settlements a barrier to peace is an excuse. The barriers to peace are Palestinian terrorism, the unwillingness to accept a Jewish state, the claim of refugee to a right of return. The greatest barrier to peace is that for decades the Palestinians were more interested in there not being a Jewish state than in their being a Palestinian state. Once a majority of Palestinians want a Palestinian state more than they want to see the end of a Jewish state there will be a Jewish state. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 13:30:12>>>,Israel has already indicating a willingness to support a Palestinian state. Um I think a Palestinian state would be the best thing for Israel provided it was a peaceful Palestinian state. Now a state requires a monopoly of force. When Israel became a state the first thing Benguari did was it disarmed Esal and INAUDIBLE and even made Pam--- part of the Israel defense forces. Ah the Palestinians should not get a state until and unless they are prepared to disarm Hamas and disarm other terrorist groups certainly those within the fata movement the al axa brigades and and others. Ah instead Yasar Arafat compliant in brining arms on a boat from Iran to be used by territories. That's not the way a state acts. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 14:29:00>>>,If statements in fact stood in the way of a contiguous Palestinian state there would be a barrier to such statehood. I think that the settlements that would stand in the way of the Palestinian state would be terminated and, and ended. Ah contiguity by the way was never a criteria previously. Ah the appeal commission did not create a contiguous ah Jewish state. Um even the um US partition created a state which was technically contiguous but realistically was really divided ah into ah two INAUDIBLE separate easily cut off the units. Ah um I don't know how you're gonna solve the problem of contiguity between um ah the West Bank and the Gaza. That will require some creativity land bridges leasing arrangements other kinds of routes but contiguity the United States is not contiguous. I mean we have 2 states Alaska and Hawaii that are not contiguous. It's not the end all and be all of statehood contiguity. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 16:15:01>>>,The non sense that comes out of the mouths of some people saying because there are checkpoints and because there is occupation that you're entitled to blow up children and murder mothers ah wheeling carriages and kill students at the Hebrew university cafeteria and murder Jews in prayer and blow up an airplane ah coming from a Hanukah vacation in Kena. I mean even the Jews during the holocaust weren't being subjected to inconveniences but were being murdered ah never set out to kill children. Ah none of the resistance movements in Europe ever murdered children. Ah ever murdered innocent people. Never even murdered the wives of, of, of the nazi leaders. Ah this is the lowest of the low in terms of morality saying because there are checkpoints because there are inconveniences, because there are denial of work permits we are entitled to murder in cold blood children is just a complete moral non INAUDIBLE. And the tragedy is so many people have accepted it. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 17:29:05>>>,The other myth is that Palestinians are driven by desperation to terrorism. How come the Tibetans don't engage in terrorism? How come other people throughout history who have been far more oppressed have never murdered children. Terrorism is a tactic of choice it is picked by elite leaders like Yassar Arafat who send out young children as one of the worst forms of child abuse sending 11, 12, 13, 15 year old children to kill them self. Mrs. Arafat from a fancy suburb says that he, she had a son she would hope her son would become a mortar suicide bomber. That's not desperation that's simply a choice of tactics. And the reason that it's done is because it works because the international community has rewarded Palestinian terrorism by giving them special status at the UN. Much greater status then the Tibetans ever had then the Kurds ever had then the Americans ever had then the Boosts ever had. The message that's sent is that the worse your terrorism the more we'll recognize you. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 18:39:27>>>,And it's worked extremely effectively. If you just look at how Arafat played (ring) ALAN DERSHOWITZ 19:15:05>>>,The more Palestinians have engaged in terrorism the more recognition they've gotten from the international community. And some of the people who are most at fault (ring) INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 20:17:19>>>,Collective punishment the UN imposes collective punishments. It imposes sanctions for example who is hurt by a sanction everybody is hurt as a result of a sanction. Collective punishment is pervasive throughout the, the world . Ah the worst forms of collective punishment are terrorism. Another form of collective punishment is boycotting all Israeli scholars regardless of what their views might be on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Divestment is collective punishment and yet hypocritically one sees those who practice collective punishment complaining when Israel imposes economic sanction on people who are complicit in terrorism. Ah houses are blown up only under Israeli law as construed by the Supreme Court if the person who owned the house knowingly was complicitious in terrorism. It's simply and economic function it doesn't look too good because on Arab televisions they create the impression that people are still in the house when the houses are destroyed. I'm not saying I'm supportive of house destruction but in terms of a continuum of punishment it's one of the most minor punishments imaginable. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 21:28:14>>>,I'll give you an example we had a famous case in the United states a few years ago in which a woman was raped on a pool INAUDIBLE in Fall River Massachusetts. Ah a couple of people actually raped her. A couple of other people held her down. A couple of other people blocked her way so she couldn't escape. A few other people cheered when the rapists were raping her. And a few other people simply could have called the police and refused to do so. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 21:54:28>>>,All of those people were morally morally culpable. The key is the proportionality the rapist are the most culpable the people who didn't call are the least culpable. If we had a system under which every one of them were punished but only to a slight degree consistent with their own complicity that would be a very, very fair system and that's the way I look at house destruction. House destruction is a proportional punishment to complicity with terrorism. Israel would be wiser if they didn't do that. I fact if they put people in jail for 30 days or 60 days if they were in any way complicit with terrorism that way there wouldn't be a big picture on television of a woman weeping while houses ah knocked down the day before she may have been encouraged for her son to be a suicide bomber and may have been sewing the belt. But ah it looks terrible when you're blow up people's houses. It doesn't look as bad when you put them in jail for 30 days or 60 days. But the Israeli Supreme Court has been scrupulous in demanding that any sanctions be proportionate to the complicity and terrorism. I wish other countries would be as sensitive. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 23:23:21>>>,This will sound surprising to some people but I've been teaching ah in the area of civilianizes and human rights and practicing for 40 years. There is my view no country in the history of the world that has been more sensitive to human rights and civil liberties when faced with the kind of both internal and external threats to its existence as Israel it is the number one country in the world in complying with the rule of law. It has the best Supreme Court in the world today. It is the only Supreme Court which involves itself in regulating the day to day activities in the army. It will intervene and grant an injunction against the army engaging in activities which it concludes violates the rule of law. It is the only country ever to take on the issue of the ticking bomb terrorists and to prohibit all forms of physical pressure moderate non lethal route. It is the only country to have instructed its army that under no circumstances may it hold on to prisoners beyond their term even if they want to hold them in exchange for other prisoners. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 24:39:00>>>,It has ruled that you can't transfer people from one area to another unless the person is complicitious in crime. Is has ruled that even if ambulances are used to transport terrorists if it bears a sign of an ambulance it cannot be fired upon. I chALANge anybody INAUDIBLE (no sound) ALAN DERSHOWITZ 25:13:09>>>,Israel is the best when it comes to the rule of law. And yet if you ask many students on college campuses today they will tell you it is the worst or among the worst. A student leader recently described Israel as the prime human rights violator in the world. There is no country in which the disparity between reality and acquisition and perception is greater. And that endangers not only INAUDIBLE. It endangers the rule of law, it endangers the United Nations, it endangers any kind of objective standard of evaluating people's conduct. When the best is called worst and the worst countries like Libya are on the united nations commissions on human rights counties like Syria countries like Belarus countries like north Korea countries that have no semblance of compliance with human rights are praised. The Palestinian authority tortures routinely. Has no system of trials. Kills people for complicity, murders political opponents and yet many college students around the country praise the Palestinian authority and believe that Israel is the prime human rights violator in the world. It's a topsy turvy situation. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 26:44:00>>>,If I were um space traveler from another galaxy and I was sent to the united states and world to find out who the worst violators were and I just read the united nations resolutions I'd come back to my planet and say there's only one outlaw state Israel is the worst and only human rights violator in the world and ah of course that would be wrong. The United Nations is a political organization and third world countries ah have enormous disproportion and influence particularly in the general assembly where most of these resolutions have occurred. Security counsel has also been one sidely condemning of ah Israel. The worst condemnations are vetoed by the United States but the United States even with its veto can't get the security counsel to condemn other countries. And so you get tremendous disparity. The worst are not punishment of china for example which has occupied Tibet far longer then the INAUDIBLE occupations on the West Bank is rewarded by getting the 2008 Olympics. Um whereas Israel is just completely and continuously condemned. That tells us more about the United Nations then it tells us about Israel. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 28:02:29>>>,A road map is not a solution a road map is precisely what it purports to be a way toward a solution. I approve of a road map I favor it. Um I think that ah it managed to at least temporarily stem the violence. Ah we talking point beginning and ah I like what I've seen so far um but it's only a road map. I don't think that American politicians should be standing in way of Israel and the Palestinians making peace cause they don't like the kind of peace that's being made some have done that. But um I'm I'm moderately ah encouraged by the direction of the road map. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 28:53:044>>>,At this point and time both sides are just putting their toes in the water a little bit to see what the other side is going to do. Politically it's difficult for Israel to dismantle the settlements until unless they see some progress on the part of controlling terrorism from the other side. Palestinians probably believe the same they can't take actions that might ferment the civil war by disarming the terrorist until they see concrete actions on the part of Israel. That I think is the virtue of the road map that it requires both sides to at least put their feet in the water a little bit and test the temperature and determine whether it or not it ah further steps can be taken. I'm cautiously optimistic. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 29:48:05>>>,If in fact the only way the Palestinians can disarm terrorists groups is by fermenting a civil war then the Palestinian authority is not ready for statehood. Ah then they need ah to be controlled from the outside. The worst possible solution to this problem will be the establishment of a Palestinian state which then becomes a terrorist entity which Hamas takes over or is given free reign. The the consideration for making a Palestinian state is to create a monopoly of violence a monopoly of arms a monopoly in which an attack comes if it comes from the Palestinian authorities it has a return address. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 30:32:04>>>,You know how to respond. And if there is a monopoly enforced you know how to respond. If there's not a monopoly enforced then Palestinians can have a state while at the same time maintaining deniability over terrorist's actions that come from its borders that's not an acceptable situation. INTERVIEWER:,INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 30:51:12>>>,The conflict is like all geopolitical conflicts in part about real estate. Um controlled land is very important but deep down its not about ah real estate it's not simply skewed between different claimants to the land. It really is about whether or not the Jewish people have a right to have an independent Jewish state ah in the birthplace of Judaism. And ah the answer to that is yes. The answer to that on the ground is yes the Jews by hard work and perseverance establish a state ah in an area where they have deep roots and if the Palestinians had accepted that state early on they would have their own state and as soon as the Palestinians want their own state more than they want the end of the Jewish state there will be both a Jewish state and a Palestinian state and that's the optimum resolution. INTERVIEWER: There are those who say that this is no longer about Jews and Arabs its about ah east and west and western values and eastern values moderation and moderation INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 32:05:18>>>,Every war reflects larger issues than the combatants. The Israel Palestine conflict is between two nations each seeking their own national entity ah but it's also between ah modernity secularism represented by INTERVIEWER: Go on ALAN DERSHOWITZ 32:34:22>>>,Whatever conflict you might have with modernity ah a religion has an obligation to deal with it in its own terms. You tell your own congregates not to drink coca cola not to watch television not to wear mini skirts but you don't blow up Jewish children ah in order to deter you own children from wearing mini skirts or becoming modern or ah becoming more tolerant of others ah that's just not acceptable in a pluralistic world. INTERVIEWER: INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 33:12:00>>>,There are many currents within the Palestinian community. There is a great intellectual ah ferment within the Palestinian community. Palestinian community has produced some brilliant scholars. Um I think in the end we will see tremendous similarities between Israel's energy and the Palestinian energy and the Palestinians can finally focus on getting their own state rather than destroying the, the Jewish state. But there are elements within the Palestinian community which are very reactionist and very fundamentalist and ah radical Islam is taking a foothold ah within the Palestinian authority. I think they had their own struggles just like Israel has its own struggles. If Israel recollected peace it would be great conflict between secular Israel and religious Israel. Um and ah countries have to resolve those disputes internally. The difference is that the Palestinians have been resolving their internal disputes by killing other people by killing Jews and by killing Israelis and there's no justification for that. INTERVIEWER: INAUDIBLE ALAN DERSHOWITZ 34:26:06>>>,My whole life has been devoted to defending the underdog and I see my case for Israel the book I'm most proud of having written as the greatest underdog I've ever defended. Israel is the international underdog. If it ever looses a war it will be exterminated, it's civilian populations will be destroyed, another holocaust ah will occur. They're a 5 million Israeli Jews there are a billion ah Arabs and Muslims who support the um Palestinian cause. United nations supports the Palestinian cause against Israel. Um many academics are anti Israel. I've never had a greater underdog that I have defended than Israel. Israel is a multiracial, multi-ethnic, multi-religious country ah always at risk always vulnerable to attack both internal and external and I'm so proud to be defending Israel because doing so is consistent with my life's work as a civilitarian, as a human rights activist as a defender of the underdog. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 35:40:08>>>,I challenge those who defend the Palestine cause over Israel and ask them why the Palestinians why not the other groups who are fighting against Chinese oppression. When have you last spoken out at the INAUDIBLE of Tibet? When have you last spoken out on behalf of the Kurds? When have you last spoken out on behalf of the mosques or on behalf of the Armenians and turkey. When have you last spoken out on behalf of Jews who have been subjected to discrimination in Syria and in other parts of the world. A true defender of underdogs will be on the side of Israel not uncritically of course but Israel's right to exist safety and security as a Jewish state is the great moral underdog battle of the new millennium. INTERVIEWER: How do you overcome the decades of brainwashing and patriotism that's been instilled in the Palestinian people and the Palestinian children through propaganda? ALAN DERSHOWITZ 36:46:00>>>,After the second world war people thought it would be very hard to overcome propaganda imposed on Germans and central Europeans and yet it happened it happened. Whether we're seeing a return to that I don't know but certainly between 1945 and the current time we saw that hated could quickly abate and peace could be substituted. I think the great moral issue of the 21st century is whether Israel's efforts to defend itself against terrorism and external threats will become yet another excuse. And an age old attempt to demonize and de legitimate and attack Jews whether anti Zionism will become a new excuse for Antisemitism in the world. That's the great moral challenge that we face and I'm glad that I'm on the right side of that challenge. And the message that I send to young men and women in colleges who unthinkingly oppose Israel and join in those who would destroy it my message to you is you're on the wrong side of history. You're on the wrong side of morality. You are complicit with an evil. You cannot any longer blame ignorance. It's too easy to learn the facts. And if you learn the facts and you learn the truth you'll see it's more complex that there's right and wrong on both sides and that to simply always condemn and attack Israel in a thoughtless way and to support those who would murder Jewish children and Jewish people in prayer puts you in very large company but in very bad company. ALAN DERSHOWITZ 38:32:01>>>,And if once again the Jewish community would experience what it experienced previously, if Israel were to come to a tragic end the way European Jewry did history will judge those very harshly who are on the wrong side of morality just as they judged others in the past.
On April 20, 1945, the Soviet army launches an attack on Berlin. Residents flee as Soviet soldiers enter the streets and buildings. Master in Apple Pro Res 422 HQ 29.97fps 1080p.
Soviet Army officers lined up at a ceremony in Soviet Union.
End of World War II. Soviet Army officers lined up at a ceremony in Soviet Union. Officers decorated with a number of medals at a ceremony. Location: Soviet Union. Date: 1945.
AFP-146AS 35mm VTM-146AS Beta SP
[Brief plateau: Moscow: commemoration of the Soviet victory]
USSR Documentary 1916 -1955
b&w newsreel - documentary short about Kremlin - pre and post-revolutionary Russian leaders 1916 - Czar Nicholas II, Czarina Alexandra with army personnel, soldiers, officers - w/s soldiers march in street - 1917 - Bolsheviks - massive crowd in streets, revolutionary pamphlets handed out to people, peasants in street - female revolutionary speaker on platform, speaks to masses - c/u male speaker, wears heavy coat and fur hat, winter time - army officers revolt - Leon Trotsky talks to people as he stands on train at station - revolt in street - h/a down to cavalry soldiers charge through street on horseback - c/u people, civilians, rush to camera - 1924 - death of Vladimir I. Lenin (founder of Bolshevism & Soviet Communism) - people march past Lenin's Tomb in Red Square - winter - h/a down to people march in street - zoom to Joseph Stalin marches w/ people - c/u Stalin speaks to people via radio transmission - c/u Stalin & other Soviet officials raise hands at Kremlin platform - h/a down to w/s state function at Red Square - St. Basil's Cathedral visible - c/u Stalin wears military uniform - with one hand in jacket - Russian election - c/u register w/ list of voters names - Stalin votes at polls - puts ballot into box - c/u and h/a to soldiers march past camera w/ machine guns - show might - h/a w/s tanks in parade in Red Square - 1945 Yalta Conference, Crimea, U.S.S.R. - c/u Stalin at Conference w/ British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt seated together - Big Three - c/u Stalin applauds - walks w/ various officials - funeral of Mikhail Kalinin - pallbearers carry coffin - men march in funeral procession, hold floral wreaths - Malenkov at funeral - 1948 - interior Communist State funeral - Moscow - c/u Soviet leader V. Molotov, vice premier Georgi Malenkov - Beria - interior assembly - Russian politicians applaud - Malenkov takes over - c/u Stalin waves goodbye - 1953 - w/s Kremlin buildings - Russian government - h/a down to Red Square - massive funeral procession for death of Stalin - c/u still of Malenkov named premier - 1955 - c/u Nikita Khrushchev, Nicolai Bulganin - various shots with others - Khrushcev holds bouquet of flowers - Csar - Tsar
Dore Gold Interview
00:00:57:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Tell us your name, and spell it please? ,00:01:05:00>>>DORE GOLD: Ambassador Dore Gold. That's D-o-r-e, G-o-l-d. ,00:01:15:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Where were you from? ,00:01:30:00>>>DORE GOLD: I was born in the State of ConnectiCUt. I lived in Israel since the mid 1970's. , ,00:01:45:00>>>INTERVIEWER: What would you say is the number one, or one of the number one misconceptions in the west, about the Arab-Israeli conflict? ,01:02:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well clearly, since September 11th, the Palestinians and their supporters in the United Nations, have been stressing that the reason, the motivation, for the Palestinian uprising, which they called Intifada, is Israel's ocCUpation, or so-called ocCUpation, of Palestinian territories, as they say. There was probably no more baseless a charge, that can be utilized, or that has been utilized in the International Community. You have to understand that those who state that what motivates the attacks on Israelis is ocCUpation, those who make that claim are, perhaps, building on the amnesia of the international community. Because, after all, what were the Oslo Agreements about, from 1993? I was an Oslo negotiator. I was involved in the ____ Agreement, and in the Wye Negotiations, in 1998. And what the Oslo Agreements were, and what we ultimately implemented, was a withdrawal of the Israeli military government over the Palestinians. And replacing that with a Palestinian government, called the Palestinian authority, under Yasser Arafat. , So, as a result of the Oslo Agreements, which Israel implemented in good faith, in the 1990's, the Palestinians were not under military ocCUpation. Did they have a Palestinian state? No. Were they under military ocCUpation? No. And they feel those who were using this argument of ocCUpation, to justify violence, are simply trying to find an exCUse for murderous terrorism against Israeli civilians. But it's a baseless argument. And it is simply used repetitive - repeatedly. It is simply used repeatedly, in places like the United Nations security Council, or the United Nations General Assembly, to justify the murder of innocent Israeli civilians. [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] ,00:04:00:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Can you talk a little bit about what does and what does not just - what kind of grievances might justify terror? Can terror ever be justified? ,00:04:07:00>>>DORE GOLD: I think, after September 11th, it's become completely clear to most countries, in the international community, today, that there is no possible justification for the murder of innocent civilians. There is no grievance that can possibly justify taking young people and having them strap dynamite to themselves, and sending them to - into a crowded Israeli café, full of Israeli teenagers, and murdering thirty innocent Israelis. No economic deprivation, no political claim, and certainly not this baseless charge of ocCUpation, can possibly used to give a context or explanation for the kind of terrible tragedy that, that act leads to. ,00:04:45:00>>>INTERVIEWER: You talked about the ocCUpation charge, about the Palestinian people. There is also a charge that Israel is ocCUpying Palestinian land. Can you use the phrase, ‘Palestinian lands'? ,00:05:00:00>>>DORE GOLD: This is part of the language that developed in the United Nations. The United Nations, unfortunately, is many times a, a place not where international laws are established, but where international politics is pursued. And therefore, much of the normal CUlture in the UN, doesn't even reflect other fundamental UN resolutions. It's clear, from UN security Council Resolution 242, which is really the foundation of the Arab-Israeli peace process. IT was the basis of the Camp David Agreement with Egypt. IT was the basis of the peace agreement with Jordan. It was even the basis of the Oslo Agreement. It is clear, from that resolution 242, that Israel is never expected to withdraw, lock, stock and barrel, from The West Bank in Gaza Strip. That Israel had rights in those territories because it was attacked from those territories, in the 1967 Six Day War. And therefore, those territories, rather than being ocCUpied territories, which belonged to somebody else, are reality disputed territories, where Israel has claims, and an Arab party may have claims. In this case, the Palestinians. ,00:06:30:00>>>INTERVIEWER: The ocCUpation grievance is not really there. And nothing could justify such (Inaudible). What is, what kind of ideological motivation might be behind this attack against Israel, as well as Israeli policy?,00:06:43:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, look, Israel had the opportunity to test the intentions of the Palestinians. Most of the international community was convinced that the Palestinians simply wanted their own state, within the territory of the West Bank, in Gaza Strip. And that's what they were struggling for. And therefore, many observers looked at this conflict through the lenses of decolonization. Thinking that if Israel would just turn it over, the West Bank in Gaza Strip, or large parts of it, for a Palestinian state, the Arab-Israel conflict would end, the Middle East crisis would be terminated, and the entire Middle Eastern order would snap into place. And all of the problems in the United States, and the European union in the Middle East would end. But clearly that wasn't true. Because once Israel went to Camp David, and ____ Prime Minister Ehud Barak, basically offered Yasser Arafat, virtually all of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and even was willing to divide Jerusalem, something which most Israeli's, in fact a vast majority of Israeli's objected. [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] Once Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, our former Prime Minister, went to Camp David, offered the Palestinians virtually all the West Bank, in Gaza Strip, was willing to even contemplate the division of Jerusalem, which the vast majority of Israelis objected to, and Yasser Arafat turned him down, it became clear to everybody who followed this issue that the question here is not over a limited piece of territory - the West Bank and Gaza, and a little bit of Jerusalem - Mr. Arafat and his supporters have much greater ambitions that involved Israel, itself. ,>>>INTERVIEWER: What kind of ideology might be behind the larger Islamic movement, that includes - the Islamic movement that includes maybe some (Inaudible)? What really motivated - why do they hate Israel so much? What is it about Israel in a nation of western democracy, and (Inaudible) American democracy in the Middle East, that might be motivating this hatred to resist all Israeli concessions?,00:09:05:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, I just concluded a book called Hatred's Kingdom, which viewed the impact of Wajabi Islam, on the entire Middle East. Certainly, since 1973, when Saudi Arabia began earning huge oil income from elevated oil prices, the Saudi's were able to export their very narrow version of Islam to many countries of the Middle East. To places like Pakistan, which gave birth to the Taliban regime, and certainly had an impact on many of the Moslem brotherhood organizations, including Hamas. And those organizations, first of all, do not view Christians and Jews, as legitimate, fellow, monotheists, who shared the same basic fate, as many Moslems. Classical Islam, while perhaps putting Christians and Jews in a kind of second class citizenship, requiring them to pay discriminatory taxes like the _____ and the _____, nonetheless were willing to protect Jews and Christians, as people of the book. Many of these pro lwahabi organizations even removed that status of people of the book, from Christians and Jews, and described them as _____, as polytheists, who basically didn't have a right to live. So, much of this evil wind from Arabia, has reached the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean, and has effected many ideologs in the Hamas movement, in the Islamic Jihad Movement, both of which had received financial support from Saudi Arabia. And this undoubtedly has had an impact on Palestinian politics. But there is also a fundamental problem with de fatah organization as well. ,00:11:02:55>>>INTERVIEWER: What is the fundamental problem? ,00:11:03:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, after Camp David, when we wanted to understand what was motivating Yasser Arafat, Israeli analysts, much more carefully monitored the statements within the Fatah Movement itself. For example the chief idealog of the Fatah Movement, is a man by the name of Fatah Jabash [PH]. No relationship to George Jabash. And he frequently appeared in various Palestinian towns and cities, and gave speeches in the name of Yasser Arafat. How do we know that? Because those speeches were replicated in full textual form, in ____, in ____ Al-Jadida [PH}, both of which are official newspapers of the Palestinian authority. And in those sermons that he gave in Palestinian cities, in Arafat's name, Fatah Jabash made it clear that the Palestinian, the Palestinian Fatah leadership still adhered to the stages strategy to 1974. And that is, establish a Palestinian state, and any bit of liberated Palestine that you can, and from there continue the conflict to dismantle the State of Israel. If that, indeed, was the motivation of Yasser Arafat, then that explains a great deal of why the Camp David Summit, under President Clinton, failed. And why Mr. Arafat could never bring himself to sign an agreement with Israel that talked about the termination of conflict. ,00:12:51:00>>>INTERVIEWER: The Fatah is the means for the faction of the - of Yasser Arafat's faction of the Palestinian authority, only the people don't know it. So, it can be said for the ___ Fatah, is that Yasser Arafat's mainstream faction believes, or it clearly believes in a (Inaudible). ,00:12:52:00>>>DORE GOLD:,What happened after the failed Camp David Summit, of July of 2000, was that many Israelis more carefully monitored the statements of the Fatah movement. When Israel went into the Oslo Agreement, it was understood that mainstream movements, within the PLO, like the Fatah Movement, had changed. That perhaps they were adapting a strategy very similar to Nelson Mandela in South Africa, who set aside the arms struggle, and instead showed the diplomatic process. In fact, many in Israel, in the 1990's, assumed that there was a huge struggle transpiring in the Arab world, between the old forces of Arab Nationalism, which the Fatah component of the PLO represented among the Palestinians, and the new rising forces of Islamic fundamentalism, like the Hamas, and the Islamic Jihad. It was assumed that, just as the Nationalist forces in Algeria, or Egypt, were fighting against Islamic Fundamentalists, so too Yasser Arafat, leading the Fatah Movement, and its elements in the PLO, would fight against Hamas and Islamic Jihad. But of course what really happened in the 1990's, was that the Fatah Movement colluded with Hamas and Islamic Jihad, didn't fight them, allowed them to grow, permitted suicide bombings against the State of Israel, and ultimately joined the war against Israel when Arafat initiated the second Intifada in September of 2000, against the State of Israel. So, that rather than the Fatah Movement and the PLO being this moderate force, which the world could get behind to bring an end to the Arab-Israel conflict, they were, in fact, radical allies of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. And, in a certain sense, it's not a surprise. Because anybody who knows the biographies of the leaders of the Fatah Movement, such as Yasser Arafat or his military leader, Abu Jihad, knows that many of these men were either sympathizers or activists in the famous Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood, which, of course, gave rise to many of the radical movements across the Middle East with the backing of Saudi money. [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] ,00:15:15:00>>>INTERVIEWER: There was some talk today, among the Palestinian (Inaudible) warning, while Camp David failed, they were about to reach an agreement in Taba, months later. And the agreements were about to be signed, and the Palestinians approved of them, and the Israelis said (Inaudible), and then there were new elections and Sharon came to power, so it never happened. So actually, it wasn't the Palestinians, but Israel, who dropped the ball? ,00:15:52:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well there is a myth that Palestinian negotiators are interested in putting forward. That Israel and the PLO, on the verge of a final status agreement at Taba, which is, of course the Egyptian resort town, near Alat [PH] - [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] There is a rumor that - there is a rumor that exists, that Palestinian negotiators love to put forward, that Israel, and the PLO, on the verge of a permanent status agreement at Taba, the resort town where negotiations were held after the failed Camp David Summit. The idea that Israel and Palestinians could - were just inches away from an agreement, is simply untrue. If you look at every category, every issue that was raised in those negotiations, borders, Jerusalem, refugees, security arrangements, what you find is that the gap between the Israeli position - the most forthcoming Israeli position, and the Palestinian position, is basically unbridgeable. And I think it's a complete misrepresentation of history. In fact, the best source about this are the notes of the European union envoy, who was at the talks, Ambassador Mortinos [PH]. And if you carefully examine his notes, which were reported in the press, you will see the gaps between the parties were unbridgeable. There was no agreement that was simply prevented by Israeli elections. ,00:7:30:00>>>INTERVIEWER: If there had been agreements, would there have been a silent counter offer continually offered, instead of resorting to the ____ Intifada, that (Inaudible) for example, Palestinian. Is the failure - is there proof that the Palestinian authority might lie in the fact that, instead of offering a counter offer, they launched this ____ Intifada. This war of terror. ,00;17:50:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, what is clear is that the Palestinians -let me start again. Let's look at the sequence of events. July of 2000, is the failed Camp David Summit with President Clinton. The negotiations in Taba, which the Palestinians claim almost led to an agreement, but, in fact, the gaps were invisible, that ocCUrs in December of 2000, January 2001. But the Palestinians launched their violence against Israel in September of 2000, before those Taba negotiations even take place. If the Palestinians were serious about reaching a peaceful agreement with Israel, they would never have adopted violence. Now, there are Palestinians who argue that, that violence erupted because Prime Minister Sharon, then head of the opposition, went for a stroll on the Temple Mount, where members (Inaudible) permitted to visit and walk. But we know, from the statements of Palestinian leaders, like Imad Farugi [PH], the Communications Minister of the Palestinian Authority, that the entire Intifada of Yasser Arafat, from September 2000, was pre-planned. We know that Mawan Barguti [PH] was trying to recruit Israeli Arabs, prior to the outbreak of the Intifada, and therefore it is clear to us that Yasser Arafat elected a strategy of violence, because he had no intention of reaching a final agreement with Israel . He wanted to negotiate with Israel while Israel was bleeding. And what Ariel Sharon said was, that those rules, we will not adhere to. ,00:19:30:00>>>INTERVIEWER: These facts, these damning facts, did it expose, did it really expose the Palestinians? Or, are they also a tragedy for those individual Palestinians who might have hoped for a better leadership and a better future? ,00:20:00:00>>>DORE GOLD: I was a negotiator with many Palestinians, and I have to say, I sense that there were Palestinians who really wanted to reach an agreement, who thought about the future of the Palestinian people, and believed that, ultimately, by creating a relation of peace with Israel, they could get a better future for their people as well. Unfortunately, that wasn't the dominant perspective of Yasser Arafat, and those who were loyal to him. And much time is lost, much blood has been spilled, it's been a tragedy for many Israelis who have died, people I know. As well as for the Palestinians. I think there is a lesson of all this, this entire period. It's that you have to establish firm rules, and insist that the Palestinian side, in the future, adhere to those rules, in any negotiation. The most cardinal rule, that has to become fixed in stone, is that no one use violence to advance their negotiating agenda. The moment the Pal - any Palestinian negotiator in the future who ____ the violence, the negotiations must end. Because once they do that, it becomes clear that their intention isn't peace, but perpetual conflict. [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] ,00:21:00:00<<<INTERVIEWER: There is a myth that Israel is an apartide state, with unequal status, for ____ and Jews, whether in the West Bank, or in Israel proper. How would you count this charge that Israel is called the academic weapon - apartide state? ,00:21:22:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, first of all, Israel has granted citizenship to Israeli Arabs, who amount to about 20% of the Israeli population. They have full voting rights, they attend all universities. There are elements of the Arabic speaking community like the Drews [PH], who don't regard themselves as Arabs, who are also drafting into the Israeli Army. We have better volunteers than the Israeli Army, as well, but we don't force the Arabs - the Arab population - to serve in the army. We don't draft them, because we don't want to put them in a position where they have to shoot at their brothers. But in fact Israel is a country which is granted huge (let me start again.) ......Israel is a country which has sought to make sure that its Arab population has equal rights to the Israeli-Jewish population, even though Israel is a country that's been under siege for fifty years, by a coalition of Arab states. ,00:21:50:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Religious freedom, is an important value for Israel, and how is it viewed as being different now that Israel controls lands, as opposed to centuries before? ,00:22:00:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, in fact, if you look historically at what has happened to the holy sites of the great religions, (exCUse me, let me start again). [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] In fact, if you look historically, at what has happened to the holy sites of the great religions, under different people's sovereignty, what you find is that only under the sovereignty of Israel has, for example, Jerusalem been open to all faiths. The Jewish people were forcibly removed from Jerusalem when the Romans conquered Jerusalem in 70A.D., and destroyed the second temple. And for at least five hundred years Jews were forbidden to live in Jerusalem. They began coming back, ironically, with the first Moslem conquest, and later, once the crusaders were defeated by _____. But already, in 1864, under the Ottoman Empire, the Jewish people recovered their majority in Jerusalem. That was at the time of the American Civil War. It was well before the arrival of the British Empire, to the Middle East. And yet (let me start that again) - So, the Jewish people recovered their majority in Jerusalem. Already, in 1864, at the time of the American Civil War, well before the arrival of the British to the Middle East. Yet it was a struggle for the Jewish people to assure themselves full rights, and of access to the holy sites. In fact, in 1948, when the Jordanian Army invaded the nation State of Israel, and conquered Jerusalem, with the help of British officers, about 50 synagogues, in the old city of Jerusalem, many of them going back to the 13th Century, were either destroyed or desecrated. Jews were robbed of access to the Western Wall, their great holy site. The Christian population in Jerusalem suffered tremendously in the population of Christians living in Jerusalem, diminished from about 25,000 to about 11 or 12,000 by 1967. Only when Israel liberated the old city of Jerusalem, was it truly open to all faiths. Was the Armenian quarter of the old city able to prosper and thrive in the Armenian church, build a new seminary. ,00:24:57:00>>>DORE GOLD: Only when Israel was in control, did Christians begin to return to Jerusalem. Only when Israel was in control, were Jews able to pray at the Western Wall, and at their various holy sites. During the period of this Intifada that began in September of 2000, what Israelis witnessed was that holy sites, that were turned over to be protected by the Palestinian authority, were, again, abused, were again sacked. For example, Joseph's Tomb, in Nabwith [PH], the Sharam Israel [PH] Synagogue, an ancient Synagogue in Jericho. Rachel's Tomb, on the border between Bethlehem and Jerusalem, has constantly been under sniper fire by Mr. Arafat's Tanzim [PH] gunmen. And finally, the Palestinian rocks, that's the Religious Endowments Ministry, which took over for the Jordanians on the Temple Mount, has been involved in an illegal excavation, destroying artifacts going back to The Crusades, and even to the second and first temples. So, if Israelis have learned anything from the last two years, it's that only under the sovereignty of Israel, can Jerusalem truly be protected, and be a citizen that's open to all things. ,00:26:30:00>>>INTERVIEWER: The ancient Palestinian negotiators that you felt, genuinely, wanted peace, do you believe that there are Palestinian individuals out there who just want the house, and the garage, and the chicken in every pot, sort of just - who, themselves, do not share in either Wajabism or the Islamists, or the corruption in the phase plans of leadership? ,00:26:47:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, I think what's very hard in the west, for people to understand, is that political movements are not necessarily motivated by just - that what's very hard in the west, to understand, many times, is that political movements are not organized to address the every day needs of people. That there are many times a movement that is established on the basis of aggressive ideologies. You either have the nationalist and socialist ideologies, the constituent elements of the PLO, like the Fatah Movement, like the PFLP Socialist group, like the DFLP, also, a Pro-Marxist group. Or you have the highly ideologically charged Hamas and Islamic Jihad, who come out of these pro lobby time or - backgrounds and organizations. There are Palestinians who want normal lives. ..... You know, one time I spent weeks in Jordan, with Jordanian Military people, and they would point to some of the tremendous construction and advances inside of Jordan, and whispered to me the Palestinians were behind them. And they would talk about the fact that the Palestinians contributed to the development of Persian Golf countries like Kuwait, the United ____, and other places. ,00:28:14:00>>>DORE GOLD: The Palestinians are extraordinarily talented. They are the most educated component of the Arab World in Arab societies. And with - in the context of a political leadership that believes in freedom and democracy, it can lead to great progress for their people. But if they're trapped by their ideologies of yesterday, you know, sort of from that world of, of Fidel Castro, and Brechnev [PH], and all those who spawned the left wing organizations, as well as the ideologies of the ____ movements, those who have supported the Moslem brotherhood and come out of the extremist pro lobby wings, then the Palestinians will not progress. ....And I think what is important, at this point, is that the world community establish a model of freedom of democracy, which has worked so well in other regions of the world, for the Middle East as well, so the Palestinians will have a political context, in which their talents can be expressed. [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] ,00:29:30:00>>>INTERVIEWER: The concept of refugees, the UN defines the Palestinian refugees in a certain way, and using a definition that is now regarded, the numbers always fluctuate - millions of Palestinians, a million and a half refugees, has this concept been misrepresented and distorted to bloat the numbers and create a _____? ,00:29:54:00>>>DORE GOLD: I think most - in - let me start again. I think in most conflicts, the UN has attempted to resolve refugee issues by finding homes for refugees, by bringing about normalized refugees. The Arab states who have been at war with Israel have been interested in keeping the refugee issue alive, refusing to grant normalcy for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon or in Syria, through a lesser extent than Jordan. Jordan has been better on this issue. And using the refugee issue as a grievance to maintain the war against the State of Israel. In order to help refugees move on and build a better life, what the international community should do is help invest in the various countries where Palestinian refugees are, so they can establish a new life in new homes. And we can move on beyond this issue. .......There are many wars that have existed since 1945, and many refugees in Afghanistan, in Iran, in Southeast Asia and elsewhere, and although there is a political interest in foCUsing on the ref - on the Palestinian refugees, there is a need to address this refugee issue, as other refugee issues have been looked at. ,00:31:00:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Have there been Jewish refugees? ,00:31:11:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, of course, one of the big ironies of the Arab-Israel conflict, is that while the world speaks about Palestinian refugees all the time, most in the international community completely ignore the hundreds of thousands, in fact millions of refugees that were kicked out of the Arab world, from Morocco to Iraq, who lost their property, who lost their way of life, and were accepted by the State of Israel. .........Israel was a poor country when it first was established. And yet it, it found homes and established a new life for hundred's and thousands of Jewish refugees in the Arab world. If one talks about the refugee issue, one should speak about the Palestinian refugees, but one should also speak about the Jewish refugees from Arab countries. ,00:32:00:00>>>INTERVIEWER: The British mandate ____, is there any way the British handled things that inappropriately shaped the conflict, today? ,00:32:30:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, in fact, you know, there were attempts by Arabs and Jews to begin to create a political context for resolving their differences. At the time of - right after the first World War, we had the Faza [PH] Whitesman [PH] Agreement, in which the man, who would go on to become the first president of Israel, Jyam [PH] Whitesman, basically stated, look, you the Arab side, you King Faza, representing the Hashamite House, want a great Arab state. You've been promised that by the British. It would cover all of Arabia, it would cover Syria, Iraq, it would cover parts of the Jordanian territory. And if you want this great Arab state, we, the Zionist Movement, will support it. If we can have our Jewish homeland in British mandatory Palestinian. And, at that time, Faza, representing the Hashamite House, which covered this whole area, agreed. And basically said, well, if you have a little Jewish state in the corner of the Middle East, that's worth supporting, so, that we have our great Arab state. ,00:33:21:00>>>DORE GOLD: But what did the British do? They gave away Syria and Lebanon to the French. They basically allowed the Saudis to kick the Hashamites out of Arabia, and be without their main patrimony in the Hijas [PHJ]. And, as a result, the conflict became much more complicated. But the conflict might have been prevented and resolved by effective diplomacy back in 1919, and 1920. ,00:34:20:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Any thoughts about British ____ of immigration to change the balance? ,00:34:50:00>>>DORE GOLD: One of the worst periods in Jewish history is, of course, in the 1930's, when the rise of Nazi power was on the horizon, and Jewish lives were threatened. And the British Empire, at the time, imposed the White Paper of 1939, which limited Jewish immigration into Palestine. At the same time, there was a huge amount of Arab immigration into Palestine, from Egypt, from Syria, from as far away as Iraq, and you created a kind of asymmetry. The Jews were kept out of British mandatory Palestine, but the Arab stream didn't because they saw this area as an area of tremendous economic success, and economic opportunity and employment. [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] [TAPE BREAK] ,00:36:00:00>>>INTERVIEWER: In a claim that Arab and Jews lived in coexistence, in peace and brotherhood, for centuries before Israel and the Zionists came and messed things up, was (Inaudible) at this point? ,00:00:49:00>>>TAPE 13A - DORE GOLD: Well, you have to be very precise about the status of Jews and Christians under Islamic rule for centuries. Under Islam, Jews and Christians were seen as people of the book. Which means they weren't like infidels, you know, Kefir [PH], who you forcibly convert to Islam. But there were second class citizens that were forced to pay discriminatory taxes, like the ____ tax, known as jizy [PH] in Arabic, or a land tax, called jirage [PH]. In fact, in the early Middle Ages, there were still substantial Jewish land ownership in Israel and Palestine, in the 7th, 8th and 9th century. But the burden of these discriminatory taxes led to many Jews getting off the land, and the land being taken over by Arab landlords. But, at least, given the era that we lived in, at that time, Jews were protected from being killed by Arab rulers. And so, in a certain sense, as Jews were being burned in a church in York, at that time, in England, they at least were allowed to survive and physically live under Arab rule. ..........So, one could say that in fact, there was a certain minimal degree of tolerance of Jews, but it wasn't a flourishing existence. What happened was that during the 19th Century, the Arab world imported many of the anti-Semitic motifs from Christian Europe, into the Middle East. And you have, for example, the famous 1840 DamasCUs Blood Libel [PH], which was based on a blood libel derived from Europe. You also had Arab interests in the protocols of the _____, which was, again, a forgery that came out of Russia. , So, to say that the Jews lived wonderfully under Arab rule, would be misrepresenting historical fact. But, at the same time, at least, Jews and Christians had a degree of safety, that perhaps they might not have had in other parts of the world at the time. ,00:03:00:00>>>INTERVIEWER: (Inaudible) that was here this morning also mentioned, in disCUssing the partition plan, he (Inaudible) and he said, the partition plan was unfair because 30% - or 20% of the land was owned by Jews, and actually more of it was owned by Palestinians, and it was a totally lopsided situation, where Jews were being given sovereignty over 50% ____ much less. What are we missing (Inaudible)? ,00:03:27:00>>>DORE GOLD: Of course, much of the land ownership in the early part of the 20th Century, in the British Mandatory Palestine was from absentee Arab landlords living in Lebanon. And you had, also, Palestinian peasants working the land. This also created a sense, among the Palestinians, that when the Jewish agency brought the land from the rich land owners, what about the poor peasants that were working the land, and created a sense of unfairness or injustice. But there was an effort, over the last century, by Jews around the world who were putting their pennies and dimes into little charity boxes of the Jewish National Fund, to buy the land that we developed. And the issue of sovereignty, of course, came later. ,00:04:30:00>>>INTERVIEWER: They say that Israel - the hatred of America, on part of the terrorists, is because they support Israel. Might it be reversed? Might Israel really be just the larger hatred of western society in general, or might it be the opposite? ,00:04:50:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, one of the questions that motivated me to take up nine months of my work time, and write a book called Hatred's Kingdom, was to answer the question that President Bush asked right after 9/11 - why do they hate us? And what I discovered was that the way that Wajabi Islam developed in Saudi Arabia, from where 15 of the 19 hijackers came from, was that in the 1960's and 1970's it became more and more preocCUpied with what they called crusaderism, which was a reference to the west. _____, as they would call them. And, in fact, the hatred of the west emanated from these deviant off-chutes of Islam like in the Arabian peninsula, which (let me try to rephrase this) - ,00:05:49:00>>>DORE GOLD: You know, one of the reasons why I took off nine months to write this book, Hatred's Kingdom, was because I wanted to answer the question that President Bush, himself, asked after 9/11, why do they hate us? And it became crystal clear to me, after a short period of time, that the hatred of the west did not emanate from the Arab-Israel conflict. Osama Bin Laden, for example, was much more preocCUpied with Czechnia, Kashmir, and with other conflicts involving Moslem radicals around the world, than he was with the Arab-Israel issue. And in fact, many Arab intellectuals have pointed that out. ,00:06:50:00>>>DORE GOLD: What motivated the September 11th attacks, and what continues to motivate Al Qaeda, is a fundamental hatred of western civilization. And Israel is only considered a microcosm of a much bigger tapestry. In fact, if you use the Iranian language, the Iranians refer to Israel as the little Satan, and they refer to the United States as the great Satan. So that Israel is despised because it's seen as an outpost to the west. The west isn't despised because of its support of Israel. ,00:07:10:00>>>INTERVIEWER: You once talked about - that the Sharon government agonizes over trying to spare as many civilians as possible. As a government official, can you testify to the degree of indifference between Israel agonizing over trying to minimize civilian causalities, at least to their own soldiers? ,00:07:23:00>>>DORE GOLD: I can share with you - I was called into a meeting in the planning branch of the Israel Army, about the time of the Jeanine incident. We were expecting a special investigatory group to come from the security council, or from the office of Secretary General _____, and we had to prepare for that eventuality. And I recall sitting with a military man who sat next to me on the left, who had a pile of army doctrine manuals, from different armies. And these different western armies explained, what do you do when you face a terrorist threat from a built up area like a city, what type of weaponry do you use. So these manuals all called for air strikes, they called for the use of artillery in built up areas with civilians, they called for the use of flame throwers. ,Well, I can tell you, the Israeli Army in Jeanine, did not use air strikes, it didn't use artillery, and it didn't use flame throwers. In fact, to the contrary, Israel sent in its soldiers, its ground forces, in diffiCUlt house to house combat, threatening the lives of our own soldiers so they could save the lives of innocent Palestinians. In the Jeanine battle, we lost about twenty-three Israeli soldiers. These were married men, they were from the ____. There are many orphans, as a result of those losses, today. Young children who don't - will never see their fathers again. And the reason why Israel sent in those ground soldiers, is because we don't carpet bomb Palestinian refugee camps. If there are terrorists there, we use our special forces, our ground units, in order to find those who are engaged in terrorism, without causing injury to innocent Palestinians. ,00:09:30:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Another charge that was raised by the Palestinian people; look at the difference in numbers. The Israelis (Inaudible). In light of Israeli concern, how do you achieve that ,statistical (Inaudible)? ,00:09:37:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, one thing is for certain, I think you have to look, not so much at numbers, I think you have to look at the strategies of both sides. The Palestinian military strategy, if you can call it that, is to target Israeli civilians. When they strap dynamite to the body of a young eighteen year old Palestinian, and tell him to walk into a hotel on March 27th, 2002, to kill as many Israelis who are having their Passover Satyr, together, that is an act which is intended to kill innocent civilians. When Israel sends an apache helicopter in the air, on the basis of intelligence, destroys a vehicle with three terrorists inside, and in that vehicle there is an innocent civilian. Israel is not directing its fire at civilians, its directing its fire at those who want to kill our civilians. There's a huge asymmetry between what both sides are doing. ,00:10:55:00>>>INTERVIEWER: The reality of the Oslo cause, you mentioned (Inaudible) today. You turn on the television and you just see Israeli checkpoints, Israeli reocCUpation ____. Is it today, has it gone back to a situation where it can (Inaudible) or are these defense measures in a war? ,00:11:01:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, I think we have to understand what has happened. You know, Israel signed the Oslo accords, in good faith, in September of 1993. In implementing the Oslo Agreements, Israel withdrew its military government over the Palestinians, and put in its place the Palestinian authority; a Palestinian government, under Yasser Arafat. So, that by the time we get to September 2000, when Arafat launches his war against Israel, the Palestinians are not under military ocCUpation. They have their own government. They don't have an independent state, but they're not under military ocCUpation, either. And the entire Oslo Agreement was also based, not just on the concept of Palestinian grievances, but on the concept of - on the basis of Palestinian responsibility. We're giving you this territory, you have to govern it. And you have to take responsibility for security in those areas. But what happened? Those Palestinian cities, which now came under the Palestinian authority of Yasser Arafat, became vast bases for Hamas, for Islamic Jihad, to launch suicide attacks in the heart of Israeli cities; buses went up in flames, explosions in the heart of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, even _____. And hundreds of Israelis have died. ,So now that the Israeli forces have had to reenter Palestinian cities, they've done so because the Palestinian security services failed to take responsibility for the territories that we turned over to them under the Oslo Agreement. Israelis do not want to be in Palestinian cities. They don't want to be going in and finding suspects and interrogating them. What we want is a Palestinian democratic government which takes responsibility for the areas under its control, including, I should say even especially, security. If that happens, we can ZOOM OUT from Palestinian cities, and there can be a Palestinian self-governing authority in the future. [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS] ,00:13:10:00>>>INTERVIEWER: What is motivating a young Palestinian to take his life like this? What kind of incentives could be placed? ,00:13:23:00>>>DORE GOLD: You know, most people who look at these suicide bombings from the outside think that a young person feels a sense of deprivation one day, opens up the refrigerator, nothing is there. He's seeing that people are wealthy on the other side of the fence. (Let me start again, that's not good). ,You know, most people who, for years, looked at the phenomenon of the suicide bombings in Israel, think that Palestinians, out of a sense of deprivation, or out of a sense of anger and rage, decide, spontaneously, to strap dynamite to themselves, walk into a crowded Israeli restaurant, and kill dozens of civilians. But terrorism is not just a spontaneous act. It requires a vast infrastructure to support it. It requires someone to purchase, and to acquire the weaponry, the explosive materials. It requires someone to transport those explosive materials to a forward position near an Israeli city. It requires somebody to gather intelligence, to find out that Jews go to the market place on Thursday, before the Sabbath, to make all their purchases. And therefore, that's an ideal date for time, for committing a suicide bombing. ,And finally, and I think perhaps most importantly, it requires brainwashing young people with religious doctrination, in order for them to believe that by taking their lives they will better their spiritual condition; that they will go directly to heaven and, on their day of judgment, they will proceed to a Islamic concept of paradise with 72 virgins, being able to bring their relatives to this even in the future. This religious indoctrination, I think, is one of the central elements in the motivation behind suicide bombers. There's a parallel element, of course, as well, which is the financial inducements given by states, by Iraq, of Saddam Hussein, or Saudi Arabia under King ____, and under Crown Prince Abdula [PH], who are pouring huge amounts of money, perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars into Palestinian society to pay the families of suicide bombers. So that a young man who comes from a family of twelve or thirteen children can at least hope that by him taking his life he will be regarded by his family as a hero, as a shahid [PH], as a martyr. And he will also bring about tremendous financial benefit to his family, in the form of a five, ten, or twenty thousand dollar payment. ,00:15:50:00>>>INTERVIEWER: (Inaudible) ,00:15:57:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, we used to believe that suicide bombers were probably unmarried, were probably young, that they wouldn't give their lives and leave their families without a father. But we found that most of those profiles broke down. Many people in the west used to believe that suicide bombers were poor. But what we saw, for example, in the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, is that these suicide bombers came from Saudi families who were well to do. Many of them could have gone and taken their flight training background, and flown Saudi princes in their Gulf Stream aircraft. But, in stead, for ideological reasons, because of deep, religious motivation, they decided that they preferred to destroy symbols of American civilization, and kill American civilians in the process. ,00:17:15:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Can Israeli concession with settlements, for example, buy off and placate and satisfy the ideological image of these suicide bombers? ,00:17:30:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well, you know, the big question is, what's the motivation? If the motivation was a limited parcel of territory, which the Palestinians want independence over, then one could make the argument that by simply Israel pulling back from disputed territory and giving it to the Palestinians, the whole threat of suicide bombing would end. But if you analyze the motivation of the organizations, that are sending these suicide bombers against Israel, they don't want a piece of the West Bank, they don't want a state in the Gaza Strip, they want Israel. And as a result, by Israel simply giving a settlement, or pulling back unilaterally, you wouldn't be ending the process of suicide bombing. We might be accelerating it, by showing that we could no longer withstand the threat that we're facing, and that we were pulling back, and we're on the run. ,00:17:55:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Settlements, just one thing about them, are - there seems to be a grievance, an obstacle for piece, a problem blocking the possibility of (Inaudible). Is there any acCUracy to that? ,00:18:03:00>>>DORE GOLD: Settlements are not really the issue. Settlements are sitting on territory, and territory is disputed. Israel has claims in the West Bank and Gaza, for seCUre borders, under Resolution 242. The Palestinians have claims in the West Bank and Gaza, for their Palestinian state. If you understand that these are disputed territories, the land is the issue. How much land do all the settlements sit on in the West Bank? If you actually could take a tape measure and figure out how much land the built up areas of settlements are sitting on, low and behold you would find that the settlements are sitting on 1.36% of the entire West Bank. Therefore, the settlements are an overstated issue. They may attract a lot of CNN and BBC cameras, but they are not the fundamental issue holding up an Israeli and Palestinian agreement. They are not the issue that is blocking peace. ,00:19:30:00>>>INTERVIEWER: If there were a credible Palestinian partner that could come up with a solution for a Palestinian self rule, balanced by _____, would settlements sabotage the whole process? ,00:19:45:00>>>DORE GOLD: Not at all. Because, in fact, the settlements are many times located in areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, that Israeli governments, for years, have thought, are vital for Israel's defense. For example, there's a settlement called Ofla [PH], north of Jerusalem. Now, the settlement itself doesn't provide Israel with security, it's not, you know, young couples with baby carriages that are going to stop and Iraqi division from coming down into northern Jerusalem. But it happens at the settlement of Ofla, is next to Bahazur [PH], the main early warning station of the Israeli Air Force, Israel's Norad [PH]. And therefore, by retaining that settlement of Ofla, we're helping hold - we're helping Israel hold on to the Bahazur early warning station. And in many cases, the settlements, which were mapped out by Israel's Ministry of Defense, in the 1970's or the late 1960's, far defending partiCUlar Israeli security interests, that Israel would hope to retain, in any future territorial settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. ,00:20:10:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Just an elaboration on that. What is the reason why Israel can't go back to June 4th, 1967? Where is geostrategic, geographical reasons? ,00:20:26:00>>>DORE GOLD: Well one has to recall, in the June 1967 Six Day War, Israel came under attack from the West Bank sector. Jerusalem, our civilians, were hit by Jordanian infantry, and by Jordanian artillery. Jordan's armored forces were massed in the West Bank, and about to take over the narrower portions of Israel, near the Mediterranean. And because of that, that United Nations security Council, back in November of 1967, recognized that Israel entered The West Bank in a war of self defense. And, as a result, Israel was entitled, entitled to defense of - [let me start again.] And, as a result, Israel was entitled to defense of borders which would not be the same as the June 4th lines. Those lines happened to be where the Jordanian and Israeli armies stopped, in 1949. There were never permanent, political borders. ,00:22:00:00>>>INTERVIEWER: Another point, what did Israel have in common with the war on terror? How does Israel - the Israeli front resemble, and help as a - help in the larger American war on terror? ,00:22:10:00>>>DORE GOLD: The war Israel is facing, from organizations like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, is not a war over some limited piece of territory, or some kind of narrow grievance, it is an anti-civilizational war. It's an attempt to destroy Israel as a free democracy in the Middle East. Hamas, it's no surprise, is alive with Al Qaeda, who has much larger goals of not just taking the piece of the United States, or having some limited grievances in Europe, it wants to destroy American civilization. If we can demonstrate that it is possible to defeat these terrorist organizations, first and foremost militarily, economically, and finally, politically, there may be a chance, in the larger struggle against terrorism, to do the same. Because, ultimately, what we have to do is eliminate the military threat. But, at the same time, demonstrate a path towards co-existence with the Arab world, and with the Islamic world. Israel is determined to do that, and hopefully our western partners, our democratic partners in the U.S. and Europe, will do the same. ,00:22:20:00>>>INTERVIEWER: I have one point, does Jerusalem say something about Israel's claim and why it's worth the fuss and (Inaudible)? ,00:23:09:00>>>DORE GOLD: You know, over the years I became very close to the former prisoner of Zion [PH], Natan Sharanski [PH], who, of course, was in solitary confinement in a Soviet prison. And he shared with me his viewpoint that, first of all, what renovated or what restored the identity of Soviet Jews, who are under communisms for more than 50 years, was the identification with Jerusalem. And when he was in prison, what gave him strength, was the sentence, (Inaudible) - next year in Jerusalem. ,Jerusalem has a deep, spiritual, almost mystical relationship with the Jewish people. It's our direction of prayer. It is the city that has been the capitol of the Jewish people for three thousand years, even though we were forcibly thrown out of Jerusalem by the Roman Empire, had only come back after five hundred years. If the Jewish people were to ever give up sovereignty in Jerusalem, were to ever conceive Jerusalem, it would be a fundamental blow against the identity of the Jewish people as a whole. ,In a certain sense, I would say, over the last number of centuries, Jews have been divided among themselves, over whether we have a responsibility first and foremost to ourselves, a partiCUlar responsibility, or a universalistic responsibility to the entire human race, to all of mankind. Jerusalem is the one case, the one area where there is two responsibilities to converge, because in protecting the rights of the Jewish people, and the rights of Israel, to sovereignty in Jerusalem, we are fulfilling our universalistic mission to protecting Jerusalem, as a city open to all faiths. The moment we let down our guard and give up Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, we are abandoning our responsibility to all mankind, to keeping Jerusalem; a city that's open, a city of coexistence for all the great religions. [OFF CAMERA COMMENTS]
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